Goodbye Time by Carter
Summary: If being free is worth what you leave behind and if its too late for love to change your mind then its goodbye time....this was the case for Brian and his wife...but will their love change her mind or will she be gone forever?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 611 Read: 322 Published: 02/09/06 Updated: 02/09/06
Goodbye Time by Carter
Its your life, you say you need a change
Don’t all the dreams we’ve seen
Come true mean anything
You say its different now
And you keep staring at the door

Brian sat in his chair across from his wife. Her bags were packed and she was getting ready to leave. They have been married for over five years and now it was coming to an end. He didn’t exactly know what went wrong in their marriage but something did.

”Are you sure you want to leave? I mean we have been married for five years” Brian spoke.

”Yes I am sure…its for the best. Its different now nothing is the same. We have seem to have grown apart. Why should we stay together if all we do is fight?” she replied.

”Yes I realize this Leighanne but what about our son? You are just going to take him and never let me see him?”

”I never said that. You are free to see him whenever you please he is your son too. But this marriage is falling apart. And I just keep staring at the door wondering when I am just going to say the hell with it and leave. And last night’s argument over how to discipline Baylee pushed me over the edge. This is not a good environment for him” Leighanne said as she finished putting on Baylee’s shoes.

If being free is worth what you leave behind
And if its too late for love
To change you mind
Then its good-bye time

”Fine if being free is what you want then free is what you have. I guess our love has died and nothing seems to be changing your mind. So let’s say good-bye now so it wont hurt so much for me later on” Brian got up from his chair and walked over to his son and picked him up,” Daddy will come and see you soon I promise. I love you” Baylee wrapped his arms tightly around his father’s neck and gave him a hug.

”Ok daddy I love you too” Brian felt a single tear roll down his face. He quickly whipped it and let Baylee down and started helping Leighanne with the suitcases and taking them out to the car.

If we had known
Our love would come to this
We could have saved our hearts the hurt
Of wasted years
Well its been fun
What else can I say?
If the feelings gone
Words wont stop you anyway

Leighanne and Baylee were buckled up in the car.

”Too bad we didn’t know this was going to happen sooner. We could have saved our hearts the hurt. Cause its going to be lonely without you and Baylee here anymore”

“I know I’m sorry Brian. I wished we would have known too. But you’ll know where I’ll be if you ever need me” Leighanne started up the car.
“You know I’ll always love you” Leighanne put the car in reverse and started to back up out of the driveway. This was finally it. She was leaving he didn’t know if he was prepared for the pain that was going to come his way. He just lost his wife and his son all in the same day. But now its just time to wave and say good-bye and hope maybe one day they’ll come back.

Song Credit "Good-bye Time" By: Blake Shelton Album?

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