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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 05:35 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

Such an amazing chapter I can't wait for more. Happy holidays

Author's Response:

YAY!  I'm so glad you liked it!  Thanks for reading and reviewing, happy holidays!!!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 04:57 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

one more thing....I totally loved how Quinn almost slipped up and told Nick that she loved him....

To bad we all know she is Quinn and her commitment issues will be the death of her.....I totally love it though!

Author's Response: Ha...yeah, I think she even surprised herself a little...I know it surprised me when I looked up at my screen and realized I had typed it...

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 04:55 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

It is about time Darby.....

It turned out pretty amazing, granted I knew what was gonna happen, I couldn't help put get all giddy when it all went down.

I know I have told you this before, but I am so not a fan of Jake. I don't like him one bit. He is so snide and arrogant. 


Anysways girl, Merry Christmas Eve's Eve! Love ya....


I will try to get on IM sometime tonight!

Author's Response:

I know, I know...I'm a loser, I started this chapter like two weeks ago...but if it makes you feel better, I tried and tried to finish it.  My mojo didn't really hit me until last night and today, so viola!  You get an update before Christmas.  I'm so glad you liked it, but I am beginning to think you are partial!  I know you aren't on Team Jake, I have a feeling a lot of people reading this story aren't...I don't know if he is going to redeem himself...

Thanks for reading and reviewing, hun!  XOXO!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 02:44 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

whoot!!!  love the update!  Quinn is hooked on Nick she's just too scared to admit she loves him lol. happy holidays and can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: I am so sorry it took so long to get this one out!  I sometimes think it is fear with her, then I sometimes think that she is in such denial that she doesn't realize it is how she feels...and when things slip out of her mouth she even surprises herself!  There is a ton more to come.  Happy Holidays to you too...thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 02:11 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

I always get so excited when I look and see this story updated.  It's still one of my favorites.  I really enjoyed this chapter!! And I can't wait for the next!!!  Great Job!

Author's Response: Awww...thank you, I am glad you get excited when I update...I know I am the same way about certain stories!!!  I am so glad you liked the chapter, sorry it took so long between updates this time!  Happy Holidays...thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/24/08 12:22 am Title: Chapter 35: Whatever You Like

aw. wow nick really did outdo himself. but I can understand his insecurity with jake. who im sure will try something when nick is out of town. she almost said the l word. ahhh. great update. cant wait for more. aj is so my favorite right now also.

Author's Response:

I know...he is a cheeseball...Nick came out way more insecure and sprung in this chapter than I had originally planned, and Jake came out way more jerkish than I expected.  You think Jake is going to try something?  Why would you think that :o)?  I love AJ too, he always pops up at the right time and brings Nick back down to earth.  I actually hadn't planned for him to be in this chapter but when Nick came out so freaky in this one, he needed a little AJ to bring him back.  I don't think Quinn has any idea how she is feeling...I mentioned this to someone else, but I think she is even surprised herself when things like that slip out of her mouth because she sure is trying not to think about it - she is, afterall, the queen of denial! 

Thanks for reading and reviewing!  Have a great holiday!!!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/07/08 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

Well, atleast for now, is not going bad, I'm actually impressed with Quinn for not running like a fool everytime he told her I love You. I know there is going to be trouble at dsome point, I just hope Nick holds tight and be brave and wait for her, cause she does love him even if she hasn't realize it yet. HLooking forward fot the next update. Take Care!

Author's Response: You anticipate trouble huh?  Hmmm...we'll have to wait and see.  I do promise more happy times ahead :o)  There is a lot more to come...I hope Nick can be patient and strong for them, but you never know!!!  More to come, hun.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: kmpsound Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/07/08 05:33 am Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

Great story and this chapter was even great!! Can't wait for the next one! =)

P.S. This is the first time I've ever reviewed a story, and I have been reading on this website for almost a year.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, I am honored to be your first reviewee!!!  I am so glad you are enjoying the story!  There is a lot more to come!  Thanks again for reading and REVIEWING...:o)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/06/08 06:40 am Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

amazing job

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/06/08 02:43 am Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

I loved it. I so had visions of her running but I am so glad she didnt. I think what Quinn said in her article was totally true, she doesn't have to tell him she loves because he knows that she does, and I love how Nick is throwing her a party! I have a feeling that something is going to come up and steal all this lovey nice, heart warming stuff from me though!!! Good job!

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I think she couldn't run after everything they  had been through since Vegas...too much has happened for her to just walk away.  He does know that she has feelings for him, and as he said/thought, that is enough for now.  Will it always be?  We'll have to wat and see.  There are lots of twists and turns coming, but I can promise you get some more lovey nice, heart warming stuff :o)

Thanks for reading and reviewing!  Hugs!!!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/04/08 05:25 pm Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

whoot!  I can't wait to see her reaction to the birthday surprise! more!!!!

Author's Response: It's coming...I promise!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/04/08 04:38 pm Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

Good update! I love how you wrote the boys into this chapter. Other than AJ we don't really hear about any of the others. I also like how Nick is planning something big for her birthday (and I can't wait to read how it unfolds.)It was really big of him that he invited Jake; I just hope Jake doesnt turn out to be the villian in this story and ruin Quinn & Nick.

I can't wait to see what you have planned for the story as it continues.

Author's Response:

You are so right, the story is mostly about Nick and Quinn, the other boys (besides AJ), aren't even really supporting characters.  They will appear here and there a little more, especially once the tour begins.  Nick is "Mr. Grand Gestures" these days and what he is doing for her is really special.  I don't really picture Jake as a villian, maybe a little scorned because he lost the woman he loved, but he geniunely does care for Quinn.  Him losing Quinn really doesn't have anything to do with Nick, their relationship was long over when Quinn and Nick started their thing.  We will have to see how it all plays out, Jake will be around for a while though...

I'm so glad you like it...there is so much more coming up and still quite a bit to go on this story!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/04/08 10:13 am Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

Okay, so Nick totally stuck to his guns with Brian didn't he. What was up with Brian anyways? I mean he was pretty quick to judge there huh? then again....I have always considered him the self-rightous one.

It was pretty big of Nick to invite Jake to the party, however, I can't help but wonder if that is such a good idea.

Quinn is taking the love news pretty good, and the "L-Word" column all but aadmits that she is in love with him. She just isn't ready to say it outloud.


great job Darbs!!!!

Author's Response:

Brian is being protective...which is understandable.  I forget this and I am the writer, but other people (outside of AJ and Riley really) know VERY LITTLE about Nick and Quinn's relationship...I think the fact that he knew very little about Quinn other than the fact that she had "long blonde hair and was wearing a short black dress" the night he met her says a lot - and if you take that description and look at the women Nick has dated in the past, it is understandable why he may have reservations about her.  I also think of Brian as the self-righteous one...don't know why, but it fits.

Jake being at the party will definitely throw a little somethin' somethin' in...but it may not be what you think...but Jake serves a purpose, he is a reminder of who Quinn is in a relationship and how she has falied at relationships even though she deeply cared for him.  He is there to tell us that although she has been in a long, serious relationship - he was not what she was looking for and what is going on between her and Nick is different...

I thought you guys may be surprised that she isn't completely wigging out...I think she is somewhat passed that, for now at least.  I think she is overly cautious about everything when it comes to relationships, partially because of her own issues and partially because she doesnt' want to hurt Nick.  If the words do ever come out of her mouth, she will definitely mean it, you can be sure of that!

Thanks for reading and reviewing...I got your IM :o)...Hugs!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/04/08 06:58 am Title: Chapter 34: The Trouble With Love Is...

love it. ahhh. im so glad she didnt completely 100 percent freak out. and I loved her column. they are always my favorite part I think. and nick defending himself and quinn. and the guys backing him up. yay! cant wait for the party!

Author's Response:

Just a mini-freakout...but that is to be expected, she is making progress on the freakout front - they are getting less dramatic, which is a good thing, right?  I love the columns too, they always feel really rambly when I write them because it is just kind of Quinn's inner monolouge coming out but they seem to work.  The party is coming in the next chapter, be prepared for some interesting interactions and a very mixed group of people to be present!

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Mary! 

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/01/08 05:45 am Title: Chapter 33: The Sweetest Thing

Wonderful chapter. I can't wait to see how the words I love you will affect her now. Looking forward for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you!  I am really glad you liked it!!!  We will definitely be seeing the ramifications of those three little words for the next many chapters ahead!!!  Stay always, thanks for reading and reviewing, Yara!