Reviews For Sick as My Secrets
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Reviewer: HotMessExpress Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/17/17 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 17

The chapter end note has me in tears 😂😂 That whole chapter and then that note..I really did try not to laugh

Author's Response: LOL No worries, I meant it to be funny! This story was so depressing for awhile, I had to find some comic relief wherever I could. It wasn't even really New Year's when I posed that chapter.

Reviewer: HotMessExpress Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/14/17 01:05 am Title: Chapter 13

One thing I can't stand about the Backstreet Kids is that they don't call the other members of the group "Uncle"! Like that's all I asked out of the guys having kids but Nah, I just couldn't get that much. I would've enjoyed "Uncle Howie""Uncle B-Rok""Uncle Kev""Uncle Nick""Uncle AJ".. So disappointed

Author's Response: Aww LOL. I feel like I've heard some of them call the guys uncle before, but I might just be thinking of fanfics. Sometimes the lines between real life and fanfic blur... hehe. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/06/17 06:39 pm Title: Chapter 62

I loved the Full House references!! I was obsessed with that show as a kid! Nick is totally Uncle Jesse, Brian is totally Uncle Joey, and it's a toss-up between Kevin or Howie for Danny. HAHA

My daughter calls all of my close friends "Auntie" and "Uncle" as well. She's probably closer to her "fake" aunts and uncles than she is to her "real" ones, so it makes sense as far as I'm concerned. I think it's a totally sweet gesture, and I love that Howie's kids refer to Nick as "Uncle Nick". :)

I had never once considered how Howie's highly Catholic family would respond to his new normal. Hmmm. I would like to think that his mama would accept him, but (like Howie) I have my doubts. Our generation is very accepting, but a lot of older people still aren't (sadly).

Also, your butt jokes are on point!! :)

Author's Response: Thanks! Full House was my fav show back in the day, too! I couldn't help but think of it with the two of them taking care of the kids together LOL. I don't know if the Backstreet kids really call the guys "uncle" or not, but I figure they are so like brothers, that's probably how the kids think of them when they're on tour together, as sort of surrogate uncles. I'd like to think that, anyway! Howie's family seems so close, I'd hope that they would accept him, but I also know how strong religious beliefs can change one's perception, especially in the older generation, so who knows. Glad you're enjoying the butt jokes! I can't help myself! LOL When I first thought of the idea for this story, it started out as a joke in the first place, and then when I decided to write it for real, it sounded like such a downer, I wasn't sure I would be able to get any comic relief in there, so I'm really enjoying this part of the story, where there's not SO much drama and I can work in some fun stuff. Thanks again for all your thoughts!

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/05/17 07:02 am Title: Chapter 52

Sorry for disappearing for a while, I have had a lot going on but I'm still reading!! I knew something would be wrong with Howie but I hope he's gonna be okay too. Of course they're about to get together and shit happens haha.

Author's Response: No problem, I understand! I'm glad you're still reading! Thanks for taking the time to catch up some and leave a review, even though you've had a lot going on. Hope you're doing okay!

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/27/17 06:52 pm Title: Chapter 61

I have so much respect for Leigh in this story. Not only is she taking care of two small children (one who is sick AND a toddler), but she also manages to stay respectful and friendly around Howie. I mean, she could be totally bitter and bitchy over what he did to Holden, but she isn't. She's got class!

Also, that butt comment had me howling with laughter!! OMG! Priceless!

I'm curious to see how this summer will go. Will Nick be content to play "happy family" with Howie and the boys , or will having the kids around 24/7 make him realize that he's just not down for the type of life that Howie wants??

Author's Response: Thanks! Leigh seems like such a sweet, classy lady, I just can't imagine her being a bitch. I think she still loves Howie and is just sad about the situation, but wants to stay friends for the sake of their kids. Okay, confession - I thought of the butt line early, and that is the main reason why I had Nick and Howie go as far as they did a couple chapters ago, just so I could use it. It may be my favorite line of the whole story LOL. Glad you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: dontwantyouback Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/27/17 12:50 pm Title: Chapter 61

LMAO at Nick's face when Leigh mentioned him busing Howie's butt. Poor Howie. Nothing could've prepared him for Nick's not-so-little friend.

So sad when Leigh had to say goodbye to her boys. At least now they can spend a lot more time with their dad and uncle.

I wonder who will be the first to find out about whatever is going on between Howie and Nick. I'm dreading the possibility of it being James. Unless they're taking this secret to their grave, lol.

Author's Response: LOL Thanks! Good question! I think they will try their best to keep it a secret from James, but little kids do have a way of barging in, as Nick has already learned LOL.

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/21/17 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 60

*waves* Still reading!! I did more laughing than cringing during this chapter. It's refreshing to know that Nick feels as though he's God's gift to both men and women. *rolls eyes*

In all seriousness, Nick either needs to commit to the road he's started down with Howie or bail right now; like, right this very moment. The way he's thinking is not fair to Howie. The two of them won't be able to carry on if they both don't get on the same page. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship your're in; if one person is in "love" and the other person is "fooling around", it's not going to end well.

Anyways, I enjoyed Nick's perspective. Thanks for just alluding to his perspective about the "bedroom activities" as the previous chapter was more than enough for me!! :P

Author's Response: LOL Yay!! I bet that's exactly how Nick feels, and who in his whole adult life has ever given him reason to doubt it? LOL I think you hit the nail on the head with what you said about "love" vs. "fooling around" though. And you're welcome LOL; I definitely didn't want to go into anymore detail about their "bedroom activities" than I did, which was already farther than I thought I was going to go. I even tried reading some slash for "inspiration" when writing these two chapters, and all I did was giggle and cringe through those too. So I get it. Anyway, thanks for the review!!

Reviewer: dontwantyouback Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/20/17 02:05 pm Title: Chapter 59

"OMG" is now a punctuation mark at this point.
I've read many slash fics before, but this still left me jaw-dropped, probably because of Nick's unforeseen bisexuality and unpredictability. Lol at Nick thinking he'd rip Howie apart.

Based on the end notes, it seems like Howie might be pushing his luck. Quit playing games with Howie's heart, Nick.

Before I clicked the link, I knew it would take me to the video of Howie talking about Nick's pubic hair progression. In terms of slash, Howie & Nick can sometimes be a head-scratching pair, but it's comical moments like that that make me root for their fictional relationship. ;)

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! It's great to read thoughts from someone who is a slash fan. I think Nick has been suppressing some feelings for a long time that he's finally allowing to come out, and that makes him unpredictable.

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/20/17 04:07 am Title: Chapter 59


1. I will never be able to listen to that 1D song without thinking of this story ever again.

2. I'm glad that you're not going to get anymore "graphic" than you did in this chapter. I'm not going to lie; I definitely found myself cringing at a few points. Don't misunderstand - I wasn't cringing at the wording or the writing (both were tasteful and excellently done), I was working through my "I can't believe I'm reading this type of thing" mindset. Haha! This is what happens when the writing is so good; I look past subject matter that would usually turn me off.

3. What is going to happen?! Ugh! My gut tells me that Howie is gonna get hurt. Nick is gonna get freaked out as his feelings get stronger and he's doing to take off. If his feelings for Howie become public knowledge (re: to the group or if Lauren finds out), Nick is gonna revert back to his old ways and stomp all over poor Howie's heart.

4. Hurry and post the next chapter!! I'm not afraid to read it. Well, maybe a little worried, but not totally afraid. LOL

Author's Response: Thanks! Don't worry, I was cringing at a few points writing this chapter. I will post the next chapter sometime today!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/17 04:43 pm Title: Chapter 59

That chapter was great, and I really wanted them to end up in bed together! And I'm not even into slash lol, but this story is so believable and their relationship so genuine and I do love a good love story.

Author's Response: Ah, that's awesome!! I love hearing that. I was afraid this would be the chapter that scared away some of the non-slash people. I don't know that I'll ever write another slash, but now that I'm so invested in this one, I'm enjoying writing it. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/17 04:28 pm Title: Chapter 58

Wow what a kiss, and Nick started it!

Aw, I loved that they watched the sunrise together and splashed around in the water too. Very romantic :)

Author's Response: Thanks! :) I figured Nick needed to make the next move in order for their relationship to go anywhere. It can't keep being Howie. This was a big step for Nick!

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/17 04:08 pm Title: Chapter 56

Thank god it was just a viral infection!

Hmm I wonder if AJ really suspects or it was just a comment to annoy Nick.

Author's Response: That's a good question! I could see him having some suspicions just going back to their hookup on the cruise, but I also think he just likes to annoy Nick. Thanks for all the reviews! :)

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/17 06:57 pm Title: Chapter 58

Oi! You know that I'm totally invested in this story and that I'm not going to stop reading, but that last bit was hard for me to read. Perhaps I will get used to the two of them being together as things progress? I'm not sure at this point. I've told you before that slash is hard for me to "get". You've written it well and the progression of Nick's feelings has been realistic. It's just hard for me to accept!! HAHA No worries on your end though; the problem is mine. :P

All of that being said, I am DYING to find out what will happen when all of the guys get out on tour. Can we please get a terrible reaction from Leighanne just so that she and Brian can have a fight and I can get a good laugh out of it?!

Author's Response: LOL It's okay, I totally get it. I don't think I will ever become a full-time slash writer. I've kind of gotten into it with this particular story, but I'll be honest and say I laugh through the writing of "romantic" scenes like the end of this chapter. I just can't take it seriously. That said, I appreciate you saying the progression of Nick's feelings has been realistic because I was worried about that. I knew he needed to make a move at this point in order to move things forward, but it still felt super awkward writing him doing it. LOL Love your Leighanne suggestion... we'll see! Thanks so much for the review and for sticking with this, even though the last part was hard to read.

Reviewer: dontwantyouback Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/15/17 04:08 am Title: Chapter 58

OMG, a romantic frolic on the beach and a passionate kiss? I can't process the cuteness of this chapter. I wonder what's going through Howie's mind, other than sheer exhilaration.

I can't imagine what Lauren would think if/when she finds out about it. Escándalo. I almost wish Nick could be with both Lauren AND Howie, as weird as that arrangement would be.

Author's Response: Thanks!! :) You will get some of Howie's thoughts in the next chapter. A Nick/Howie/Lauren threesome would be interesting, LOL. I get it, though. I love Nick and Lauren together, but this Nick/Howie stuff has been surprisingly fun to write.

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/13/17 06:54 pm Title: Chapter 57

"Nick was most successful when he stopped trying to be someone else and embraced being a Backstreet Boy." - OMG THIS LINE!! As much as I love Nick, he just needs to come to terms with the fact that he will always be (in terms of his celebrity status) Nick Carter the Backstreet Boy before he will be anything else. It's not such a bad role IMO, but he's definitely tried hard to re-brand himself as someone new; and he's failed every time. That being said, I do feel as though his most recent solo effort has been his best so far. All American is the only solo album of his that I can listen to straight through.

In terms of the story, I am so excited to see what happens when the boys get back together in the professional sense. I have a feeling that it's not going to be as easy as Howie thinks it's going to be. There is definitely going to be some conflict/jealousy on Howie's part once Nick starts interacting with the other guys again. Howie will want all of his attention and he won't get it. Yay for upcoming drama!! :P

Author's Response: I do feel like Nick has embraced being a Backstreet Boy and his role in '90s nostalgia more in the last few years, and I think that goes hand in hand with him getting his life together, finding himself, and reaching a place of self-acceptance. He seems more comfortable in his own skin now than he did in the early to mid-2000s, when he wanted to be a rockstar and then a gangsta and then who knows what. I've enjoyed all of his solo projects, but I like All American the best too. It's interesting reading your predictions on what will happen when the guys get back together, cause that's what I'm writing now (about ten chapters ahead). Thanks so much for the review!