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Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/06/08 03:44 pm Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

Quinn is playing a dangerous game! We all know how Nick os going to feel about any pictures that will escape I mean the guy cheated on Paris to get back at her for doing the same to him. This is going to cause some major problems and it's almost like she is purposely sabbotaging any chance of being happy with him becuase she feels they are getting to close. I think She has as many issues as Nick does in All Hail the Heartbreaker! God you image her and that Nick together?! LOL!

Author's Response:

That she is...ironically, I think Nick does understand her, so we will have to see how he reacts...if anything comes out in the media lol...I think it is a given that it will and you can expect that in the coming chapters.  Remember, we still don't know exactly what Quinn did with Nate...:o) I think her perception of what she is doing and the reality of it are totally different, but you are right, she is sabotaging things, even if it is unintentional. 

And my goodness, your AHTH Nick and Quinn would never get anywhere!  LOL!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/06/08 08:42 am Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

omg omg i loved it. such amazing job. i hope he dosent get tooooo mad over there plan... i cant wait for more.

Author's Response:

Thank you!  I guess you will have to wait and see what happens...lots of big stuff coming up so stay tuned!  Thanks for reading and reviewing, so much more to come!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/05/08 05:55 pm Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

I don't think Nick will be happy when he sees the pictures of Quinn and that other guy...

Nice chapter!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/08 05:24 pm Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

Yay! I was surprised to see that you got this chapter out so quickly :) It made my Tuesday morning lol. I love the fact that Quinn kept her word on being Nick's first kiss of the new year. Now, if she would just admit it to himself, she could be his only kiss that year :P Haha I'm lame, but that was a really awesome chapter! Great job, girlie!

Author's Response:

You are so not lame, Steph!  It's nice to hope...I think everyone wants to Quinn to come around, and I know I keep saying this but she really is trying!!!  I was actually surprised that I busted this out so quickly too...and I have already started the next one.  Glad to make your Tuesday, you made mine by reading and review (now whose lame?).  Hugs!

Reviewer: nikki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/05/08 01:25 pm Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

i like it keep it coming

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/05/08 06:54 am Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

wow that was pretty shitty of her period. really though fuck the machine and go riley for having the balls to stand up to her maybe je needs to see those pictures and be done with her for her to realize what shes really got. your writing has really improved hugely from your other story. great job can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

My goal was to have Riley kind of be Quinn's conscience in this chapter...I think Quinn knows what she is doing probably isn't the best is about her job, not Nick...she isn't trying to hurt him, she is scrambling to regain control of her life because she is starting to feel a little out of control.  A lot more to come...stay tuned!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/08 03:59 am Title: Chapter 23: Luck Be A Lady

I loved it sweets! of course you already knew that though! I really adore Quinn, she's so complex and flawed yet so perfect for Nick cuz of his own personal flaws too. Great chappie! You know i can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Thanks, sweets...for reading, reviewing and letting me bounce ideas off of you.  I'm not quite sure what exactly will happen next myself!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Ally Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/04/08 09:09 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

this story is unbelievable ..i read it all in one day...i cant wait for morrreee

Author's Response: Awww yay!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  So much more to come!

Reviewer: kelly71 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/04/08 06:52 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

OK, I read this whole thing in one sitting. All I can say is...WOW! You are an amazing writer. Unfortunately, I am all too familiar with a lot of your story. It's really difficult to just have "friends with benefits" without falling for the guy (or the other way around). So, in a lot of ways, you've written the story of my life. LOL I know just how it feels to fall for the guy and then run away because of the fear of getting too close. I don't know what is more scary-falling in love or admitting to yourself that you are falling in love. Anyway, I can't wait for an update. Yeah, I just joined AC, but you've already got a fan!:)

Author's Response:

What an amazing compliment, thank you!  I think that this story is actually more common than a lot of people think...I think one of the scariest things can be letting ourself go and falling in love, especially if you are an independent woman.  And I must agree, admitting it is half the battle.  I hope I can live up to your expectations, there is so much more to come, so stayed tuned.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/03/08 04:45 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

Yay finally got a chance to read this! I really enjoyed this chapter! Her surprise for Nick was REALLY sweet and shows that she's definitely falling for him. Ugh a lil frustrating when she tries to downplay what she's done. You want to smack her a bit, but it's good LOL.

I also loved the conversation with Quinn and her father. I'm so glad everything went well and they are talking again. I think giving Quinn her mother's wedding ring remodeled was SUCH a sweet beautiful idea. Jack is an ass though. Grr... I wanted to smack him! At least Maggie is cool though and yay Quinn is beginning to realize that she and Nick have something going on. Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: It's all about the baby steps right? know how that goes...she is coming just may take her a while! 

Jack is an ass...and it is fun to write his jerkiness...but he really does care about her, just has a funny way of showing it.  Glad you liked it babe!!!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: Tantilisinteaser Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/03/08 01:14 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

I loved what Quinn did for Nick and no matter what she says she has fallen for him as much as he has for her. She just needs to stop focusing on what other people think and say!

Author's Response: Ahh...if it was only that easy :o) it is your turn to get out the gun!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/03/08 06:36 am Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

I'm glad Quinn and her father made up. It was such a great surprise for Nick to see her in his house, and it was very thoughtful of her, I wouldn't have guessed it in a million years that she would do something like that. Can't wait to read another chapter, so please update soon; Take Care!

Author's Response: I had to get some of the issues with her family resolved...couldn't hold on to that, too much other stuff going on right now.  I was really surprised when I started writing her being at his house was thoughtful...big step for her!!!  I am writing as we speak, more to come!  Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/01/08 03:07 pm Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/08 11:23 pm Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

AWESOME! loved it as usual hon. I love that Quinn and Nick are getting closer despite her fears. She'll open up eventually I hope

Author's Response: Thanks, babe!  She is definitely trying...more about WHY she has issues is starting to surface a little, the next few chapters will definitely be interesting!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/08 10:57 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

Another update pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!  I'm soooo loving this story!  I loved this chapter!!

Author's Response: Aww thanks!  I am really looking forward to writing the next few chapters! Thank you for reading and reviewing!