Reviews For A New Beginning
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Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/16/09 06:38 am Title: Chapter 52

OYe vey. Fuck Ashley, you can be SO stupid sometimes!!! And you WONDER why A.J. doesn't trust you!?!?! Because you CAN'T be trusted to be left alone!!!! You just go ahead & do stupid ass shit & give into peer pressure!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!!! I hope A.J. kicks your ass to Tim-buck-two & back again!!!!!!



Author's Response: told you that you would be mad haha u crack me up lol more soon promise!

Reviewer: AJsCuTiePiE93 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/16/09 06:22 am Title: Chapter 52

Her and AJ need to make up like NOW LOL.

Author's Response: yes they do big time...thanks for the review!

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/16/09 06:20 am Title: Chapter 52

ah... more bad decisions! not good. but i get the whole pushing angel away thing cause im like that too. when ive lost someone i just keep self destructing and push everyone else away. cant wait for more!

Author's Response: aww yea its hard to keep people close when u feel so alone. thanks so much for reviewing im glad you're enjoying the story thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate it.

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/12/09 03:48 am Title: Chapter 51

Oh jeez! That's harsh! But I also know what its like for Ash to have a sibling do something like that all too well...i cant wait to see what happens next!!

Author's Response: glad u liked it! thanks 4 the review<3

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/10/09 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 51

Oye vey. I was waiting for him to cancel her card. Does she not appreciate the fact he gave her all that money to buy things with? Like, hello! Your brother's rich, & he was kind enough to share & you selfihly took advantage of that! Yeesh!



Author's Response: haha i know she's really being a selfish brat...more soon!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/10/09 02:18 pm Title: Chapter 51

Okay I think its time for a serious attitude check on this girl.... and i have to say I don't think angel is helping matters... hope to read more soon.

Author's Response: yes it is and hopefully she'll get it soon...thanks 4 the review<3

Reviewer: Bennii Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/10/09 12:05 pm Title: Prologue

Man i want to slap this girl on top of the head lol. She needs to realize that its not always about what she wants. Sorry i get alittle into it when im reading lol. I love the story!! And cant wait for more updates. Great work :)

Author's Response: lol its ok im glad u love it and i get into stories too so i know haha...she really does need a wake up call...thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: Nikki P Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/04/09 05:28 am Title: Chapter 50

I love this story!! sorry for not leaving reviews all the time, but I love where it's heading and good for ALex to finally take control!!

Author's Response: aww thanks so much for leaving feedback :-) im so happy that youre enjoying the story!

Reviewer: boneswifey Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/04/09 03:09 am Title: Chapter 50

This chapter has to be the best so far. AJ is only getting back what he did before. I can't wait to see what you have coming. I am hoping Ashley gets into some life changing situation where she has to lean on her brother and realizes that he loves her even though they fight all the time

Author's Response: aww thanks so much, im glad you liked it. there will be some testing times soon enough :-)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/03/09 04:33 pm Title: Chapter 50

Oye vey. A.J.'s just trying to look out for her, like an older brohter ought to! She needs to get a grip & quit being so damn cruel to him! Yeesh!

And yay for me giving you ideas! :)



Author's Response: yay ideas are always good! lol and yes shes being a brat she just doesnt realize that aj is trying 2 look out for her not ruin her fun. thanks 4 the review :-)

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/03/09 02:11 pm Title: Chapter 50

Wow! Can't believe she did that. He did the right by making her tell their mother. I was rght thouhg, he walked away... maybe will be what she needs.

Author's Response: hopefully it will be but we will just have to see :-) thanks 4 the review!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/31/08 04:02 am Title: Chapter 49

oh man!! she has got to lose the attitude and giv ehim a chance. Things are goinbg get bad again aren't they?

Author's Response: we'll c...but things always get worse before they get better ;-)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/31/08 03:52 am Title: Chapter 49

Oye vey in a half shell! A.J.'s gonna SHOOT her!!!!! Lol. Can she not see, he's TRYING to be a good big brother here??? He's only trying to help her steer clear of the path he went down & he's only doing it because he loves her. Yeesh! Lol.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!


P.S. Yay! He grounded her!!!!! :) 

Author's Response: haha yea the groundings just begun....shes just being a typical teen rebelling against life lol happy new year!!!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/30/08 02:36 pm Title: Chapter 48

Hmm.. well Aj may be going a little over board vut witih good reason. And this little stunt with the credit card isn't going to help matters. She neds to realize he's trying to be a good brother again. If she keeps it up, he may just say forget it and walk out of her life period.

Update soon!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/30/08 07:40 am Title: Chapter 48

OYe veym she's gonna max out the credit card, ain't she??? A.J. is soooooooo gonna kill her for that!!!!!! Lol.

And, I wouldn't be too surprised if she came home at 12, though she had to agree to 11:30 - lol.



Author's Response: haha she'll test the limits btu I can guarantee it will be DRAMA and trouble haha