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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/08 09:52 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

awsome job. loved the beginning, so cute. i hope she listens to maggie. cant wait for more loved it.

Author's Response: I have to admit I felt a little cheese factor on this chapter, but I thought it was important that Quinn made the grand gesture.  So so so much more to come!!!  Thanks for reading and review!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/31/08 08:29 pm Title: Chapter 22: Happy Christmas

Great update hun! I love that Quinn did that for Nick, that was really sweet of her and you can definitely tell that they have a deeper than just physical connection there. And WOW what a donation Nick made! That was incredibly sweet. I'm glad she was able to make up with her Dad and will try to accept the new ladyfriend. This chapter was really well written, which I think is great because I hate writing Christmas scenes lol. Can't wait for the next one, hun! *hugs*

Author's Response: Well, thanks friend...thank you for letting me bounce stuff off of you.  Writing holidays is cheesy...I am just glad I survived, and the fact that you liked it is an added bonus!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Michelle Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/22/08 03:34 am Title: Chapter 21: Real World

Love it, Love it, Love it!!
Can't wait to read the rest.....

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you!  More to come!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/20/08 02:43 am Title: Chapter 21: Real World

Jum, that trip to vegas sounds like trouble, just like I knew  that picture would to. I can't believe that once she's finally getting around andd thinking more seriously about her relationship with Nick this happens, and of course she's going to pick her job before Nick or any guy. Please update soon; I can't wait. Take Care!

Author's Response: We shall see...lots of potential here for different kinds of drama...expect an update by the end of the week.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, much more to come!!!

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/08 09:33 pm Title: Chapter 21: Real World

dun dun DUN! i was waiting for something like this to happen. Media sucks sometimes I swear and I even have a degree in it! lol I love that you're trying to make her see that it's not a very simple situation, especially with their careers. Loving it so far hon! Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: That damn media lol...always messing things up.  Quinn has a very skewed view of who she is...she doesn't get it, but she will, just you wait!  So much more to come.  Thanks for the compliment and for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: 1fortherecord Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/08 10:04 am Title: Chapter 21: Real World

Iīve been reading your story since the first chapter, i think itīs great. i just never guessed this chapter
itīs amazing!!!

Author's Response: Thank you!  I am so glad you are enjoying it.  Honestly, I hadn't expected this chapter either....but hey, here it is...nothing is ever as easy as it seems.  So so so much more to come, thanks again for reading and the review, it keeps me inspired to write which means I update more often!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/08 05:28 pm Title: Chapter 21: Real World

I loved the whole Quinn and James thing. It was very interesting on a lot of levels and I kind of liked how even Quinn tried to stand up for herself too a little bit.

I can't wait to see od Court and Quinn's plan works. LOve to see where this goes next!

Author's Response: Thanks, sweets!  Quinn is a fireball, we have learned that in the past few chapters.  I'm not even quite sure how I ended up here, but it will definitely continue to get more interesting.  Thanks for your help with this one!  You are the best!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/08 06:04 am Title: Chapter 21: Real World

Great update hun! I like the whole part about James being cautious over Quinn's relationship with Nick, it should be interesting to see where that leads. Also Nick and Quinn's little encounter before he had to leave was too cute! I'm glad she ended up making up with Courtney, but of course best friends don't stay mad long =) Can't wait for the next installment!

Author's Response:

Thanks...I have a lot of lose ends to tie up because of the falling out before Quinn met Nick in Orlando.  This chapter was not in my original plan for this story - but that has happened to me a lot with this one!  So...where we will go from here, it is to be determined, but this definitely adds an interesting twist to the plot - just what we needed, right?  I felt like Court and Quinn had to make up...Court is her rock and Quinn needs her, especially if she is going to try to stay the course with Nick, Court has been very supportive of their relationship up to this point.  Plus, what fun is plotting if you are doing it alone? 

Thanks for reading and the review, friend :o)  Hugs!

Reviewer: jc Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/10/08 03:19 pm Title: Chapter 20: You Surround Me

perfect! XD

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/10/08 04:42 am Title: 2: Welcome to the Jungle

Another awesome chapter! I was quite intrigued by your female lead Quinn. Mel and I were discussing that she reminds us of Carrie Bradshaw. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: I am a dedicated SITC gal...any resemblence to Carrie is completely unintentional.  Part of the reason I made her a writer was so I could write her thoughts in the first person without writing the whole story in first person.  I actually used to have a blog where I would write about random stuff and Quinn's first few columns' subject matter are actually taken directly from my random thoughts!  Thanks for the review and for reading my stuff!

Reviewer: Teri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/10/08 04:30 am Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

Okay so I just started reading your story the other day and decided to leave you a little note to let you know. Anyways I like it so far eventhough I'm not very far in. You've got some good potential with this story and I'm really excited to see where it's headed. PS. Love the graphic too.

Author's Response:

Aww thanks!  I hope you like it!  I love your stuff too, I am actually reading Always Something right now!  Glad you like the graphic, it was one of my first attempts at making something!  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/09/08 07:27 am Title: Chapter 20: You Surround Me

OK, I absolutly LOVED this chapter. She finally let her guard down, I hope not just for that day, maybe now she'll start looking at what they have together differently and maybe even think it as a relationship, they would made such a great couple.  QUick question, Is Quinn on the pill? Cause there was no mention of condoms usage in the chapter and there was a lottt of sex, I would just love it if she gets pregnant, I think she would die of But once again awesome chapter. Hope to read another one pretty soon, Pleaseeee. Take Care!

Author's Response:

YES - she is on the pill!!!  They talked about it in one of the Dallas chapters...I think it is the second one - a whole conversation about both the pill and condoms.  There is something else in there that might come up later as might want to reread it :o)  Her getting pregnant would be a earthshattering, you are so right about that!!!

They would be a great couple...I think Quinn wants to try, hopefully her issues won't get in the way.  This story isn't even nearly done...lots more to come, stay tuned!  Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/08/08 06:11 pm Title: Chapter 20: You Surround Me

Aww Nick's speech was so sweet! I loved the whole part about the perfect man, that was written really well. AJ catching them was hilarious, poor Quinn though, she just wants to make a good impression. And of course Quinn would start to figure out how Nick feels about her, how could she not? Hopefully she starts to let her guard down... great chapter Darby! *hugs*

Author's Response:

The perfect man stuff kind of came from outer space, I didn't even realize I was writing it and boom, there it was...I think it is something that intimidates Quinn about her.  We definitely got to see a different, more human side of her this chapter.  We will have to see what happens, you know our girl has issues :o)  Thanks sweets!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/08/08 05:55 pm Title: Chapter 19: I'll Be Your Shelter

So sorry hun for taking so long to read and review, but I loved every word! Nick was incredibly sweet to Quinn, and I'm relly glad it seemed like he helped her feel better. Well, feel better enough so that she was able to rest, you know? The Chippie nickname is still incredibly adorable. Off to the next chapter!!

Author's Response: It's ok!  You have been busy!  I am so glad you liked this is very unlike the Quinn we have seen so far!!!  I am fond of Chippee, myself :o)  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/08/08 04:07 pm Title: Chapter 20: You Surround Me

Great Job on this chapter Darby! I thought that the connection between them was definitely far more intimate than earlier chapters. I'm glad that she got to attend the wedding after all for Nick, although if I were Leigh and Howie I'd prolly be a lil pissed that they missed the ceremony because they were too busy having sex. That and the fact they snuck off in the middle and if AJ hadn't walked in when he had they'd have had a lil quickie. It's like guys really... There's a time and place. Show some respect. His speech was really nice though. I can't wait to see how this is going to impact Quinn and Nick's relationship. Seems like to me she's going to be going through lots of denial.

Oh yea one more thing, I really liked how you humanized Quinn in this chapter. In some chapters you made her start to sound like some beautiful supermodel to Nick's eyes. I like how in this chapter you hghlighted that she's not everything she appears. She really is just a normal girl who loves to sit at home and write and she acknowledges that she's just very fortunate to be able to have the experiences she has. Great job!

Author's Response:

Honestly, I am sure Howie and Leigh didn't notice that they weren't at the ceremony, I know I didn't know who was there...but of course, they will know because it was in the media that he wasn't.  Did you notice what point in the ceremony they snuck off in?  Coincidental?  I think not!  I have portrayed Quinn the way Nick sees her up to this point...she isn't a perfect person, but to him, he definitely has blinders on and thinks she is the most perfect person for him. 

Lots more to come, thanks for the excellent review and all of your're the best!