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Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

Annnd I am finally all caught up! I can't beleive I was so behind, especially at such a pivotal point in the story! But anyway.. I love Quinn and Nick together. They are both so worried about getting hurt by the other, and it's kind of endearing in a way. I'm glad Quinn finally admitted how she was feeling, hopefully this will help hers and Nick's relationship move forward. (Without any interference from lame ex boyfriends who shall remain nameless... or not JAKE!) LOL but yeah. Man, I am so into this now. You are doing a great job Darby! You are definitely an inspiration to me :)

Author's Response: You are caught up!  WHOOT!  I didn't realize you were so far behind...and this is kind of the big stuff going down too, odd that you were MIA during this but I am glad you are back.  You are so right, they are so scared to get hurt, you would think that it was because they had no experience with relationships, but it is really quite the contrary, these are two people that have a long rap sheet of interactions with the opposite sex - which may even make it worse.  They have both been hurt or hurt someone else so badly that they are terrifed to have it happen to them again.  And, they are taking totally opposite approaches.  After dragging his feet, Nick decided to just jump right in and Quinn's toe is barely dipping into the water.  There is quite a bit more to come, lots of outside influences that will test them, so stay tuned!  Thanks for the are sweet, my friend!  Now it's your turn to update!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

Oh man! I want to say that Jake is a total douche for giving that gift to Quinn.. but I guess it depends on what his intentions were. Somehow, I tihnk they are less than genuine. MAN that makes me angry. Nick's gift was super sweet. Like AJ said, Nick just needs to remember that he does have Quinn.. and Quinn and Jake ended because she didn't have feelings for him. I think if Nick keeps this in mind he will be ok. But getting jealous (espeically over the history the two of them have) makes total sense. I really liked this chapter. We know that Quinn was having a good time at her party, and it was good to get Nick's perspective on the whole situation.

Author's Response: We never did find out WHY Jake chose Quinn's birthday to return the bracelet, did we?  Maybe we will.  Jake is a threat to really, this could have been a pure, sweet gesture from someone who KNOWS and cares for Quinn.  There is a lot of history there, history that Nick feels like he has to compete with, even though he doesn't.  I think he is losing sight of the reason that Quinn and Jake are not married or together because he is so insecure when it comes to him.  You know how much I hated this chapter...I admit I was a little dramatic in thinking I had ruined my story, but that is probably because I am not used to showing that much into Nick's perspective...maybe I should do it more often!  Thanks for the read and review hun!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

Quinn totally wrote a column on my birthday! And my favourite one so far.. I can understand Quinn's reasoning behind not saying "I love you" to Nick. I mean, it's hard to say it to someone.. and especially after what happened with Jake, it definitely makes sense she wants to know exactly how she feels before telling Nick. So I agree with her 100%. I do feel kind of bad for Jake, because it's pretty obvious he still has some feelings for her, and she's all going on about Nick. But I guess that's life. He's not really being a dick about the whole thing (so far anyway) so that's a good thing. Also, I feel it is important to note how much Brian made me angry at the beginning. It's like he has no faith in Nick's choice of women at all. Jeez buddy, give the guy a break. Loved it hun!

Author's Response: So someone else is celebrating a birthday in the near future!  I know you like the columns so the fact that this one is your fave means a lot.  I felt like I was rambly as usual when I wrote it.  I think with matters of the heart, you have to be all in - I think anyone who has had their heartbroken and/or broken a heart should be cognizant of that!  Brian was a bit of a punk, which even surprised me and I wrote the chapter, but I would imagine that the Boys get sick of Nick's poor judgement with women in real life - or so I would like to think.  Howie and AJ are pretty supportive so someone has to play devils advocate.  Even though he was a prick, can't say that I blame him for having his suspicions!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 09:37 pm Title: Chapter 33: The Sweetest Thing

He said it, he said it, he finally said it! *dances* I am so happy! Haha, and I also feel so bad for being so behind. This was such a good chapter, and quite a bit of emotion was displayed in it. You can tell that they have a really good physical connection... and a really good emotional one too. I loved the part about Nick explaining the Vanilla, and how she's his Blue Bell, because he is TOTALLY right. That whole speech made so much sense to me. I loved this chapter, I love Nick, I love Quinn! Love all around. On to the next one!

Author's Response:

And there it's out there, Nick loves Quinn!  YAY!  I have to admit I felt super cheesy with the whole ice cream comparison when I was writing it and reread it, but it totally fit.  One of my friend's hubby was explaining the whole love and ice cream theory and I knew in that moment that it was how Nick was going to tell Quinn. 

Glad you liked it...and you are getting caught up, lady!  There is plenty of love to go around!  XOXO!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 08:07 pm Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

YAY!!!!!!!! An Update! Just typical that it was on the day were I needed to quickly check email before I had to go out! All day I have been thinking I can't wait to read it and it didn't disapoint!

Quinn reminded me a lot of Adie in this chapter ( A side of Adie you will soon see!) She doesn't want to get hurt and Nick is so far under her skin that he could do it easily but she doesn't see that by holding back shje could possibly be doing them damage!


I loved it and can't wait for more! Well done Air kisses!

Author's Response:

Awww...I'm glad you took the time to sit down and read it!  I think that Quinn is grasping, she knows that if she A) admits it to herself it becomes true and B) she is in way too deep and is holding onto the last little thing she can control.  I'm not sure if she even knows she loves him yet, I think she has surpressed her emotions so much that they are a big ol' jumbled mess and she doesn't know how to classify what this is...I think it is scary when you have never felt something before.  I have been in countless relationships and even loved someone/been in love more than once, and every time it is different because the person is different. 

Glad you liked it, thanks for reading and it is YOUR turn to update!  We can just take turns, how about that?

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 04:56 pm Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

First off, WELCOME BACK!!

I do have to say out of all the chapters in this story this one by far is my favorite.

I absolutely love the scene you wrote between nick & quinn while they were in bed. That was written very well even with Courtney watching.

I do wish,however, that Quinn would just confide in Nick. I know she is vunerable and scared but what woman isn't? I'm really glad though that Courtney did talk to her and give her some kind of advice. I also like how she admitted outloud at the end.

You are my favorite writer on here. Quinn is my favorite character and I love the story that you have going for these two. I can't wait to see what happens with them. Keep up with the updates!

Author's Response:

Thank's good to be back and it felt good to get this chapter out.  It is setting the stage for quite a few things that are coming up.  We are really in the home stretch here!  I envisioned the bed scene when I first started putting my thoughts together for this chapter, which was not originally in my outline...I debated over whether or not it would be considered strange for Courtney to watch that exchange between Nick and Quinn, but then I decided that it was important.  They have reached a level of intimacy that very few people close to them have seen, I thought it was appropriate since they kind of "came out" as a couple at her party that someone close to Quinn know what was REALLY going on.  Quinn has been kind of in her own world since the return from Vegas and hasn't had a lot of outside influence, which is part of why I think she has been so open to Nick.  I think that we are learning more and more about her, and we will continue to do so for the rest of the story.  I say she is a "hot mess"...human, confused, scared but a contradiction at the same time; confident, successful, beautiful.  The compliment about her being your favorite character means a lot to me, it is important to me that people are able to see beyond the blonde hair and seemingly perfect life and that she is human and insecure, just like the rest of us.

Sorry for the psychoanalysis, probably way TMI but your comments brought it out, I couldn't resist.  Also, I don't know how to take your statement about my writing/me being your favorite writer on here...that is overwhelming to me and I sincerely thank you.  I hope I don't disappoint you...I can promise you the last bit of this story may be a bit of a roller coaster, so hang on tight!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 06:14 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

Amazing job. I really loved it. So can't wait. They are so cute together.

Author's Response: YAY, so glad you liked it!  The one thing I really wanted this chapter to get across is how much their relationship had changed and how it had progressed in Courtney's eyes.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  More to come! 

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 05:13 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

Nice job with the damage control. I think this gives us good set up for what is to come and I am glad that Quinn confided in Court about how Nick makes her feel. Slowly in time she is starting to accept the fact that this could be more which is a positive step for her. Now she just has to let Nick know how she feels.

Author's Response:

Thanks, lady!  I'm glad you liked know I had mucho clean up to do after the last chapter.  Thanks for helping motivate me with the writing party, I actually finished a chapter, amazing!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Lynzer4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 04:53 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

lovin it... Quinn has so many complex sides to her... Cannot wait for more

Author's Response: Our girl is definitely a walking contradiction in many ways!  We are going to continue to find out more and more about her, so stay tuned!  Thanks for reading and reviewing! 

Reviewer: honey14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 04:41 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

I was so happy to see this update! You could have put five words on this page and I would have enjoyed it, but of course the new chapter is awesome as always. :)

Author's Response: Are you sure you would have been happy with just 5 little words?  That is such a sweet compliment and I really appreciate it!  I am so glad you are enjoying the story.  Much more to come, I am going to try to be better about updating, things were just super hectic for me during the holidays!  I plan/hope to get back on track.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/22/09 04:32 am Title: Chapter 36: Underneath It All

amazing. that last bit was definitely big. jake is way too into her still apparently ahh. I feel like making a mistake with him might be something that makes her realize her feelings for nick. who knows. can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Baby steps, right Mary?  Ha...Quinn is coming to some realizations, I think right now she is just very confused and unsure about everything she is feeling because it is on overload.  I can tell you that Jake never got over Quinn, and he will be around a bit longer, but I think it will all shake out much differently than you might you have to keep reading :)...thanks for always leaving me such sweet reviews, it definitely keeps me inspired!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/19/09 02:20 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

When are you going to post the next chapter? We need some Nick & Quinn......

Author's Response: I am actually working on it!  I had a super hectic time over the holidays and I am getting back into gear.  My goal is to have something by the end of the week and get back on my regular update schedule of every week or two!  Glad you are still wanting more!!!  I'm on it!!! Have a great day!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/14/09 07:01 pm Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

I loved, loved, loved it!

Can totally understand why Nick was a bit peeved with the whole jake bracelet thing but like was mentioned it was the sentimental value behind it. I just hope that he doesn't start to become jealous when he is away because I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot more of Jake! Great update!

Author's Response:

YAY, so glad you liked it!  To tell you the truth, I was really not happy at all with how this chapter came out for a lot of reasons.  But, it is the means to an end in a lot of ways, getting us to where we need to go to get to the ending I have planned.  There will be much going on in the chapters to come, if I said it here it may spoil it for all!  I can tell you that Jake will be around for a bit longer, he will serve his purpose and move along.  You and I should chat sometime, I am on AIM...are you?  If so, my email is on my profile on here, send me your SN so we can chat...

I am hoping to get some writing done today...thanks for always reading and reviewing!  Have a great day!  Hugs! 

Reviewer: mandalovesnick Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/05/09 04:53 am Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

I am loving this story. cnt wait for a new update. :)

Author's Response: I am so glad you are enjoying it!  There is quite a bit more to come!  Thank you for reading and reviewing!!!  I hope to update sometime in the near future!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 04:42 pm Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like


I love how he was able to keep the suprise from her and not give into her when she simply kisses him or something.

This was a cute chapter, I like how you wrote the party scene and how you took them back to the place they met. I do not like Jake though. Then again I really don't like ex's coming back.

I really wished she would've of said the "L" word to him in this chapter that would of been a great ending to the chapter and also a great cliff hanger.

I can't wait to read the next chapter update soon please. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Author's Response:

Come on, what fun would it be if she said it THIS chapter!   Remember, we still have somewhere around 15 chapters to go in this story.

Nick does have a tendency to give in to Quinn, but if you notice, he is starting to be the one more in control of things these many ways, he is driving and Quinn is just following his lead.  What happened in Vegas really changed the dynamic in their relationship...

Thanks for reading and the great review, I love the detail, keep 'em coming!  Merry Christmas to you too...HO HO HO!!!  Hugs!