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Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/08 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 28: 40 Ozs. to Freedom

I'm so glad that Nick has realised that he needs to be honest with her now if she could only open up to him!!!!

Loved it and can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

It is definitely a two way street...let's hope that she does the same thing...and, Nick knowing he needs to do something and actually doing it are two different things...and this is a pretty big we shall see!

Thanks for reading and reviewing - I am off to read your update now!!!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/24/08 01:33 pm Title: Chapter 24: Possession is 9/10ths

Im really starting to like the story keep it up.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/24/08 12:19 pm Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

I can only say: Great Chapter! And thanks for the update...

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/08 07:06 am Title: Chapter 28: 40 Ozs. to Freedom

Great chapter. Nick's birthday didn't turn out the way he had planned I bet. I think is a good idea, that they talk and be completly honest with eachother, no matter what comes out of that conversation. Please update soon, Take Care! 

Author's Response: No, the birthday was a bit of a bust, but I don't think Nick really cared.  I think this was a big chapter in a lot of ways, even if there wasn't really any action or resolution.  I am never really sure exactly what Quinn will do until I start writing, so who knows what will come out of their conversation!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!! 

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/08 05:43 am Title: Chapter 28: 40 Ozs. to Freedom

You did an awesome job with this chapter, Darby! I was surprised to see that you got it out so quickly, but definitely happy!! You can definitely tell that Nick has feelings for Quinn, just through his actions. Taking her home and taking care of her when she's drunk, even after what happened with them last time they met up? He's got it bad.

"I'm not some jerk that is going to take advantage of her, I'm in -" That was my favourite line! I literally gasped as I was reading it, haha. Nick is too cute.

Quinn certainly is being frustrating, but I can see where she's coming from, it's like she guarding herself. I'm interested to see what's going to happen once she wakes up and realizes where she is.

The last line of the chapter was perfect. I adored it. I loved this update darlin! One of your best so far, I've read it through twice :) And thanks for the shout out :) Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks, bebe!!!  So glad you liked it!  I knew you would be surprised that I busted it out, I got on a roll yesterday, it was pretty long considering my struggles!!!  I am glad I had you gasping...lots of teasing in this chapter, not saying things that everyone knows.  Quinn is probably going to get more frustrating as things go bear with her!  More to come, hopefully by the weekend if I can stay on track and motivated!  Thanks for all of your help and for reading and reviewing!!!  Hugs!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/24/08 05:24 am Title: Chapter 28: 40 Ozs. to Freedom

aw. that was great. poor thing is sucha wreck. and she just isnt helping herself. shes going to flip when he confesses his love. le sigh. can aj and riley have love together too? hehe.

Author's Response:

Quinn is a wreck...a self destructive little wreck!  IF he ever tells her how he feels, who knows how she will react, she is pretty unpredictable sometimes!!!

Ha about AJ and Riley, you aren't the first who has said that - never say never!!!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Yendi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/22/08 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 27: No Air

great chapter! cant wait for an update. =)

on another note, idk if you've ever heard christina aguilera's song "get mine, get yours" but i just heard it recently and it goes perfectly with your story .. well atleast the begining lol ;) its pretty kool tho lol

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing!  I will have to check that song out, thanks for the tip!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/08 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 27: No Air

I loved it! Loved it! Sorry for not reviewing earlier hun, school has been mucho hectic! But wow, this chapter was awesome, I adored Quinn's e-mail - too cute. (Also, because I've written journal entries much like that one before, hehe) Nick's reply to her was just as sweet, and I'm glad they seem to be well on their way to working things out. Of course, who knows what else will happen.. ;) Can't wait to see what happens next, particularly at Nick's birthday party. Great job! *hugs*

Author's Response: So glad that you enjoyed it!!!  It was fun to write once I got going, but it was a slow start on this one!!!  As you well know, mucho more to come, I am a bit behind but I am working on the next chapter, its going to!  Thanks hun!  HUGS!!!

Reviewer: donna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/10/08 07:16 am Title: Chapter 27: No Air

Hun let me tell you wow I love ur are a greeeaaaattttt writer.I can't wait to read what happens next I am on pins and needles

Reviewer: Sarahg91 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/09/08 02:03 pm Title: Chapter 27: No Air

I really enjoyed that chapter...for some reason it really stuck with me even though I read it last night I had to reread it. Great job!

Author's Response:

Hi!  I'm so glad you liked first I wasn't too fond of the whole premise for this chapter but as I started writing and it started developing, I liked it more and more.  I think there is something very unique about it - we are really seeing a side of Quinn that we haven't seen, her vulnerability when it comes to Nick specifically.  We have quite a ways to go so brace yourself!  Thanks for the review and for reading!!!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/09/08 06:55 am Title: Chapter 27: No Air

OMG.....I so loved this chapter. The fairy take email was just.....WOW!!!!
Quinn is finally going to open up and let Nick in.
I am glad that Nick seems to know that the kiss wasn't something that Quinn was into. I am looking forward to seeing how he is going to react to the reason she did it.

Great Chapter!!!!! Can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response: Glad you loved it, I thought the fairy tale was fun.  Is she really finally going to open up and let him in?  I guess we will have to wait and see :o), and Nick - well, I think he may have an interesting next chapter.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Ally Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/08/08 10:48 pm Title: Chapter 27: No Air

I cant wait to see what happens with the fair maiden and the handsome prince...GREAT chapterrr

Author's Response: Thanks...lots more will be happening so stay tuned.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/08/08 07:03 pm Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

I wonder what's gonna happen during that party..will they make up or fight? who it!

Author's Response: We shall see :o)

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/08/08 03:36 pm Title: Chapter 27: No Air

I'm not sure what more I can tell you that i haven't already told you before. I LURVE how the fairytale came out. Absoultely perfect! Now the question is can she express herself that well to him face to face?

Author's Response: Thanks again for talking me through the fairy tale...glad you LURVED it.  Thanks for the review toots!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/08/08 02:13 pm Title: Chapter 27: No Air

I'm glad that she finally admitted that she has troubles, she just needs to be more open when they are together. Easier said then done though, I'm the kind of person who finds it easy to write stuff down but when I actually have to talk to someone face to face it becomes almost impossible. So I do see where she is coming from.

Great update!

Author's Response:

I agree - huge step for her...who knows what she will do from here...and if she will admit to anything once they are face to face...thanks for reading and reviewing!!!