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Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 08:54 am Title: Chapter Thirty-One

I really loved how you portrati Brian (I love him, he's my favourite to write and read about!), his inner conflict to be angry with God for what he's going through and, in the same time, to need him more than ever. I understand his choice, especially for not wanting to give his son bad memories of his last days. But, I see Amanda's point, not wanting him to give up and to be there for the people he loves and who love him.
Now it will be interesting to see Nick's point of view about all this story.

Reviewer: Reemo Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 08:39 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Two

very smart Brian!! why didnt you do it earlier ??? things are about to go crazy here!!

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 06:38 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Two

HOLY SHIT! Wow...wonder what's gonna happen now! Can't wait to read what you've got :)

Reviewer: starbeamz2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 05:43 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Two

Welp. I suppose the shit hath hitteth the fan...or will now. Amanda, boy, are you in for it now. I hope Brian does something horribly wonderfully vindictive. She deserves it for not just telling the truth, no matter how guilty she feels. I guess I might be able to like her if she gets dragged through the mud for her crimes against Nick and Brian and really grovels to make it up to them.

Awesome update and now, I seriously cannot wait for the next one!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 05:23 am Title: Chapter Thirty-Two

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shit........

Reviewer: Ashley1984 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 04:01 am Title: Chapter Thirty-One

I've been such a shitty reviewer, but I've been checking back for updates and absolutely LOVING this story!

This is gonna make me cry like hell, I just know it. I cannot imagine what is going through Brian's head right now. I just can't imagine knowing I'll probably be dead in a couple months. He really needs to tell Nick what is going on. :(

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 03:37 am Title: Chapter Thirty-One

Awesome chapter!! Powerful argument between Amanda and Brian. I can see both sides of it, but ultimately it's his choice. While Amanda is likeable, she kind of pissed me off. haha. I do agree that he needs to just be honest with those around him though. The part where he gets angry with God is so...real. It was really sad and powerful, but like I said, so believable.

And the ending was awesome. Perfect way to get that conversation going.Thanks again for an amazing chap.

Author's Response: Making the quantity/quality choice is one of the hardest in the world.. which is why I think it was so easy to write this argument with a view of both sides. Similar to things like assisted suicide, it's easy to see both sides of a situation. Brian's desire to not take treatment isn't so much a "death wish" or a "suicidal" thing, its more an acceptance...where Amanda's view is that life should be worth the fight. I'm honestly unable to personally decide, if I were ever in that situation Brian's in, which I would feel was the correct answer for me. I'm glad you liked the chapter!

Reviewer: mandelyn78753 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 03:29 am Title: Chapter Thirty-One

Oooh... Ouch to Nick's words.

"Liars don't usually deserve second chances."

Author's Response: I think Nick's cruel view on liars here comes from the negative experiences he's had in the past.

Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 07:03 pm Title: "Troubles for Traveling Backstreet Boys"

Oh oh, I bet Kevin is now sooo angry with our Nicky, it's a good thing that his cell phone is broken!!!!

Author's Response: Oh I'm sure Kevin's hopping. LOL

Reviewer: starbeamz2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 06:33 pm Title: "Troubles for Traveling Backstreet Boys"

I'm going to apologize ahead of time for being a bad reader because I've been reading this story since you posted chapter 7 and i have yet to comment :( Of course, you can ask Julilly how I feel about this AWESOME story because I've been twittering away about it.

you have an awesome writing style, a terrific plot, and you keep me trapped between wanting Amanda to drown in the rapids and wanting to like her a little for feeling guilty about what she's doing. Personally, I really dislike her, but whatever.

And OMG WHY does Brian have a death wish? He could at least hold on until he sees Leighanne and Baylee, can't he? He's always been my fave to write and read about, and this is one of the most unique characterizations of him that I've read. It's awesome!

Also, I quit reading/writing BSB fanfic, but you've sucked me back in. Great, great job!

P.S. I love that you update so fast! It keeps me on my toes :P

Author's Response: Thanks for finally reviewing! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the story. Brian is one of my favorites to read/write about, too. I've always found him to be really interesting as a "sidekick" to Nick. This particular characterization of Brian is a lot mellower than I tend to write him due to the situation. Brian's usually more how he and Nick are when they're goofing off (i.e., when they're making fun of Pat for example). I'm glad to revive your fan-fic interest! Keep reading - I update everyday... :)

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 06:18 pm Title: Chapter Thirty

Even tho Amanda is supposedly the villain in the story, she's such a likable character. She's really put herself in a tough spot and I hope when all is out in the open, Nick gives her a second chance. And Brian has really put her in a spot to keep her mouth shut. She has so much on her already...poor girl is gonna have a breakdown...

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 05:58 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Ok somehow my last review was put in for the wrong chapter. That was for chap 27. For this chap, I love Nicks story about how he got arrested! Very funny.

Reviewer: RokofAges75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 04:07 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

LMAO I love it!! I love how Nick's story started off innocent enough and then just kept getting worse and worse... too funny! And Amanda... you know, I can't hate Amanda. What she did was wrong, but it's obvious she's regretting that part of it now and that she really cares for Nick. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the truth about her comes out, though.

Author's Response: I couldn't decide if Nick's story should've been told in "live action" or the way that I did it, with him recounting it. After writing out the "live action" version, though, it came out much funnier when he recounted it to Amanda from inside the cell. lol I can totally picture his temper getting the best of him, and he was an emotional time bomb anyway after the thing with Kevin. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 04:01 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Oh no! I wonder if Brian is sick from falling in the water! Or if it's just progression of his illness. And can't wait to see what Nick got himself into!

Reviewer: mamogirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 04:00 pm Title: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Oh Nicky Nicky Nicky..........