Reviews For UnPlanned Love
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Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:43 am Title: Chapter 11


Author's Response: LOL too funny! Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:40 am Title: Chapter 9

I just have to say this one was cute. LOL! Being pregnant is soooo cute, sick, fun, exhausting and emotional, I did three times. UGH!

Author's Response: Oh wow! It's all worth it in the end... I've never had any children so it was hard for me to try and put myself in Liz's shoes to get it right... I hope I did it justice! Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:37 am Title: Chapter 8

Becca is hilarious, I would be Ecstatic too if my friend told me she had a threesome with BSB. Aw poor Liz, she's gonna have that baby right there...from the shock.

Author's Response: LOL... Yeah I kinda felt that way too! Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:34 am Title: Chapter 7

Oh you tell him Nick...

Author's Response: LOL I loved writing this chapter LOL Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:34 am Title: Chapter 6

OMG!! Who's could it be? Nick or AJ? What if it's Nick, but she would like it to be AJ's? What if it's AJ's and he doesn't want it? Oh lord I must continue. Bad girl you have me hooked.

Author's Response: I sorry I'm a bad girl! LOL Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:30 am Title: Chapter 5

Aw he definately likes her and she doesn't. Damn love it's so twisted. Argh! Although I love AJ too.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the feedback... yeah this story is hard to write for a die hard Aj lover LOL

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:28 am Title: Chapter 4

Oh man, Nick really likes her, but she likes AJ. I smell heart break and drama...I love drama. LOL

Author's Response: Ohhhh you have NO idea! LOL They don't call me the Drama Queen for nothing LOL

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:27 am Title: Chapter 3

Aw they just left her there, damn one nighters! haha! You had me laughing the with the 'you reek of sex' line, Rebecca sounds funny.

Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:25 am Title: Chapter 2

Holy shit! Pardon my french, but that was some hot stuff, that made my cheeks burn as I read it. Uh lucky her...

Author's Response: GOOOOOD I'm proud it did! *laughs* It made me blush too... and I wrote it! *grins* Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: kevmylove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 10:24 am Title: Chapter 1

Ooh I wouldn't have turned that down either. Well wait, she doesn't know it's Nick. Nevermind! Anyways good start.

Author's Response: Well I personally if I didn't know who Nick was but he was there wanting that... I think I wouldn't be able to say no LOL... I've never had a one night stand but with Aj or Nick... Where do I sign?? LOL Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/18/08 12:05 am Title: Chapter 18

woah, now that is a shity thing to do. I understand getting a DNA test but to go as far as to try and get legal custody him is messed up. I would even understand joint custody, but not full legal custody. I hope AJ comes to his senses soon! GREAT JOB JENI!!!! Your story is addicting!

Author's Response: Awww thanks so much! *huge toothy grin* I'm so proud you're liking the story!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/17/08 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 17

wow....he finally meets him. I don't blame AJ for his reaction at all. Who woldn't react that way if they found out they had a son who was being kept from him! great job on this chapter Jeni!

Author's Response: Thanks so much. I'm proud you liked the chapter!

Reviewer: brandy_d Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/15/08 09:07 am Title: Chapter 1

I just thought of something. It seems to me, that maybe Nick has a thing for Jen. If so, poor thing! I know how much it sucks to really like someone, but because someone else who means a lot to you, also likes them, and therefor you back away and watch the ohter person get what you desperately want. I imagine it is even harder on Nick because of Alex. I think he is probably secretly wishing that he would have been the one to get her pregnant.

I might be totally out in left field, but hey at least you know your story is really good, because I think about it and all of the possibilities all of the time!


Author's Response: You know the whole time I written stories which has been almost 10 years now, I have ALWAYS wanted to be the author of a story that stayed on peoples minds! So let me tell you, you have NNNNOOOO idea how amazingly happy you have made me!! Thank you so much! But about your feedback, yes I too have been the person who had step back and let them be happy eventhough my heart was breaking. And to make it worse, and soooo stereotypically he came to ME to get her number. And of course I thought he was going to ask me out. *sighs* I swear my life is like an angst filled romance novel LOL. But I try my very best to update a few chapters tomorrow. But thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Jeni

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/14/08 07:17 am Title: Chapter 16

What???? NOOOO, don't tell me we have to wait until after halloween for an update, and this is the best chapter out of all. He's so mad is not even funny. She had a lottt of opportunities to tell him and she didn't, she's going to be in trouble. Please update soon; Take Care!

Author's Response: No, like I said in my update on the story page, I will be updating soon, but I needed a couple of days off so I could work on the holiday stuff at my house.

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/14/08 07:13 am Title: Chapter 15

He's going to be mad that she's still keeping Alex a secret. What is she waitting, for him to be 15? Pleaseee just tell him.

Author's Response: Now now... if she had just come out and told him there wouldn't be a story now would there LOL Thanks for the feedback!