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Reviewer: ally Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 11:57 pm Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

TeAm NiCkk!! i am so hooked on this story i check it everyday for updates! i love/hate ur cliffiess

Author's Response: that is two for Team Nick...look what Teri started!!!  I didn't realize that I was a cliffie-er...I know I did last chapter, but this one...yall know (or kind of know) what is going to happen next! 

Thanks for reading and reviewing...I wish I could find time to write everyday so I could update everyday too! 

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 06:55 pm Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

Jake grrr...I know he seems all nice and cute and studly as AJ so deftly put it but still I'm definitely on Team Nick in this sitch. I do really feel the frustration for the both of them, crazy crazy! They need to have sex and it's going to be rather explosive I'm sure (in more ways than one I bet!) I'm so excited yay! Write more soon!

Author's Response:

Grrr to Jake in some ways, but I think Jake MAY be a good thing...depending on how you look at it.  He is definitely adding something new to the mix here...and messing with our already issue-infested Quinn.  I'm sure a lot of readers are on Team Nick...Jake isn't necessarily a bad guy...or so it seems at the moment. 

Thanks for keeping me motivated, getting me fired up again and reading/reviewing...hugs!

Reviewer: brian_fan_4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 05:29 pm Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

lmao making him do a sex oath!  nice!!  more soon!

Author's Response: Hey...she had to know what to expect...ha!  Thanks for reading and reviewing...mucho more to come!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetheart Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

You are an awesome writer! I love this story, Nick & Quinn seem like a star studded and powerful couple when they are together. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for the upcoming chapters.

Author's Response: Why thank you!  I am so glad you like it!  Nick and Quinn are definitely a couple wiht a lot of passion and chemistry...they both have their own things going so a lot of the tug-of-war has to do with two strong-minded, successful people who are broken in a lot of ways (more Quinn than Nick), when it comes to relationships!  I can promise you that there will be a lot of ups and down in the remainder of this story, so hold on tight and stay tuned!  Thank you for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: xanderbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 10:36 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

I am very interested in seeing how things will turn out. Throwing in Jake was a nice touch ;-)

Author's Response: Jake making an appearance has been planned for a long time, if you notice, he was the only ex that has been consistently brought up throughout the story.  Thank you for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 07:37 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

Omg so can't wait to see how this trip goes amazing job so loved it update soon.

Author's Response: Glad you liked it...and there will definitely be some important things going down on the trip, we have some pretty big stuff coming up...thanks for always reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 07:34 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

Great chapter. I'm glad she didn't put up  a fight to go with Nick on a trip. And that pledge was just to funny. Oh and Jake, he sounds like he is delicious. Mazi should send him my way if he doesn't want him, I mean she has Nick already which is also delicious, so she could send the apare,lol. Please update soon; Take Care!

Author's Response: Ha...Quinn had to make sure he was aware, just one more time, of her position on that matter - and I think they are both ready to put an end to the celibacy.  Jake is a dish, that is for sure.  I had to make him not just a normal guy for a number of reasons, which you will see over the next several chapters!  Thanks, Yara - I hope to be updating more frequently...things are about to really get rolling!!!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Lynzer4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 06:31 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

Great work -  cannot wait for more.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the review!!!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 06:22 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

hehehe. the swearing was kind of hilarious. hahaha. loved it! hmm jake will mix things up a bit, he wont just stand around im sure. cant wait for more!

Author's Response: The swearing was silly...Quinn is a quirky girl and I thought, given what has been happening lately, that it was appropriate.  Jake is definitely going to mix things up - how?  Well...I guess we'll just have to wait and see!  More to come, thanks for reading and reviewing, Mary!!!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/12/08 06:11 am Title: Chapter 32: The Past in the Present Tense

Well, I told you most of my thoughts over IM about this chapter, but I just wanted to say again that I freakin love Quinn! She's a nut, but it's so endearing. This whole her not getting any from Nick storyline has cracked me up between her running 7 miles on the elliptical and then making Nick swear he'll sleep with her. You ha me literally laughing out loud. Just wanted to tell you that :)

Author's Response:

Girl, Quinn is a HOT MESS...but I love her too, even though she makes me really mad sometimes, so mad, as you know, that I don't want to write her character.  I'm not quite sure where I got this whole not getting any thing from...I think it was one of my little accidents that seem to happen quite a bit with this story.

Glad I gave you a giggle, let Mel's good mood continue!  XO...thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/11/08 05:37 am Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

dude....awesome. I know I know I'm late but seriously I'm excited for everything you ahve planned. You'd think being one of your betas would cheapen the story but it doesn't I'm uber excited for everything to come! And the sexual frustration is so awesome. 7 miles is crazy! Nick better quit pulling the bitch routine and fast LOL.

Author's Response:

Thanks hun...I am actually pretty excited about what is to come as is going to get crazy, there is a lot more that is fo'sho!

The bitch routine huh?  Not sure how long it will last...hmm.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: nicksgirl12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/31/08 01:53 am Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

Wow you are an amazing writer!! I cannot wait another update. I really want them to end up together in love lol...I know I am huge sap..I hope Jake isn't here to stay too long :) You definately make the characters seem soo real!!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment...and for reading and reviewing!!! 

You know, I can't tell you how all of this will end up...but stayed tuned, I promise there is tons more to come!  Thanks again!

Reviewer: Lynzer4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/29/08 11:33 pm Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

I think this is quickly becoming my favorite story. I just love the way you write. You make the characters seem so real. Cannot wait for more.

Author's Response: Awww...thank you so much, I really appreciate the great compliment.  There is much more to come!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/29/08 11:31 pm Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

Great chapter!!! I loved it, she is so sexually frustrared that it actually seems painful, and having Jake pop out of that was a wonderdul ideA. Please updata soon. Take Care!!!

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it...Jake popping back up has been a part of the plan all along :o)...I guess we'll have to wait and see how long he sticks around!  The plot might thicken a bit with him thrown in the mix...

Thanks, as always, for reading and reviewing...keeps me motivated to write! 

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/29/08 08:14 pm Title: Chapter 31: Burning Up

Nick is getting to her! I love it!! It is great! What girl wouldn't kill to get that kind of attention from Nick. I am sure the sex would be great, but to actually have him so you how much he cares and even go as far as to abstain from sex to so you that you are more to him than that.....WOW!!! I would surely fall in love if I wasn't already!

Author's Response:

Oh yeah, he is definitely getting to her...she is on the verge of something, what I'm not sure.  His abstinence is for MANY reasons, one of which is to show her that she is more than that to him...another is to remind her that there is more than that between them.  It is definitely a grand gesture...even if it only lasts a short time!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!