Reviews For Shadow Woods
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Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/02/14 01:38 pm Title: 10

I can totally picture Brian freaking out and pestering Nick to repeat exactly what Casper is telling him. - LOL. I should have realized that Kevin already knows about the ghosts and is just staying quiet about it. Of course he would know ... it IS Kevin after all. He's older and wiser and knows EVERYTHING. :P

In the beginning I thought that Mary-Beth was cute, but now that kid is seriously freaking me out! I'm with Nick, if she had started levitating I would have been out of there in a heartbeat!

AJ's line: "Why are you on the ground?" -- Bahahahah! Classic!

Author's Response: Kevin knows all...all the time! Where have you been? Mary Beth is an odd little kid. I don't remember that line but I'm sure it was hilarious! lmao :OP

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/30/14 01:24 pm Title: 9

I KNEW that the family was going to be real (re: not ghosts). Mary-Beth does not seem at all freaked out that Casper has been taking to her. I like how you paired her nonchalance with Nick's screaming and crying. It's amazing how little kids can be so accepting. I have a feeling that there's more to this seemingly loving family than meets the eye.

Author's Response: I know! I always thought it was creepy hearing stories about kids seeing ghosts all the time but not being scared of them. Even as babies we see them all around us and then we're like "Hey, that's cool.I just pooped in my pants!" There's always more than meets the eye! :O) hehe

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/29/14 01:05 pm Title: 8

I'm really enjoying the idea that Howie might be "possessed". Too funny!! Of all the guys, of course it would happen to Howie! The image of Brian constantly swatting away the ghost was great. It reminded me of another reason why I hate camping ... mosquitoes! Those things are, like, in love with me. :(

Does your fear of Snuggles stem from some deeply suppressed trauma that you suffered as a child?? LOL

Author's Response: I can see Howie having a creepy dark side. I enjoy playing with that when it comes to him lol as far as Snuggles...anything that "cute" & "cuddly" has to have alterior motives.

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/28/14 06:39 pm Title: 7

I had a feeling that it wouldn't take Brian very long to get on board with the whole "Casper is real" bit. I bet that AJ will soon be on team believers and that Howie and Kevin will remain skeptical until the very end. Also, the bit about the Snuggle bear made me LOL. I don't find that happy, cute creature to be anything but loving. If it were to suddenly come alive, I can see it having a wild side (kinda like TED), but not strangling people to death. Too funny!

Author's Response: That Snuggles bear is the devil! That is all... :OP

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/27/14 02:00 pm Title: 6

So was it an earthquake, or was it a whole crap load of ghosts coming out of the ground?? I smiled at the Nick/AJ moment. I can totally see the two of them clutching at each other and screaming like women. Bahahaha! The Alanis Morrisette reference brought me back to my elementary school days. My friends and I used to sit around and blast Jagged Little Pill on the porch in the summer. Clearly, we thought that we were super cool. LOL
P.S. It should be illegal to kiss a polar bear everywhere in the world. Those things will rip your face off if you get too close. :P

Author's Response: I loved Jagged Little Pill! lol Hrmm you'll have to wait and see what those earthquakes are all about. ;-) poor polar bears always getting a bad rap. What's one or two ripped off faces going to matter in the grand scheme if things? lol

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/26/14 07:11 pm Title: 5

I see that you managed to gain some access to Internet because you posted a chapter of your new story and you left me a review for Dodging. I actually didn't think that I would be able to get back on as quickly as I did either. I moved on the weekend and things are a "bit" chaotic at my new place, but we managed to get our cable and Internet hooked up the day after we moved in. I can't find the toaster, but I have access to the Internet .. figures. LOL Anyways, I like the fact that Nick keeps mentioning that he "hates" AJ. In the early days, I can totally see their relationship playing out exactly how it is in this story. I loved the Frick and Frack moment at the end - too sweet of Brian to promise to stay awake until Nick falls asleep.

Author's Response: Oh that is the worst, when you have to wait for cable and internet after a move. It's nice you got it all hooked up so quickly. Toast can wait, but finding out things like it's illegal to kiss a polar bear in Alaska? There's no waiting for that!! My internet should be restored by Friday. Luckily for me, my sister is staying with me so I'm using her as a wifi hotspot. She's leaving tomorrow night though! Boo!! I do think AJ and Nick had a love hate relationship back then but I also have a feeling AJ was and still is kind of protective of Nick. I can see Brian offering to do that for him too back then. At least the guys I have living inside my head. lol

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/14 01:10 pm Title: 4

The line where AJ mentioned that "one beer won't kill him" made my smile and cringe all at the same time. If only he had known what that "one beer" would end up doing to him. I find it hilarious that Kevin was controlling the alcohol in the first place. Really, Kev? You're camping, who the hell cares if the underagers have some fun?? - LOL I have to say that I am team Howie all the way in terms of never wanting to go camping. I've been camping once in my life and I hated every second of it. Who wants to sleep on the ground and not have access to a proper shower? Ugh! So the ghost is warning Nick to run, huh? I wonder who's coming to get him - another ghost, a monster, a psycho killer? So many possibilities!

Author's Response: I have never been camping in my life & don't ever plan on it, unless I can do it via an RV. Those things seem cool lol just letting you know, my Internet at home is down so I won't have access again until Tuesday most likely. Just didn't want you to think I was ignoring your wonderful reviews or reading Dodging the Daylight. Thanks for your comments!!

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/14 01:39 pm Title: 3

I love how the jealousy factor involving AJ, Nick and Brian is playing out in this story. No matter how old the guys get, it seems as though that dynamic will never fade (at least in the fan fiction world). I'm now convinced that Nick is indeed seeing ghosts and that he's going to be the only one who will be able to see them the whole way through. Have they chosen to camp on an Indian burial ground?? I also feel bad for Nick in the sense that he admitted to playing up his issues in the past just to get attention from the other guys. It must have been terrible for him to have to grow up in a family where he was essentially ignored (except for when he had money to give)and taken for granted.

Author's Response: I've always found the dynamic between those three in particular kind of intriguing. I doubt they really did vie for each other's attention but I also wouldn't be incredibly surprised by it. I do believe Nick really does compete for their attention just seeing interviews of him much younger. It does break my heart as well. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/21/14 01:05 pm Title: 2

The last line of this chapter was sufficiently creepy. There's definitely something that Grim is keeping from them, and it's obvious that he hears the wind calling his name too. Now, why is it that only Nick that can hear it? Is he some kind of "chosen one" or something?? I loved all of the little details that you added to this chapter - Nick holding Brian's hand, Howie's hair puffing up into an afro, AJ's sarcasm, and Kevin's "protection mode" - it all really helps to set the scene. I'll be back to read more tomorrow!

Author's Response: Thanks! I sometimes went a bit too stereotypical with their personalities. I'm glad you are enjoying the subtle things. And hrmmm... Grimm is kind of creepy, isn't he? You'll have to wait and see when it comes to Nick & hearing the wind. May e he isn't the only one? Hrmm... lol thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: KeepThisSecret Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/14 07:10 pm Title: 1

Okay, I am getting started on this challenge a little early because life is about to get crazy for me (moving, etc.) and I don't want to fall behind. I love that Nick is the narrator. I thoroughly enjoy his POV simply because of his internal dialogue and random thoughts. It did take me a moment to wrap my brain around the fact that this story takes place when the guys are much younger and the group dynamic / interaction between the boys is not as "mature" as it is today. I seriously hope that there's going to be some quality Frick and Frack moments in this story ... it seems as though there might be. :) On a somewhat unrelated note, I was gagging at my desk when Nick was talking about s'mores at the beginning of the chapter. Marshmallows are the most disgusting creation ever. Period. LOL

Author's Response: Oh, good luck with your move! I hate moving more than anything else lol I'm not really a big fan of marshmallows either but I don't hate them quite as much as you do. This story does take place awhile ago. It was written a long time ago as well. I enjoy writing them young because it's easier to have it as just the five of them without having to come up with reasons their loved ones are noticeably absent. There is a fair share of Frick & Frack love in this one lol to make up for the new one lol

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/13 11:42 am Title: Chapter 25

*claps* this was another really amazing story. There were a couple moments while reading where I sat thinking "What the hell is going on??" but curiosity kept me reading. I really enjoyed the humor sprinkled throughout the chapters, like Kevin and the mute button, a gopher dressed like Elvis or Howie snoring like a penguin. I really enjoyed this story Mare and I am sad it's over :(O

Author's Response:

Thanks, Tracy! This story is kind of meant to keep you ads confused as Nick. I wrote it that way but I know that can sometimes detract people who don't know my demented personality! Luckily you do! LOL I'm glad you enjyed this one! It's one of my favorites! Like I tweeted you, I think you've read most of the good ones now but not positive. I think you've read all the suspense ones not sure about Thirteenth Step though. If you were looking for another me read, and haven't read that one, I'd say that would be a good choice.

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/13 11:29 am Title: Chapter 24

I laughed when Nick calked Grim Rain Man. Him mocking the Grim Reaper is pretty epic in its own twisted way LOL

Author's Response:

LMAO I was trying to borrow from Bill and Ted's Excelent Adventure where they hang out with Death for a while!

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/13 11:15 am Title: 23

Wow this was a deep chapter....I really like what Grim and Nick were talking about, what it is like for people to cross over when they pass away, and that Nick needs to stop being so negative. I'm kinda sad IM almost done, I am really enjoying this story!

Author's Response:

Thanks! I enjoyed writing their little conversation about life and death.

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/13 11:02 am Title: 22

Whoa! That was a lot to take in and I am glad Nick realizes he doesn't belong in this dream he's having. This is so interesting and I love the imagery you're using, like if he went with Brian, it was like going into the light.

Author's Response:

Yup, well if he stayed with Brian he would have just ended up as a ghost in the woods i.e. purgatory.

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/30/13 10:43 am Title: 21

Okay now that I'm back to this were totally right sbout the mean cliffies on this story LOL.

Author's Response:

Yup! LOL this one was probably one of the meanest cliffies I had ever written!