Reviews For Casual
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Reviewer: jc Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 10:26 am Title: Chapter 17: New York State of Mind

sorry.. i'm not really good w/ words but ur story's awesome!

Author's Response: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  :o)

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 12:50 am Title: Chapter 13: Hold on Loosely

I enjoyed Quinn's column as always. She brings up some excellent points of course.  LOL Her elementary school relationship reminds me of the soap opera I have going on in my classroom LOL. I can kind of see both sides of the situation. Quinn is right in saying that relationships are complex and can't all be pigeonholed, but I can also see Court's disapproval of the situation too. Truthfully I'd prolly look at the same way that Court does if I were in that position. It's definitelu dicey.

Nick is so whipped. It's kind of sad to see because Quinn is so against a relationship. Nick is obviously falling for her. He could easily get laid by a number of other women, but he goes out of his way for Quinn proving its more than sexual.

Author's Response:

Thanks...this is actually one of my favorite columns so was fun to analyze relationships and how complicated people make them from such a young age.  Court's feelilngs are definitely valid, afterall, she has known Quinn her entire she knows her well.

The falling has begun...he could be in for a hard landing with Quinn.  Thanks for the revew, glad you are reading...just a few more chapters to go until you are caught up!!!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/18/08 12:23 am Title: 11: Friends in Low Places

Oh oh... It seems like they are REALLY in for more than they bargained for with keeping things on the DL. Honestly I think I have to side with Court here. I don't exactly get the whole purely physical relationship idea myself and it really seems as if Quinn is already in denial about it being solely sexual.

Author's Response: Court definitely calls Quinn on her BS...she is kind of like the devil's advocate...she actually says all of the obvious things that Quinn fails to recognize or admit.  Quinn is VERY defensive about it...and Nick is just going along with it...for now.  Thanks for the review!!!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 11:34 pm Title: 9: Wonderland

Quinn is so transparent with Riley. Like Riley doesn't know what's really going on lol. It's almost cute in a way, but I'm sure Riley isn't like going to judge her.

I see how things are changing between her and Nick. It's definitely an awkward position they are in now. The whole having dinner there for her shows that things are definitely progressing to more than just sex. Now they have to like talk and stuff and yea that can definitely get weird.

I'm off to do some of my own writing, but I will keeo reading soon!

Author's Response:

The obviousness between her and Riley is fun to a lot of ways, it is kind of like her testing to see where Riley's boundaries lie between being her friend and her employee.  I have debated about what to do with Riley...whether to make them closer, etc...but as the story has progressed, the need for her to have a bigger role has gotten smaller, I had originally planned something completely different for her.

Awkward makes for good drama, and they still have a long way to go, but this is definitely a step in the right direction...thanks for the review...good luck on the writing!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 11:18 pm Title: 8: In This Club

Ooh that whole texting idea was actually really hot although I was kinda expecting the messages to start to get a lil dirtier. It is VERY ironic that they keep running into each other. I'd be wondering about that myself if I were Quinn.

I loved Quinn's column. She's so right. Guys don't do crap like that anymore. How she found all those chivalorous guys is beyond me. Guys should be more attentive of those little things!

Author's Response:

Glad you liked the idea of the texting, not quite sure where that came from, much like most of this story.  I debated making it dirtier, but I probably just wasn't in the mood when I was writing it.  Chivalry isn't dead...but it is a lost art :o)  Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: honey14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 09:59 pm Title: Chapter 17: New York State of Mind

Taking her to a wedding? Does this mean we should be expecting some major things soon? I can't wait!

*sends you vibes that would make you update sooner* LOL

Author's Response:

Maybe...did she say she was going with him or did he just ASK?  Definitely expect major things to happen in this story, we still have a LONG way to go!  Thanks for goal is to update once a week, good news is that I have already began writing the next chapter!  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 08:33 pm Title: 1: Saying Goodbye

You have a really great story here...keep on going! Awesome chapter!

Reviewer: Sakabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 17: New York State of Mind

I love love loved this chapter!! Of course the girls would give Quinn the third degree about Nick, hell if I was one of them I would have too haha! And their little conversation at the end was too cute. Oh and Nick invited her to the wedding! Can't wait to see what happens next, hun! *muah*

Author's Response: glad you liked it!  At least she isn't lying, and she isn't really trying to justify just kind of is what it is.  More to come fo'sho!  Thanks for the review, friend!  Hugs!

Reviewer: Andrea Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 05:08 pm Title: Chapter 17: New York State of Mind

LOVE...IT!!!! Can't wait for more....your writing is amazing. Update soon!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you!  More to come!  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 11:23 am Title: Chapter 17: New York State of Mind

omg i so loved it she has to say yes cant wait for more.

Author's Response:

So glad you liked it...we will see what she never know with Quinn.  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: mary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/16/08 07:15 am Title: Chapter 17: New York State of Mind

ooooh. wedding date. haha. those are always fun! man cant wait for more!

Author's Response:

I don't think Quinn said YES to go the wedding with him....did she?   hahaha...we will definitely find out in the next chapter.  Thanks for reading and for the review!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/15/08 11:37 pm Title: 5: Let's Get Physical

Yea lol She's not coming home tonight lol.

I had to sympathize with Nick on the elliptical. 30 minutes? I always looked at those people in the gym who'd be on it for like 30 min to an hour and wonder how the hell they do it. The most I've ever been able to do is like 15 before collapsing in sheer exhaustion, so 30 sounds like torture!

I'm not surprised Quinn did not find the casual thing as fulfilling with another man. She had to start with Nick, huh? That's enough to scew anyone's results!

Author's Response: I think it is safe to say that Nick is the best and worst when it comes to the casual thing, depending on how you look at it.  The eliptical is the just have to beat it, you can't let it beat you!  Glad you are reading, I am ready for you to get caught up!  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 08:37 pm Title: Chapter 16: Making Plans

ohh, the butterflies are awesome. It also shows that she is falling for him even if she doesn't accept it. Did I read right? He spend the week with her? Sleeping over? That's a gresat improvement. They will fall in love so hard, It'll be great. Please update soon.

Author's Response: Who doesn't love butterflies?  One of the best things in life, in my opinion.  She knows they are there, BUT...seems as though her fear is losing them, she seems to have come to terms with the fact that she HAS the butterflies.  Yes...couple of weeks together on and off, yes...sleeping over - progress is being made!  We shall see what happens, I am not even 100% sure of how it is going to translate out of my head onto paper at this point!  Thanks for the review, more to come!!!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 05:56 pm Title: 3: Taking Care of Business

Wow... Awkward huh? Lol I can already tell that this is going to be a story that i'm only gong to be able to read in small doses *fans herself* LOl I'll prolly actually try to do some of my own writing now cuz you're Quinn has inspired me. (You might see why if I can ever get my next chapter out) I'll be back for more soon!

Author's Response:

Just a little awkward...understandably awkward.  It wasn't like she could live on Mars and have no idea who the BSB were, but not knowing that Nick was one of them based on their previous interaction was somewhat realistic, I thought.

I must say that I am very glad you are now inspired to write...I am ready for YOU to update!  Thanks!

Reviewer: Mellz Bellz Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/07/08 05:45 pm Title: 2: Welcome to the Jungle

So as promised I'm finally getting around to reading this Darby!. So far I'm pleasantly surprised by this story so far. Normally when I read a fic where its like girl hooks up w/Nick at a bar and they have mindblowing sex in the first chapter I'm thinking Eww.. Whore alert! LOL But you know what I actually like Quinn! Lol AND she's blonde! j.k But seriously I definitely feel the strong, independent woman thing. There's a thin line between slut and being fearless and I already feel that you've made it very clear where Quinn stands, so yay! That's a hard thing to pull off.

Also with the whole magazine column, Quinn totally reminds me of Carrie from Sex in the City. I really get that whole vibe from her which of course makes her more iikeable.

My only critisicm is that the sex was almost TOO hot to be believable! LOL  But I'm just a skeptic like that hehe. I'll be reading more and leaving some more reviews as I go along.

Author's Response:

Yay!  Glad you are reading...and glad you like it and Quinn.  In some ways, she is a lot like I was before I was married...SOME ways - I hate to tell you but I am blonde too lol.  A lot of people have commented about her similarities to Carrie and that was not at all my plan...but I do love Carrie and Sex in the City, so as unintentional as it was, it is what it is...

Too hot...ha!  Keep reading...the sex is a big part of things because it is Quinn's focus for a while...that may change over time. 

Thanks for reading!!!