Halfway There by blockstreetgirl, BiLittrell

People come and go... but friendships last forever, even through the most screwed up circumstances.
Not your TYPICAL best friend story.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 64254 Read: 28617 Published: 12/21/14 Updated: 12/28/14

1. Prologue - Hello by blockstreetgirl

2. Chapter 1 - Fuck, Fuck, Fuck by blockstreetgirl

3. Chapter 2 - Secrets by blockstreetgirl

4. Chapter 3 - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by blockstreetgirl

5. Chapter 4 - Happy New Year? by blockstreetgirl

6. Chapter 5 - Do what? by blockstreetgirl

7. Chapter 6 - First Date by blockstreetgirl

8. Chapter 7 - Second times the charm? by blockstreetgirl

9. Chapter 8 - Stupid is as stupid does by blockstreetgirl

10. Chapter 9 - Claimed by the Carter by blockstreetgirl

11. Chapter 10 - Happy Birthday by blockstreetgirl

12. Chapter 11 - Relationships by blockstreetgirl

13. Chapter 12 - Together Again by blockstreetgirl

14. Chapter 13 - Paris by blockstreetgirl

15. Chapter 14 - True Colors by blockstreetgirl

16. Chapter 15 - Home Sweet Home by blockstreetgirl

17. Chapter 16 - The Truth by blockstreetgirl

Prologue - Hello by blockstreetgirl

March 1, 1993
Orlando, Florida

Eight kids all sat in a room alone with no adults. They were all about the same age, two or three may have been a little older than the others. They were all cute, with big smiles and dressed nice, but different.

They all wanted to be famous.

Then walked in a girl, tall, with wavy auburn looking hair and a guitar case. She took the only available seat between a blonde boy and another blonde girl.

"Hey ya'll, I'm Scarlett," she said as everybody in the quiet room looked at them.

"Nick," the boy said, reaching over to shake her hand quickly. "I'm from Tampa."

"I'm from Clearwater," the blonde girl on the opposite side of Scarlett said. "I'm Piper."

"I'm from Tennessee, but we moved to Orlando a few years ago," Scarlett said.

"Do you play the guitar?" Nick asked as Scarlett nodded. "I play the drums. We should get out of here and go start a band. I can sing. I sing really good."

"I don't play any instruments," Piper said. "But I can act. I love to act."

But the room went quiet when a lady walked out with a clipboard. "Hi kids," she said as everybody looked at her. "We're going to be calling you back one by one to audition with your parents back here. Piper Marsh, you're first."

"Wish me luck," Piper said as Nick and Scarlett wished her good luck and watched her walk back with the lady and the door closed.

"I'm nervous," Nick said as Scarlett looked at him. "If we don't make it, do you want to start our own band? I come to Orlando all the time."

"Sure!" Scarlett said, reaching into her guitar case to find a little notepad and pencil. "Here's my phone number at my house, so if my parents answer, just tell them you're one of my classmates."

"You're the first girl to ever give me her number," Nick said as Scarlett giggled slightly. "That's what they say on TV anyway."

"Scarlett Jackson," another woman said standing at the door.

"Promise you'll call me about being in a band," Scarlett said as Nick nodded and wished her good luck. She held her guitar case and walked down the hallway until she saw a room where Piper was jumping up and down.

She must have made it.

The lady led her into the same room and Scarlett saw her parents sitting off to the side.

"Scarlett, you made it," the lady said as Scarlett looked at her. "Welcome to the Mickey Mouse Club."

"Oh my God, you made it too!" Piper squealed as she rushed over to Scarlett, hugging her. "We can be best friends forever now even though we just met, but we can! I don't have a best friend."

"Me either!" Scarlett smiled.

Chapter 1 - Fuck, Fuck, Fuck by blockstreetgirl

October 3rd, 2009


"Fuck... fuck fuck fuck!" The door slammed behind me, and I didn't even bother to make sure it was shut properly as I flew down the steps outside my three bedroom house and towards my car.

I was late, and literally waiting for the phone call that would hound my ass.

I was in my car no longer than 2 minutes when my cell buzzed from the passenger seat. I merely missed hitting a parked car down the street as I leaned across and grabbed my phone. I hit answer, putting the call on speakerphone. "Yes, yea I know I'm late..."

"Piper, you should of been here over half hour ago!"

I sighed, hearing my managers pissed off voice. "I'm sorry, I'm on my way..."

"Don't bother, Piper. They left."

"What?" I slowed the car down before swinging it behind a parked car, cutting the engine. "What do you mean they left?"

The sigh that came out of my phone made me bite my lip. "You were late. I pulled strings for this. They weren't impressed. I'm not impressed... I've got to go. Call me when you figure shit out, Piper."

The call ended, making me toss the phone in the seat beside me before leaning my head on the steering wheel. "You stupid stupid girl..." I knocked my head on the wheel a few times before sitting back up. Was it so bad I missed an audition? I'd just got down with a long time recurring TV role, and really? Did I want to commit to something like that again? No, not really. Not when I was doing so well in movies.

So maybe waking up late had been a blessing.

I took a deep breath, picking my phone back up and dialling one of two numbers that I had memorized, despite it being saved in my phone."


"So, how do you feel about New York City? I hear its great this time of year...."





"New York City? Why?"

"Just ‘cause..."

"I was going there tonight anyway... I was going to fly... I have to do some work with..."

"Don't leave ‘til I get there and don't book a flight yet. We can drive. I'll rent a car. Text me where to meet you. Byyyyyyyyyyyyye."

The call ended and I looked at my phone before slipping it into the back pocket of my jeans. I walked off the tour bus and started heading into the venue where I was opening up for another big act. I could easily have my own tour, but I didn't want it. I liked what I was doing.

"Scarlett, can I have your autograph?" I heard a dark-haired girl ask over by the door to the venue as I walked up to it.

"Sure, what's your name?" I asked, taking her CD from her.

"Piper," she said as I snorted. "I know that's your best friend's name. I love her! She's the only other person I know that's named Piper."

"Here you go," I said, before thanking her and heading into the venue. I sighed. I could probably be like Piper or Britney or Ryan Gosling or anybody else that was on the Mickey Mouse Club with us, but I just didn't want to be that famous. I kind of liked the more behind the scenes stuff, like producing and writing. Every once in a while I would do this - open up some shows for people that has recorded my stuff or even do my own shows around L.A. or Nashville and maybe something other places.

I felt my butt vibrate and sighed, pulling out my cell phone to see a text.

Still coming tonight? I've got studio time booked for tomorrow night after everything I have to do. Got you a hotel room next to mine.

I sighed. Sometimes I felt like everything I wanted to do came after everybody else's, but that's how it had always been with me.

Might get there later... looks like I'm driving from Philly. I'll let you know.

I opened up another next, texting Piper back.

I'm at the Hard Rock in Philly. My set should be over by 8:30 if you get there by then. Let me know. I'll get my bus driver to stay here until you get here. Cancelling my flight so you best show up or I'll kick your ass.

I put my phone on silent and put it back in my pocket as I made my way up to the stage.

I had no idea why Piper wanted to go to New York City, but I had one guess.





Scarlett was going to kick my ass.

My flight had been delayed, and then the car hire place lost my reservation, but that was quickly resolved when one of the guys behind the counter recognised me. Suddenly there was a car waiting, and after signing a few autographs I was speeding my way towards the venue Scarlett was playing at.

I knew for sure that she would kick my ass when I arrived, and saw the fact the concert had long ago finished. There was a truck out back, packing away the stage, and only one bus left in the parking lot. I parked up beside it and climbed out as the bus door opened.

"You... are late."

I smiled, walking up the steps and grabbing Scarlett into a hug. "I missed you!" I hugged her tightly, and despite her telling me to let her go, she hugged me back.

"Fine, I missed you too."

I chuckled, standing back and holding my arms out as Scarlett threw her holdall bag at me. "Sorry I'm late. Flight delays." I walked over to the car and opened the trunk as she hauled her guitar case down the bus steps.

"Lucky for you I was tracking your flight."

I smiled, helping her put the case in the car before shutting the trunk. "So, does he know?"

"He knows I'm coming." Scarlett smiled. "You're driving."

I snorted, walking around the car and climbing inside. "I'd already anticipated that. You can control the music, and tell me about this tour."

I waited for Scarlett to get in the car before starting the car and pulling out the back of the arena. We filled the car with chatter for the first hour of the drive, sharing stories of what we'd been up to in the past few weeks. I missed being around Scarlett. She kept me sane.

"So, why the sudden trip to New York? Didn't you have an audition today?"

"Hmm..." I tapped on the steering wheel as we hit traffic. "...I missed it."

"What? Piper..."

I looked at her and smiled. "Don't Piper me. How many times have you bailed out of meeting producers and managers because it ‘didn't feel right?' It didn't feel right for me, either."

"Yea right." Scarlett chuckled. "You totally overslept."

"Whatever. Anyone would think you weren't happy I'm here..." I pouted for a moment before glancing at Scarlett, sending us both into giggles.

"No, I'm glad you're here. And Nick will be too..."

I rolled my eyes, and focused on the road as the traffic slowly eased us into the city,

I loved New York. I can still remember the same time I visited the city, and funnily enough it was me and Scarlett, and Scarlett's parents in tow, to go see our friend with his new band and my first auditions outside of the Mickey Mouse Club. I smiled to myself before turning to Scarlett. "What hotel?"

"Oh shit... he told me!" She dug through her purse for her cell phone as I stopped behind a yellow taxi cab. A part of me still wanted to move to New York, and actually, had I gone to my audition and got the part I probably would of been living here. It just wasn't the right time yet.

"He's at the Hilton... 6th Avenue..."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course he is..."

It didn't take us long to get there. Someone met us outside, and after taking our bags from the back they took the car, leaving us to walk inside. It was quiet, and after we let the bellboy know we already had our room details, we were in an elevator to the 8th floor.

"I'm tired."

I glanced at Scarlett, who did indeed look tired. "You look like shit."

"Thanks." She muttered, cracking a grin before glancing up as the elevator pinged.

"How do I look?" I brushed my hair off my face, and gave her an expectant look, but she just laughed.

"Like you care how you look. Come on, lets find Nick so we can get our room key and go to bed."

I smirked, grabbing our bags. "Well, you can go to bed..." I could almost hear Scarlett's eyes rolling in her head as she lead us down the hall, stopping infront of a suite door and knocking. It seemed like forever for the door to open, and when it did Nick was there, half asleep and in his underpants.

"Wow, what a welcome..." I snorted as he looked from Scarlett, to me, and back to Scarlett.

"You didn't tell me Piper was coming." He pushed the door wider, inviting us in. Scarlett never replied, but I made sure to jab him in the side as I walked past him, making him yelp in surprise. He turned the light on, and walked back over to the bed, which was clearly very slept in.

"Room key. I'm tired."

I laughed, sitting on the edge of Nick's bed as he rooted through his wallet. "Scar, sit down. We haven't been together in foreverrrrr."

"Uh, I was sleeping..."

"So?" I gave Nick a look before moving up his bed and rearranging his pillow so I could lean back. "You two are getting so old, sleeping before midnight..."

"It's 2 a,m,, and we both had shows tonight..."

I ignored Scarlett. "I missed ussss!"

Nick handed Scarlett the room key before smiling. "Well... it is a perfect time to, ya know.... have a threesome." He wiggled his eyebrows, making both me and Scarlett groan.

Such a dude.





"You're never going to get that threesome, Nick, give it up," I said as he pouted. "What time are we meeting up tomorrow so I can know when to be ready?"

"We have shows all in the morning, then filming the Late Show around five and after that, I have the studio time booked, so...." Nick said, looking over at Piper who looked bored. "So I'll meet you here about seven or earlier and we can all grab something to eat."

"Why are you guys going into a studio?" Piper asked. "You're releasing a new album tomorrow... well today..."

"Solo album, just starting to really get it going," he said. "Scarlett is helping me again. We wrote a song the last time we hung out."

"When was this?" Piper asked, sitting up.

"About three weeks ago... when he was home and you were shooting for like 48 hours straight," I said, before looking at Nick again. "Okay, I'll make sure I'm ready. I might go down to meet with the New York offices around lunch."

"You two and your music stuff," Piper said as Nick held up his hand, dismissing her.

"Sweet, I'll text you when I leave Letterman, now go get some sleep," Nick said, before walking over to give me a hug. "I'll take care of this one."

"Yeah, I bet," I muttered, walking out of his suite and shutting the door behind me. I looked to see that the suite he had booked was next to his and I walked over, carrying my bags and my guitar case with me and stuck the key card in the lock. I opened the door and walked in, tossing my bag with my clothes on the bed, kicked off my shoes and climbed on it, cuddling up next to the pillow.

I kind of hated New York City. For some reason I wasn't big on it. I never had been and I probably never will be. It's just way too busy. I loved L.A. and Nashville and almost every other city, so only for Nick would I come to New York City. Nick and Piper would be the only reasons I would come here.

Nick was like my musical BFF where as Piper was just my BFF. After we met at our Disney auditions as kids, we exchanged addresses and became pen pals until the internet came along and cell phones and text came about. Nick didn't make the Mickey Mouse Club... he was offered a role, but decided to join a boy band instead. It worked for him, and it launched Piper and I into our own careers.

So coming to New York City for Nick to help him on his second solo album wasn't a big deal. I'd do anything for him, probably more than I should.







I looked at Nick, who was laying on his front on the bed staring at me. "You cut your hair."

Nick looked up, almost as if his eyes could look up through the top of his head to his hair. "Yea... it's actually grown back a little now."

"It looks stupid."

He laughed. "Wow, say what you feel, Piper."

"Ok, I will." I moved, laying on my front next to him. "I missed you. I didn't realize you and Scar were meeting up so much. I miss the three of us together."

Nick bumped his shoulder into mine. "I'm always here, Piper."

I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed. "You know what I mean..."

"I'm always here." He repeated, making me look at him. "We live like what... ten minutes away from each other. I was in LA all summer recording..."

"No you weren't. You were in Nashville too. And anyways, I was busy..."

He laughed. "Oh I see, only needed when it's convenient to you."

"Pretty much." I rolled onto my back and sighed. "How many hours until you have to be awake?"

He leaned over me, grabbing at the alarm clock. "Like...2. Why?" He moved back to how he was, but kept an arm around my waist, making me smile.

"Well... I'm not exactly tired. And..." Before I could finish talking Nick's lips were on mine, kissing me hungrily. I moaned softly, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

I guess its probably the biggest celebrity secret ever that me and Nick have been hooking up regularly since the early 2000's. It was a secret to Scarlett, I think. If it wasn't, she'd never spoken of it.

"Is this why you missed me?" Nick muttered, his hands pushing up my tank top as I awkwardly shrugged off my jacket.

"Shut up!" I pushed him back on the bed, making him laugh as I pulled off my jacket and tank top before straddling his waist. I leaned down to kiss him and laughed as he reached down to undo my jeans. He had me on top of him for all of a minute before he rolled us over, and hurriedly undid my jeans whilst we kissed each other with urgency. It wasn't long before I was naked, and he had one of my legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed himself inside me.

"Oh fuck..." He grunted, resting his forehead against mine as he filled me. We held eye contact for a brief moment before he moved himself, making me close my eyes and lose myself in the feel of him.

My hands were everywhere, on his back, his shoulders, his ass, and in his short as fuck hair that I decided I hated. I knew this wasn't going to last long, and at the same time I wasn't ready for it to be over. I daren't tell him that the last time I'd had sex was with him several months before, when we'd met up one night after I'd done shooting, and yea... after several hours of talking, laughing and reminiscing we'd gone to bed.

It was just something we'd come accustomed to doing.

The air was hot in the room as I moaned, feeling the signs of my orgasm slowly building up. Nick was moving in me at a steady rhythm and awkwardly kissing me. "Fuck... Nick stop with the sloppy kisses and just fuck me..."

He laughed, nuzzling his nose into mine before gripping my hip in his hand and thrusted into me hard and fast. I literally cried out his name as my orgasm hit, and gripped at his ass. Nick came, and collapsed on top of me, breathing hard.

We stayed like that until the room was quiet. Nick was drawing circles on my arm as I laid there arms spread trying desperately to get some cool air.

"You are so lucky, you know."

"Why?" Nick lifted his head to look at me.

"That I'm on the pill... can you imagine the amount of babies we'd have with the amount of times you forget to cover him up."

Nick shuddered, and rolled off me. "Yea, I really need to remember to do that."

"I hope you do when you're with the skanks." I sat up, finding my tank top and pulling it back on.

"I do, and they are fans, not skanks..."

I poked my tongue out as him as I pulled my jeans back on. "So... will I get to hang with you tomorrow?"

Nick nodded, climbing under the covers on his bed. "You betcha."

I smiled, leaning down on the bed and kissing him quickly on the lips. "Thanks..."

"Thanking me for sex, how classy..."

I swatted him, and grabbed my jacket. "Did you keep a key for me?"

"On the dresser. Turn the light out when you leave will you..."

I chuckled, watching him pull the covers tightly over him as I grabbed the key. "Sure thing, your highness."

His hand flew out the covers, flipping me off as I left the room, making sure the light was off, and left his suite.

I quietly let myself in mine and Scarlett's suite, and was surprised to see her sat on the couch, her guitar sat on her lap and her laptop open on the table. "You're still up..."

She nodded, tucking the guitar pick between the strings of her guitar before setting it down. "Yea, I think I'm over tired." I walked over and sat on the couch beside her. "Have fun with Nick?"

I looked at her. "I got some benedryl if you can't sleep. And yes, it was fun..." I grinned, making her shake her head.

"I think I'll try sleep now. Go shower, you smell.."

Scarlett left me sniffing myself as she picked up her guitar and left the room and into the room she'd chosen to sleep in. Her laptop was open, but I respected her privacy enough to not read what song she'd been writing, so I shut the lid down before walking into the bathroom.


Chapter 2 - Secrets by blockstreetgirl

October 4, 2009


I sat in a chair in the studio that evening, waiting for Nick to get off the phone. He was walking back and forth in the recording room and I could probably easily just hit a button and listen to what he was saying, but with my luck it was probably something I didn't want to hear.

Nick was fully starting work on his second solo album and wanted me to help him on it. I had helped him on a few songs on his first solo album when we were younger, but since then, we'd both learned a lot more about everything. Plus, it was kind of nice to have some time alone with him without Piper around. It seemed like we didn't get much done with her around in the studio and that wasn't her fault, but she just didn't get the music side of stuff even though she had a good voice herself.

I jumped a little, seeing Nick throw his cell phone against the wall in the recording room and started making his way back to the mixing room where I was.

"Remind me tomorrow to go and get a new fucking phone," he hissed as he flounced down in the chair. "My whole mood is fucked now." I just sat there, not saying anything. "Why can't my family be normal like yours or Piper's?"

"Mine's not that normal, Nick, you know that," I said as he made a face. "Just forget about them and let's work before Piper gets here and distracts us."

"You got all of the lyrics we wrote?"

"Yeah, they're on my laptop there," I said as I watched Nick grab my laptop out of my bag and sat it in his lap before opening the lid. "I went to go put in the music into the system that Nick had already done himself when he cleared his throat. "What?"

"What's this?" he asked, turning the laptop around to show lyrics I made been playing with the night before. "Is this something new because I don't think I could sing this..."

"Ugh, give it here," I said, leaning over to take my laptop from him.

"He looks around the room... innocently overlooks the truth," Nick said, reciting the lyrics. "Shouldn't a light go on? Doesn't he know that I've had him memorized for so long?"

"Give it here!"

"He sees everything black and white, never let nobody see him cry, I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine."

"Give it here," I hissed, snatching my laptop out of his hands. "Jesus, I left it up last night or something. That's not what you're recording tonight."

"Or people I would think I was gay," he chuckled. "Who's the guy?" I ignored him and went to go find the lyrics that we had written. "Come on, who is it? Do I know him?"

"Here's the lyrics," I said, turning the laptop around to face him. "These are the lyrics you should be thinking about."

"But I want to know who you're crushing on..." he begged, almost looking like a little kid who wanted to know a secret. "Is it that guy you opened up for on this tour? That country guy?"

"It's just a song! Now let's work before Piper gets here," I hissed as he rolled his eyes and started to take the laptop into the recording room.

"I'll find out your secrets," he muttered, walking into the room and sitting the laptop down on a stool in front of him. "Usually you tell me everything and now you're all keeping a secret."

"I can hear you!"

"I hope you can!" he hissed back. "You like somebody and won't tell me!"

"Do we want to start talking about the things that you haven't really told me but I know anyway?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. Nick shook his head. "Fine, okay, now let's work."


I watched Nick put on the earphones and I started the music that he had already came up with for the song. It wasn't my type of music. It was really dance oriented and I didn't know anything about that type of music, except to maybe write for it. But here I was, a country singer and songwriter, working with a guy from a boy band on his second solo album all because I'm not strong enough to say no.





"...Piper you really shouldn't just up and travel across the country without telling anyone..."

I rolled my eyes. "Mom, I'm not 12. And I didn't not tell anyone."

"Telling Scarlett doesn't count. What if something happened and we never knew? Why are you in New York anyways?"

"Nick's here. Scarlett's working with him in the studio.""

"And what are you doing? How did that audition go?"

I stared up at the ceiling in my room. "I didn't get the part. I'm going to go shopping, then meet them at the studio. Want me to call you at every store I go in so you know where I am at all times?"


"Mom, I love you. I gotta go." I cut the call before she could answer and slid my phone into my pocket before sitting up. After sleeping till noon, and finding a note from Scarlett telling me to meet them at the studio I'd called room service and eaten, showered, and was now bored.

Shopping was something that I loved, though. Not that I ever really brought stuff for myself. No, I was always treating everyone else. Scarletts Guitar? From me. Most of Nick's clothes? Me again. I was awful for buying for others, but I didn't need anything. I had all I needed.

Still, I found myself walking in different stores, eyeing stuff up. I picked up a charm for Scarlett's charm bracelet in Bloomingdales, and picked up some make up from Macys for myself and a tshirt for Nick before hailing a taxi and heading to the studio.

It was no secret I found the whole recording process boring. Sure, I loved music, but watching it be made? No so much. Still, I never turned down a chance to hang with them in the studio. It was rare we all ever got a chance to be together at the same time, so why would I pass that down.

"Hey Josh!!" I high fived Nick's bodyguard, who was pretty much his shadow wherever he went when the boys were working, so it was no surprise he was outside having a smoke when I arrived.

"Piper Marsh! Long time no see!"

I smiled at him, placing my bags on the floor beside my feet. "I know! How's things?"

He nodded, "Great! What about you? Saw Big Bob last weekend, he said he hadn't seen you for a while."

I pulled a face. Big Bob had been my guard for a while there when BSB weren't working, but I always got creepy vibes from him, so casually let him go. "Yea... I've not really needed one lately. They still making magic in there?"

Josh flicked his smoke away before leaning down and taking my bags. "As always. I think I know one song by heart now. Sounds good though,"

I smiled with pride, knowing without a doubt that it would never sound bad. Between the two of them, Nick and Scarlett were musical geniuses.

We walked into the studio to see the pair of them bent over Scarlett's laptop and talking loudly. Josh sat my bags down by a chair, so I threw myself down into it and watched them as they discussed lyrics and came up with more. It was interesting to watch, and I found I'd been sat in the room for around twenty minutes before they even noticed I was there.

"PIPER!" Nick walked over and grabbed my arm, pulling me up. "You HAVE to hear this song we just did!"

He dragged me over to where Scarlett was, and made me sit down before he walked over to this desk full of buttons and started pressing some. Scarlett was midway to cussing him off for "button stabbing" when music started playing.

Nick started nodding his head to the beat straight away, but I ignored him once he started singing.

I'm waking up, you're going to sleep
And I wonder are you thinking of me
I'm getting ready for another day without you
And you're just starting to dream

It's hard to let it go
To make it through the day
It's hard to hold on
When were both so far away
Maybe we should just move on
And get on with our lives
But how can we survive

Nick was looking at me as the song hit the chorus, so I hid my face, knowing he wanted an opinion.

When our hearts are so connected
That we'll die when you take them apart
And when one half of me is missing
If I can't hold you here my arms
Can we overcome the distance
Make it through in time
Can our love raise the waters
Overcome the great, the great divide, divide, divide

I'm soaking up the sun, you're underneath the moon
And I wish that I could share it with you
You live your life and I'm living mine
Somehow we've got to find a way to get through

The song faded off, making Nick move my hands off my face.


"Well..." I looked between the two and smiled. "... that was freaking awesome!"

"YES!" Nick fist pumped the air before smiling at us. "So, I was thinking I could do this breathy talking at the end, like... you said you'd wait for me... or something, what do you think?"

I laughed, whilst Scarlett told him to try it and see. Nick was a great singer, but he'd never get taken seriously if he started talking in his songs. They threw some ideas back and forth for a few minutes before Nick spotted my shopping bags.

"Oooh, get anything nice?" Nick walked over to them, so I turned to Scarlett.

"Mom called."

"Oh, damn."

I nodded. "She demanded to know why I was in New York."

"How the hell did she know?" Scarlett shut her laptop lid before turning to face me properly.

"Apparently we were papped coming into the hotel. I swear, she's so far up my ass it's a wonder I can shit."

Scarlett pulled a face. "Wow, nice Piper."


We turned to Nick to see him holding up the t-shirt I'd gotten him. I shook my head and smiled.

"No, it's for my boyfriend."

Nick lowered the t-shirt. "You have a boyfriend? But..."

I slowly smiled, before chuckling. "No, but you're reaction. Yes, its for you, dufus."

He laughed and proceeded to change into the new t-shirt whilst I got up and grabbed the bag for Scarlett. She gave me a little warning glance as I handed it to her, and smiled as she opened it.





"What's this?" I asked, opening the little box and pulling out a little velvet bag. "Are you proposing?"

"Lesbian lovers, I knew it!" Nick cackled as I reached over and hit him in the arm. "Still wanna know who your song is about." I emptied the little bag in my hand to see a BFF half a heart charm for my charm bracelet I always wore except for when I was playing my guitar.

"I love it! You didn't have to get me anything," I said, moving over to hug her. "Much better than an old t-shirt."

"I like my t-shirt," Nick mumbled.

"What song are you talking about?" Piper asked as Nick started to grin.

"I do believe that someone is an admirer of Ms. Jackson if you're nasty..." Nick said, his voice trailing off.

"Oh really?" Piper asked as I shook my head.

"It's a song...we write everything about songs, even make up things, I mean, Nick, not like you're sleeping on the other side of the world opposite of someone you're in love with, now are you?" I asked as he shook his head. "See, it's all fake."

"Maybe your parents are right when they think you're gay..."

"Just because I'm not out fucking every Tom, Dick and Harry, does not mean that I'm gay. I'm just... selective," I said as I thanked Piper for the charm again. "Now can we get back to the music?"

"I gotta go piss, be right back," Nick hissed, putting his t-shirt down and walking out of the room. I rolled my eyes and stuck the little box in my purse before looking back at Piper.


"You know..."

"Doesn't matter, does it? If it helps me write good songs, then whatever. Not like I want to get married, have kids, the whole picket-fence thing, now do I?" I shrugged. "Besides... I'm thinking about doing my own album again. So... I need all the inspiration I can get."

"You haven't put out an album since like... 2007...."

"I know, but, the tour got to me a little, plus if I go on tour, maybe it'll give you and Nick more time alone when he's back from this next tour..." I said as she shook her head. "What?"

Just as she was about to say something, Nick come walking back into the room, just zipping his pants up.

"What we talking about?" Nick asked, rubbing his hands together. "Who's this love interest?"

"Oh shut the fuck up and get back to work," Piper said as I cracked a smile and Nick just made a face.





Studio time ended quite late, so we ended up ordering pizza to Nick's room in the hotel and chilling out. It was a nice evening, just laughing and talking about everything other than work.

Although one thing was on my mind, and that was Scarlett bringing up me and Nick. Sure, it was a silent subject. She thought Nick had no idea she knew, but he knew. We just never spoke about it until, well, until Scarlett brought it up tonight. I wondered what her deal was with that, but forgot about that initially as we laughed until Nick fell asleep on his bed.

"Lets go back to our room." I threw Nick's covers over him and looked over at Scarlett, who had already gathered our things. We left Nick's room quietly and let ourselves in ours before walking into Scarletts room. I sat on her bed as she put her guitar case down and busied sorting out her case.


She looked up at me and smiled. "Yea?"

"Can we talk?"

She nodded, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me. "Everything ok?"

I felt nervous all of a sudden. "What you said earlier, in the studio..."

"About you and Nick?"

I nodded, "Yea, what did you mean by that?"

Scarlett looped her arm with mine. "Piper, I know what you and Nick get up to, I'm not stupid."

"I never said you was." I whispered. "Just... what did you mean by me and Nick having, like, time together?"

She was quiet a while, almost like she didn't want to say anything. But then she squeezed my arm. "Well, you and Nick are... together, right?"

I smiled. "Dude, no..."


"No." I smiled at her. "We hook up every now and then. It's nothing serious. He's still my best friend, and so are you. You thought that me and Nick were hiding something from you? Like a relationship?"

Scarlett shrugged, making me hug her.

"You're my best friend, Scar. I'd never keep anything from you. Ok, so I never spoke about that, but... you knew. I knew you knew. Does it annoy you? Or..." I trailed off as she shook her head.

"No, what you and Nick do is up to you. I don't mind."

I studied her face a moment before hugging her. "You sure?"

"Uh huh."

I felt her hug me back, so I squeezed her before pulling back. "So, Nick's flying to LA tomorrow. Want to go see a show or something?"





"A show, like a broadway show?" I asked as she nodded. "New Kids on the Block are in town tomorrow, too. We could always go see them."

"No, let's do something totally away from all things Nick related, and that's a boy band, so it's Nick related. Let's go see a Broadway show or the Opera! We can get dressed up and go to the Opera!" Piper said as I stared at her. "You love getting all fancy and dressed up. Let's do that."

"But it's New Kids..."

"They'll be loving us forever, they aren't going anywhere..."

"I see what you did there," I said as she snickered. "Okay, we can do the Opera. I want a new dress. But we said we'd go see them when they came back last year and we still haven't..."

"I don't feel like going and being mobbed at a concert," Piper said as I nodded slowly. "You sure you're okay though, right?"


"Who was the song about that Nick found?" she asked as I stood up from the bed and started to walk out of the room. "I know you, Scarlett! You don't make up shit when you write."

"I make it up all the time! It's nothing!" I shouted as I walked into my room in the suite.

"Like you're making up your excuse right now?" she asked, walking into my doorway and leaned against it.

"Yep, you know me, I'm gay," I said as she rolled her eyes. "Or I have no heart and I'm an ice queen."

"You'd tell me, right? If there was someone?" Piper asked as I nodded. "Okay, then."

"Okay, I'm heading to bed," I said as she nodded and started to walk away. I walked over and shut my bedroom door, locking the doorknob and leaned up against it knowing I was lying my ass off.


Chapter 3 - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by blockstreetgirl

[Flashback - December 21, 1993]


"Scarlett!" Piper yelled, walking into the dressing room at the Disney Studios that they shared together. "Justin's being an asshole again!"

"You better not cuss and let them hear you, Piper," Scarlett said, trying to crimp her hair in the mirror. "Britney's mad I'm crimping my hair, but I don't care."

"I can't wait until we're rich and grown and famous and don't have to listen to our parents anymore," Piper said, sitting in the chair next to Scarlett. "We can be married and live next door to one another."

"Who are you marrying?"

"I don't know, someone cute and hot and we can make movies together," Piper smiled, twirling her long blonde hair around her finger. "What about you?"

"I don't know, I'm almost 14, I'm too young to get married and so are you," Scarlett sighed. "I just know I can't wait until I'm 18 and can move out on my own. I guess I just have to wait on you to get 18."

"What's that?" Piper asked, pulling out an envelope from Scarlett's notebook. "Oh, is this from Nick?"

"Yeah, he wrote me a letter and mailed it because his Mom wouldn't let him talk on the phone the other night. There was a lot of yelling," Scarlett said. "He says his group is going to be big.. like New Kids big. It just sucks he didn't come on the show."

"Maybe it's for the best because look at the cheesy shit we do," Piper said as Scarlett took the letter away from her and put back in her notebook. "The only good thing about this is that we became best friends. I'll be glad when it's over so my Dad won't push me anymore. Our families suck."





December 21, 2009


"Piper Marsh, you're up!"

I sighed, clutching the script I'd been reading for the past week and stood up, walking into the room I'd seen countless amount of people walking in for the past half an hour. I was auditioning for a new movie, a love story about a girl who was troubled, and a guy who wanted to save her. Apparently it had started as a novel, and had been on the topsellers list for months. I knew I could get the part.

I breezed through the audition, being told I would hear from them soon, and left the room with a smile on my face.

"Wow, if that isn't the brightest smile I've seen..."

I glanced to my right, seeing a tall, dark haired guy smiling at me. He too was holding a script, so my guess was he too was going for a part in the movie. "Uh... thanks."

"Oh, don't thank me." He stepped forward. "Dylan. I'm going for the part of the guy who saves the girl." he held his hand out, so I reached forward and took it, shaking it gently.

"Piper. I went for the part of the girl who needs to be saved." I smiled as he squeezed my hand before letting go. "Weren't you in that Vampire movie?"

He chuckled. "Ah, you got me. So, no more soap operas?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm giving TV a miss for now. I want to get back into movies." My cell buzzed in my hand, making me glance at it. "Ah, sorry Dylan, I gotta go..." I gave him a small smile. "...but uh... good luck!"

"I'll be seeing you around, Piper." he grinned at me before walking back over to his chair and sitting down, leaving me to answer my cell.


"Piper, where are you?"

I frowned, hearing urgency in Nick's voice. It made me quicken my steps towards the elevator in the building. "Just got done with an audition, why?"

"Come to my place?"

"Sure. Is everything ok?"

Nick sighed. "I'll explain when you get here."

He cut the call, leaving me to stare at my phone as the elevator arrived.

The drive to Nick's didn't take long, being that I was on the right side of town to get to his. I parked my car behind his and jumped out before letting myself into his house.

"You know you should really lock your front door!" I called out, but squealed when someone grabbed me from behind.

"You took your time!"

I spun around, seeing Nick grinning at me like a fool. "And you just damn near gave me a heart attack!" I pushed him back, and held my hand over my chest, feeling my heart beat out of it. "So what's going on?"

"I'm bored."

"What?" I watched Nick walk past me and down the hall into his living room. "You called me sounding all desperate cos you are bored?"

"YUP!" Nick called out. "Figured we could have Nick and Piper time."

I walked into the living room to see him lounged on the couch. "Nick..."

"Come on, Piper..." He leaned forward, pulling me down into his lap. I sighed as he brought his head closer and started kissing on my neck.


"Shhh..." His hand pushed up my t-shirt, copping a feel over my bra as his mouth covered mine. I couldn't help it, I kissed him back as he fondled me until my t-shirt was pushed up to my neck and my bra was half off. It was only when he shifted me on his lap and I felt his erection that I was brought back to the present.

"Nick, I'm on my period." I muttered against his lips, and instantly he pulled his head back.

"You're shitting me?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Nope. Sorry. Happens every 28 days, out of my control. You should be happy, means you never knocked me up!"

He groaned, leaning his head back on the couch and covering his face. "Piper..." he whined, making me smile.

"Surely there's other stuff we can do to cure that boredom!" I covered myself back up before climbing off his lap. I kinda felt sorry for him sat there, hard as a rock obviously wanting to get off. I patted his thigh before walking over to the TV. "What about a game of Call of Duty?" I turned to look at him as he lifted his head up.

"Me against you?"

"Duh!" I tossed him his xbox controller before turning the console on. "I'll obviously beat you..."

"Nah. But you know what, lets make a bet. You win, you get me off. I win.... you get me off."

I snorted, sitting on the floor in front of the couch and shook my head. "In your dreams loverboy. Prepare to die, mother fucker!" I laughed as Nick muttered to himself.

I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't really on my period. I just had to make him realize that our relationship wasn't always about sex.

Plus, I'd called Scarlett on the way here thinking something was wrong, so I knew she'd be here soon.

Last thing she needed to see was me and Nick going at it on the couch.





I pulled into Nick's driveway and I pretty much left skid marks. I wasn't the best driver anyway, but I made it to his place in record time. I jumped out of the car, running to the front door and locking the car as I ran with the keys. The door was unlocked and I ran into the kitchen, dropping my purse and keys on the floor and to the living room and froze.

There was Nick on the sofa and Piper on the floor on her knees... going down on him.

"SCARLETT!" Nick squealed as I backed up and headed back into the kitchen. I leaned over, grabbing my purse and keys when I felt someone come up behind me. I stood up and turned around and I expected to see Piper standing there but it was Nick, with problems in his sweatpants. "Dude, you should have knocked."

"When have I ever knocked?"

"It's not what it looked like..."

Nick, she knows we fuck around!

Nick groaned at Piper yelling from the living room.

"I guess this was the emergency," I said, waving my hand at his crotch. "I guess I'm not needed here after all."

I turned on my heel, wishing I had sneakers on but I had these damn stilettos on and started to hightail it back outside only I heard Nick moving behind me. Then I heard Piper's voice. They were both calling out for me. Not like it was a secret.

I just didn't need to see it with my own eyes.

"STOP!" I yelled in the middle of Nick's driveway with them both standing a few feet from me. I turned around and looked at them. "I feel like the third fucking wheel here lately and I don't like it because it's supposed to be just the three of us..."

"Well I suggested a..." Nick started to say as his voice trailed off. "I'm sorry."

"You two want to be all cuddly in and in a relationship or whatever, fine, whatever," I said as I turned around and started to head to my car. "I'll just go back home to my guitar and sit in the corner like I always do."

Piper wasn't saying anything. She just stood off to the side, slightly embarrassed that she had been walked in on, but as I started to get in my car I felt a hand on my arm and I was swung around, seeing Nick standing in front of me.

"Hey, you aren't a third wheel," Nick said, staring down at me. I just looked away, then over at Piper who was staring down at the ground. "We still on for tomorrow?"

We were set to work in Nick's studio the next day, still working on his next solo album. He had supposedly started writing a song that he wanted me to help tweak, but I didn't know if I could now.


"Sure, yeah," I said, nodding as I turned around and got into my car. I cranked it up and backed out without even looking and thankfully nothing was coming, because I really wanted to get out of there.

It's one thing to know that your two best friends are fucking one another just for kicks, but it's a whole other thing when you walk in on them. Plus, if you add in the fact that I've loved Nick for the better part of 17 years, then it made it worse.

I really just needed to go out and get laid or something.





As soon as I saw Scarlett drive away I turned around and headed inside. I wanted to cry out of humiliation. Sure, Scar knew about me and Nick, but she wasn't supposed to see any of it.

Plus, now she felt left out, and that wasn't the case at all.

"Why does she think we're in a relationship?"

I turned to look at Nick as he walked in behind me, almost glaring. "What? I don't know..."

"You said you told her..."

"Nick..." I sighed. "...she already knew. I just confirmed what she's suspected all these years. I told her nothing."

Nick shuffled from one foot to the other. "So... why does she think we're together. You tell her that?"

"What! No..."

He shook his head at me. "So why does she think it."

"I.DON'T.KNOW! Ugh, I'm leaving, you're being impossible." I grabbed my bag, and slipped my feet back into my flip flops as he stood there watching me.

"I'm not the one making up stories."

I stood up straight and glared at him. "Nick Carter, you KNOW me, and you know what you are saying is bullshit. I wouldn't date you if you were the last man on earth. I'm a woman with needs, and you're a guy with needs. That is it!" I shoved my bag on my shoulder. "Call me when you've stopped throwing a tantrum. I'm going to find Scar and fix this shit." I walked out the room, ignoring him as he called my name.

As if I would even be in a relationship with him. Yea, we fucked... but he was like my fucked up brother or some shit.

Ok, that was a bad description, but who cared.

It didn't take me long to find Scarlett. I loved her, but she had no imagination about where to hide when pissed off with people. Her car was in her driveway, so I knew she was home. I parked up behind it and climbed out before walking up to the house. The door was locked, as I expected, so I found her key on my set and unlocked the door before stepping inside.


"Go away, Piper!"

I followed her voice to the kitchen, where she was sat at the small table set she had in there. "I'm sorry, Scar. You weren't meant to see that."

"Then why call me?" She looked up at me, looking completely disgusted with me. I felt awful.

"Because when he called I genuinely thought there was something wrong, thats why I called you. I didn't expect for that to happen..."

"Oh what? You fell over and his dick landed in your mouth?"

I felt my face flush red. "Scar..."

"No, just leave. I don't wanna hear it. It's like.... you two just go off and fuck each other any chance you get and I'm left here like an idiot!" She glared at me before looking away.

"No, we really don't." I walked in further, sitting at the table despite her asking me to leave. "I point blank refused to fuck him today. He tried it and I said no. told him I was on my period, but... he's a douche and I'm a whore... what can I say? I'm sorry you had to see that, I really am. And anyways, we probably won't hook up again now anyways." I looked at her as she slowly looked at me.


"You said something about us being in a relationship and he freaked. He thinks I've been telling you thats how it is. Dude, I don't do relationships, you both know that. He thinks I'm in love with him or something. Hell fucking no. I love him, but as a friend, thats it. And anyways, you said like me and Nick see each other all the time, but thats clearly you two! Last time I saw Nick was like two weeks ago! Scar... please don't stay mad at me!" I gave her a pleading look, hoping she believed me. I really didn't want to fight over this.





I just sat in my room, not saying anything. Piper walked away for a bit, but I knew she'd be back soon enough. I just couldn't really deal with it right now. It's Christmas. Everything is supposed to be happy, except it wasn't. I was fighting with my parents, as usual, Piper didn't really get along with hers because they were asking for money all the time, and let's not even get to talking about Nick's. Nick's family was worse than all of ours together. That's pretty much how it had been since we were teenagers and why we just always stuck together.

Knock knock

"Go away, Piper."

Not Piper... I don't see her car outside right now.

I froze as the door opened and I saw Nick peek in and smiled. "Just me, is that okay?" he asked as I nodded and sat in my chair by the window. They both had the security code to come into my house and I had theirs.

My bedroom was decorated with several different guitars hanging on the wall and some photos, but for the most part it looked like something out of a fairytale with a canopy bed and fluffy white bed.

I kept what few plaques I had downstairs, scattered about, plus my two CMA Awards that I won for song of the year two years in a row.

"Shouldn't you go see Piper?" I asked as he shook his head and walked over, sitting on the edge of the other chair next to the big window.

"Piper said you're acting like we're a thing, me and her," he said as I shrugged. "We're not."

"Yeah, I know."

"Do you?"


"Or are you wondering why it's not me and you?" he asked as I rolled my eyes and he cracked up laughing. "I feel it's just better than going out and find some random girl who uses me, you know? Do you want me to stop? Me and Piper? We'll stop. Like never again." I looked back at him not saying anything. "It can go back like it's always been."

"Okay," I nodded. "Stop doing that because.... it's just weird and I didn't want to walk in seeing that," I said as the bedroom door flung open and Piper stood there staring at us.

"See, you do see each other more than I see Nick," Piper said as I sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"Talking with Scarlett and... we made a decision. No more sex. Go buy a vibrator, Piper," Nick said as Piper rolled her eyes. "Seriously."

"Seriously?" Piper asked, looking at me as I looked away. "Scarlett..."

"I just want things back like they were. I don't want to feel like the outcast or anything... I know I'm about to be 30 and I don't act like you to do or anything and I'm quiet and soft spoken, but I can get pissed off. I was pissed off seeing that today. That's not who we are," I said, taking a deep breath. "Nick asked me if I wanted it to stop and I said yes. So there."

"Okay," Piper nodded. "Back to the normal."

"Here's some lotion," I said, reaching over to my table and handing it to Nick. "Have fun with yourself from now on."





The drive back to my house was quiet. I had no radio on, the only sound filling the car was the sound of my AC on full blast.

I'd left after me and Scarlett had spoke and walked around some before going for a drive, only to find when I got back that Nick was there .

I didn't really get what her problem was all of a sudden, though. Me and Nick hooking up hadn't been an issue. If anything, it was a good thing that we sought each other out, rather than went off with random people. Because, lets face it, we would... hell we did when it came to times we couldn't see each other. Of course we'd give each other the prep talk about being safe and not going with a crazy, but thats what friends do... look out for each other.

So, the only reason I could think of as to why Scarlett was throwing a fit over all this was because she was jealous. Jealous that she didn't have someone to hook up with or whatever. Then again, I don't think I'd ever seen her hook up with anyone.

She must be hella frustrated.

And then Nick had to ask her if she wanted me and him to stop hooking up and when she said yes he just put and end to it. Just like that.

Like, what the fuck?

I parked my car up my drive and let myself in my house before throwing myself down on the couch. Normally I'd catch up on some stupid reality show, or be reading a script, but I honestly felt like doing nothing. I wasn't in the mood, plus I had no script to lose myself in.

I must of dozed off, for the sound of my front door opening and shutting made me sit up fast and look around. The room was in darkness, and there were footsteps getting closer...


I sighed, sitting up as Nick walked into the living room. "Why are you in the dark?"

"Why are you here?" I groaned as he turned the main light on, making me wince.

"To see you. You rushed off pretty quick."

I didn't say anything. Instead I tucked my legs up under myself and sighed.

"You pissed off?" He sat beside me, propping his feet up on the coffee table in front of me.

"Yea, I am." I looked at him. "Why the hell did you guilt trip me into blowing you off?? I was quite content just sat there playing Call of Duty!" I glared at him as he chuckled.

"Woah, Piper! I didn't force you!"

I shook my head. "No, but you wouldn't shut up whining! And now... now... UGH!"

He looked at me before smirking. "You're gonna miss this, aren't you?" He signaled to his crotch, making me groan.

"Fuck off, Nick! It's not that. It's.... everything! It was safe with us. I was happy having this kind of thing, that... by the way we've had for years with NO problem at all! And then Scarlett clicks her fingers and suddenly it's no more. What's the deal?" I looked at him as he shrugged.

"She don't feel comfortable with it. And man, I'd feel the same if I walked in on you two... actually, no..." He smirked. "...no I totally wouldn't feel like that for that... OW!" Nick winced as I punched him in the arm.

"You're an ass." I folded my arms and looked away from him. He didn't get it, and if he didn't, then no one would.

"I'm sorry, Piper. I value you both more as friends than this... Don't think I won't miss us hooking up though. I will... but... we're still friends, right? We're still ok..." He trailed off, reaching over to unfold my arms.

"I suppose so..." I looked at him. "...but don't think I'm gonna be happy with Miss I-have-regrown-my-virginity-from-not-having-sex-in-forever. She just opened up my world to whore-ism."

Nick laughed. "Piper, you don't need to sleep around to get off. Find yourself a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't want a boyfriend. I can't stand all that drama and shit. You know what i'ts like. Plus, a boyfriend means my parents begging me to get married and give them grandbabies. Boyfriends are no bueno in my eyes. Men are assholes."

He shook his head, pulling me closer and wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he hugged me. "It'll be fine, Piper." he kissed the top off my head as I pretty much rested there pouting.

Goodbye sex life.



Chapter 4 - Happy New Year? by blockstreetgirl

[Flashback - July 1, 1995]



"Piper, honey... turn the music off whilst you're doing your homework. You need to concentrate."

I rolled my eyes as Mom peeked her head in and gave me a warning glance before ducking away from where she'd come from. I purposely turned the music louder, and wasn't surprised when she walked in the room a moment later and walked over to my stereo, turning it off.

"Why must you be difficult? And why are you're books shut!"

I glanced at the books tossed on the floor beside my bed and shrugged. "Mom, I don't need them. I'm going to be famous!"


"WHAT?!" I shouted, and instantly regretted it when my Dad walked in.

"Piper, do your homework!" He walked over to my stereo and unplugged it before carrying it out.

"DAD! Mom you can't take my stereo away!" I climbed off my bed and walked over to my Mom as she went to follow him out.

"Do you're homework, and then we'll talk!" She gave me a stern look before walking out and shutting the door behind her.

"UGH! So unfair. I hate this house!" I muttered, turning around and walking over to my bed. I grabbed my textbook from the floor and opened it up before sighing. I hated school work, especially as I was being tutored. It sucked, and really... I didn't need it. Who used algebra whilst running lines??

I laid on the front of my bed and flicked through the pages, not even reading. This was so boring, and I really wanted to carry on listening to Alanis Morrissette's new album, "Jagged Little Pill."

I groaned, resting my head on the bed, but lifted it back up when I heard a tapping on my window. I looked over to see Scarlett standing there. I smiled, stumbling off my bed and lifted up the window. "Quick, get in!" I hissed, helping her in before looking outside. "Did anyone see you?"

"No..." Scarlett walked over to my bed and lifted the book up before groaning and putting it back down. "...you reading this?"

"Not really. I don't need it." I sat beside her, indian style and looked at her. "You been crying?"

She shrugged, sitting her backpack on my bed. She sighed a little before looking at me. "I did something stupid?"





"Drove without a license."

"Jesus... no Piper. So you know Justin?"

I pulled a face. "Timberflake?"

"It's Timberlake, and yes... him."

"What about him?"

Scarlett blushed red. She looked funny with her red hair.

"Dude, you look like you're going to pop."


I looked at her wide eyed for a moment before smiling. "Was he big?"

"PIPER!" Scarlett shouted, and instantly I jumped up and covered her mouth.

"SHHH!" I waited a moment to see if the parentals heard, and when nothing happened I moved my hand off her mouth. "You had sex with that freak! Why?"

"I dunno... it kinda happened." She shrugged again, looking everywhere but me.

"So, was he big?"

"Why are you asking me that?? You're still a kid!"

"Doesn't mean I don't know what sex is! I'm only asking because he basically acts like a dick, so... ya know..."

Scarlett chuckled. "You sound like Nick when you talk like that..."

"Huh?" I frowned, looking at her.

"Saying ‘ya know' all the time..."

"Really? Never noticed he said that, and anyways, stop changing the subject! Why did you do it with him?"

Scarlett never answered, and when footsteps outside the hall were heard we both looked at each other before scrambling off the bed. I pushed Scarlett in my closet before running back over to my bed and landing on it with a thud. I pushed her bag off the bed and reopened the book as my bedroom door opened.

"Who are you talking to?"

I looked up, seeing my Dad standing there. "No one."

"You were talking..."

"To myself..." I gave him a weird look. "Go away, I'm trying to study!"

He chuckled to himself before leaving the room. I gave it a few minutes before waving Scarlett out the closet.

"I should go..."

"But, I want to talk about you and Justin..."

Scarlett grabbed her bag off the floor. "You can't tell anyone. Not a single person. Do you promise."

"I promise!"

"Pinky swear on it!" She held her pinky out, and I linked mine with hers. We shook our hands before letting go.

"I'll talk to you later..."

I watched her climb out my window, and waited till she had jumped down the pipe leading into the garden before throwing myself back on the bed.

I can't believe she had sex with Justin Timberflake. That's just so gross!





December 31, 2009


Christmas was a bust. I cooked and both Nick and Piper came over, but it felt awkward and forced. I think Piper is still mad at me about the whole Nick thing, but Nick was Nick. We'd been working on his album and wrote a few more songs. He was heading back out on tour in Europe soon, and then in the U.S. so he wanted to really get a lot done so that he could try to do a release at the beginning of the next year.

I was going to be taking a few weeks off and just relax. I was supposed to go to Nashville in a little over a month for meetings with labels. Piper was going to be starting a movie soon hopefully, but I had only talked to her twice. She had been busy so I didn't know if she had found out anything about the movie or not.

"Here you go," Nick said, bringing me a bottled water as he flounced down in the chair in front of the soundboard. "We need to finish this song."

"It's New Year's Eve, we could always take a break..."

You runaway runaway but that's ok
Girl we can play make believe in this fantasy
I'll be the king that you need to treat you like a queen
You'll be my everything

"But I won't stop... until... you're mine," I whispered as Nick smiled at me.

"You're so good at this," Nick said, typing the lyrics out on his laptop. "All this shit you write, you'd think you'd be dating all these guys to get all this inspiration. Unless you're hiding them from us..."

"When do I have time?" I asked as he chuckled. "I mean, I'm not a nun, but... I just, I don't know."

"Are you ever gonna tell me who the guy is?" he asked as I shook my head. "Come on..."

"We're writing this song, remember?" I asked as Nick grinned. "Don't do that, Nick. I'm serious."

"I just want to know, that's all," he said as I shook my head again. "Are you a virgin?" I looked at him with a shocked look on my face. "Come on, you're my best friend, Scarlett. I feel like you're hiding stuff lately."

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Now would be a good time to tell him everything. I could tell him how I've kept every single thing he's written me since we were 13. I could tell him how I can't date another guy because I keep comparing them to him. I could tell him that the majority of the songs that I write are about him.

But I'm not.

"No, I'm not a virgin," I said as his eyes widened. "I was 15."

"Wait, I was 15 when I lost mine and I called and told you and Piper as soon as I could," Nick said as I cracked up. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's different when you're a girl," I shrugged. "Nick, it's not important, okay? Can we finish working on the song or go and record that other song we wrote yesterday?"

"One question, okay?" he asked as I nodded. "Do I know the guy that song was about?" he asked as I nodded again. "Fuck, it's AJ, isn't it? God dammit, I knew it!"

"Oh my God, no!" I hissed. "It's not one of the other guys in the band, Nick. I promise. It's not one... It's not one of the other guys." He just eyed me until I started glaring at him. "Fine, but if something happens with you two, I'm going to need to check this guy out, whether I know him well or not."

"Deal," I smiled as I pointed back at the laptop. "Now let's work."





I sat at my small table in the kitchen and overlooked all the paperwork spread out across it. Script, after script. And I had to learn them all.

Might of sounded stressful and horrible to most people, but this was what I was good at. Memorising scripts, and acting them out.

Just as well I'd found out this morning that I had gotten the lead role in the movie I'd auditioned for the week before. I'd been so excited, and then literally bummed right away. Purely because I wanted to call Scarlett and tell her, but I was still weird about how the week before had gone, plus Christmas had been so weird.

I gathered all the scripts up, putting them into a pile before standing up. I wasn't going to busy myself with reading just yet, as it was New Years Eve, and there was a party to go to. I wondered if Nick and Scarlett remembered our tradition, being I hadn't even heard from Nick that morning to discuss the evenings plans.

Maybe I was being phased out.


I headed upstairs, and laid out on my bed. I hated this feeling of being alone. It made me think too much. I rolled onto my front and grabbed my cell phone off the side where it was charging and flipped through the contact. I contemplated calling Nick's cell, but figured if he was with Scarlett she might think I was calling him to hook up or something, so I pressed call on her number and listened whilst it connected and started ringing through.

"Hello Scarlett hotline, her slave answering..."

I rolled my eyes, hearing Nick's voice. "You're a dork..."

"Hey Piper... and you know I am!" He chuckled as I rolled back onto my back.

"Scar around?"

"Bathroom. I'm trying to convince her to quit for the day as its New Years Eve."

"Yea, about that... we still on for tonight?"

"Sure, why wouldn't we be?"

I sighed. "I dunno, I just wanted to check. My agent told me about a party in West Hollywood tonight, its exclusive invitation only, and he put tickets aside for us if you guys are up for it."

"Of course!"

I smiled, glad that Nick seemed happy. "Ok, well it doesn't start till late..."

"I'll pick you up at 9. Oh, here's Scarlett, wanna talk?"

"Nah, it's ok. I'll see you guys later." I quickly cut the call before he could pass it to Scarlett and laid the phone down on my chest.

I was such a chicken shit.





Nick finally pushed me out of the studio and told me to go home and get ready to party, except I wasn't much of the partying type. I was more of a homebody. I liked to go out when the others did, but you'd never catch me going out alone.

I kept looking through my closet. I had a ton of clothes, but nothing really I wanted to wear. I text Piper and she said that it was some fancy party with a bunch of Hollywood people and jeans wouldn't work and neither would a simple dress.

So I went back to my awards show stuff in the back of my closet and saw a dress that Piper and I had bought the year before for the Grammy Awards because I was nominated and didn't win, yet again, but I ended up wearing another dress. It was red strapless ruched bodice party dress with a low cut back. The waist had a thick set of sparkling stones and the skirt part of the dress was short and fluffy. It wasn't something I typically wear, which is why I never wore it to the awards.

But I felt like tonight I could wear it. Maybe I needed to come out of my shell a little more. Maybe that's why Nick thought he could have that with Piper and not with me.

I slipped on the red sparkling stilettos that I had bought to match the dress. My long, red was curled in waves and I actually had on a little bit more make up than I normally would wear.

Yo! I'm here!

"Just finishing up!" I yelled, looking at myself in the mirror one more time. Maybe I had enough time to change before he got his slow ass up here or maybe he'd stay downstairs and I could change into something else or -"

Safe to come in?

"Ugh, yeah," I said as I reached over for my charm bracelet and started to fasten it when the door opened.

"Um, well holy shit," Nick said as I turned around quickly to look at him. "I'm looking for Scarlett... have you seen her?" I glared at him. "You didn't have time to go buy that today."

"No, I had it in my closet," I sighed. "Does it look okay?" I asked as he straightened his jacket a little. "Be honest."

"Yeah, it looks... awesome," he said slowly as I started to feel a little self-conscious. "No really, you should dress like this more often and maybe whoever it is that you like," he said, saying AJ in between coughs, "might pay you attention."

"I shouldn't have to dress like this to get attention," I said as he shrugged. "I'm going to go change."

"No, no you're not," he said, moving in front of me. "You look amazing, Scarlett. Get your jacket or whatever and let's go."

I sighed, reaching over for the little fur coat on my bed and slipped it on as Nick held the bedroom door open for me as I walked past him.

I felt nervous because other than a swimsuit, or pajamas, I'd never worn anything like this around Nick. He was always off on tour or something when it came to the award shows I had to go to. The only time he'd seen me this dress up is the one time we went to the MTV Movie Awards with Piper.

"I should call AJ and tell him to come to this party," Nick said as we headed out of my house, which was only a few blocks from Piper's house.

"Nick... it's not AJ, okay? Why in God's name would I like AJ like that?" I asked as he opened his car door for me and I sat down in the passenger's seat. "Just leave it alone. It doesn't matter."

He shut the passenger side door and walked around the car, getting in himself as we both fastened our seatbelts.

"Well it matters to me, because I just want you to be happy," he said as I sighed and looked out the window at my house as he pulled out of the drive.





I gazed at my reflection, smoothing my dress down my stomach before turning to the side. "Ugh, I really should go to the gym more..."


I sighed, walking over to my bed and grabbing my clutch. I walked out my room to see Nick climbing the stairs. He was wearing suit pants, a shirt all tucked in at the waist with a button undone at the neck, and a waist coat. of course he had a jacket on, but he looked good. "Hey Carter..."

He looked at me and grinned. "Damn, you both are looking fine tonight. And... you're wearing the heels..."

I glanced at the silver sparkly Louboutins before looking back at him. I'd forgotten that he liked me in these heels. They just happened to be my favourite. "Guess I am. You picked up Scarlett yet?"

He nodded. "She's waiting in the car. Come on..."

I nodded, and walked infront of him down the stairs. A part of me wondered if he was looking at the back of my dress, which dipped down into a v right down to the small of my back. I loved this dress, I just hadn't had a perfect time to wear it till now.

"I like how your tattoo just peeks is way out the back of your dress."

I smiled, turning to look at him. "Thanks." He nodded, and guided me outside before locking my house up for me. I spotted Scarlett sitting in the front of the car and gave her a little wave before climbing into the backseat. I busied myself pulling the seat belt round as Nick climbed in.

"Just so you both know... I'm off the alcohol tonight, so I can drive us home. However if you see me drinking, don't let me drive."

I went to reply when Scarlett reached over and patted his thigh. I narrowed my eyes, and sat back in the car.

Scarlett wasn't a touchy feely person. In fact, I don't think I'd ever seen her touch Nick other than to hug him, punch him, or pat his arm when she wanted his attention.

Something was clearly different about Scarlett, especially since she still hadn't spoken to me. Did I really have to make the first move for everything. I took a deep breath before leaning forward. "So, I got the lead in that movie..."





"WHAT?!?" both Nick and I exclaimed as Nick almost ran a red light. "Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes!" Piper smiled, almost giggly. I felt like things were kind of tense between us. "They said I was perfect. And it's filming in New York so even though I didn't get that role for that TV show, I'll still get to spend some time there."

"When do you start shooting?" I asked, turning around in the seat a little.

"Dude, you're wearing the red dress!" Piper exclaimed. "Finally! Some use out of it!"

"Yes, yes, I'm wearing the dress, when do you start shooting?"

"Next month."

"Damn, Nick goes back on tour next month and you're gonna be in New York..." I sighed. "Guess it's the perfect time for me to work on an album of my own..."

"Who's the lead guy?" Nick asked, looking at Piper in the rearview mirror. "There's always a lead guy."


"Dylan... oh my God," I gasped. I knew Nick would probably get jealous in a minute because it hadn't clicked in his mind who she was talking about.

"Who's Dylan?" Nick asked.

"Dylan Hutton. He was in that movie with Kate Winslet last year," Piper said as Nick rolled his eyes. "This is a big deal... plus, he's hot."

"Yeah he is," I laughed, feeling like maybe things would be okay after all. Nick was just in the way making things difficult. "I guess I have an excuse to go to New York now more."

"You come to New York to work with me sometimes and stuff," Nick said as I looked back at Piper.

"To not work," I hissed, causing Piper to chuckle. "Are we okay, now? I'm tired of the awkwardness and the fighting and the weird stuff?"

"Yeah, but I want to talk to you later, girl talk," Piper said as I nodded and turned back around in the seat. "We can party tonight and regret it all tomorrow."

"I'll regret nothing," Nick muttered under his breath causing us both to laugh.





I was glad Scarlett had made an effort for tonight as we walked into what looked like a shabby warehouse, and into a sparkly, party heaven. The catering staff were all dressed up, and everywhere you looked there was a designer label and a A list celebrity wearing them.

I wasn't too fond of A lister parties, but the alcohol was on tap, and you were never short of a hot guy or two to dance with.

Nick guided us over to the bar before ordering us drinks. I glanced at Scarlett, who was looking around almost in fear. I chuckled, and moved beside her, throwing my arm across her shoulder. "Dude, chill out! You look hot!"

"I feel stupid."

I moved infront of her. "Girl, You.Look.HOT! Tell her Nick!"

He turned around and smiled. "Definitely hot!"

I looked back at Scarlett to see her living up to her name and blushing. I laughed, taking her hand. "Why don't you go ask him to dance?" I pointed at a guy across the bar, and she gasped.

"But thats... thats Bradley Cooper!"

"I KNOW!" I laughed. "Go! He's hot, and rumor has it can dance a girls socks off!"

She looked at me, hesitating, so I grabbed her arm and dragged her over to him, her protesting the whole way over, but by the time we reached him she was silent.


He turned to look at us and smiled. "Piper Marsh and Scarlett Jackson! Let me guess, there's a Backstreet Boy nearby."

"Sure," I smiled. "...but he's not in the pretty dress wanting to dance." I looked at Scarlett, who obviously admitted defeat with me and smiled at Bradley.


"Hey..." Bradley smiled, standing up. "Dance?"

I pushed Scarlett closer gently and grinned when she took his hand. I watched them walk to the dancefloor before walking back over to Nick.

"You are so mean to her."

I glanced at Nick, taking the drink he was handing out to me. "Am not. She just needs confidence."

"She has it. She's just not as bold as you."

I looked at Nick. "You say that like its a bad thing."

"It's not. It's just not her."

I looked at the dancefloor, where Scarlett was laughing with Bradley. I smiled, sipping at my drink.

"Well hello again."

My view of the dancefloor was blocked by a guy in a suit. A guy I recognised right away. "Dylan." I smiled as he grinned at me. "How did the audition go?"

He smiled, glancing at Nick before looking back at me. "We're going to be spending alot more time together." He looked back at Nick. "Sorry to butt in. I'm Dylan... Nick Carter, right?"

Nick and Dylan shook hands, exchanging pleasentrys before Dylan turned back to me.

"I'll leave you and your boyfriend to it. See you in New York."

I went to reply, but he walked off, leaving Nick to snort beside me. I looked up at him and shook my head. "You..."

"What? That was funny!"

I shook my head again before finishing my drink. "I want to dance. Lets go!" I grabbed Nick's arm, and waited for him to finish his drink before pulling him onto the dancefloor.





This wasn't me. I wasn't the party dancing type. I was the type that when I did go to a party, I stood around and talked, sipping wine or champagne. Besides, I was a horrible dancer.

It was the part of being on the Mickey Mouse Club that I was the worse at. In our group routines, I was always put in the back for a reason - because I sucked at it.

"It was good seeing you, Bradley!" I said, thanking him for the dance as I started to make my way out of the crowd. I headed back over to the bar where we were before, except Nick and Piper weren't there. I saw our drinks still sitting there, but I wasn't going to drink it because I didn't know if someone had put something in there.

A waiter walked by and I grabbed a glass of champagne off his tray, taking a sip. This is why I didn't like parties. I always ended up alone. The dance floor and room in general was so crowded that I couldn't see Nick or Piper if they were out on the dance floor or not.

There was a part of me that wanted to tell Nick. It's why I got brave for a split second and wore this dress. Maybe if I just come out and told Piper how I felt, she wouldn't be mad at me for telling Nick I wanted them to stop messing around. But I had pretty much put up with it for as long as I could after walking in on them.

Drinking always made me honest... which is why I tried not to drink around Nick. "Can I get another?" I asked the bartender as he started to turn around and I smacked my hand on the bar. "Actually, can I get something stronger?"





I don't know what had been in that drink Nick had given me, but I had been feeling pretty buzzed on the dancefloor. We'd been dancing close for a while, and I could tell Nick was getting as carried away as me.

"Wanna skip the dancefloor?" I said against his ear as his hand brushed my ass for the umpteenth time. I felt him grip my hips.


I pulled back, smiling at him and took his hand. We weaved through the crowds of people on the dancefloor, trying to locate the bar. Nick tugged on my arm, making me turn back to face him. "What?"

He glanced to his left, smirking. I followed his gaze to a door marked "Staff Only", and looked back at him. "What about it?"

He shrugged. "Wanna have some fun... last time before the New Year?"

"But Scarlett..."

He tugged on my arm again before pulling me over to the door. He pushed it open before walking us down a hallway until we got a door marked "office". He opened the door and looked at me grinning when he saw it was empty. "Come on..."

I sighed, knowing this was probably a bad idea, but the alcohol in my system was clouding the part of my brain that gave me common sense, and instead I was walking over to a table that Nick had cleared off and was sitting on it. "Scarlett might be looking for us..."

"Then lets make this quick..." Nick unbuttoned his pants, so I quickly jumped off the table and pulled off my panties. I went to sit back down when Nick grabbed my hips and spun me around before bending me over the table. He pushed himself inside me, making me grip the sides of the table.

It was hard, and fast. Things fell off the table as Nick pounded into me, and it was getting harder and harder to keep quiet. My hands hurt from where I was gripping the table, and my legs started to shake, making Nick hold my hips tighter.

"Fuck..." He hissed, making me bite back a moan. The room was filled with the sounds of us breathing hard, and his hips smacking into mine.

The sound of the door we'd come through opening down the hall made me bite back a shriek. I turned my head to look at Nick, and let out a little moan when Nick reached out and pushed me back down on the table. I fought the urge to cry out as footsteps got closer, and my orgasm started building up.

"Fucking cum!" Nick hissed, pounding into me one more time before I felt my release.

My legs shook as I fought to keep quiet as Nick pounded into me a few times before grunting. I didn't even have time to comprehend what had just happened when Nick hissed as me to get up. I quickly stood up, pulling my dress back down my legs before Nick grabbed my hand and pulled us out the room. I swore we'd bump into whoever was in the hall, but it was empty as we walked back down the hall, and back into the party.

I glanced at Nick, who gave me a small smile before letting go of my hand and walking back to the bar. I watched him a moment before sighing and heading to the bathrooms.

In all the times I'd been sleeping with Nick, this was the first time I'd felt completely used.

And it was no ones fault but my own.





By the time I saw Nick walking through the crowd, trying not to bump into people who were dancing or just standing around and talking, I was buzzed. I was feeling no pain at all. I had already had three or four shots, a glass of wine and some other kind of drink that had a little twang to it.

And now I was sipping on a beer, which I usually hated, but once a while I drunk one.

"Where'd you go off too?!" I shouted as Nick laughed, walking up to the bar and asking the bartender for a beer.

"Had a phone call so I walked out for a minute," he said, downing the beer and took a deep breath.

"Where's Piper?"

"No idea."

"I don't know either," I sighed, staring at Nick and saw how flushed he looked. "What's wrong? Who was on the phone?"

"Are you drunk?" he asked, ignoring my question as he moved closer to me. He looked dead in my eyes, studying them until I cracked up laughing. "Fuck, you're drunk. You never get drunk. You're all in a hot dress and drunk. You're not very Scarlett like tonight!"

"What's Scarlette like?" I asked, staring at him. "Quiet? Keeps to herself? Thoughtful?"

"Strong... you're being weak by drinking," he said as I rolled my eyes. "I saw you over dancing with Bradley Cooper."

"That was Piper's doing... I don't like him," I whispered before shoving the beer bottle to my lips again. I looked past Nick's shoulder and as someone moved I saw Piper standing there, talking to that Dylan guy who would be in her movie. "Oh there's Piper."

Nick looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Must be where she's been." I just looked at him as he leaned against the bar on his elbows and looked down at the bar top.

"Everything okay?"

"You wanna get out of here?"

"And go where? It's almost midnight, Nick," I said as I tried to walk closer to him and I almost tripped on my feet, but he caught me. "I don't think I need to go anywhere."

"You've had too much to drink," he said, pushing the beer away from my hands. "Come on, let's go dance and sober you up," he said, grabbing my hand and leading me out to the dance floor as I wabbled behind him.





After a quick visit to the restroom I walked back up to the dancefloor. I could see Nick talking with Scarlett at the bar. I'd hoped to go and hang with Scarlett for a bit, but I could see them talking so scanned the dancefloor before feeling someone touch my arm. I spun around to see Dylan.

"Where have you been?" He smiled at me, standing infront of me. I smiled at him before shrugging.

"Around. Having fun?"

He glanced around before standing closer. "Honestly? It's alright..."

I chuckled. "Yea, this is as exciting as they get really. I need a drink, come with me to the bar?"

"Sure, but I'm buying."

I turned to walk over to the bar, and blinked when I saw Nick guiding Scarlett away. I watched them as we walked over to the bar, and they walked out to the dancefloor. I felt Dylan stand beside me. "What would you like?"

I turned to look at him and smiled before leaning against him. "Surprise me..."

Half an hour later I was sipping my third cocktail and flirting heavily with Dylan. It turned out we had quite a bit in common, from movies we'd gone for in the past, and people we knew. We'd been talking up a storm when the DJ announced it was two minutes till midnight. I threw back the rest of my cocktail before putting the glass down and taking Dylan's hand.

"Wanna go on the dancefloor?"

He smiled, finishing his own drink before nodding. He guided us onto the dance floor, which was filled with people cheering and dancing as the big screen behind the DJ counted us down to midnight. Dylan pulled us to a stop and spun me around. "I think us making this movie is going to be interesting..."

I smiled, moving my arms up around his neck. "Oh yea?"

He nodded. "Yup. I think we're going to get along really well..."

The countdown got to 10 seconds to go, and me and Dylan were looking at each other smiling as the crowd got louder around us. As the countdown hit 5 his hand brushed my cheek, and by 0... we were kissing.





10 seconds to midnight!

"WHOOO!" I yelled as I jumped up and down on the dance floor. "10 seconds!"

"Whoo hooo," Nick said sarcastically as he grabbed my hand and started to pull me off the dance floor.

"No, wait, let's stay," I said, trying to pull him back.






I saw Nick glaring at something so I looked over my shoulder to see what it was. It was Piper and that Dylan guy kissing.


Everybody around us started jumping up and down or kissing one another and Nick had a pissed off look on his face. I looked back again as confetti started flying around from the roof and I felt brave. Maybe it was the alcohol. I know it was the alcohol.

I walked up to Nick who was just a little taller than I was and quickly pressed my lips against his, kissing him and I freaked out for a second until he started to kiss me back.

What the hell was going to happen next?


Chapter 5 - Do what? by blockstreetgirl

January 1, 2010


There I was, standing there kissing Nick until we both backed away from it and Nick had the same look on his face that he had when he found out that girls had a period, a look of confusion and slightly disgusted I think. It looked like a disgusted look.

"What the fuck...."

"Happy new year," I said as I rushed away from him and through the dance floor, then back over to the bar. I tried to get the bartender's attention when I felt Nick walk back up next to me, glaring at me. "Hey! I want something to drink!"

"No you don't, you don't need anything else," Nick laughed. "Come on."

"You're laughing?!"

"You're drunk."

"Go back to what you were looking at before the kiss," I said as I sighed. "I'm going home."

"I drove here!"

"I can take a cab!" I called out as I started to walk out of the party, almost stumbling over my own feet again. I turned to look back to see Piper still on the dance floor with that same guy and Nick was still at the bar. I started looking through my little clutch to realize I didn't bring any money with me and didn't have any credit cards on me.

So I couldn't take a cab. I forgot to put them in this purse that matched my dress.

I slowly started to make my way back to the bar, not wanting to say anything to Nick until I heard him laugh.

"Come back for more kisses?"

"I don't have any cash or credit cards on me...."

"Come on, I'm not trashed, I can drive," Nick said as he looked back out at the dance floor. "Seems like Piper's busy anyway, doesn't it?"

"Why does it bother you?"

"It doesn't, come on," he said as grabbed my arm, leading me out of the party. We made our way to the elevator and I stood there watching him as he pressed the button to the parking deck. "So why'd you kiss me?"

"It was midnight."

"We've all been together before at midnight and you never have."

"Yeah, well, Piper's always there," I muttered as Nick looked at me quickly. Then I realized what I said. Then I realized what he was thinking.


"I'm ready to go home," I said as the doors opened to the elevator and I quickly started to walk out.





First thing I realized as I woke up is that I wasn't in my own bed, but in Scarlett's Guest room. I didn't remember coming back, but I obviously had at some point, and passed out on the bed still in my dress. I sat up, brushing my hair off my face and glanced at the time.

It was already lunch time, and at the realization that I was hungry I climbed off the bed and walked out the room. The house was quiet as I headed downstairs, but the kitchen wasn't empty when I walked in.

Nick was sat at the table, a mug of coffee sat before him. He glanced at me as I walked in, but didn't say anything. I walked over to the coffee machine and poured myself some before sitting at the table across from him.


"Mmm hmm..." Nick hummed, lifting his mug of coffee and sipping it. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"What's wrong with you?"

He sat his mug back down. "Nuttin..."

"Bullshit. You won't even look at me." I leaned closer, trying to get his eye contact. "In fact, after you fucked me in the office last night you disregarded me like I was some kind of hoe, so I should be ignoring you."

He looked at me, his eyes looking almost angry. "I did not..."

"You did..." I sat back, glaring at him. "...So what's your problem?"

Nick folded his arms across his chest and looked away, sighing. I didn't think he would speak, so I pushed my chair back and stood up, picking my mug of coffee up, but as I did he looked back at me.

"So, you fucked him too last night, huh?"

I frowned, looking at him. "What the fuck? Who?"

"Oh, there was more than one?"

I physically stepped back in shock. "What are you implying, Nick?"

He shrugged. "You..."

"NO! What are you implying? We have never been a thing, Nick! It was always a ‘bit of fun', as you say. So, what the fuck are you going on about?"

Nick stood up. "You fuck me, then go off and fuck someone else!"

"I NEVER FUCKED ANYONE ELSE!" I shouted, glaring at him. "And I certainly am never fucking you again!" I slammed my coffee cup down before storming out the room.

Nick Carter could go fuck himself.





I sat there in my bed, my covers up to my chest as I looked around. I didn't want to go outside. In fact, my door was locked. All I remembered was kissing Nick and him bringing me home and asking me if he was the one that I wrote songs about and then I just locked myself in my room.

I didn't know if he was still down there or not.

But the knock at my door made me jump out of my skin.

Scarlett, it's me...

I sighed, thankful that it was Piper and not Nick. Maybe he had left. I climbed out of bed and walked over to my bedroom door, opening it up to see her rush in. I shut and locked the door and climbed back over to my bed. I was still in my red dress, which was now in a mess.

"You look paranoid as fuck," Piper said as I glared at her. "What?"

"I kissed Nick..."


"I saw you kiss Dylan."

"Apparently you and everybody else, but what the fuck, you kissed Nick?!" Piper asked, staring at me. "Is that why he's in such a pissy mood?"

"Oh no, he's still here?" I asked as I put my hands over my face. "And he's pissed. Oh my God..."

"No, he's pissed at me because he thinks I fucked Dylan and I didn't. He dropped me off here last night because it was closer to the party," Piper said, climbing on the bed. "You kissed Nick? Why? I mean..."

"I was kind of drunk and I just felt it. And he kissed me back I think after the shock wore off and I just sobered up and freaked out and he kept trying to ask me if the songs I wrote about were about him..." I said, my voice trailing off. "I'm going to ruin everything."

"God, I feel horrible," Piper sighed, looking away. "You.. you walked in on us and now I get it. You have a crush on him."

I just shook my head.


"It's no crush. It's never been a crush," I whispered, looking down. "I've just been sitting by, thinking maybe one day he'll feel the same way and he never will. I kissed him because he was staring at you and Dylan kissing."


"She's in the bathroom asshole!" Piper yelled as I cringed.

We all need to talk. All three of us.

"We can't right now..." I finally said as he knocked on the door. "Please..."

"I'll go," Piper said as I shook my head. "No... I've got it," Piper said as she walked over to the door and opened it up quickly and slipped through. I saw him quickly staring into the door before it shut again.

I really ruining everything and I hated that.





"Are you just out to fuck all our friendships up?!" I hissed at Nick as I walked past, making sure the door was closed behind me. I turned back to look at him as he slowly turned around.

"Me? What about you?"

I frowned. "What about me? I'm not fucking one friend then kissing the other in the same night!"

"Dude, she kissed me!"

"Don't kiss her again!" I gave him a warning glare before leaning against the wall and sighing.

"Piper, I didn't plan on kissing her. She wasn't who I wanted to kiss at midnight, ok. It wasn't her..." He looked at me a moment before looking away, and that's when it hit me.

"Me? You wanted to kiss me?" I couldn't help it, I laughed. "Nick... You're kidding me, right?"

He looked at me a moment before shrugging. "I just thought..." He trailed off. "Forget it."

"Nick, we were friends first, and I will always love you as a friend, but that is it. Jesus, if I'd know you were crushing or something I would of stopped this ages ago."

He looked at me. "Piper, I'm not crushing. I just didn't expect to see you kiss some guy you barely know."

I studied him a moment, before sighing in relief. "Oh, thank god for that! And really? Don't you know me at all? Look, I'm not happy with you right now, with that shit you pulled downstairs, but you need to talk to Scarlett. It's fucked with her head... You kissing her and brushing it off and whatever... Just, be nice." I glared at him before moving away from the wall. "I need to go home and shower. I have a date tonight..." I went to walk away when Nick grabbed my arm.

"What do you mean be nice?"

I glanced at him. "Just go talk to her Carter. Don't hurt her!"

I walked away, leaving him looking confused.

Hell, I was a little fucked up over it. He had sex with me, then kissed Scar in the same night.

Weird as fuck.





I walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower and try to sober up a little. I was pretty sure I was still a little drunk or maybe that's what a real hangover felt like. I didn't know if Piper was gone or not, but I looked outside the window to see Nick's car wasn't out there.

I made sure my robe was tied and opened the bedroom door to see Nick standing there and I jumped.

"Your car is gone."

"Piper took it to go home. I'll get it back later," he said as I went to shut the door back and he rushed up to it and stopped me. "We should probably talk."

"I was drunk. I never get drunk. Just ignore it and let me get dressed," I said, shaking my head. "Mistake."

"Then why did Piper just tell me to be nice to you?" he asked as he walked into my bedroom and I sighed. "Why'd you kiss me?"

"Why'd you kiss me back?" I asked as he shrugged. "Because it was the polite thing to do?"

"I just felt like it, but still why did you kiss me, Scarlett?" he asked. "That's not who you are... get drunk and kiss me? ME? All the time we've spent together, all the years we've known one another, you've never really dated anybody seriously and you kiss me?!"

I just stood there, staring at him. I crossed my arms over my chest, my hair was dripping wet and I suddenly got cold.


"Because I saw you staring at Piper and Dylan kissing and..."

"It was just shocking because she doesn't even know the guy, you know?" Nick said as he looked at me. "Am I the person that you like that I know because I know myself so that would make sense..."

I kept staring at him, wondering if I should just say something, but I didn't want to ruin things more than they already were.

"Nick... this..." I started to say, my voice stuttering a little.

"It was about me, wasn't it? That song," he said as I looked down. "What were the lyrics? Something about shouldn't a light go on and you memorizing him for so long? Oh and the crying part. I don't fucking cry."

"Yes!" I finally yelled, causing him to jump. "It's all about you. They're all about you! Even the shit we've written together. And no, I've never had a real serious relationship because I'm stupid and I love you and I'm an idiot who feels that way while you go... get jealous... over," I started to say, trying not to get upset. "So I kissed you finally and it was a mistake."

"I know you love me. I love you, too," he said as I shook my head.

"I love you," I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Just, go. Take my scooter. Just go. The keys are in the kitchen. I'll get it back later."

"I don't know whether I should stay or leave," Nick said as I looked at him to see the confused look on his face. He rested his hands on top of his head, his t-shirt that he had was short and his stomach was showing a little. "I... you're in love with me? Is that what you're saying?" I nodded slowly. "Fuck."

"Just... go, please, go think, go not freak me out because I'm scared you're going to hate me now," I said as he dropped his hands to his side. "Just go get some air and I'm sorry."

"I could never hate you, Scarlett," he sighed. "I just... have so much going on in my head right now. You're my best friend... we're closer than Piper and I, you know? The shit we talk about... writing, music, everything." I nodded. "I'll take the scooter and bring it back later."

"Okay," I whispered as he took a few steps forward and stopped. Then he took a few steps over and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I just stood there, burying my face in his shoulder wanting to cry more, but I didn't.

"We'll talk later, okay?"

"Okay," I said as he backed away from the hug and I watched him walk out of my bedroom and I fell back on my bed, putting my hands over my eyes.

I felt like I was free of this secret that I had pretty much held for almost 17 years.





What kind of shit have I gotten myself into with my two best friends? I've been fucking one and get slightly jealous that she's kissing some other guy at midnight on New Year's Eve and then the other, the one that is really like my other half, loves me? Like... loves me? All of these songs we've written over the years, is about me?

What. The. Fuck?

I drove around on Scarlett's Barbie pink moped, probably looking like a complete gay ass idiot, all the way across Los Angeles to the only place I could really think of going - AJ McLean's house. Because AJ has been in some fucked up relationships when it comes to female friends.

Whenever I had girl problems before, I would just go to Piper or Scarlett. But now, the problem is them.

"I saw you on TMZ this morning," AJ said as he opened the door and I stared at him. "You Piper and Scarlett going to that Hollywood party. They were lookin' fucking fly, man," he said as I walked into his house and looked around his foyer. Thankfully it sounded like he was alone and his girlfriend Rochelle wasn't around.

"I'm in trouble," I said as he snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Like big trouble."

"Who's knocked up?"

"Nobody thank God," I muttered, running my fingers through my hair. "I've... I think I'm fucking up my relationships with Pip and Scar. Like... Piper and I have been fucking each other on the side for years man, like... just fuck buddies kind of unless one of us is in a relationship."

"Can I get in on that?" AJ asked as I rolled my eyes and walked towards the living room.

"That's all it really is... and Scarlett caught her going down on me the other day and just caused this thing. She got upset and so Piper and I said we'd stop it because you know, besides you guys, they're my family," I said, sitting down on the sofa.

"You fucking your sister..."

"Dude, it's not like that, you know that," I made a face. "And last night, she kissed that Dylan Hutton guy that's gonna be in her next movie..."

"Holy fuck, Dylan Hutton is hot as hell," AJ exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. "If I was gay, I'd so tap that."

"Yeah, well he's not gay and they kissed at midnight at that party and I just like glared at them because Piper's not like that, she doesn't just go kiss random people like that, especially people she works with..."

"She wouldn't kiss me..."

"And then Scarlett kisses me..."


"And I'm standing there all what the fuck for a second until I kiss her back and it was awesome," I sighed, standing back up and looked down at AJ who was sitting in his recliner. "I just thought she was drunk and she was kind of tipsy, but then she tells me this morning she loves me."

"This is better than ‘Desperate Housewives'," AJ hissed.

"Like those songs she writes that I record or she records or other people record, their about me," I said, staring at AJ. "She's in love with me and has just been waiting for the opportunity or something to come up, I don't know. I've never seen her so terrified of talking to me this morning."


"I don't know what to do," I said, looking at AJ. "Tell me what to do."

AJ just sat there for a minute, rubbing the palms of his hands on his jeans before standing up and looking at me.

"You're a fucking idiot..."

"I know."

"Everybody could tell that Scarlett has had a thing for you since you were kids. Hell, I remember the first time I met her and could tell she just looked at you with puppy dog eyes," AJ said as I looked away. "You need to stop the fucking around with Piper. That's not cool."

"I think it's over... It should have been a long time ago, I think, but... I don't like that Dylan guy," I said as AJ rolled his eyes. "He's sleezy."

"Is this the protective best friend Nick or the he might be fucking with my fuck buddy Nick talking?"

"Both maybe?"

"You say they are the only family you have besides us really? Then don't fuck it up, Carter. Go out to the beach and sit and think. I love me some Scarlett, and Piper's a fucking hoot, so you better not fuck them over or I'll kick your ass," AJ said as I sighed again. "You're almost 30, Carter. Time to grow up."





"I told him..."

I glanced down at my cell phone. "You what?"

"I told Nick everything."

"And?" I turned back to the mirror, finishing off applying my mascara. "Did he freak out?"

"Define freak out?"

I chuckled. "Eye bug out his head, face go red kinda freak out?"


"No?" I put the mascara wand down and picked my cell up, taking it off speakerphone and putting it against my ear.

"Not at all. He was surprised, and he figured out about the songs. I think I freaked out more than anything. He did hug me though before leaving..."

I walked over to my bed, looking at the outfit I'd picked out for my date. "That's because he cares, Scar. Where is he now?"

"He went to think. And... I kinda need to stop thinking. So, a date?"

I smiled, sitting on the bed. "Yep."

"Dylan Hutton?"

"Who else?"

Scarlett was silent for a moment, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't tell me you think me and Nick are going on a date? Come on, Scar. That's done and over with. He's my friend, that's it." I picked up the dress and smiled. "Plus, I like Dylan..."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would.. especially after I asked you guys to stop. I just, I guess I wanted to make sure."

I sighed quietly, thinking back to the night before. "I promise you, Scar. No more. I'm over that. And I have a good feeling about Dylan." I smiled softly as Scarlett started getting excited for me, and it was then it dawned on me.

I needed to talk to Nick again, make things right again, despite how he'd pissed me off, and then I needed to get the both of them together and talking.

But first, my date. I couldn't wait!





[Flashback - September 16, 1995]



"Nick," I heard as I looked around, only to see one of our managers walking towards us. I looked at my watch to see that it was almost four in the afternoon and that meant one thing - they were almost here. "Nick, your friends are pulling up outside."

"Awesome!" I exclaimed, jumping off of the sofa in the meeting room that we had booked to rehearse in.

"You got friends comin'?" AJ asked as I nodded and smiled.

"It's my two friends I met when I auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club. They were on there," I said. "Scarlett and Piper."

"Shit, the blonde and redhead girl?" he asked. "You bangin' one of them?"


"Oh come on, you think about it," he laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Wait are these the two you send letters to all the time?"

"Well, I only really write Scarlett but yeah," I said as AJ's eyes moved over and I turned around to see them walking through the door with Scarlett's mother behind them. "You're here!"

"Oh my God you've gotten so tall!" Piper laughed as I hugged her and then hugged Scarlett. "I guess puberty hit?"

"Shut up, Piper," Scarlett said as she looked around and then looked at AJ. "You must be Alex."

"Yes I am," AJ said, shaking her hand and then kissing the top of it. I just shoved him away, causing him to laugh. "So what are you girls doing up here?"

"Nick invited us to come see the little show you guys are doing," Piper said as I looked at Scarlett as she stood there, wide-eyed looking around. "Scarlett's Mom is going to take me to an audition in the morning."

"Mouse Club is dead so..." Scarlett said as she looked at me and I smiled weakly. She had already told me her plan. She wanted to be a singer and wasn't into the acting thing like Piper. "I have to finish school first."

"Well I don't," Piper chuckled. "Who needs school when you can be famous?" she asked as I looked at her and then AJ.

She had a point. We just had to get famous first.



Chapter 6 - First Date by blockstreetgirl

January 1, 2010


I cleaned my house. I rearranged furniture. I reorganized my closet, painted my nails and toenails and shaved my legs. I even baked cookies and did the laundry. I did everything I could think to do to pass the time.

Finally I ended up downstairs in my little studio, my guitar in my lap, recording a demo of a song I had written a few days before.

There was a part of me that wished I had a tour to go on of my own, or maybe I should go stay at my place in Nashville and actually try to make an album or an EP, something to get me away from L.A. and from Nick because I was scared.

When I heard the door to my studio open, I froze, sitting my guitar down and looked over my shoulder to see Nick walk down the steps slowly. I saw his converse and knew it was him. I could tell by the sound he made when he walked that it was him.

"I left the keys to your scooter on the key rack in the kitchen," he said as I nodded, looking straight ahead and trying my best not to look at him. "I might need you to take me home later, if that's okay."

"Okay," I whispered as he grabbed my guitar and moved it out of the way so that he was standing in front of me, leaning against the counter where my laptop was.

"When did it start?" he asked as I took a deep breath. "When you went on tour with me?" I shook my head. "Before that? Before I did my solo album?" I didn't say anything. "When?"

"I don't remember a time when I didn't," I said, trying to avoid looking at him. "Nick, I don't want it to change things..."

"Here, play that last song you wrote that I found," he said, picking up my guitar by the neck and handing it to me. "Play it for me, Scarlett." I finally looked up at him to see that he was serious. He joked around a lot, but I knew when he was serious.

"I already have it recorded," I said as he moved away from the counter and I pulled my laptop back towards me. I put the guitar back down and stood up, leaning over, wondering if I should play it. But playing it would be better than actually singing it in front of him. "Okay," I finally said as I hit play on the song and it the uptempo beat began playing.

I don't think that passenger seat
Has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes
He'll never fall in love he swears
As he runs his fingers through his hair
I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong
And I don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke, I fake a smile
But I know all his favorite songs
I could tell you his favorite color's green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you asked me if I love him,
I'd lie

"My birthday isn't on the 17th," Nick said as I nodded. "You did that so that I wouldn't realize..."

"Plus it sounded better," I said as he sighed as the second verse, that he had accidentally read before, began to play.

He'd never tell you but he can play guitar
I think he can see through everything but my heart
First thought when I wake up
Is "My god, he's beautiful."
So I put on my make-up
And pray for a miracle
Yes, I could tell you his favorite color's green
He loves to argue, oh, and it kills me
His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes
And if you asked me if I love him
If you asked me if I love him
I'd lie

"All of your songs, the ones that we wrote together, are about me? About us?" he asked as I shrugged.

"Most, but..."

"Why do you love me?" he asked as I look away. "Why me?"

"I ask myself that, too," I chuckled. "Because sometimes I hate you so much... because I feel this way and I'd do pretty much anything you ask me to do and then I'm so stupid because I've been feeling this way for years Nick and you go off and do this shit with Piper. Do you think I enjoy that? Seeing that? Knowing what's going on?"

"It's over, it's done with," he said as I shook my head. "Yes it is, Scarlett... it hurts you this bad, we're done. She's done with me. I'm done with it. Last thing I want to do is hurt you." I just stared back at him. "I just... I don't know what I'm supposed to do next."





I kinda felt a little bashful as Dylan drove us across town to a new restaurant that was having its opening night. Yea, I felt a little weird that our date was happening at a public appearance, but he had assured me that once we were done there we'd eat and head some place else.

"So, no sore head this morning?"

I looked over at Dylan, who glanced at me and smiled. "No, you?"

"I didn't drink. I don't drink. Not really?"

"Oh?" I turned my attention to him. "Any reason why?"

He shrugged. "I just don't like the person I become when I do. Oh wow, look at that..." He pointed straight ahead, where a building was completely lit up, and surrounded by people and camera flashes. "We're here..."

"Woah..." I muttered under my breath, brushing my long bangs out my face a little. I suddenly felt nervous. Sure, I'd been to plenty of events, but I mainly had Nick or Scarlett, or both of them with me, or I'd be alone.

I'd never gone public with a guy before, let alone one I was on a first date with.

Dylan climbed out the car, and the camera flashes increased. I watched him walk around the car before opening my door. "Ready?"

I nodded, putting on a little smile as I grabbed my clutch before taking his outstretched and climbing out.

The shouting from the paparazzi was deafening as Dylan tossed his keys to a waiting valet before taking my hand. I felt a little awkward, but let him walk me down the makeshift red carpet they had before we stopped.

"Just a few pictures?"

I shrugged, following his lead and facing the mass of photographers. I smiled, not really knowing where to look. Hell, you never really knew, you just worked from the left to the right of the crowd and hoped you made everyone happy.

We were ushered inside after a few minutes, and instantly handed a glass of champagne each. I glanced at Dylan, after him telling me he doesn't really drink, and watched as he placed it on the next waitresses tray before looking at me.

"You thought I was going to drink it?"

I shrugged. "I just wondered what you would do."

He moved closer, placing his hand on the small of my back. "I simply give it back." He smiled at me more before urging me forward into the crowd. "Lets get this show over with."

I smiled a little, letting him guide me over to what looked like the owner of the place.





"It's your move, Nick," I shrugged. "I... I made my move last night. Why? I don't know. It just happened. It doesn't have to mean anything. You don't have to fall madly in love with me and I don't expect you to... I just, I got tired of just standing by and being the girl that was jealous of every other girl in your life."

Nick just stood there, looking down at the floor with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't want you to hate me because I don't..."

"Dude, I'd never hate you," Nick said, looking up quickly. "Is that what you're afraid of? Me hating you? Us not being friends anymore?" I nodded slowly as he walked up to me, putting his hands on the side of my face. "I'll never hate you. Ever. I'm just... I'm trying to figure out why me, you know?"

"Why you?"

"Yeah, why me? I mean, you... you're awesome. You're perfect... you're beautiful and talented and smart and a good person. I don't deserve that."

"You do... because you're the same, Nick. You don't think you are, but I've seen you at your worst and I still loved you. That's why I wouldn't leave you back then," I said as he pushed my hair away from my face. "All I've ever wanted is for you to look at me like you have all those other girls."

"But you're not those girls, Scarlett... you're better than them and that scares the shit out of me," he said softly as I smiled a little. He leaned over a little, resting his lips on my forehead, kissing it softly. "Piper's on a date."

"I know. Are you okay with that?" I asked as he backed away from my forehead and stared me in the eyes.

"I just don't trust that guy," he said softly. "It's like when you have gone out with people. I don't trust them."

"Yeah, but we weren't sleeping together," I said as he looked away. "I... I was scared kissing you and telling you but now that we're standing here, I feel okay." He looked back up at me and a smile escaped his lips. "You're not mad at me or grossed out and..."

My voice stopped only because his lips were pressed against mine, kissing me gently. My body became tense when he deepened the kiss, moving his hands from my face, down my torso and to my hips. Finally I caught myself standing there, my lips still pouted out as he backed away and smiled.

"I'll call and get a cab... whatever this is with us, I don't want to fuck it up... I'll get a cab and go home," he said as I nodded slowly. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I smiled as I watched him as he walked over to the steps and started walking up them slowly. He never took his eyes off of me until he couldn't see me anymore.

When the door shut, I fell back in my chair, reaching up to touch my lips.

Did that really just happen?





I walked around the restaurant, taking another glass of bubbly from a passing waitress and took a sip before looking around. This restaurant opening was pretty boring, and Dylan has excused himself to the bathroom over 20 minutes before hand. I was surrounded by men in suits, women who clearly hadn't eaten in a long time, and not one person I recognised.

I sighed, swallowing back most of my drink before putting the glass back down. I could easily slip out and hail a taxi home. I placed the champagne glass down on a table before heading towards the exit.


I turned around, seeing Dylan squeezing through a group of people. I frowned, turning back around and carried on walking.

"Wait! Where are you going??"

I stepped out onto the street, glad that the crowds of press had left. A hand grabbed my arm, making me turn around. I sighed as I looked at him. "Please... this isn't going to work?"

He frowned, letting my arm go. "Why? What did I do?"

I shrugged. "This isn't really my idea of a first date. I mean... this isn't romantic, being surrounded by people I don't know. It sucks." I looked at him. "Sorry, but a first date means alot..."

"No, you're right. You are totally right." He gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry... can we do a redo? Lets get out of here, go get some food. Just me and you. No press, no people we don't know... just us."

I looked at him, nodding softly. "Ok."


I nodded again. "Yea."

He smiled wide before taking my hand. "I know just the place as well..." He walked us over to his car, and as I settled in the passenger seat I hoped that he really would make this night better.

Would be awkward if I cut this off and it made things bad when filming started.





I was even more confused now than I was when I left AJ's house and drove around some before heading to Scarlett's. It kind of made me feel like a complete asshole, her sitting by and watching me fuck all of these girls, date the skanks, and even fuck our other best friend on the side for like eight years.

I really was a complete asshole. After all the shit I've done, I don't deserve someone like Scarlett to feel that way towards me. I went into my house and got my iPod that I kept all of my old demos and some of Scarlett's songs on and headed out to the beach. I grabbed my jacket, putting it on as I walked out and sat down in a chair that I had plopped in the sand.

I started looking through the songs that we had wrote on my first album. Then I went to her first album that she had released and every song I listened to, it made me realize what a complete fucking idiot I was.

I was about to be 30. Hell, Scarlett was about to be 30. The other guys was married. I knew for a fact that AJ was planning on proposing to Rochelle.

What the hell was I thinking?

"Nick," I heard, sitting up straight in the chair and looking over to see Scarlett standing there, bundled up in a hoodie. "I... I couldn't stay at home alone and Piper's on her date because I tried to call and she wouldn't answer and I just... I can't stand being there alone being confused even if it is coming to see you."

"Well, there's another chair," I said as I pushed the chair closer to me and she walked over, sitting down in it and leaning back, her hands in her hoodie. "I've just been thinking."

"I wish I could stop thinking."

"I leave for the tour soon, but... before I do, do you wanna go out?" I asked, looking over at her. "Like an actual date?"

"But you asked me the other day to come on tour with you some so that we could work on your album..." she said as I nodded. "Unless you've changed your mind."

"No... I just... I don't want to rush into something and I don't want to screw things up because you guys are my family. You're like my sister," I said as she made a face. "Uh, not like that, you know what I mean."

"Did you rush into whatever you had going with Piper?" she asked as I took a deep breath and nodded.

"It was just... sex, Scarlett. It was this thing so that I wouldn't just go out and sleep with random girls and she wouldn't go out and risk ruining her career by sleeping with random guys or every actor she works with, you know?" I said as she looked down at her hands.

"Did you never think of me like that?" she finally asked as I sighed.

"Hell up until a few weeks ago I thought you might be a fucking virgin, man," I said as she chuckled. "You're so private. Hell Piper and I are your best friends and I didn't know. I guess this is why you were always so private...."

"I was 15," she said, looking over at me. "You had called me... talking about this girl you had slept with and I just thought that maybe if I did that kind of stuff, you'd like me." I just glared at her. "So I went and hung out with the one boy I knew who would want to and we did it and it was horrible."


"I can't tell you."

"Fuck, was it AJ?!"

"No, it's before I met AJ in person for the first time," she said as I sighed from relief. "Can we just lay here and listen to the waves?"

"Will you tell me one day?" I asked as she nodded and I smiled, leaning my head back on the chair. If it was AJ, I was going to kick his ass.





I kicked my heels off as I stepped into my front door, letting the door shut behind me before walking through to the kitchen. I set my clutch down before opening the fridge and pulling out a beer. I uncapped it, took a mouthful and headed outside to the back deck. I sat down, resting my feet on the chair opposite and pulled out my cell.

The date tonight had reminded me why I didn't date, and why I'd hooked up with Nick for so long. I didn't like the awkwardness, and the disappointment, and thats all I ever seemed to have in the love department.

I scrolled through my contacts, already knowing who I was going to call, but seeing... just in case there might of been someone else.

I mean, I could of called Nick, but I didn't think talking to him about my somewhat fail date would be right.

"I thought you were on a date?"

I chuckled as Scarlett answered the call. "I was."

"So why are you not still on it?"

I gazed out over my backyard and sighed. "He took me to a restaurant opening."

"A what?"

"Exactly! A fucking publicity event! Scar, it was awful! He schmoozed and I literally stood there taking full advantage of the free alcohol."

"Don't tell me you got wasted..."

I smiled. "No, but I went to leave and he stopped me, told me he'd make it better."

"Oh god..." Scarlett groaned. "...you fucked him, didn't you?"

I laughed. "No, but that probably would've made the night better, either that or he'd be a complete dud."

"It didn't go well?"

"Eh." I sighed. "I'm not feeling it. He's hot and all, but I've gotta work with him... and I don't wanna date him just to keep him happy, if that makes any sense."

"Come on, how bad was it?"

I sighed, knowing I was about to come off sounding like a bitch. "It was awkward as hell. I just couldn't wait to leave."

Scarlett laughed. "Piper, that doesn't mean it was a bad date. It was a first date!"

"I hate dating." I mumbled, making her laugh more.

"Don't give up on him because of one awkward date. You need to get to know him. Promise me you'll go out with him again."

"Scarlett..." I whined, pulling a face.

"Promise me, Piper. I know you. I know what you are like, you always take the easy options. Some of the best things in life have to be worked for and taken the hard way. Like our careers. It's probably the only thing I've known that you've stuck out for so long. Well,... that and..." She trailed off, and I knew what she was referring to.

"Me banging Nick?"


"Sorry! Had to say it." I stifled a chuckle as Scarlett carried on groaning. "Fine. Fine I'll give Dylan another date."

"YAY!" Scarlett whooped down the phone, making me hold it away from my face.

I only hoped that she was right, and that a second date would make it all better.


Chapter 7 - Second times the charm? by blockstreetgirl

January 6, 2010

[Flashback - October 31, 2002]



The beauty of Halloween parties was that you kinda lose your identity for one night. Sure, people may recognise you, but for one night only you are dressed as something, or someone else, and that makes it fun.

There was a party, a huge party. It didn't matter that I was only 19, I got let in without a second glance, served at the bar too. I was sipping some ghoulish cocktail through a straw whilst scanning the crowd of people on the dancefloor.

It was harder to find who you were looking for when they clearly wouldn't look themselves.

I smiled at a few guys who walked past, one dressed as a zombie, and chuckled. I myself was dressed up as a zombie-fied Madonna... think Like A Virgin era. My usual dark blonde hair was highlight blonde, streaked with black and completely curled up. I knew I was showing a little more skin than I probably should've been, but it was halloween.

"Hey gorgeous!"

I cringed, hearing one of Nick's friends nickname for me and rolled my eyes. "You're still on the scene then." I glanced at this guy, who insisted everyone call him Bean, and bit back a laugh. He was dressed as a mummy, and looked awful.

"Why wouldn't I be? Aren't you too young to be in here. I should let the doormen know..."

I rolled my eyes. "Who do you think let me in?!" I gave him a look before feeling an arm on my shoulder. I turned, seeing Nick standing beside me wearing a bright orange jump suit. I laughed, watching him as he definitely checked me out. "A felon?"

"A.... fucking hell Piper, what are you?"

"A zombie-fied Madonna."

"I don't remember her wearing that... little."

I smirked. "Then don't look."

"I can't help it..."

I playfully punched him in the chest, shaking my head at him as he faked hurt. "So, no Scarlett?"

He rubbed his chest, shaking his head. "No, she said she's busy. Haven't you spoken to her?"

"Nope. She's been busy." I laughed, letting Nick grab my arm and pull me over to the bar. "So, how did it go?"

He smiled wide. "Great. I can't believe I actually have an album out!" The excitement was pouring out of him, making me feel proud.

"It's a great album." I hugged his side, making me squeeze me tighter.

"Why did Timberfake have to release one at the same time, though?" He asked, looking down at me. I pulled a face.

"Urgh. I hate him."

"Hmmm." Nick hummed. "You never did tell me why, either. What did he do?"

I stayed quiet, opting to take a look at the people also waiting at the bar. I was lost in a gaze until I felt Nick squeeze my waist. I turned to look at him to see him holding out a shot glass towards me. I took it, and we both did the shot. I winced, feeling the liquid burning its way down to my stomach. "That was gross!"

Nick just laughed before turning to his friends.

It wasn't weird for me to be out with Nick and his friends. Sure, Nick normally was busy elsewhere, but when he was home, which he had been alot this summer, we'd been together. I'd been at the studio when he recorded his album, and he'd been there to help me go through lines for movies. It had probably been the best summer we'd ever spent together since becoming really good friends. It was just a shame most of Nick's friends were freeloaders and complete perverts.

"Wanna dance, babe?"

I looked over at Bean and faked throwing up before turning to Nick. I tugged on his arm as he chatted with someone, but instantly he turned to me. "I know we just got here, but can we leave. Bean's giving me the creeps again."

Nick looked over at Bean before looking back at me. "Sure." He took my hand, and we walked through the crowds of people and out the party. I thought he'd get us in a car, but instead he guided us down the sidewalk. "Always handy being in our hometown, isn't it?"

I smiled, nodding at him. "Feels weird being back though, right?"

"Eh, I miss it. Marathon isn't the same really."

I chuckled. "Nick, you live in a tiki hut on the ocean. Definitely nothing like Tampa."

He smiled, guiding us through the streets. We passed several people dressed up, but no one bothered us. Again, Halloween had its advantages.

"So, where's the girlfriend?"

We stopped walking, finding ourselves right by the beach.

"Wanna go for a walk on the beach?" Nick asked, ignoring my question. I nodded, and slid off the shoes I had on before following Nick onto the sand. It was still warm despite it being late October. I felt Nick take my hand as we walked out onto the beach. "She was using me,"

"I called that."

Nick sighed. "Piper, don't..."

"But I did!"

Nick stopped walking, making me stop too. "Don't..."

I sighed softly. "Sorry."

"It's ok. I think deep down I already knew." He sunk down to the sand, dropping his shoes on the sand next to him.

I dropped down on the sand and stretched my legs out in front of me. "Now you know why I stay single."

"Because you are afraid of commitment." Nick said, looking at me.

"No, I hate the drama that it brings. Keeping people at arms length is what I do best. Only the people I really trust know me."

He carried on looking at me. "I've never seen you with a boyfriend. Not a serious one anyways."

I shrugged. "I don't want one. Plus, I'm only 19. I've got years ahead of me yet."

Nick smiled. "I remember being like that. Although now... I kinda do feel like that."

I nodded, staring ahead at the moon shining on the water. "It kinda makes me a slut though."

Nick snorted. "A slut! Why?"

"Well I'm not in any kind of relationship, but I sleep around."

"Woah, wait. You sleep around?" Nick touched my arm, making me look at him. He looked shocked, and it was kinda amusing.

"Well, yeah. I have needs..."



Nick opened and shut his mouth a few times before sitting back. "It's not safe."

"You mean it's not what a woman should do? But yet its ok for you to do it?" I rolled my eyes. "Grow up Nick. I like sex. Deal with it."

"No, it's not that. Fuck..." He turned me towards him. "...it's not safe! What if you pick up some guy who's a complete asshole."

"I can look after myself, Nick." I felt a little irritated. Why did everyone think I was incapable of taking care of myself. "I am on the pill, and I always use protection."

"I don't like it." Nick muttered. "You haven't slept with any of my friends, have you?"

"Ew." I pulled a face, looking away from Nick. He stayed quiet, and I guessed I had given him the answer he wanted, although his reaction to me having a healthy sex life was annoying me. Why was it so wrong? I was careful, why should it bother him.

"You shouldn't sleep around, Piper."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I'll just become a nun then. Join a convent, ‘cos obviously if that was the case I'd never have sex again."

"I just want you to be safe."

"I AM safe!" I yelled out, glaring at him. "It's my life, Nick!"

"And I care about you! I don't want you to end up hurt, or pregnant at that!" He ran his hand through his hair. "Don't be mad at me."

"Nick, you're telling me to quit having sex. I can't. and I'm not! It's not like I go around sleeping with every guy a see! I haven't slept with you, or your friends so you should know that! Jesus, you think I want to sleep with a different guy every time? No, I don't! I just don't want the stress of a relationship!"

"So get a fuck buddy."

"What?" I stared at him like he was mad.

"Well that's exactly what you just described!"

I stood up, brushing sand off my. "And how exactly does one go about looking for someone to have sex with regularly?! Seriously Nick, that's a stupid idea!"

"How is it stupid? Stupid is constantly going around fucking random guys."

I glared at him before turning around and walking away. Tears stung my eyes, and I willed them to stop. I heard movement from behind me and sighed when Nick blocked my view of the ocean.

"I've got an idea."

I looked up at him, and shrugged. "Let me guess, go search the internet for the perfect partner?"

"No." Nick frowned. "You don't need to search."


He stepped closer. "Piper, I want you to be safe, right? Well..." he trailed off, making me sigh.

"Nick, I'm not sleeping with any of your friends."

He chuckled. "No, and thank God. No, I don't mean them. I mean... fuck. I mean me, okay? I don't want you sleeping around, so if you need a release, you come to me."

I stared at him a moment before snorting. "Thats funny..."

"I'm being serious, Piper!"

"Nick, I can't have sex with you! That's just... weird!"

"Gee, thanks." Nick's voice was quiet, making me look back at him.

"You're being serious?"

"I want you to be safe," he whispered softly.

We stared at each other for the longest time, me trying to figure out if this was even a good idea, if it would fuck us up or would be the best thing ever. I've never had the hots for Nick. Sure, he is hot, but it's never been like that. I find it hard trying to imagine us... doing it. It was just weird, yet it made me curious.

"No strings attached?"

"Are you really bringing him into this?"

I smiled, making Nick chuckle.

"Nothing, Piper. I just want you to stay safe, and hey... keeps me on the straight and narrow as well."

I looked at him a moment before slowly nodding. "Ok."


"Ok." I gave Nick a small smile before sitting back down on the sand.

Well fuck.






2010 was starting on a weird note. It started off by kissing Nick, then me telling him that I've been in love with him for more than half my entire life and now I'm sitting next to him in his car after he picked me up at my place and from the looks of it, we're heading to his.

"Are we going to your place?" I asked as Nick looked over at me quickly and nodded before smiling. "Why your place?"

"I figured our first like... date... well I don't think it should be in public," he said as I looked out the window at the stars in the sky. Nick was acting weird for some reason. Maybe it was the whole first date thing.

We pulled up at his house, which wasn't too far from mine, and as I started to get out of the car he started yelling at something and I paused, watching him as he ran around the car and opened the door up for me.

"Nick, you've never done that before, why start now?" I asked as he gave me a look.

"It's what you do on a date," he said as he shut the car door and locked it.

"But it's me," I said as he nodded and smiled a little before we started to walk up the steps to his front door and he unlocked it quickly before punching in the security code. I stepped inside the foyer and looked around seeing the lights on low. "You don't have to act any differently, Nick."

"Yeah, I'll remember that," he smiled as he started to help me take my jacket off, leaving me in my black dress that I had on. "Just, be normal."

"Right," he nodded as he took my hand and led me to the dining room where there was two candles lit on a table with what looked like plate covers over two plates. "You like?"

"You shouldn't have left those candles lit and came to pick me up... they could have tipped over or something," I said as he made a face. "But it's sweet."

"I don't typically do this shit, man," he chuckled.

"You don't have to impress me," I said, trying not to laugh as we walked into the dining room and I sat down at one of the seats and he sat down next to me. He reached over, taking the tray off my plate and I smiled, knowing damn well he hadn't cooked the lasagna on the plate in front of me. "My favorite."

"I know," he said, opening up the bottle of wine and pouring some in my glass before pouring some in his. "So how's this date thing work?"

"It's just me, Nick."

"You keep saying that but it's different... the guy is supposed to try and impress the girl on the date so that's what I'm trying to do, you know?" he said as I took a sip of wine and watched him as he nervously sat down. "And it's not like you're just some random girl I could take to a club and then come back and bang."

"Is that what you want to do?"


"So you don't think of me like that?"

"That's not what I'm saying," he said as he motioned for me to eat. "I'm just... I don't want to fuck up. I'm trying to do right, here."

"You know, just because I tell you that I've had feelings for you for the majority of our friendship, you don't have to act on them if you don't want to," I said as I took a bite of the lasagna. It was still really warm and I knew he had been gone from his house for at least 30 minutes. He had someone come and sit it out while he was gone. Probably AJ and Rochelle.

"I... I kind of want to," he said as I smiled a little. "That's why I'm doing this, so will you just fucking let me try to woo you or some shit like they do in movies? For fuck's sake." He took a big sip of his wine and leaned back in the chair as if he was exhausted already.





Date night, take two.

I was nervous. I mean, I wasn't even really sure I wanted to do a second date, but after Scarlett convinced me to, I told myself it was a good idea, that I was just freaking out because I didn't normally do this kind of thing.

Dylan was coming to my place to pick me up. We were going for a early dinner, at a nice chinese restaurant across town. I'll admit I booked it, but he seemed more than happy to go there, and that made me feel at least a little bit at ease.

I decided not to try so hard as well, being that it was a somewhat still day time date, I opted for a pretty floral dress and flip flops. I twisted my hair into a pretty bun and put on some light make-up before sitting on my porch to wait for him.

He was on time, parking his car along side mine on the drive before climbing out. I stood up, grabbing my clutch and walked down the porch steps to greet him.

"Hey!" He smiled wide at me, making me feel a little bashful.

"Hey yourself." I walked up to him, and he kissed my cheek, throwing me off guard.

"You look beautiful."

I couldn't help but blush at his compliment, and smiled softly. "Thank you. You look great also." And he did. He was wearing a button down shirt over some black pants, and his hair was messy spikes, but you could tell he'd spent time on getting it just right. He helped me into the car before walking around the other side and getting in.

The car smelt like his cologne, and I couldn't help but steal glances at him as he drove us into the city. It was weird, but it was like something had changed. Like, this was normal Dylan, and not actor Dylan. Last night had been a little weird, but then there had been the public appearance, and maybe he was nervous? I wasn't really sure, but I could tell he was more relaxed, and that made me feel a little better,

"So, is this better?"

I looked at Dylan from across the table. I'd been studying the menu, suddenly feeling hungry. "Better?"

He smiled. "Than last night?"


"I know it sucked. I'm sorry. Clearly I am bad at first dates..." He looked a little bashful, making me smile.

"It's ok, really. I guess first dates can be sketchy at times. Thats what the second date is for." I gave him a smile before looking back at the menu. We stayed in a comfortable silence until the waitress had taken our order and left out table.


I smiled. "So...."

Dylan chuckled. "We need an ice breaker."

"Shots?" I chuckled, seeing him look at me to see if I was serious. "I'm kidding."

"I was actually warming to the idea."

We both laughed, and I could already feel what little awkwardness there was fading away.

Maybe this would work after all.





I wasn't sure exactly what all I was supposed to do on this date. I had a maid clean up my house. Rochelle cooked the dinner and her and AJ came to set it up while I went to get Scarlett. I wanted this to go well. I wanted it to look like I had made an effort because I had. I had been agonizing over this for two days because I've never had a girl feel that way about me before and be honest about it. Sure, there's people who have said they loved me, but I knew they were lying. I knew Scarlett was for real. The last thing I wanted to do was mess that up.

"I wonder how Piper's date is going," Scarlett said as I looked up at her. "She said she wasn't feeling it, but I told her to give it another shot. She didn't want to make things awkward with work because they start filming soon."

"I just don't trust that guy," I said as Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"You'll have to tell Rochelle she did an awesome job at this," Scarlett said as I started to say something and she smiled. "But I guess I can tell her if she's going on tour next week." I just looked at her. "You still want me to go, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, and I've already set up some studio time in places where we have a day or two off," I said as she smiled and stood up from the table. I watched her as she reached for the rest of the bottle of wine and grabbed her glass. "Where you going?"

"Come on, let's go outside," she said as she walked out of the dining room. I heard her walk out on the back deck and I walked over, grabbing her little jacket because it was too cold for her to be in her sleeveless dress and I grabbed mine before heading out on the deck where she was leaning against the rail.

"Here," I said, wrapping her jacket on her shoulders and walked over to stand beside her. I watched her as she took a sip of wine and I sighed. "This is weird."

"What's weird?"

"This," I said as she turned around to look at me. "You and me here like this."

"Nothing is weird unless you make it weird, Nick," Scarlett said as I looked away. "You're the one that's acting as if we don't know each other. I know you don't hold the door open for girls. I know you don't do that stuff. You don't have to do it for me."

"Yes I do."

"Why? You never did before," she said as I chuckled.

"Because besides a few random guys, I've never seen you even consider dating a guy before and you tell me all of this stuff about how you feel about me so I feel like I should live up to it so I tried tonight and apparently you keep throwing it in my face," I said as I turned to look at her. "You deserve the best. So... I'm trying to give that to you."

"Why do you keep throwing up my dating history in my face?" she asked. "I'm not throwing everybody you've slept with in your face because frankly I can't count that high."

"Because you're like... pure or some shit, like you should have a chastity belt on or something," I spat out as she glared at me. "I think you lied about being a virgin. I think you are one."

"Yeah, I'm not."

"Then tell me who."

"You don't want to know," she said as she drank the rest of the wine in her glass and glared at me.

"Tell me..."

"Justin Timberlake," she said as I glared at her. "I was 15. He was a year younger than me and the show had just ended..."


"Don't yell at me," she said, pointing at me. "I would have given anything for it to be you!"

"You didn't try!"

"You kept calling me, telling me about this girl you were sleeping with, and then another and how it was so easy to get girls when you're traveling in Europe and so I thought, hey, maybe if I'm easy and not a stupid virgin, you might notice me for more than just being your friend so I went to the first guy I knew that would want to," she said all in one breath. "So there, I'm not a virgin. I've been with three people, so I'm not pure like you think I am."

"Is that why Britney always hated you so much?" I asked as she rolled her eyes. "You took Timberlake's v-card, didn't you?"

"This was a mistake, wasn't it?" she asked, looking at me. "Me and you... we can't. I was stupid for even thinking it and now it's just.."

"Justin fucking Timberlake," I muttered to myself as I looked up to see her glaring at me with tears in her eyes.

"I want to go home," she whispered as she marched back into my house and I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. "Let's just... let's just pretend this didn't happen tonight and what I told you didn't happen, okay?"

"You slept with him, thinking I would want to sleep with you?" I asked as she put her arms through her jacket and grabbed the bottle of wine. "Who's the other guys?"


"I'm your best friend, Scarlett, I feel like I should know this shit," I said as she took a sip of the wine from the bottle. "Everybody I've been with, like seriously, you know about. Even the one night stands and you apparently still love me, so... tell me."

"Remember that guy that I was working with about three years ago?" she said as I just looked at her. "Ryan... I worked with him on his first album because my producers asked me to? And we wrote some together?"

I nodded. "That's the last guy that I knew you had went out with once or twice," I said as she sighed.

"You were busy touring and that Rebecca girl you were dating didn't like me out on the road with you and so... it was a fling for about six months until he wanted more and I couldn't," she said, glaring at me.

"Who's the other?"

"It was a long time ago, Nick."

"Just tell me and then it's over and we'll never speak of it again," I said as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked down, mumbling something. "What?"

"AJ," she whispered, looking up at me.

"AJ? My AJ?" I seethed, seeing a scared look on her face. "You and AJ?"

"You know how it was just sex with you and Piper? It was like that... It was after he went to rehab the second time. When I opened some shows for you guys on the Never Gone tour. It didn't last long because I... I hated keeping it from you but I was going through stuff with my family and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Piper was all successful. You were successful. And I still hadn't really found anything of my own. The album deals fell through. The songwriting was all I had," she said in one long breath. "I see you turning red and you're mad but you asked. I told you. You fucked our best friend. Well, I fucked your other best friend."

"I guess we're even," I muttered.

"I want to go home," she said, taking one last sip of wine from the bottle. "I'll call a cab to come get me. This was a mistake."

I watched her as she walked back into the house and I sighed, leaning over the rail and looking out at the beach. How did they have a fling under my nose and I didn't know?

Suddenly I understood how she felt with me and Piper. But I was still going to kick AJ's ass.





It was dark when Dylan parked his car outside my driveway. We'd been out alot longer than intended, but I'd had a great time, sitting in the restaurant talking, sharing a dessert. To say this beat the previous nights date was an understatement.

"I really enjoyed tonight."

I smiled at Dylan as he undid his seatbelt before turning to me. "Me too. It was great."


I nodded. "Really."

"So you wouldn't say no to a third date then?"

I smiled, shaking my head softly. Dylan grinned at me before taking my hand in his.

"I really am glad you agreed to tonight. I mean... I don't do dates well, and I like you."

I squeezed his hand. "I'm glad to. Plus, it would be bad if we didn't get on and we're working together."

Dylan chuckled. "Guess it's going to make on screen chemistry look good, huh?"

I giggled. "Well, I guess that depends on where this is going..." Dylan smiled at me, and I couldn't help it. I felt my stomach flutter as he gently tugged me closer. His cologne filled my senses, making my heart start to beat a little faster.

"Seems to be going the right way to me..." Dylan murmured before smiling at me. I gave him a small smile back before he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

Sure, we kissed on New Years Eve, but this was different. Soft, slow... hot. I was clinging to his shirt as he nibbled at my lips gently before breaking the kiss. He chuckled as I stayed where I was, my eyes closed with a smile on my face.

"Yup, definitely moving the right way." He brushed my hair back gently, placing another kiss on my lips.

I opened my eyes and grinned at him. "So, when is our next date?" I moved back slightly, finally letting go of his shirt and smoothing it out from where I'd been gripping it.

"Tomorrow?" Dylan was smiling, his blue eyes twinkling at me.


"It's a date."

Dylan slowly climbed out the car, making me reach for my purse. He opened my door, and helped me out before pulling me close. "I'm so not going to apologize for this..."

I looked up at him as he kissed me again, and this time it wasn't as innocent as the one in the car. By the time he'd pulled away, got in the car and left I was wondering why I'd let him leave to begin with. But then I remembered I was trying to be a better person, and do this properly.

I smiled to myself, walking up my driveway, but didn't fail to miss Nick's car parked up beside mine. I kicked my heels off, and picked them up before walking up the porch steps and letting myself into my house.


"In here!"

I walked into the kitchen where Nick was, sat up on my counter eating a bag of potato chips.

"All dressed up?"

I put my shoes and clutch on the side before nodding. "I had a date."

"Another one?"

I gave Nick a look before opening the fridge and pulling out a couple of beers. I handed one to Nick before looking at him. "So, why are you here eating my food with your butt on my nice clean counter tops?"

Nick sighed, placing the bag of chips beside him. "Scarlett..."

I frowned. "What did you do?"


"If you upset her..." I glared at him as he jumped down off the counter.

"Did you know she lost her virginity to that fucking asshole Timberlake??"

I chuckled. "Dude, you didn't know?"

"YOU DID?" Nick shouted, making me shake my head.

"Of course I did. Why are you so mad about it?" I drank some of my beer, watching him as he looked back at me.


I snorted. "Yea, well... we all make bad decisions from time to time. Need I mention Paris Hilton."

Nick groaned, muttering under his breath. shaking his head before looking back at me. "So, you knew about AJ too?"

"AJ? What's he done now?" I watched Nick as he chuckled.

"Oh wow, you don't know. Scarlett and AJ..."

"What about the... oh no, you're not saying what I think are you?!" I put my beer bottle down as Nick just continued to stare at me.

AJ and Scarlett?!


"I didn't ask details, but when she toured with us..."

I looked at him. "Wow..."

"WOW? Thats all you have to say?" Nick stepped closer. "She went behind my back and slept with my best friend."

I snorted. "Bit like me and you, then?" I took his hands in mine, pulling him closer. "Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset." Nick stated, pouting at me. He almost looked adorably cute, if he wasn't sulking over something he really had no reason to sulk over.

"Bullshit, look at you." I gave him a small smile. "Nick, it's no different than me and you, other than the fact you never walked in on them. She's human. Just because she never flaunted her sex life like we did doesn't mean she never got up to anything."

"But... AJ!" He sounded defeated, and it made me smile.

"How did this come about, anyways? Her telling you about Justin and AJ."

Nick stayed quiet, just looking at me. If this had been a few weeks ago, hell a few days ago, I would of taken advantage of this moment and seduced him. Hell, a part of me still had that feeling, but something had changed, and rather than me trying to hump the socks off my best friend, I wanted to comfort him. I pulled him close and hugged him, smiling softly when he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. It was nice and familiar, and I was happy that I hadn't lost this with him.

"I tried a first date..." He mumbled into my neck, making me pull back slightly.

"A date?"

He nodded. "I suck. I literally suck. There I am, trying to impress her like she's some girl I've never met before, and she got annoyed with it. And the awful thing was I could see what I was doing and still couldn't stop. I guess thats how it all came up. And then she left because I blew my top."

I squeezed his waist, making him giggle a little. "First dates suck anyways." I thought back to me and Dylan before and smile a little more. "You should talk to her. That is... if you genuinely like her." I looked at him as he dodged eye contact and stepped out of my arms.

"I don't want to upset her."

I sighed. "Nick..."

"I like her, Piper, of course I do." He looked up at me, his cheeks flushed a little at his admittance. It made me smile.

"Then just be you. She knows you, Nick. She's known you forever. She fell for the dorky geek that you are, not someone you are not."

Nick nodded softly. "I know..."

"So, what are you going to do? Ask yourself that. How can you make it up to her? And Nick.... don't hurt her. As much as I love you, I would kill you if you hurt her. I mean that." I glared at him as he nodded.

"I won't..."

"Good. Because you hurt her, and you lose us both. So you need to make sure you know 100% that you want her as a girlfriend, or just as a friend."

Nick nodded. "I know, I know. I get it. Believe me." he walked back over to where he placed his beer and picked it up. "So... this guy... Dylan..."

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself at Nick's tone. Even after I threatened him he still was being his normal protective self.





I sat in my living room, having Joan Jett blasting on the speakers of my stereo and just sat there staring at the blank television screen. I was still in the dress I wore to Nick's, except I had chucked my heels somewhere down my little driveway and didn't really care, because I hated those shoes anyway.

I just felt a little bitter. If I wrote a song right now, it would probably end up being some angry Alanis Morrisette song about telling the guy to go fuck himself. Piper kept saying the reasons she didn't date, well I had my reasons too.

I kept hearing someone knocking at my door, but I didn't really care about getting up. It was almost midnight and I knew it was one of two people, and frankly if it was Nick I didn't care about seeing him.

"Scarlett?!" I heard Piper's voice call out as my alarm went off and then immediately went off when she typed in the code. "I used my key!"

"I'm in here!" I yelled as I looked over to see her walking in. She had obviously changed from her date because her hair was in a ponytail and she had on something only she would sleep in. "How was your date?"

"Pretty awesome... much better than the first," she said, crawling up on the sofa next to me. "Thanks for talking me into it. " I nodded, not saying anything. "You've got your hate music on."

"I hate Nick."

"You do not," she said as I rolled my eyes. "He came over to see me. He was at my place when I got back from my date." I groaned, shaking my head and closed my eyes. "So AJ?"

"He asked me who else I'd been with when I told him I had been with three guys and he flipped his shit with Justin," I said, looking over at her. "Who does that? He can't even count all of his."

"But AJ?"

"He was trying to stay sober and it's when he was kind of hot and had gained a little weight and had that curly longish hair and wore eyeliner and I just thought it was hot," I muttered. "Plus, I had pretty much already figured out what was going on with you and Nick and I just needed to not think about it."

"You're such a boy band whore," Piper chuckled as I glared at her. "Nick's jealous. And don't get any ideas about him coming to my place. He needed to talk, that's all. I told him if he hurt you, he'd lose us both."

"You like Dylan now, don't you?"

"It was nice... he's hot... we got along pretty good and I didn't sleep with him on the, well, technically second date. That's a start, right?" she asked as I tried not to smile. "We need to grow up. I told Nick he needed to grow up right when he left."

"Yeah, we do."

"So why the fuck didn't you tell me about AJ?" she asked, hitting me on the arm. "You come giving me the gossip through my bedroom window about Timberfuck, but you don't about AJ?"

"It's little," I muttered as she cracked up laughing, grabbing a pillow and put it over her face.

Now everything felt normal again.


Chapter 8 - Stupid is as stupid does by blockstreetgirl


I'm an utter idiot.

I've been an idiot for years.

I need to stop being an idiot.

I hadn't slept. Not after I left Piper's and drove home. Not after I cleared away the fail of a date. Not even after I spent three hours playing World Of Warcraft just to try stop thinking. It was no use. I knew I needed to do something to make up for how I reacted to Scarlett the night before, I just had no idea what to do.

I mean, not only had I been an asshole the whole time she secretly loved me, but I was still being an asshole now that I knew, and I knew deep down that was because I was jealous.

I mean, AJ! What the fuck! Not only did Scarlett keep it a secret, but so did AJ. My brother, my best friend.

It was no surprise that I found myself parked outside his house at 7am, sipping at the coffee I'd got from Starbucks before hand. I wanted to talk to him, find out his side, but at the same time I didn't want to piss off Scarlett anymore, or cause shit between me and him.

But I also wanted to smack the shit out of him.

My cell buzzed, making me jump. I glanced down to see a message from Scarlett.

"Where are U?"

I sighed, glancing up at AJ's house. My cell buzzed again, making me glance down once more.

"I'm at your house and you aren't here. Tell me you aren't outside AJ's, or Justins..."

I groaned, closing my eyes. She knew me. Deep down she really knew me. I was so stupid. I sat my coffee cup in the holder before starting the car. I sent her a message, telling her to stay there before driving away.

I needed to talk to Scarlett properly, tell her exactly how I felt.

Which, simply was confusion. I was confused. I had feelings for Scarlett, of course I did. She is my best friend. She knew me better than I knew myself. But I'd also spent a lot of time fucking our best friend, and in the process hurting her.

I didn't want to hurt her.

She was sat outside my house as I parked up. She looked like she hadn't slept as well, and it made my stomach hurt. I climbed out the car, shoving my hands in my pockets before walking over.


Scarlett looked up at me before standing. "So, AJ's or Justins?"

I sighed, looking away. "AJ's" I whispered, glancing at her. "Don't worry... I didn't go see him."

"I knew you wouldn't. Chicken shit..."

I couldn't help but crack a smile. "Yup, thats me. Add it to the list, which also includes asshole, douchebag and idiot."

"You aren't any of those, Nick." Scarlett spoke softly, shaking her head.

"I am."

"Nope." She smiled a little. "Would you see me ever liking anyone like that?"

I shrugged. "You did get with Justin..."

She smiled. "Touche."

"Look, Scar..."

"Don't." She held her hand up. "Don't, Nick. I know. And I know the only reason you freaked out was because it was a shock. I get it, I do. I'm sorry I never told you. It's just my life, ya know. Some aspects need to stay private to me."

I nodded. "I am sorry, though. I ruined our date."

Scarlett chuckled. "Nick, it was ruined the moment you tried to impress me. You forget, I fell for the guy who burps the alphabet, who tries to out fart himself and snores in his sleep."

I couldn't help it, I laughed. "I'm disgusting."

"I still like you." She whispered, smiling at me.

"So, we ok now?" I felt myself relax when she nodded. I stepped forward, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I wanna make it up to you..."

"Ok..." Scarlett almost looked nervous as I cracked a grin at her.

I didn't say anything else, though. Instead I stroked her cheek gently before leaning in, kissing her softly.





We kissed and kissed some more and then we went inside and kissed until we both got hungry and decided to eat breakfast, which at Nick's, meant cereal because he kept no actual real food. And I could tell that he was actually trying, but not too hard like he was the night before.

"So you wanna go out tonight?" he asked as I looked over at him.

"We don't have to go on a date every night."

"You sure?"

"Yeah... not like we don't see each other every day when we're both home anyway," I shrugged. "But don't do that again."

"Do what?"

"You know what..."

"I didn't plan on doing anything," he sighed. "I just... I want to hear his side of things and make sure you know, he's not harboring any feelings for you or anything." I started to laugh and tried to stop myself. "It's AJ man. He's been engaged like 15 times in the past 10 years. His dick goes up and he thinks he's in love."

"You know he loves Rochelle, it's different with her," I said as he shrugged. "There's nothing there. There was never anything really there. Just friends, that's it. Just.. promise me you won't go knock the shit out of him or go track Justin down."

"Oh come on," he whined, glaring at me. "That bastard has been begging for it for years!"

"Nick, I haven't talked to him in years! He's like all up Jessica Biel's ass and there was nothing ever there, either," I sighed. "Can we please just leave it alone? Please?"

"Okay, I won't punch either one of them," he sighed as I stood up to put my bowl in the sink and turned around to look at him. "What?"

"You just checked me out."


"You never check me out."

"Yeah I do... you just don't see it," he laughed as I walked over to get his bowl and he made a face. "I wasn't done."

"You need to go get some sleep and I have a conference meeting later and I need to nap," I said as I started to walk by him and he grabbed my hand, pulling me back up to him. "What?"

"You... can nap with me," he said, making a pouty face as I tried not to laugh. "No funny business. Just sleep. I'll be a good boy, I promise."

Question was, could I be a good girl?





I think I'm on cloud 9. I mean, I woke up smiling, I've carried on my day smiling, and I've been texting Dylan all day, which has also made me smile.

What the fuck is happening to me?

I hadn't heard from either Nick or Scarlett, so I was guessing they'd sorted everything out. I was happy for them, I was. Especially now I was sort of getting my time to be happy.

I'd spent the better part of the day in meetings for the movie. Dylan hadn't been there, as he had some other appearances to do, but had promised me he'd see me later today, and I honestly couldn't wait.

That's how I knew this wasn't like me.

I'd been given the final script, and it was honestly the thickest script I'd ever had. That excited me, knowing I was going to be a part of such an amazing film. I'd read the book that went with the movie, so I knew this was going to be a high anticipated film. I had to give it my best performance ever.

I was sat under a tree, lost in the script when someone sat beside me. I turned, seeing Dylan and smiled. "Hey!"

"What you got there?"

I flipped the script shut, making sure to bookmark the page with my finger, and showed him the cover.

"Oh, we have the scripts! Any good?"

I smiled. "Have you read the book."

"Uh, no..." He chuckled. "...I read the details for the audition, that's it."

I rolled my eyes. "The book is amazing, the script... it's brilliant. I literally can't wait to get on set and start filming!"

"When is that going to be?"

I shrugged. "No dates just yet. I guess we need to learn this first."

"Can I?" He held his hand out for it, so I folded over the page I had been at before handing it over. I watched him flick through, reading it, and couldn't help but smile.

In this light you could see his hair, which looked dark, actually had lighter strands of hair, that kind of made his hair look like a copper colour. He had freckles on his nose, and his blue eyes shon. He really was a good looking guy, and I clearly lucked out by him being just of a nice person, too.

"This does look good. Any sex scenes?"

I chuckled, looking at his amused face. "A couple, I think."

He smirked, shutting the script. "Interesting."

I smiled at him, taking the script back without taking my eyes from his. "Very..."

It was my turn to kiss him. It seemed natural, and perfect. We sat under the tree, making out like a bunch of teenagers until someone yelled at us to get a room. We broke apart, laughed, and decided to head back in to the building.

I wasn't sure if it was too soon, but a part of me felt like it was already falling for him. I'd never felt this way before, so it had to be that.





Time I got back home and had my conference call with some other writers who were in Nashville, Piper texts me asking if I wanted to grab dinner together. Which sounded good because I had fallen asleep at Nick's and almost missed the call at my place. I was starving. So I grabbed a cookie to eat while I was getting ready to head out. I was just glad that we were back to being okay and things weren't weird like they were last month.

I pulled up at the sports bar that we always liked to go to and saw her car already parked outside. Typically we always came here with Nick who would come to watch the games while we ate the food. But tonight would be quiet because there was no game and no Nick and was just us.

Time I walked in, I saw her over in the corner waving frantically and I made my way through the tables to the booth where she was and slid in across from her.

"Oh my God..."


"I have to do six sex scenes with Dylan in this movie. Siiiiiix. Six," she said as she handed me the script. "Lots of naked time on camera. Well except for one where we stay dressed and are in a pickup truck."

"Oh shit," I said, flipping through the script to the pages that she had tagged with sticky notes. I stopped when my eyes saw the word ‘orgasm' and I looked up at her quickly. "Shit."

"I've done that once or twice, but nothing like this," she said, taking a sip of her soda. "I should get a real drink."

"Not if you're driving," I laughed, handing her the script back. "Does it stay true to the book?"

"Almost every detail."


"I haven't heard from you or Nick today," she said as I looked down and then over at the waitress as she walked up to take my drink order. Her eyes went wide until the waitress walked away. "You did it!"

"No... we.... took a nap together," I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Like you haven't done that before," she chuckled. "I expected gossip, you know, you telling me...."

"I think this is getting weird," I said as she nodded. "You don't need to ask me questions about that."

"True, I should be warning you," she said as I raised an eyebrow. "So everything's okay?" I nodded and smiled. "Think it'll be okay?"

"I think whatever you said to him last night, it worked," I smiled. "And yeah, we've napped before in the same bed, but... we made out some and...."


"We cuddled..."





"Cuddled?!" I frowned. "You at least felt each other up a little..."

Scarlett shook her head, making me groan.

"Oh come on! You've loved him forever! You should be jumping all over him!"

Scarlett laughed. "You make me sound like I'm sex starved!"

"YOU ARE!" I said a little too loudly, making a couple of guys look over from at the bar. I looked away and back at her. "I mean,... it's Nick!"

She gave me a look. "Piper..."

"Ok, then its you too. You don't rush into things, I get it. Just... don't let your head overrule your heart. Please? You think too much, then get paranoid and before you know it you start second guessing it all. Don't. Just... follow your heart." I gave her a smile as she nodded softly.

"I am. Believe me, I am. So... enough about me and Nick. You and Dylan."

It was my time to smile. "I think I'm in trouble."

"Uh oh..."

"Scar, I think I'm falling for him."

"What? Already?" Scarlett looked at me in shock. "Have you even fell in love with anyone before?"

I shook my head. "Well there was this one time Nick got a dog and I really connected with it... I loved that thing. But no, not with a human..."

Scarlett laughed. "You are weird, but you know what, I'm happy for you. Dylan seems nice, from what you've said anyways."

"He is nice. He's got the bluest eyes... my god. And then his little freckles, and his mouth. He can kiss, my god."

"You felt him up yet?"

I laughed, having my question to her directed back at me. "No, not fully. I think he's got a six pack, but I haven't seen it yet. I'm curious though..."

"Of what?"

"You know..." I smirked. "... penis size."

"OH god!" Scarlett groaned, making me laugh. "That is just so wrong."

"Don't worry, I'll tell you once I know." I cracked up as Scarlett cringed.

"No thank you."

"It's only fair, I know Nick's size..."


I laughed loudly at her discomfort. "Chill, I'm only playing. But seriously though... you need to get on that."


I laughed to myself. Teasing Scarlett was just too easy.





Piper and I stayed out longer than I had anticipated and I could have sworn I didn't leave any lights on in the living room, but when I got home, the lights were all on. The alarm was set so I knew nobody had broke in. It was late and I was still tired from the night before. The last thing I cared about was watching television or even checking my email or what the message boards or Twitter was saying.

Seeing what Backstreet Boys fans were saying online was one of my favorite past times because 45 percent of them were bat shit crazy.

I climbed the stairs, taking my flats off along the way and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. I opened double doors to the dark room and dropped my flats on the floor. I pulled my top over my head and slipped out of the skirt I had on. I just wanted to go to bed. I didn't even care if I was just in my underwear.

I pulled the cover back and climbed, sitting my phone on the table beside my bed when I felt a arm move over me and I screamed bloody murder, jumping up and turning the light on quickly.

"What the fuck...." Nick muttered as he sat up in my bed and I realized I was standing there in my underwear. "Well hello..."

"Oh my God, what the FUCK are you doing here?" I asked, feeling like I was about to have a heart attack. "Your car wasn't outside."

"I had someone drop me off," he muttered, scratching his head. "You weren't here and I was still tired so I went to bed."

"Oh my God, are you naked under there?" I asked as he made a face. "Nick!"

"No, I have boxers on... come on," he said as I went to reach for a t-shirt my drawer and he crawled over the bed and grabbed my hand, pulling me back on the bed, almost making me fall on top of him. "You're kind of cute in your underwear. You should wear bikinis more."

And all I could think about was what Piper said. About how I shouldn't overthink things and question myself and how I should just jump on that, or him, because that's really all I've ever wanted.

"Where you been?"

"Out with Piper... we went to dinner together," I said as I looked down at him.

"I'm already being butted out of the group."

"No... just girl talk, that's all," I said as I climbed under the covers and I bit my bottom lip as I climbed on top of him, straddling him. "Is this what you want?"

"I came to cuddle more, but you know, I ain't disappointed," he said as I rolled my eyes but felt his hands move up my thighs. "Is this what you want?" I nodded slowly as he smiled. I just tried not to think about it. I tried not to think about being on top of him in bed in my underwear and just two little pieces of cloth separating us.

I leaned down and his lips met mine, kissing me deeply. I was getting lost in the kiss. I didn't know what the hell Piper was talking about Dylan being a good kisser because Nick was. The girl had issues. I didn't need to think about Piper.

I got so lost in the kissing that I didn't even really notice when his fingers went to my bra clasp, almost unfastening it except for one hook. I started to shift myself on top of him when I froze.

I... felt him.

"Oh my God," I broke away from the kiss and moved off of him, covering my face with my hands. I was trying not to laugh. I was trying my best not to crack the hell up but when I looked over at Nick, he was propping himself up on his elbows, looking over at me. "I'm sorry."


"I think we should wait..."

"That's not it..."

"Yes... it is."

"You know I get excited at the drop of a hat," Nick said as he laid back down, staring at the ceiling and I cracked up laughing. "See. I knew it."

"You were the second girl I jacked off to," Nick said as I looked over at him quickly. "The first girl was Cindy Crawford. Well, she wasn't a girl. You know what I mean..."

I laid there, not knowing what the hell to do with that information.

"Okay," I finally said as I looked over at him. "Let me go get some real pajamas on... and then we can cuddle... if... you put that thing away."

"Jesus," he muttered as I cracked up and pretty much ran into my bathroom and shut the door.





I was laying in bed, lost in the script when my cell buzzed on the pillow beside me. I knew it wouldn't be Scarlett, something told me she had other things on her mind to be ringing me, especially since we'd spent the evening together. I picked it up, and smiled seeing Dylan's name on the screen.


"So, we get to fake sex 6 times, and for some bizarre reason that excites me."

I giggled, setting the script down on the bed beside me. "Well, I guess you need to ask yourself why that excites you..."

"Because I'm horny?"

I smiled. "Well, you sure don't have a filter."

Dylan chuckled. "Trust me, I could say a lot more. You still reading?"

"Yup." I looked at the script. "But I'm not going to say where I am incase you aren't that far."

"I've finished it."

I gasped. "No you have not!"

"Have too! It's a happy ending. They find each other again, and live happily ever after."

I shook my head, smiling. "You just read the end page first, didn't you?"

He cracked up, making me laugh. "Damn, you got me."

I smiled to myself. "So, why the call so late?"

"I wanted to talk to you. I know I saw you earlier... I guess I'm hooked already."

I felt myself blush. "I'm kinda hooked too."

He was quiet a moment as I made myself comfortable on the bed and closed my eyes, listening to him breath. It was comforting.

"So, you know tomorrow night?"

"Hmmm?" I hummed, listening to him.

"You wanna stay at my place?"

I opened my eyes, looking up at the ceiling and smiling a little. "What's the catch?"

Dylan chuckled. "No catch. But I will promise you one thing..."

"Oh yea?"

"I'll make sure you know exactly how important you are to me, that's for sure."

I smiled. "Nothing else?"


"I dunno..."

Dylan laughed. "You wanna practise the sex scenes?"

I snorted. "Wow, don't hold back."

"Well, do you?"

I laid there, smiling to myself as I thought about it for a moment. "What time do you want me there?"




Chapter 9 - Claimed by the Carter by blockstreetgirl



I hadn't opened my eyes yet, but I felt an arm around my waist. I felt someone breathing on my neck and I felt something against my ass. I sighed, opening my eyes and looked over my shoulder to see Nick laying there, dead to the world. His mouth was all open and his hair was all over his head and he needed to shave.

"Nick," I whispered as I moved onto my back and then felt it against my leg. I sighed. I looked over at him and saw him move his mouth a little, kind of like a dog sleeping and dreaming. "Nick..."


"You have a boner...."

"Morning wood."

"Is this an everyday problem?" I asked as he opened his eyes to look at me.

"I was... having a nice dream," he smiled. "Your teasing last night kind of got me riled up."

"Is it still weird for you?" I asked as he shook his head a little. "I... I don't rush into things."

"So says the girl that sprung it on me that she's loved me since we were basically kids," he said as I sighed. "I'm glad you told me. I never would have even thought to go here, you know? I'm... kind of ready for something real I think. Whenever you're ready, I'm good to go." I chuckled and looked back at the ceiling. "You still coming on tour with me?"

"Yeah, that's what the meeting was about yesterday," I said. "The conference call I had to do. The people I usually write with aren't too thrilled about me working on another pop album with you."

"Well, you do what you want to do, you know that," he said as I rolled over on my side to look at him. "Do you want to come work with me?" I nodded. "Then fuck ‘em. Do want you want to do. Piper's gonna be busy with her movie. You need to stay busy, too and you can stay busy with me."

"I don't like when we're all separated though..., me, you and Piper," I said as I pouted. "I don't want Piper to feel like an outcast either."

"She won't and you won't... you know she'll come visit when she gets the chance on tour," he said. "Plus, there's that jackass guy she's interested in. And I swear I'm not jealous at all. If she could find a nice guy, I'd be happy. I just... I don't get a good vibe from him."

"He seems nice and she likes him."

"Yeah, well, people should listen to me," he said as I tried not to laugh. "I might be blonde and pretty, but I'm also smart."





One thing I loved about days off, was that you could get ready for things without the stress of rushing. Sure, I slept late, and kinda rushed my shower, but other than that, my afternoon had been perfect.

Although, staying overnight at Dylan's was kinda a big deal. I wasn't sure if we would be having sex, or just reading lines. Either way I prepared myself, shaved my legs, tidied myself up downstairs and made sure my skin was soft and perfect. I packed a change of clothes, as well as my nice short and tank pyjamas and... condoms. Yea, so maybe I did anticipate something, but you could never be too prepared.

Dylan picked me up from my place, and the butterflies in my stomach set off on full force when he kissed me. It was a kiss that made your toes curl, and pretty much told me there was more to come.

His place was nearer towards Calabasas than where I lived. I'd always loved driving through and admiring the big houses, so when he parked his car up the driveway of one of them, well... I was a little starstruck.

"You live here?!"

He smiled at me. "Sure do."

"Holy shit. This place is huge for one person." I climbed out the car, and followed Dylan over to the front door.

"I know, but I plan to live here till I'm old." He turned to me as he unlocked the door. "Maybe one day I'll have a family here too."

I gave him a small smile, the mere mention of making a family making me want to freak, but he didn't elaborate on this, instead he guided me inside and gave me a quick tour of the house before we ended up on the veranda out back. He already had his script sat there, so he picked it up and flicked through it.

"Where shall we start?"

I smiled, "How's about the scene where they first meet?"

"Sure. Lemme find the page..."

"It's page 18."

He looked up at me. "You know already?"

I smiled. "I have a good memory. Come on, lets see how well I know it already."

He chuckled before turning to the page we needed. We rehearsed several scenes, changing from the first meeting, to when they find out more about each other, slowly building up to the first sex scene. Rehearsing the first kissing scene had resulted in a heavy make out session, before we broke apart and started laughing.

"Maybe we should take a break?" I said, taking the script from Dylan's hands and placing it on the table.


I smiled. "Sounds perfect."

Dylan grinned. "Then afterwards.... the next part of the script." He smiled a smile that literally made me want to skip dinner and tell him we'll do those scenes now, but instead I bit my lip and followed him inside.





Nick had left after we had breakfast and went back to his place before heading to some rehearsals with the other guys. I thought about going, but I would see enough of it on the tour. I had so much to do before heading over to Europe. I had packing to do. I had a few other meetings I had to go to and I had some family drama crap to deal with, too.

The one thing that Piper, Nick and I all had in common was that our families were pretty much bat shit crazy.

But by the time Nick showed back up at my place with a pizza and we ate, all of that had left my mind. I knew Piper had a date with Dylan at his place, and I wasn't about to mention that to Nick. I just told him she had plans for the night. And so we just sat there on my sofa, watching television. I had my laptop in my lap and Nick was always constantly on his phone, texting or stalking Twitter or what fans were saying.

"You know, it's funny that fans always thought we were dating," he said as I looked over at him. "I should be like, ‘ah ha! You were wrong, but now you're right!' Shouldn't I?"

"Nah, just let them figure out on their own or maybe we show up at something together holding hands, I don't know," I shrugged. "You know I might get nominated this year for the country awards for that song that went number one in November that Rascal Flatts did. Maybe you can be my date at the awards."

"Where do you want to be in five years?" Nick asked as I closed my laptop and looked over at him. "In 2015, where do you want to be? Like, do you want us to still be together?"

"We're barely together now, but that'd be nice," I said as he smiled.

"We've never talked about this kind of stuff before," Nick said, turning to face me. "Do you want kids?"

"Uh no...."

"You don't want kids? All girls want kids. Do you know how many girls have tried to trick me into getting them pregnant? I've caught bitches poking holes in condoms," he said as I shook my head. "Really?"

"Can't really play the guitar with a big stomach in the way or some kid crying off in a stroller or needing a diaper changed," I said as he stared at me. "I mean... do you want kids?"

"Fuck no," he said, shaking his head. "We can get a dog one day. Maybe a few cats. A parrott. Maybe a monkey."

"We're on the same page then," I smiled. "If we make it past this dating thing, then no kids for us. And no monkey."

"Fine, but a parrott," Nick said as I laughed, opening my laptop back up. "Why don't you want that, kids and stuff? I mean, I know why I don't want kids. Why don't you?"

"I just don't," I shrugged. "Maybe one day when I'm 50 and I've got carpel tunnel in my hands from playing guitar, I'll want to adopt or something, but, yeah, no... no kids. No babies. I don't do babies."

"Do you want to get married?"

"This is a shitty proposal."

"No.. I mean, do you see yourself getting married? Like a big church wedding and shit," he said as I shrugged.

"I don't know about a big church wedding, but I don't know. Marriage is a lot different than kids. It's just the two of you. You're not responsible for all these little lives."

"Duly noted," Nick said as I gave him a quick side-eye and looked back down at my computer, wondering what his take was on marriage, but I wasn't about to ask him.





Dylan had prepared us a chicken salad for dinner. He poured me a glass of wine, whilst he drank a soda, and we talked and laughed our way through our meal. I could almost of forgotten what had been on my mind before until he brought up the script, and suddenly I couldn't stop watching him as he walked outside, retrieved the script, and came sat with me in the living room.

"So the first scene..." He trailed off, looking at me.

"On the sofa..." I whispered, glancing around the room. It was huge, by no means, but it felt homey in its weird echos-if-you-speak-too-loud way. I shifted on the couch as he flipped the pages until he found the one we wanted.

"Ok, so your character is upset, and mine tries to calm her down."

I nodded, having read this part in the book, and script, several times. I looked down at my lap, willing myself to get into character as he stood up.

"Rachel... I don't know what to say." Dylan whispered, already totally in character. I willed myself to feel some kind of upset emotion before looking at him.

"Then don't say anything. The damage is done..." I sniffled, standing up slowly. "...I should go."

"No, stay..." Dylan walked over, taking my hand. "... you can't leave upset. I won't live with myself if something bad happens..."

"I can't stay here, Luke..." I looked up at Dylan, the blue of his eyes looking a little darker.

"Why not?"

I sucked in a breath, feeling him walking us over to the couch, just as the script says. Only we stood in front of it, rather than sitting right away. "I don't trust myself around you..." I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest as Dylan dropped the script to the floor and cupped my face in his hands.

"What's so bad about that?" He stroked my cheeks as I guiltily looked from his eyes to his lips, and then back to his eyes. Something about this moment was erotic, pretending to be someone else whilst the feelings running through you were all too real.

"I..." I went to recite my next line when Dylan kissed me, his tongue pushing into my mouth. I moaned a little too loudly as he sat us down, me on his lap as his mouth devoured mine. I tried to pull away to catch my breath, but he held me close tightly, making me moan once more.

His hands were doing exactly what the script said, caressing my skin, holding me close, but I had steered away somewhat. My hands were in his hair, gripping it tightly between my fingers as my hips slowly grinded against his. I was too lost in the feeling of him, that I'd totally forgotten what we were doing to behind with, and when we started removing each others clothes... well, I knew we were way past running lines, and more into each other.

He laid me back on the couch, and gazed down at me as he knelt over me. I felt a little exposed, but he just smiled, gazing at me. "You... are beautiful..." He murmured, instantly making me want to cover myself up, This wasn't like me, and I felt myself blushing. "Don't hide yourself... you are."

I smiled at him as he leaned down and kissed me. His mouth pressed against mine as he moved inside me. I was lost in the feelings as he kissed me before leaning up.

"You're mine now..." He said, grinning at me before buring his head in my neck.

I only had a moment to wonder what the hell that meant before he made me lose my train of thought completely.





I closed my laptop, looking over at Nick who was still busy on his phone. It was as if he was in some deep conversation about something but I didn't know if I wanted to interrupt him. But it was getting late.

"So...," I finally said as he looked up at me. "You look busy."

"Oh, texting with AJ," he said as I nodded. "I... told him I knew." I just stared at him. "It's cool. He explained stuff. I explained stuff. It's all good."

"Oh that's good," I said as he gave me a smile. "So, hm, it's getting late..." I said as he started to smile at me. "What?"

"So, you want me to stay here or you want to come to my place?" he asked as I stood up from the sofa. "Or what we doing?"

"We... don't have to spend every night together, Nick," I said as he nodded quickly and stood up from the sofa. "Unless you want to stay over... I mean, that's fine."

"You wanna come over to mine and stay?"

"Not really."

"Why not?"

"I... I don't know who all you've had sex with in that bed," I said as he gave me a look. "I'm weird, Nick. You know that. I've never had a guy sleep in that bed up there until you."

"Then... I'll buy a new bed tomorrow," he said as I sighed. "It's fine. I've been a whore, I know. There's only been a couple I think, though."

"Wow, you must be serious about this thing with me, you're buying a new bed," I said as he made a face and walked up to me. "Why'd you ask me about kids and marriage and shit?"

"Because, I wanted to know what I'm getting myself into..."

"If I said I wanted it all, would you have hauled ass out of my house?" I asked as he shrugged.

"If that's what you want to think...." he whispered before leaning over to kiss me gently on the lips. "I'll go home tonight.... besides, you're gonna see me every night on tour soon."

"I don't get my own room anymore?" I asked as he gave me another quick kiss and laughed at me. "No, really, I don't?"

"Nope. You have been claimed by the Carter," he said, smiling as he walked out my front door.

Claimed by the Carter?

It sounded like some of kind of STD.





I laid on Dylan's floor, completely out of breath as he laid beside me. I couldn't describe the feelings running through me as I turned to look at him.

He was hot.

I smiled, rolling onto my side and wrapping my arm around his middle. He held me close, dropping a kiss to my forehead. "So, reading lines was a success..."

He cracked up, making me tilt my head to look at him. "Definitely went a little further than planned. Not that I'm complaining." His hand ran down to my ass, giving it a gentle squeeze before he let me go complete. I watched from where I was on the floor as he stood up and gathered our clothes. He handed me mine before sliding his pants back on.

I frowned a little at the fact that he was getting dressed already. I mean, we'd just had sex for the first time, and I felt damn good. Didn't he want to just lay here and talk? I sat up slowly, pulling my shorts and t-shirt closer to me, dressing after he'd left the room. His comment he made about me being his came back to me as I braided my hair out the way. What did that mean?

I walked into the kitchen as he cleared away our dishes from dinner. He seemed distracted, so I walked over to the window looking outside and gazed up at the sky. I wondered if I was still staying or not, considering it seemed like Dylan had got what he wanted.

I jumped when I felt arms wrap around me from behind, but settled back into his embrace.

"It'll be interesting when we get around to filming that scene."

I turned in his arms, looking up at him. "I don't think I'd be able to take it seriously." I smiled as he chuckled.

"I'll just imagine us going as it and falling on the floor off the couch."

I snorted, having laughed when that had actually happened. "I think my butt is bruised."

"Want me to kiss it better?" He smiled down at me playfully as his hand moved down to my ass. I pressed myself against him and smiled, feeling him hard against me.

"Only if this time we do it somewhere more sensible, like your bed."

He nodded, kissing me quickly before pulling me upstairs.

Looks like I was staying after all.


Chapter 10 - Happy Birthday by blockstreetgirl

January 27, 2010


[Flashback January 28th, 1998]

"I am so glad I've got this fake I.D." Piper waved around a little card, making me snatch it right away.

"Who in the hell is Bridgette St Claudstein. You sound like some weird mass murderer. And it says here you are 35." I snorted, handing the card to Scarlett, who silently looked at it and shook her head.

"Hey, it got me a beer for you, so shut it!" She turned in her seat, scanning the bar we were in.

It was my 18th birthday, and it was Scarlett and Pipers first trip to Europe. We were currently in Germany celebrating mine and Scarlett's 18th, which was the day before mine. We were lucky, being that we could drink in Europe at 18, it was only Piper, who was still 16 and technically under my fathers guardianship whilst here, who had to have a fake I.D. But then of course, my father was no where to be seen.

"This place is a little loud."

I turned to Scarlett, who was drinking some alcopop. She was always quiet in places like this, and I could tell it really wasn't her thing, but she'd come along anyways. Probably because me and Piper had been so excited. "Wait till the music changes and we can all dance. You both can give me a birthday dance!" I wiggled my eyebrows at them both, making them groan.

"You are not dancing anywhere near me!" Piper said, waving her finger at me. "Not when there's a hot German boy over there... helloooo!" She started waving at some guy across the bar.

"I don't think she should be here." I whispered to Scarlett, who just smiled.

"It's Piper. She can take care of herself." She smiled at me before holding her drink up. "Happy 18th, Carter."

I picked up my beer, and we chinged our glasses together. "Happy 18th Scar." We both took a sip, still looking at each other when the table shifted. I looked up to see AJ standing there with some blonde girl. My eyes naturally gravitated to the girls top, or lack of. She had some boobies on her, man.

"Nickolas! I have you a present!"

I chuckled at AJ, who was clearly wasted.

"This is Karin. She just told me she likes you... " He winked at me as Karin sat in the chair beside me. I glanced over at Scarlett and Piper, who were both watching.

"Uh, thanks AJ, but I'm kinda busy..."

AJ took no notice and walked off, leaving me with my two stunned friends, and a blonde who's hands were travelling up my leg and towards my crotch. I stopped her hands moving and gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry, but my friend is drunk and confused. I'm busy."

The girl pouted at me. "You no want me?"

I went to reply when Scarlett stood up beside me.

"Move it, bitch!"

I raised an eyebrow and Piper also stood up and proceeded to move the blonde girl away from me. It was entertaining to say the least, but at the same time I felt a little guilty. I knew had they not been there that I probably would of ducked off somewhere with blondie and had some fun. I just couldn't do that whilst they were here, I didn't want them to know that side of me.

"What a skank!" Scarlett sat next to me, sitting in the chair Blondie had been in, and glared at me. "You best not touch anyone like that."

"Yea, what she said!" Piper sat beside me in Scarletts old seat and took my hand. "She was nasty. You're a great guy, Nick. Don't sleep with ho's like that."

I looked at them both before wrapping my arms around them and hugging them close. Sure, I was a guy with girl best friends, but they really did have my back, and I was glad they were here.






I was 30. I felt old as shit. Nick was turning 30 the next day, but I was 30 now and he wouldn't let me forget that he was now dating an older woman. He kept texting me, calling me a cougar. I wanted to smack him until he showed up at my door in a suit and tie and flowers and said he had me a present but that he couldn't give it to me yet.

We were leaving to go to Europe late the next afternoon and would be gone for at least six weeks, unless I came back early. But there was a part of me that kind of wanted to stick it out the whole time. Plus, Piper had already said she would visit us.

But tonight would be interesting. Nick and I were going out to eat, on a double date with Piper and Dylan. Nick wasn't too happy about it, but I told him it was my birthday and I wanted to spend it with him and Piper and if that meant Dylan would come along so Piper wasn't feeling awkward, then so be it.

"You finish packing?" Nick asked, looking over at me as I nodded and smiled. "Did I ever tell you that I liked when you wear heels?"


"I do," he said as I chuckled. "I like when you wear red, too. It goes with your hair and makes your eyes more blue."

"What's with all the compliments?" I asked as he made a face and pulled into the restaurant. "I'm pretty sure we're already dating now. Don't get all awkward first date Nick again, alright?"

"That bitch is gone," he laughed as the valet opened the car doors and we both got out of his car. I straightened my short, red party dress and as Nick walked up to me, saw him checking out my legs and realized that's what he meant.

"Are you packed for the tour?" I asked as he winked at me. "With more than a backpack full of clothes?"

"You know me way too fucking well," he muttered as he talked to the hostess and she started to show us to our seat. "I can be your Barbie doll if you want to dress me all the time though. I don't mind."

"That just sounds kinky."

"Well you are a cougar at least for the night," he said as we sat down at a table and I realized that Piper and Dylan weren't here yet. "And you don't have to warn me. I know, be on my best behavior for this asshat that's coming."

"Maybe if you're a good boy, you'll get rewarded," I whispered as he looked up at me quickly, raising an eyebrow.





Dylan held my hand as we walked into the restaurant. He'd been looking forward to meeting Nick and Scarlett properly, and I was too. I knew Nick wasn't too fond of him, but then both me and Scarlett had reminded him constantly that he didn't know him.

"Can you see them?"

I glanced around the place, spotting a couple laughing at the bar, and one making out at a table. I glanced around again before realizing the couple making out was Nick and Scarlett, and I couldn't help it. I stared.

They were so into each other, it was actually cute, well.. unless you knew that I'd been fucking Nick for years up until a month ago, then you'd think it was a little bit weird that I was here watching them. But it was then I truly knew I was completely happy for them. I looked up at Dylan, who had been watching me the whole time it seemed.

"They are the ones playing tonsil hockey over there."

Dylan chuckled, glancing over. "Shall we give them a moment?"

I shook my head. "Nah." I tugged on his hand, and we walked over. I cleared my throat loudly, making them both fly apart. Scarlett blushed instantly, and Nick, he just looked at me like he expected me to be mad. But then his eyes turned to Dylan and he in turn looked mad. "Sorry, but y'all looked like you needed to come up for some air."

"Sorry..." Scarlett said before standing up.

"It's alright." I hugged her, before Nick walked over and hugged me too. "This is Dylan. Dylan, this is Nick and Scarlett."

He greeted them both, getting a less than enthusiastic response from Nick before we both sat down. The waiter came over, and all of us but Dylan ordered an alcoholic drink, whilst he had a water. Nick gave him a weird look, so I decided to break the weird tension around the table.

"So, I have gifts!" I smiled at them both as I took the gift bags I'd had Dylan carry in for me. I handed one to each of them and couldn't help but beam as they both went to town opening the gifts.

It was tradition that we didn't spend alot on each other, so that we kept ourselves grounded and real, but what with them both turning 30, I couldn't not spoil them. I'd got Scarlett a gift reciept for a new guitar, being that she freaked out everytime she took her favourite one anywhere other than the studio, and I'd brought Nick a shit ton of games for his PC. It wasn't crazy, but I knew they'd appreciate them.

"Oh my god, Piper!" Scarlett had tears in her eyes as she read the note I'd put in the card. "I can't believe you did this..."

"Well, you're always worried about your guitar. Figured if you got a new one you could leave the old one at home."

"Thank you so much!" She blew me a kiss across the table, making me pretend to catch it and hold it in my hand.

"And seriously, I only told you about this game the other week!" Nick held it up, and I felt a sense of pride knowing I'd got him something he'd like. I knew things with his family were weird, so he deserved the best.

"I'm glad you like it, both of you."

They both smiled at me, and I think they'd forgotten Dylan was there until he held up his glass and declared a toast. I took his hand in mine and gazed at him, a wide smile on my face as he toasted my two best friends.





Yeah, I didn't care what Piper or Scarlett said. I still didn't like this Dylan guy. He had a shady look in his eye. He kept looking at Piper like he owned her and Piper wasn't one to be owned by anybody. And she kept looking at him weird, like gazing at him as if she was in love with him and well, Piper wasn't into that either.

I looked over at Scarlett at one point and she looked at me and I'm pretty sure we were thinking the same thing. Piper just seemed a little different when he was around. And it had nothing to do with being jealous. It was just weird.

"So Nick, what do you do?" Dylan asked as I looked at him blankly. "Job wise."

"I'm a singer...." I said, my voice trailing off before I chuckled.

"Anything I know?" he asked as I looked at Piper who gave me a look.

"He's a Backstreet Boy," Scarlett spoke up. "Only the best selling boy band in history and one of the best selling groups of all time."

"Oh, like Justin Timberlake," Dylan said as my eyes narrowed on him and I felt Scarlett touch my leg to stop me from leaping over the table and strangling the son of a bitch.

"Only better," Piper spoke up.

"Yeah," I said as I looked at Scarlett. "I'll be right back," I said as I stood up and made my way to the back of the restaurant where the rest rooms were. I walked in the men's room and wanted to punch the wall. He knew who I was. He was probably only trying to show off for Piper.

I just didn't understand it.

Nick, are you in there?

"What Scarlett?" I asked as the door opened and Scarlett walked in and immediately looked around. "Nobody else is in here."

"Don't, please..."

"He's an asshole, he knows who I am," I hissed. "What the hell is Piper doing with that guy besides making a movie?"

"Are you jealous?"

"God no... I'm not jealous," I sighed. "I just get this bad vibe from him, Scarlett. Don't you see how weird she's acting? Tell me you don't see that."

"Yeah, but... I'm acting different with you now..."

"It's different with us. We've known each other forever... but I just... I don't trust that guy with her," I said as she took my hand, leading me out of the bathroom.

"Just, make it through the dinner, okay?" she said, looking back at me as I nodded and we made our way back to the table. "The women's bathroom was being worked on." I looked at Scarlett, knowing she rarely lied but she lied then.

"I'm going to miss you guys when you leave tomorrow," Piper said, almost pouting at us.

"Well, you know you can come over and visit and travel with us anytime you want," I said, looking from her to Dylan. "Anytime."





Dinner was over pretty quickly. Dylan had asked if they wanted to go somewhere to talk and hang out, but Nick had been adamant that they had to go home and sleep before their flight the next day. I was a little bummed, being that I was going to miss them like mad, and we'd spent ten minutes saying goodbye before they left.

Dylan drove me back to my place, and parked his car before climbing out. I stayed where I was, feeling my usual sad feeling when knowing my friends were leaving. "Come on beautiful..." He'd opened the car door, and urged me to get out. I took his hands and let him pull me out before he hugged me. "You ok?"

"I'm going to miss them." I sniffled, wrapping my arms around him as he held me.

"They'll be back before you know it, and anyways... you have me. You'll be fine."

I looked up at him and smiled. Comments like that weren't really weird to me anymore, it's just how Dylan expressed his feelings. He leaned down and kissed me before walking us inside.

I changed into my pyjamas and curled up on the couch as Dylan made us both a drink. I wasn't sure if he was staying until he kicked off his shoes and jacket and sat beside me, holding my hand and just letting me be silent.

But then I felt bad. He shouldn't have to deal with my sulky moods just because my friends were going on tour. I turned to him and cupped his face. "Thank you..."

"For what?" He smiled at me as I stroked the stubble on his cheek.

"For being here, for being nice to my friends, and for being you."

He moved his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "You don't need to thank me..."

I nodded. "I do. I can't not thank you..."

"You don't get it, do you?" His hands slid up my top as I slowly shook my head at him. "I love you, Piper. I'm in love with you."

I looked at him almost stunned as he slowly pulled my pyjama top off and tossed it across the room.

"I love all of you." He started kissing alone my neck whilst his hands were on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly teased me into a frenzy before taking me upstairs and making me forget everything. That was until I was totally spent, and he was snoring beside me that I realized I hadn't even had a chance to tell him how I felt.

I felt awful, and vowed to make sure he knew when he woke up.





Nick asked me if I wanted to stay at his place tonight since we've been staying at mine when he stayed over. I didn't mind it. He had gotten a whole new bedroom suit and I hadn't seen it yet. Plus he said my birthday gift was there, so that was another reason to stay there.

I had told him I was making him pack another bag of clothes to take on tour and most of what he wanted to take was dirty, so still in my red dress, I went and threw some clothes in his washing machine and made my way back up the stairs to his bedroom. It was literally ten minutes to midnight and I was tired, but I already knew something was going on when I made it to the top of the stairs.

I saw something flickering from his bedroom and walked in seeing candles lit around. He had a huge new bed with a lot of fluffy looking pillows and there was a cake with a ton of candles on it.

And I didn't know what I wanted more, Nick or the cake. But if I chose Nick, it was gonna take our relationship to a whole other level.

"Happy birthday to us!" he said, having already tossed his jacket off and pulled his dress shirt out of his pants. "It's almost my birthday."

"I like the bed," I smiled, walking into the room and shutting the door so that there was barely any light in the room. "The cake looks good...."

"The cake's not the real present," he said as he walked up to me. "I... I had something made."

"Made?" I asked as he held his first up and a chain fell with a silver heart locket at the end. "You got me a locket?"

"Open it up," he said as I took it from him and finally opened it up to see a photo of us. It was probably one of the first photos we ever took together. We were probably 15 or so and it was at Piper's birthday party that he was actually home for. I looked on the left side of the pendant, on the inside facing the photo and narrowed my eyes in on the writing to see the line from his song, "I Got You."

No they can't touch me, ‘cause I got you.

"You like it?"

"I love it," I smiled as he took it from me. He walked around me and I pulled my hair up, watching him as he put it on me and I let my hair fall back down. "I forgot about that picture."

"Piper got it for me... her Mom had it, so it took a lot of work," he said as I smiled. "I... wanted you to know I'm taking this seriously. You're not... you know, you're not just some random girl."

"I'm not?" I asked as he shook his head and I moved up closer to him. "I have something for you, too." He raised his eyebrows as I turned around and lifted my hair up. "Unzip me."
I felt him slowly unzip my dress and I let it fall to the floor before turning around to face him in my strapless red bra and panties. "You said you liked me in red."

"You should blow..."

"Excuse me?"

"Candles... cake... before they melt," he stuttered as I tried not to crack up laughing. I walked over to blow them out and closed my eyes, making a wish before I did. Blowing out all the candles. "Make a wish?"

"Yeah, but," I smiled, moving back up to him. "It already kind of came true, sort of." I moved my hand up to his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly before he finally just ripped it off, causing me to chuckle. "Eager?"

"I've only kind of been waiting for this for years..." he whispered. "I just... I wish I'd known sooner, you know? I... I was just trying to be a good friend..."

"You're an awesome friend and you always have been, but... it's time for more," I said, reaching for his belt buckle and I could feel him almost stop breathing. I unzipped his pants, feeling him push them down and step out of them.

"You sure you want this for your birthday?" I asked as he nodded slowly before practically scooping me up and dragging me over to the bed, causing me to laugh. I rested my head on the pillows, which were so soft that I almost didn't notice Nick kissing over my chest, reaching behind me to unfasten my bra. "Like opening your present?"

"Dude, you're dirty," he chuckled as he tossed my bra off and started kissing down my stomach until he reached my panties.

And that's when I got nervous.





I squeezed myself out from under Dylan and walked into my bathroom, making sure to shut the door before turning the light on. I caught sight of my face in the mirror and chuckled. My make up was a mess, and my hair was even worse, but I had a dopey grin on my face that just wouldn't leave.

I'd just got done using the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. Being that I was completely naked, I kinda panicked for a moment before realising it was only Dylan, and that it didn't matter. I reached for the door handle and swung the door wide open. Dylan's eyes drifted down my body before he looked back at my face.

"I woke up and you were gone, and... damn." He moved closer, pulling me against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he smiled at me. "You are so beautiful."

I giggled, leaning up and kissing him softly before urging him backwards. We kissed until Dylan's legs hit the bed and he sat down, pulling me onto his lap. I ran my hands through his hair as we smiled at each other.

"You know,..." I ran my hand along his cheek. "... I never got to say something to you earlier."

Dylan chuckled. "I did notice..."

I smiled, leaning down and placing kisses on his nose. "It's not like you gave me a chance now, did you." His grip tightened on me, making me smile. I pulled my head back a little and gazed into his eyes. "I.. love you too." I whispered, not quite believing I was saying the three words I'd never said to a guy before. I felt Dylan's hands move along my body before he moved his hand to the back of my neck and guided my mouth to his.

Even though I couldn't believe I'd said the words, I really, really was in love with this man.





My body was pretty much on fire. I was already wanting to sweat and his lips were on me. I was naked in front of him and it was something I'd never really thought about. I felt him kiss back up my body quickly before hovering his lips over mine. He'd already lost his boxer briefs at one point and I was so nervous I was started to shake a little.

"Happy birthday," I whispered as I smiled at him and he leaned down to kiss me deeply before reaching down to touch me. I gasped against his lips a little, getting lost in his kisses when I felt myself move my legs and I stopped. "Wait..."

"What?" he asked, looking down at me.

"Are you gonna...."

"Oh... I... I'm good, you're good. You're on the pill right?" he asked as I shook my head slowly. "You're not?"

"That's what was causing my migraines so I stopped like a year ago and never got back on them because... I just didn't," I whispered, making a face. "You have none?"

"I've been a good boy," he groaned, making a face.

"It's one time," I said as he stared at me. "I'll go in the morning to the doctor and it'll be okay," whispered as he smiled. "I promise," I whispered, leaning up to kiss him back and he sighed, deepening the kiss.

And then it happened. I gasped against his lips as literally everything I wanted since I semi found out what sex was, was happening. And the weird thing was, all I could think about was the snide remarks Piper made about penis sizes, because holy hell. But she quickly left my mind as we found a rhythm, moving steadily with one another.

It wasn't like I thought it would be. Or maybe he was being different because it was me. It was our first time together. It was special. Maybe he was being all romantic and slow and gentle because it was me. But I didn't really need that. I needed to show him I wasn't that girl he thought I was.

"On your back," I muttered against his lips as we rolled over and I straddled his waist, feeling him inside of me again. I placed my hands on his chest and began riding him slowly, watching him as he stared up at me all wide-eyed. He started moving his hands slowly up my thighs and to my waist.

I felt like I was in charge for a change and I liked it. I felt him move his hands up to my breast before he tried sitting up and I pushed him playfully back down. He laughed a little, moaning at the same time until he grabbed my hands and sat up, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I..." Nick started to say, pressing his lips against mine as I moaned into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as we kept it up. He was making me feel things that I'd honestly never felt before and I wasn't even sure I could feel this way. Maybe it was more emotions than actual physical things. My body was pressed against his in pretty much every way possible, his hands on my hips, pressing me down on top of him.

And before I knew it, I was resting my forehead against his, totally out of breath and tingling in places that I didn't know could tingle.

I opened my eyes, seeing him staring into mine and he smiled.

"I think music... isn't the only thing... we're good at together," Nick whispered, totally out of breath. "I'm getting there..."


"I love you, you already know that, but I'm catching up with you," he whispered as I smiled at him and leaned over to kiss him softly on the lips.

"Happy birthday."


Chapter 11 - Relationships by blockstreetgirl

February 12, 2010


Nearly two weeks had passed since Nick and Scarlett had left the country, and a week had passed since me and Dylan had been busy preparing for shooting the movie. We now had a location, and a date, and we had to be in Georgia in a couple more weeks. It meant that we were going to be crazy busy, reading lines in a warehouse, being fitted for clothes and making sure we were ready to be in character on the first day of filming.

It meant that I hadn't really had a chance to talk to either Nick and Scarlett since they'd left. We'd all been playing voicemail tag, and it was getting old. I needed to talk to my best friends, especially Scarlett.

Please tell me you are free right now?


I was sat at my table in the kitchen, my laptop open. I'd been responding to a few emails, and surfing the internet to pass time. Dylan was out being fitted for the movie, and I was hoping Scarlett was free to skype.

Actually, I am. What's up?


I smiled, quickly texting her back.

Skype. Now.


I made sure I was logged in, and waited until Scarlett's username popped up saying she was online before selecting video call on her profile. She answered after a few seconds, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her as her video kicked in.

She was clearly wearing one of Nick's hoodies. Her hair was scraped up on top of her head in a messy bun, and she looked tired.

"Wow, you look like shit."

Scarlett pulled a face at me. "Yea, well... it's been a quiet afternoon."

I snorted, smiling at her. "So, how is tour life?"

"Eh." She shrugged. "It's pretty hectic. Nick's always busy. We've barely had a chance to write any, but we had the day off today. Nick has a show tonight but it had no soundcheck, so we stayed in."

"Oh, I see why you look like shit..." I chuckled. "Boom chicka wow wooooow!" I laughed as Scarlett blushed. "So, you have done it then..."

"Is this why you called me? To get details?"

"No... but its fun to tease you."

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "If you must know, yes, we have. And that is all I'm saying on that matter." She leaned closer to the screen. "Red lipstick?"

I shrugged. "I was trying something new. Dylan mentioned that he found red lipstick sexy."

"Ooh. How are things with Dylan?"

I smiled to myself. "Great."

"Just... great?" Scarlett gave me a small smile.

"Ok, its... amazing. He's amazing. I don't even know why I waited so long to get into a relationship." I looked at Scarlett, who studied me for a moment.


"But?" I frowned.

"I heard a but there."

I bit my lip before sighing. "Ok, ok... but... is it normal to feel overwhelmed at times?"

"What do you mean?"

I leaned back in my chair and ran my hand through my hair. "Well, sometimes he's so full on... the kissing, the touching... the things he says. Don't get me wrong, I love it... but it sometimes feels like its too much at times."

"What does he say?"

"That I'm his, and he loves me."

"Woah!" Scarlett looked at me wide eyed. "He's told you he loves you?"

I nodded.

"What did you say back to that? I bet you freaked."

I sighed. "I told him I loved him too."

Scarletts jaw dropped, and she just stared at me in shock for a few moments before shaking her head. "And do you?"

"I think so, yea."

"You think so? Girl, talk to me. You shouldn't tell him that if you aren't sure. I mean Nick hasn't said it to me yet, and I'm totally cool with that." She gave me a small smile. "So, tell me whats going through your mind."

I stayed quiet a moment, not even sure where to begin. I had so many queries, but I wasn't sure Scarlett would want to hear. It was weird now that she was dating Nick, because some of my thoughts involved him. "Well..." I sighed, looking at her. "... I don't know if you'd be the right person for these thoughts, Scar." I said softly, making her lean closer.

"Why the hell not?" She stared at me a moment before nodding. "Nick?"


Scarlett sighed. "We're best friends... and unless you are about to tell me you're in love with Nick or something, I guess I can hear what you have to say."

"Really? And I'm not in love with him. I'll save that for you." I gave her a small smile, feeling greatful that she would listen despite some of it being about Nick.

"Yea, just... don't be gross."

I snickered. "I'll try not to." I took a sip of my coffee before talking. "Ok, so the longest standing thing I ever had before being serious with Dylan was with Nick. Sure, we weren't in a commited relationship, and there wasn't strong feelings there, but we kinda had something that obviously worked. And Scar, this with Dylan is so different that it kinda freaks me out. Sometimes I don't know what to say, or act when he says things. Like..." I trailed off, chuckling. "...like a few nights back, he was being kinda frisky, and I know its wrong, but when he... ya know..." I felt myself blush, "...fucked me..." I whispered, feeling a little stupid. "... well, I couldn't help but compare a little. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't like how it was with Nick. I'm not saying I want Nick, it's just... it's hard. Some women compare exes, and Nick's really the only person I can kinda compare to." I looked at Scarlett, who kinda looked awkward. "Shit, I'm so horrible, aren't I?" I covered my face with my hand and groaned.





"Well, I mean, you've had sex plenty of times, but just not with the same guy so much as you have with Nick or well, now with Dylan," I said as she moved her hands from her face. "Do... you.. like that sort of thing?"

"Yeah... I mean, sometimes, yeah... not all the time..."

"Then tell him not to be all porno... I mean... do you like it more with Nick?" I asked as Piper stared at the camera, just as if she was looking straight at me.

"I've never been in love... does it make it different?" she asked. "You love Nick... was it different than with Ryan or well, AJ?" I sighed and looked down at the keyboard of my laptop.

"Yeah, it's a lot different," I said, almost feeling like I was 15 again and telling her about my first time. "It's not just sex. I guess being with someone you love feels different than just randomly sleeping with someone. Maybe that's what's different about it, Piper. Maybe you do love him," I said, looking back at the screen.

"Maybe it is... it's just, I guess I'm not used to someone feeling that way about me," she said, moving closer to the camera. "So... are you gonna tell me about Nick?"

"I think you know..."

"Come on, humor me... it's awkward, but come on... everything going good?" she asked as I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it's awesome," I said, looking down and trying not to blush. "I just... I hope it doesn't mess up with us working together, you know?" I said, looking back at the screen. "The writing stuff. I just... I hope it makes it better."

"As long as you don't write a song called, ‘Thor'," she said as I glared at the screen. "He's big. Dylan's not as big, but he knows..."

"Oh my god," I practically yelled, placing my hands over the camera as she cracked up laughing. "When are you going to be able to come over and visit?" I said, moving my hands. "Soon?" She nodded. "Good. We have the next three days off and we're heading to a studio to work on his album. So I might be a little scarce, but I have my cell."

"Okay... be good, don't do anything I would do," she said as I rolled my eyes, telling her I loved her before closing out of Skype.

I ran my hands over my face, thinking about the things that she said. It was awkward talking to her about sex with Nick, knowing that she knew him that way a lot better than I did. But I couldn't really talk to my other best friend about it... because he was the one I was talking about. And I felt awkward talking about it on Skype or the phone.

I'm not sure why being on tour is having this effect on me this time because I've been on it with Nick plenty of times. Maybe it's just because before we weren't together. We weren't in a relationship. I wasn't falling asleep in his arms or waking up halfway on top of him.

Maybe it was the birth control pills that I had gotten from some doctor when he first arrived in Belgium. They got my records from my doctor in L.A. and prescribed me some. The last thing I wanted was to get knocked up, but I had a feeling they were making me feel bad again.


My ears perked up, hearing Nick's voice echo as he walked up on the bus. I could hear him walking as he headed towards the back where I was sitting and had a big smile on his face.

"Free for three whole days!" he exclaimed, his hair still wet from the shower as he sat down next to me. "Let's go on a trip."

"Nick, I'm here to work," I said as he started to pout. "If you're ever going to put this album out, we need to work."

"But tomorrow is Valentine's Day," he whispered, wiggling his eyebrows. "Our first, by the way, together. I'll postpone the studio time tomorrow and we can have a day to ourselves, just us. We can write some and just.... get frisky and be all romantic." I just stared at him as he batted his eyelashes. "Come on. For me..."

Why couldn't I tell him no?





The house was too quiet as I played around on the internet. Boredom had set in, and I was waiting for the moment Dylan came back so I'd at least be amused by something.

I decided to fly to go through all the latest gossip sites and see what was going on. I hit up Perez Hiltons gossip site, despite not liking him, he always posted the latest gossip. And yes, even though I was a celebrity myself, I still liked to see what was going on.

Finding myself on the third article down, holding hands with Dylan in a photograph that Perez had decided to draw on, circling our hands, was not what I expected to see.

"Fuck..." I muttered, scanning the article quickly. Me and Dylan hadn't really discussed being public yet, and here we were... being public. I bit my lip and minimized the page before leaning back in my chair.

Was I ready to go public? I wasn't really sure. It kinda scared me, people knowing about my private life. I barely knew about my private life, why would I want other people talking about it?

I jumped when there was a knock at my front door, and stood up with a sigh before walking over to it and answering. Seeing Dylan standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers and smiling. "Hey..." I walked back inside as he followed me.

"You ok?"

I shrugged, looking at him. "How was the fitting?"

"It was good! Here, these are for you." He held out the flowers, making me smile as I took them.

No one had ever brought me flowers before. I smelled them before moving closer to him and giving him a kiss. "Thank you, these are beautiful."

"Only the best for my girl." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me against him. "How was your day?"

I shrugged, still smelling the flowers. "I spoke to Scarlett. She was on Nick's bus. I'm thinking of flying over to see them before we start filming."

"Oh, when?"

We walked into the kitchen, and I put the flowers in the sink before trying to find a vase. "Next week maybe? I haven't decided yet."

"Well, I can see if I'm free too and we can go together."

I stood up from where I'd been bent down looking in a cupboard and looked at him. "You don't need to do that."

He glanced at me and frowned a little. "You don't want me there?"

"It's not that..." I walked over to him, taking his hand. "...its just a tradition we've always done. The three of us hanging out and stuff..."

"So why can't I be there?" He looked irritated, and I all of a sudden felt like a huge bitch.

"I'm sorry, you're right, I'll ask them if they don't mind."

He nodded, but moved away and sat in the seat I'd been sat in all afternoon. I turned around, going on a hunt for a vase, and jumped when Dylan spoke.

"What the hell is this?!"

I stood back up, and sighed when I saw him looking at my laptop.

The pictures. Shit.





After I agreed to finally taking the next day off, Nick finally agreed to not taking yet another trip and just stay in Stockholm where we were going anyway to work on his album. It wasn't a long drive to the hotel and there were already some fans outside waiting for Nick. How they knew he'd be here, I had no idea. The other guys were going to the next town or either doing their own thing since we had days off.

I went ahead as Nick went to take some pictures and checked us into the room and waited by the elevators until he finally came back in with a weird look on his face and walked quickly to the elevators.

"What's that look for?"

"They know."

"They know what?" I asked as he looked around for our luggage. "The guy already took it to the room."

"They know about us," he knew as I glared at him. "Someone saw us kiss and got video of it and it's going around online."

"Well, you're not 16 anymore," I snorted as Nick glared at me. "What?!"

"They've never been bad to you and Piper because it's always been apparent that there's nothing going on with us like that..."

"Yeah, well, I'm the same person," I said as we stepped off the elevator and I looked around to where our room was and I saw the suite at the end of the hallway. "Come on..."

I kept hearing Nick mumbling about something as we reached the suite and I opened the door, seeing our luggage sitting off to the side and looked back at Nick. "Seriously, I'm the same person..."

"I just don't want..."

"Yeah, I've dealt with these chicks for almost as long as I've known you, I can handle them. Hell, in a way, I am one of them. I love me some Nick Carter," I said as he finally cracked a smile. "Listen, you got what you wanted. We're taking tomorrow off and just chilling here... no studio. We can lay in bed and we can write and eat and do whatever we wanna do..." I said, walking up to him. "What did you say to them when they said that about the kissing thing?"

"I... I didn't really say anything except that I was surprised there was video," he shrugged. "They know you. They know you've worked with me on my music. On Backstreet's last two albums. They know you're one of my best friends... I just... I acted shocked that there was video."

"Look at you growing up," I said, patting his chest. "Not denying a girlfriend rumor! You're starting to act your age!"

"I can also show you some other stuff that a 30-year-old man can do..." he said, his voice trailing off as I put my finger on his lips. "What?" he mumbled.

"That leads me to something I wanted to ask about...." I said as he looked at me questionably.





"When were you going to show me these?"

I signed, watching as Dylan looked at the pictures of us on Perez Hilton's page. "Well, the right conversation hadn't exactly come up yet."

"But... its us!" He waved his hands at the screen, sitting back in my chair. "I didn't even see these get taken."

I shook my head, not really knowing what to say. He was still staring at the screen, analysing the pictures.

"We look good."

"We do?" I slowly walked over to him, watching him look at the pictures.

"Sure, You don't think so?" He looked at me, frowning a little.

I pulled the nearest chair closer to him before sitting down. "I do, I just... I didn't know how you'd take it. I mean, it's not like we discussed going public." I shrugged. "I mean we're still quite new... if that makes any sense."

He nodded slowly before closing the laptop lid. "Well, I'm ok with it."

I wanted to ask him if he was sure, but he was smiling, looking very sure of himself. I smiled, taking his hand in mine and linking our fingers together. "Then I am, too."

"Well, that's sorted then." He stood up, pulling me to my feet. "Shall we put those flowers in water?" He let go of my hand and walked across to where I'd been looking for a vase, leaving me standing there watching.

I don't know what had made me think he'd be mad about those pictures, and it bothered me, being that he seemed more than OK with them.





"What?" Nick asked as I walked over to pull one of my bags to the bedroom in the suite. "What?"

"So... like I was thinking," I said, lifting the bag up on a chair and unzipped it. "Why haven't you fucked me?"

"‘Scuse me?"

"Well, you know, there's a difference between fucking and having sex or making love and we've been together, like this for like, what, two and a half weeks now?" I asked as he nodded. "That's all you and Piper did really was fuck and have sex...."

"Oh God..."

"No, Piper and I got into this discussion about the difference because she was talking about Dylan and I just... I realized that we've just taken it kind of slow the handful of times we've done it..." I said, trying to figure out what to say. "Do you not want to fuck me?"

"Do you want to be fucked?"

"I've been fucked before."

"I don't want to hear about that!" Nick squealed, almost making me want to laugh. "I just think of you more than just a fuck or release, you know?"

"But Piper's your other best friend and...."

"Seriously, the Piper thing was totally different than this," he said and I could tell he was getting annoyed. "I have never had feelings for her. For the first part of our friendship, she was always younger than us and I always looked at her like that until, yeah, about the time that stuff started happening."

"You... had feelings for me before?" I asked as he sighed. "You said that about the second girl..."

"I always wanted to ask you out, like on a date, or to be my girlfriend or whatever, but they kept telling me that I couldn't have a girlfriend and all I could have was these random girls and I didn't want you to be that," he explained. "That's why I was so pissed when you told me about Justin because I would have given anything for that to have been me but it's like everything I was being told, I couldn't and I hate myself because you went and did that because you thought it would make me want you like that..."

I just felt like I wanted to cry. I didn't want to cry in front of him, but I pretty much couldn't hold it back and could feel my eyes welling up.

"Listen, I'm sure we'll do that... fucking thing... sometimes on tour, that's all you've got time for," he said as I tried not to laugh. "And when we do, your mind will be blown. But I like this... it's... it's different for me. It's a good different."

"I like it, too," I smiled but the smile on his face disappeared. "What?"

"Why's Piper talking about Dylan like that? Did he hurt her?" he asked as I shook my head. "You sure?"

"It was just girl talk, that's all," I smiled as he nodded and put his hands on the side of my face, cupping my cheeks.

"Okay, then, let's go to bed and rest because we have a long day of absolutely nothing tomorrow," he said, kissing me quickly on the lips. "By the way, it's also a no clothes day," he said before moving his hands and quickly taking his t-shirt off.

Oh boy.





"So, Europe...."

I turned my head from where I was laying on the couch watching TV to look at Dylan. He was sat on the other side of the couch from me, my feet in his lap as he rested his laptop on my legs. "What about it?"

He nodded at the laptop screen. "There's flights here for day after tomorrow... where will they be?"

"Who?" I frowned, looking at him.

"Nick and Scarlett."

"OH!" I shrugged. "I don't know, I'd need to check their schedule, and really... you don't have to come."

He sighed. "I want to."

I bit my lip. "But..."

"But you don't want me there." He turned away from me, sighing.

"It's not that. I just... I want some time with my friends. You have to understand that things are going to get crazy with us, what with filming, and dating. We're going to be in each others pockets constantly for the next few months. I don't want to ruin what we've got."

"How will us going to Europe together ruin that?" He shut the laptop lid, pushing my legs off his lap so he could get up and put the laptop down on the table. I pulled my legs up under me and watched him a moment before sighing.

"This is all too new for me. I've never done the whole relationship thing. It's always been me and my friends, and I don't want to lose that."

"You'll be the third wheel, though. They'll be off together and then they'll be you. Alone." He glanced at me before shaking his head. "Unless you are ashamed of me."

"What? Seriously, Dylan. I am not. I just want to spend some time with my friends. And I won't be a third wheel, and if I am... I am friends with the rest of the band too. It won't be the end of the world."

"Hmmm." He hummed, shoving his hands in his jeans pocket and pulling out his keys. "I'm gonna go..."

"What? No, stay..." I stood up, walking over to him. "It's Valentines Day tomorrow... don't leave like this." I went to wrap my arms around him, but he stepped back.

"I need to go home, Sorry." He leaned forward, and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. "I'll call you."

I watched him leave, shaking my head as he shut my front door behind him. "Sure..." I muttered, turning around and walking back over to the couch, picking up the laptop on the way.

Might as well find out where they'll be and book my ticket.





"We shouldn't have had cake right after the first time we did it, because now every time we're together, I want cake," Nick whispered as we laid there in bed and I tried not to laugh. "It's like I cum, and then I want cake."

"That's great, Nick."

"I'm joking, but cake sounds good..."

"Too late for cake," I whispered I snuggled under the cover and looked over at him. "You know, I'm kind of glad nothing ever happened before now."

"I probably would have fucked us up."

"You were fucked up," I said as I snuggled closer to him. "Hell, I was even fucked up some. Piper was fucked up. We were all just fucked up."

"If I'd ever hurt you, I don't know if I could have forgiven myself," he whispered. "I hope I don't. That's what freaked me out when you told me. I never really expected it... I never suspected it."

"I tried to hide it so that no one knows... but I guess it shows..."

"Shut up."

"When we go into the studio, I want to take it seriously though," I said as he nodded. "I mean it, just like we used to. We still write some kick ass songs together."

"We should do a duet album together," Nick said as I snorted. "No seriously... you need to do more singing stuff, Scarlett. Maybe we can do a duet on the album. Like a love song... I love your voice. You don't get the credit you deserve because you're going to be a huge star one day. It's gonna happen. I mean.. you're like this hidden treasure within Nashville and L.A., but it's gonna happen."

"I'm happy writing songs, Nick," I said, rolling over and resting my hand and chin on his chest. "It makes me happy to see other people sing what I say. It makes me happy to see you sing what I write, especially since almost everything I've written has been about you."

"I feel like we're just a bunch of lovey goo now or something," he said as I smiled. "If it's okay with you, we have this interview in a few days and if they bring up the other guys relationships and stuff, can I mention us?"

"You mean, make it official?"


"Why do it in a interview?" I asked as I reached over to get his phone off the nightstand and handed it to him. "Tweet," I said, handing him the phone.

I jumped out of bed, grabbing a pair of panties and a t-shirt and climbed back in bed, looking to see him going through his pictures.

"Howie took this one of us on stage two days ago during soundcheck when you got on stage," Nick said, opening a picture of me with my guitar that Nick singing next to me. "He text it to me."

"Use that one...."

"Okay," he smiled as I watched him type something out on his phone and I watched him look at me quickly before handing me his phone. I looked to see a new tweet from him, with the picture below it.


After almost 17 years, I can finally call @ScarlettJacksonMusic my girlfriend. Bout damn time. #BestSingerSongwriterEver #BFFS #GIRLFRIEEEEEND


"Damn... " I said, handing him his phone back. "It's official now, isn't it?"

"Already getting replies..." Nick said as I closed my eyes tightly and he started reading them. "oh my god best news ever.... about time..... did this not happen already? does this mean Scarlett's songs are about Nick now?.... I always knew that would end up happening they're too good together."

"They're all good..." I said as I looked over at Nick and smiled. "That's a good sign. Just wait ‘til your mother finds out."

"And yours."

"Maybe they can go to lunch together," I said as Nick cracked up laughing, tossing his phone at the foot of the bed and I cuddled back up to him.

His mother never liked me, while his father thought I was a good influence on him. My mother thought Nick was my ticket to being famous after the Backstreet Boys hit it big, but after he got involved in drugs and partying, she became adamant that I stop talking to him. Instead, I've pretty much cut off all contact with them, just like Nick had with his parents.

Which was fine. It had always been him, me and Piper against the world. That's the way it was going to stay.





3am, and I really couldn't sleep. I'd booked my ticket to Europe, leaving the next day and meeting them the day after in Stockholm. I was excited to see them, and get away, but I still felt uneasy about how things had gone with Dylan earlier.

Plus, seeing Nick announce that he and Scarlett were together kinda made me feel a little more sad. Me and Dylan should've been doing that also, but instead he'd left upset at me.

I'd texted Scar and Nick, telling them my flight info, and Nick had told me he'd have someone meet me at the airport. In actual fact I'd been surprised he'd answered and not Scar, but then the awkwardness was gone now, and they were together no doubt, so why would they both reply?

I wanted badly to text Dylan, but what would I say? Technically, I hadn't done anything wrong. I was honest, and he just simply didn't like it. But of course, I was new to this whole relationship thing. I didn't know if how I was being was right, or if I was simply fucking this all up.


I jumped, hearing that I had a text and reached over to the pillow beside me, picking up my blackberry. My stomach dipped when I saw Dylan's name come up, and bit my lip as I read his message.

I'm sorry for how I acted before, I'm an ass. Forgive me?

I felt the weight fall off my shoulders reading his message, and smiled a little as I hurriedly typed a reply.

Of course. Please don't feel like I don't want you to come with me, I just need a little break. Come back over? It's lonely without you...

You'll miss me when you're gone?

I smiled wider.

I miss you now

I waited for his message back, and it was almost instant.

Good thing I'm outside your house then

I smiled wider, throwing the covers back and jumping out my bed, skipping through the house and unlocking the door. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry..."

"Shhh. Don't worry about it." He smiled at me, puckering his lips a little making me lean down and kiss him softly as he walked us inside and shut the door behind him.


Chapter 12 - Together Again by blockstreetgirl


February 16, 2010


[February 14, 1999]


I sat in a New York City hotel room, staring at the assignment on my laptop from my online college course. But I was bored. It was so boring. I wasn't cut out for this school stuff.

Nick was on top of the world, finishing up work on the Backstreet Boys next album and Piper was finishing up homeschooling but was off auditioning for different movie and television roles. She was here now, under my supervision, trying out for a movie that was casting.

And I was busy with my online courses and hating my life and it was probably the suckiest Valentine's Day ever. I stood up from my hotel bed and walked out of the suite. It was a big suite, and Piper and I were sharing one bedroom while Nick was in the other bedroom and he was still asleep, or so I thought.

"Hey," he said, sitting at the small dining table, eating room service. "I didn't know you were up."

"I got up and helped Piper with her audition that she had at eight this morning," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "When are you guys going to the studio?"

"Soon," he said, eyeing me. "What's wrong with you?"

"I hate my life!" I shouted, almost making Nick jump a little. "Sorry. I'm just... I'm frustrated. I'm doing nothing that I want to do. I don't want to go to college for business. You know what I want to do..."

"Scarlett, I told you, go to Nashville," he said as I sighed. "Go. I'll help you. Forget what your family wants. It's about what you want." I just stood there as he stood up and walked over to me. "Hey... I'm living my dream. Piper's living hers, or is on the verge and it's time for you to live yours. Stop worrying about me. Stop worrying about Piper."

"I don't know the first thing to do if I went to Nashville..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"All of those songs you've written, that I hear you play sometime on the keyboard or your guitar, take them to some publishing companies," he nodded. "You can do it. You have a voice, too. You could get a record deal."

I was about to say something when the main door to the suite opened and Piper walked in and screamed at the top of her lungs, causing both Nick and I to jump.

"I just got offered a role on a television show!" she screamed, causing both Nick and I to smile. "But it films in Los Angeles!"

"Looks like you're moving to L.A. and you're moving to Nashville," Nick said as he looked at us.






I keep looking at Twitter because I think I'm paranoid that some dumbass fan is going to start talking crap about me and Scarlett. I keep checking, but haven't seen anything yet. Yesterday Scarlett took my phone away from me while we were in the studio so I could focus.

But since Piper was going to be here, we decided against going in the studio, just so that we weren't working when she was here. We'd gotten two songs recorded yesterday, two that we had wrote on Valentine's Day. We had written another one, but I refused to record it until Scarlett said that she'd sing on it with me.

And she was adamant that she wasn't.

"She should be here soon," Scarlett said, walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower. "Her flight landed an hour ago."

"She had to go through customs and all that shit," I said as I watched her try to slip jeans on. "Plus luggage and you know Piper doesn't pack as light as me." "Come here," I said as she fastened her jeans and I grabbed her arm, pulling her over to me. "When we have a day off again, after Piper leaves... we're recording that song together."

"No, we're not," she said, patted her hand on the side of my face and walked over to put a black sweater on. "You can record it alone. I'll do background, but that's it."

"Duet," I said. She shook her head and was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. Scarlett totally forgot about me as she rushed over to the door, opening it to see Piper standing outside.

They squealed, hugging one another tightly until I finally stood up, throwing my hands in the air. "What am I? Garbage?"

"No, I'll hug you, too," Piper said, walking over and hugging me tightly.

"Did the asshat not come?" I asked as Piper backed away and glared at me.

"No, he wanted to, but he decided not to," she said, looking around the room. "You guys have a mess in here." I looked around, seeing clothes and trash thrown everywhere. "Have you even left the room any?"

"Yesterday we did to work," Scarlett spoke up, walking over to hug Piper again. "Forget your movie. Stay here with us."

"I'm here for a few days," Piper said, looking over at me and suddenly I felt like something was off with her. I wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed different. It wasn't anything to do with us either. "I'm starving though. You think we can go out and get something to eat? I don't care where. The plane food sucked and I didn't have time in between flights."

"Yeah, let me get my boots on and I'll be ready," Scarlett said as I kept staring at Piper.

"What?" she asked, noticing what I was doing.

"Somethings different about you," I said as she rolled her eyes and punched me in the arm. Okay, maybe things weren't that different.





A few months ago I wouldn't of questioned Nick giving me weird looks. It was the norm, you know, what two people casually fucking behind peoples back shared when they thought know what was looking, but now?

Now it was creepy as hell.

"Is your boyfriend ok?" I whispered to Scarlett as we walked in front of Nick, our arms linked together. It was hella cold, so I was grateful to try and steal some of Scarlett's body heat.

"Yea, why?" She whispered back, making us both turn to look at Nick, who was playing with his cell as he walked.

"You didn't see him giving me weird looks over the table at dinner? Or was I imagining it?"

Scarlett sighed. "I did notice, but I think he's convinced himself something isn't right with Dylan, and he's almost trying to find that out by watching you."

"It's weird."

Scarlett nodded. "So, everything is ok with you both?"

I nodded, not wanting to disclose the random things that had happened recently. Not that it meant anything, things were fine now. "It's great!" I smiled at her, making her smile back.

"I'll make sure Creepy McCreeperson stops with the weird shit then."

I chuckled. "Thanks. So, how's song writing going?"

Scarlett started telling me about the songs, and the small amount of time they'd been in the studio when Nick grabbed us and made us stop.

"Piper, you seen this?"

I frowned, seeing Nick holding out his cell. I took it, and glanced at the screen seeing a tweet from Dylan. I didn't even know he'd had a twitter account. All it said was this he missed his girl. "What about it?"

"You guys gone public?"

I handed him his phone back. "Not yet. I mean, theres paparazzi pictures out there, but no, we haven't said anything. Why?"

Nick mumbled something, walking around us and carrying on forward, leaving me and Scarlett to look at each other.

"I'll talk to him." She assured me before letting go of my arm and walking after Nick.

I knew what Nick was up to, and Scarlett was right, he was looking for something wrong. And the funny thing was, Nick was always right when he had a bad feeling about someone.

Only, Dylan wasn't like that. We just didn't know him properly yet.





"Nick," I said, almost running until I caught up with him. "Don't make me run in these boots. Stop," I said, looking back to see Piper taking a seat on a bench and looking at her cell phone. "Hey, stop."

"Why won't she listen to me?" Nick asked as he turned around to look at me. "There's something off with that guy. You know it, too."

"Doesn't matter what we think. Piper's not dumb," I whispered harshly. "Futhermore, something is off with you right now. Are you concerned or jealous?"

"Oh seriously, you askin' me if I'm jealous?"

"You act like a jealous ex."

"I'm not... I'm not jealous at all... they haven't gone public and he's tweeting that when there's pics of them out there?" Nick asked. "He's begging for attention, especially since we already saw that one photographer and it's gonna be out that she's over here and not back in California."

"So you're being protective?" I asked as he nodded. "You never acted this protective when you knew I was with someone."

"That's because I've only known you to be with one person and he wasn't a creep."

"Well I think I'm with a creep now," I hissed as Nick glared at me. "She's not a kid anymore. She can take care of herself."

"I know she's not a kid."

"Yeah, you would know."

"What the hell?" Nick asked as he looked around. "Let's not do this out here.... I'm just looking out for her. You said she loved the guy and she barely knows him... I don't trust him. She's acting kind of different and it's just weird."

"You're the one acting weird, Nick," I said as I started to walk away.

"Where you goin'?"

"Out with Piper to hang out!" I yelled back at him. "Let me know when you get the stick out of your ass!" I called out as I looked forward to see Piper staring at me. "Come on, let's go to that shopping center. I feel like shopping."

"Something sexy for Nick?" Piper asked as I snorted.

"Not until he gets over himself."

"Scarlett, I'm not worried about Nick and his intuitions... he just doesn't know Dylan. He thinks he can read people and he's protective." I didn't say anything as we kept walking and she linked her arm with mine again. "He's not jealous. I heard the word jealous."

"Could of fooled me."

"When he found out you were messing around with Ryan, he was that way," Piper said as I looked over at her. I didn't know that. "He had a background check ran on him. He obviously came up clean. It's just him. I'm not mad at him. He's just being creepy Nick."

"He did that?"


"Let's just go get drunk," I whispered as Piper cracked up laughing.





Shopping had turned into sitting in a bar, drinking back cocktails and talking about everything other than our boyfriends. It had been fun, laughing over past memories, and singing along to the cheesy euro pop songs that the bar seemed to be playing.

It was great, not having to be anyone but us... Piper and Scarlett... friends since forever.

"SO!" Scarlett stood up, a little bit of her cocktail spilling over the side of the glass as she pointed at me with the same hand holding the glass. "Lets play a game!"

I snorted, shaking my head at her. "Scarlett..."

"No, just listen!" She pulled her hand back, sipping the drink through the straw. "Lets play a game of who's the best.... AJ!"

"Who's the best AJ?" I frowned, as Scarlett slammed her glass down on the bar and nearly fell over her stool trying to get around it.


I turned around, seeing AJ walking over with his arms wide, and a guy walking behind him carrying some drinks. I rolled my eyes, seeing that AJ must of been off the wagon again, but then realised how much of a hypocrite I was sat there drunk.

Scarlett walked - or should I say stumbled - her way over to AJ and hugged him, and it amused me. I knew sober Scarlett wouldn't of done that, not with how their past is.

"I thought I heard Miss Marsh was in town!" He hugged Scarlett before walking over to me and hugging me. I hugged him back, and watched as he waved the bar tender over and ordered a whole bunch of drinks before sitting down between us. "So, afternoon drinks ladies?"

"Nick's an ass, so yea!" Scarlett held up her drink before putting the straw in her mouth. I knew she didn't believe that for one second, but the alcohol was talking now.

"He's not. She's drunk." I stated, making AJ look at me.

"And you're not?" He looked amused.

"I might be, but I don't talk out of my ass when drunk."


I shook my head, laughing before picking my glass up again. "So, how's things Alexander?"

He groaned. "Just peachy Piper Marsh."

I looked at him with narrow eyes before nodding at his drink. "Yea... looks it."

He gave me a look that just dared me to say anything else, but instead Scarlett chose that moment to fall off her stall and land on her ass in the middle of the bar, and before we knew it we were escorted outside for being too drunk.

Nick was going to think I did this to her. And then he'd flip because Scar was hanging off AJ laughing obnoxiously as we walked into the hotel.





"You need to go to your suite," Piper said as I shook my head and moved away from her and AJ. "Scarlett..."

"I don't want to," I said, looking over to see the hotel bar. "I'm thirsty, I'll be back soon," I said as I made my way over to the hotel bar and walked over to sit down on a stool, telling the guy I wanted something fruity to drink, but he wasn't understanding me. "FRUIT-TY..."

I looked over to see AJ and Piper standing outside the bar and before I knew it, Piper was walking into the bar and up to where I was. Then AJ came in right behind her.

"Why's she drunk?" AJ asked as I saw him tell the bartender to stop making the drink. "You don't need it."

"I'm not the one drinking and an alcoholic," I said as AJ rolled his eyes. "I hardly ever drink and when I want to, you people won't let me." I looked over at Piper, seeing her typing something on her phone. "Are you texting Dyyyylaaaaan...."

"No," she said as my ears perked up, hearing something come over the speakers in the bar. "Oh God.."

"THIS IS MY JAM!" I yelled, hearing Shania Twain's "Man I Feel Like A Woman" playing. I climbed up on the bar, almost slipping as I stood on the bar, looking down at AJ and Piper. "Come on Piper."

"That's okay, I'm good," she said as I started singing along to Shania, trying to dance but keeping my balance but everything was kind of blurry.

Then I saw a blonde fuzzy looking person in the doorway of the bar.

"What the hell?" I heard Nick asked as he tried to grab my hand and I started walking over to the other side of the bar. "What did you guys do to her?"

"I found her like this," I heard AJ say when I felt someone grab my legs and the next thing I knew, I was being flung over someone's shoulder.

Then I felt everything start to come up from moving too fast and it all came back up.





"I can't believe she threw up all over my ass!" I was stood in the middle of the suite, yanking off my now ruined jeans. Just the smell was making me feel sick.

"Well, you did throw an extremely drunk woman over your shoulder." Piper walked in, taking my jeans off me and shaking her head. "Jesus, I know I was drinking too, but she seriously must of snuck drinks whenever I wasn't looking." Piper looked at me. "Want me to try clean these?"

I sighed, throwing myself on the couch. "No. Throw them out. Where is she?"

"Passed out on the bed. I left her the trash can and a glass of water, but its probably best you check on her in a few."

I frowned. "Why can't you?"

Piper laughed. "Nick, she did this cos you pissed her off. I think it's only fair you look after her."

I pouted, looking away from her before realizing I was sat in a tshirt and my underpants. "I'll be right back..." I muttered, standing up and walking across the suite and into the bedroom. Piper hadn't lied when she said Scarlett was passed out. She was laying on her side, snoring loudly. I don't think I'd ever heard her snore before.

I watched her a moment before grabbing some sweats and pulling them on before walking back out to join Piper. "So, how come you didn't get wasted?"

She was flipping through some swedish magazine. "Well, I'm not mad at my boyfriend..."

I sat beside her, kicking my feet up on the coffee table. "She was real mad, huh?"

"She thinks you're jealous of Dylan."

I snorted. "I am not jealous of him!"

Piper gave me a look. "So, what is your problem, then? Nick... I like him, alot!"

"Hmm." I mumbled, not looking at her. I wasn't jealous at all, I just didn't like him.

"Nick, let me ask you something?"

I glanced at Piper as she turned to face me. "What?"

"After we stopped hooking up, you were ok with that, right?"

I frowned. "What? Of course I am! I'm with Scarlett now, and I'm so glad that things went the way they did. No offense, but I needed this, I need Scarlett. I'm not jealous, Piper. But I also have no regrets."

"Me either. I'm glad we had each others back when we needed each other, and I am glad that we still care for each other and I appreciate that you are looking out for me, but... don't." She gave me a small smile. "You need to focus on you and Scarlett. That girl is so madly in love with you... it's sickening!" We both chuckled. "But I'm ok. Really." And she gave me a smile that I knew was the truth, that she was ok.

"But if he..."

"Nick, you'll be the first person I call."

I smiled at her, reaching over and taking her hand, squeezing it softly. "I can still hug you, right?"

Piper snorted, leaning over and wrapping her arm around my waist. "I hope so. Despite what's happened you are still my best friend."

I smiled, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and kissing the top of her head. The peace and quiet only lasted a few minutes before the sound of someone vomiting broke the silence. Piper looked up at me before patting my stomach.

"Go make your girlfriend better. I'm gonna go nap. Jet lag and all that." She laughed at the look on my face before leaving the suite.

She was right. Scarlett was who I needed to be focused on now, and I knew Piper could take care of herself.





"I want to die," I muttered, laying on my back and staring at the ceiling. "Why did Piper let me get drunk... and AJ..."

"I think you snuck drinks around Piper," Nick said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up so that I was sitting up in bed. I knew I looked like shit. My hair was a mess. My make up was smeared and I needed to shower. "She's gone to her room to rest... and don't drink around AJ."


"We all know he's slipping and you don't need to be around that," he said as I stared at him. "I know how AJ is drunk. I know how you are and you don't need to drink that hard again. Tipsy once in a while like at New Year's is fine... not like this. After everything, you can't do this again."

"But I..."

"I don't want her. I want you.... I know that's what you're afraid of and that's never gonna happen, baby, I just want you," he said as I stared at him. "That's it. I'm not jealous of that guy... I'm just concerned about her and I know you are, too. Probably more than me if that's possible. I just show it differently."

"Promise?" I asked as he nodded.

"I promise... You're the one I want to be with... I think you're the one I should have been with all along, but she's our best friend. I care about her. I don't want anything bad to happen to her..."

"Just trust her... she's never loved anybody before, just let her handle this," I said as he smiled. "I'd kiss you but my breath smells like vomit."

"I'm sorry for being creepy."

"You're always creepy, Nick," I whispered as he cracked a bigger smile and reached to hand me the glass of water beside the bed.

"You can kiss me tomorrow," he said as I laid back down in the bed and he tossed a blanket over me.

I can never drink again. Ever.


Chapter 13 - Paris by blockstreetgirl


February 18, 2010


I sat in my seat by the window in the plane, reading my script, but glancing outside every now and then. We had left Stockholm that morning and were on a private flight to Paris, France. I'd purposely kept to myself the past day, wanting Nick and Scarlett to clear the air, and I was happy that they seemed to have fixed their issue and moved on.

And I was also happy that Nick was off my back about Dylan.

I'd skyped with Dylan the night before, and we'd chatted for an hour before running through lines, because I really had been slacking. He'd cut the call when one of his friends called round, so I went sightseeing around the city for a while, and that was something I wanted to do when we got to Paris as well.


I looked over to the seat beside me to see Scarlett all smiling. "Hey yourself! Hangover gone then?"

She groaned, but stayed smiling. "Yes, it's gone. You ok?"

I nodded, patting the script in my lap. "Yea, just trying to memorise these, but the view is too pretty outside."

Scarlett leaned across me to glance out the window. "Oooh snow. Where we flying over?"

"I have no clue, but its pretty."

She sat back in her seat. "So... I kinda feel bad we left you alone the past day..."

"Oh, don't be silly." I smiled at her.

"No, but you flew over to see us, and me and Nick fight and I get drunk and... I'm sorry. Make it up to you in Paris?"

I smiled. "Well, I do want to go sight seeing. And we can go eat some french food and pretend we can do the accent..."

"I'm not eating no snails!" Scarlett said, pulling a face.

"Me either, ew!"

We both laughed before looking at each other.

"How's Dylan?"

I nodded. "Good. We spoke yesterday, ran through some lines. Filming is getting close now, and he's been working hard to ya know, get in character."

"You didn't have to do much?"

I shook my head. "Need to cut my hair a little and have it darkened a little... but nothing else. He's been at the gym a lot, and he's gotta get a tan too." I giggled, imagining Dylan getting a spray tan.

"You totally just imagined him getting tanned like Ross in ‘Friends', right?"

We both looked at each other again before bursting into laughter.





"He's hot though," I said as Piper nodded when I felt someone touch my hand. I looked behind me to see Nick standing there. "What?"

"Come back here..." he said as I glared at him. "Come on," he said as I looked at Piper who motioned for me to go. I looked over at Mike, Nick's bodyguard who had his eyes closed, listening to some music and ducked down as Nick led me to the back of the plane, closing the little sliding door. "What are you doing?"

I watched him as he started to unfasten his pants and knew what he was doing.

"It's just Piper and Mike on here... come on," he whispered, dropping his jeans to the floor and sat down on the small seat, patting his thigh. "Come on."

"Are you serious?" I whispered as he smiled and nodded, reaching under my skirt for my panties. I had knee high boots on and suddenly felt my panties being slid over them. "Nick... Piper and Mike are here..."

"Hey, you mentioned it the other night," he whispered, grabbing my hand and pulling me down into his lap so that I was straddling him. "Didn't get a private plane for nothing. Totally could have taken a smaller plane or a commercial flight." I stared at him as I felt him reach down to touch me and I bit my bottom lip. "You know you want to fuck me. That's what you want...."

I looked over at the clouds outside the window. The space was no bigger than a closet and had just enough room for this. I shifted in his lap a little, feeling him and I took a deep breath.

I was about to say something when he leaned over, kissing him harshly and making me feel weak. If I was standing I would already be on the floor. I moved a little more, feeling him guide himself inside me and I sighed against his lips as his hands went for my hips, pushing me on top of him.

Scarlett, where'd you guys go?

"Go away Piper!" Nick called out as I began moving on top of him, running my fingers through his hair and pulling on it a little as I started to kiss him again.

Oh my God...

"Ignore her," Nick whispered against my lips as he started pushing me down on top of him. I was trying to move him, but he was moving me. He had more control over my body than I had at that point. I kept pulling at his hair. I could feel him rising off the seat a little, thrusting inside of me and I started moaning.

His lips met mine quickly, kissing me to quieten me and I could hear Piper laughing outside, but my brain wasn't on that at the moment. My brain was on what my body was feeling and at that moment, it was feeling everything.

"Fuck," Nick muttered against my lips when he found his release as I was already feeling mine. "Can... you're... pulling.. my hair, hurts," he whimpered as I smiled, kissing his lips again and running my fingers through his hair. "See... told you."

"Totally, again, doing that," I whispered as I moved off of him and he tossed me my panties and I slipped them on, moving them over my boots and I tried to catch my breath.

"Your face is as red as your hair," Nick chuckled as I shook my head at him and slid the door open to walk back where the seats were.

I walked over, still feeling weak in the knees and sat down in the row behind Piper. I was trying to catch my breath when she turned around in her seat with a grin on her face.

"I don't think I've ever seen you right after sex," Piper said as she held her phone up to take a picture and I leaned my head back and took a deep breath when Nick walked up, sliding past me to sit down next to me. "I know what you two did..."

"Shut up," Nick said, throwing a bag of chips at her and she started cracking up laughing. I sighed, looking over at Nick who cracked a smile. "See what I mean."

"Yes," I whispered, looking over to see Mike shaking his head at us before looking back at his iPod.





There were a few fans waiting outside the Backstreet Boys hotel in Paris when we arrived. I walked in with Howie, and his wife Leigh who was carrying their baby boy, and followed them to the the elevators. I could hear the fans behind me shouting for Nick, so knew he and Scarlett weren't far behind.

Nick had booked me a suite for this hotel, which was huge, and I couldn't get over the views of the city from the window in the bedroom. It also had a balcony, but it was way too cold to stand out there. Instead, I booted up my laptop, connected to the hotel wifi (which was pricey as hell) and skype called Dylan.

"Hey babe!" I smiled at him as I lounged on the huge bed, my laptop sat infront of me. He looked disheveled and tired, then again it was early in the morning.


I glanced at the clock on the tv before looking back at him. "3ish. There?"

He yawned loudly, making me smile. "7... I got in around 4am I think.

I cringed, knowing how tired he probably was. "Aww, I'll try not keep you long then."

He smiled sleepily at me. "So, Paris?"

I nodded. "It's beautiful. You can just see the Eiffel tower from my bedroom window. I bet its even more beautiful at night."

"Its the city of love, ya know... He said, looking at me through the screen. I couldn't read his expression, but I knew what he meant.

"I wish you was here too..." I whispered, giving him a shy smile. Seeing Nick and Scarlett together did make me wish he was here. I missed him.

"Still... it'll make the sex great when you get home, right? He cracked a grin, making me snort.

"So it's not great already?" I raised an eyebrow as he chuckled.

"Baby, you know it is. I just miss you.

"I know, another week..."

We chatted for a few more minutes before I cut the call short after he yawned several times. I sent him to bed before laying back on my hotel bed. I wondered if Scarlett was still up to sight seeing when I heard the little doorbell for my room go off.





We weren't at the hotel very long before we had to head to the venue to get ready for the show. The girls came with me but I knew Scarlett was wanting to go shopping, so she ended up not coming to soundcheck like she had been doing. I figured Piper would have went with her, but when I walked backstage to the dining area, I saw Piper sitting there at a table, nibbling on a salad and reading what was probably her movie script.

"Yo... where's our other half?"

"She went shopping with Leigh and James," Piper said as I walked over and grabbed a piece of cake before sitting down across from her. Now cake reminded me of sex. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "I don't think Leigh cares for me much so I stayed here. She said she wouldn't be gone long."

"Leigh doesn't hate anybody," I said as she made a face. "What's really wrong?"

"Nothing... we start shooting soon so I'm just going over some of these scenes," Piper said as I glared at her. "I kind of miss Dylan."

"You do?"

"Well yeah... wouldn't you miss Scarlett?"

"It's different with us. You still barely know him that well," I said as she shrugged. "I didn't mean that in a bad way. I meant, you know, well... I guess you're right. Since this all happened, we haven't been apart."

"Why are you just staring at your cake?" Piper asked as I looked at the cake and then back at her. "You would have usually ate it by now."

"Because I see cake now and I think of sex," I muttered as Piper cracked up laughing. "Oh I'm sure you know."

"No... I don't."

"Please... you two talk."

"If you mean you and Scarlett, then really, we haven't that much because it's kind of awkward for her, I think," Piper said as I sighed, picking up my fork.





"So, you haven't discussed me at all?"

Nick looked surprised, and for some reason it amused me. "No, not at all... well, not really. When I started dating Dylan I spoke to her about... well the sex, but that was it."

"Am I better?"

I laughed, seeing Nick looking all eager. "Really? You are asking me that? Pig..." I shook my head and smiled to myself as he laughed.

"You know I didn't mean to be an asshole the other day, right?" Nick dug a fork into his cake and cut a piece before offering it to me. I shook his head and he shoved it in his mouth.

"I know, you care. But I can look after myself. When have I ever not been able to?"

Nick nodded. "I know. But, well... I was going to see I still see you as the kid I first met, but that would be wrong."

I chuckled. "Gross..."

"Yea, exactly. I care, Piper. Sure, we messed around and everything, but you're still one of my best friends."

I smiled at him. "You too. So, you are happy with Scar, right?"





"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" I asked as Piper glared at me. "What do you mean? What you implying?"

"You're not just in this because you're afraid you're gonna upset her or make her mad are you?" Piper asked as I leaned back in the chair. "Like for pitty?"

"No... I wouldn't do that. Why would I do that?" I asked. "You mean like start this thing with her because I felt bad because she felt that way?"

"Yeah, I know how your brain works..." Piper said, pointing her fork at me. "You forget sometimes that we share a brain, too."

"Then if we share a brain, you would know that I used to have the hots for her back in the day," I said, pointing my fork at her. "I'm not doing it out of pitty or because I feel obligated or anything else. I'm doing it because I want to."

"Do you love her?"

"Do you?"

"Like a sister," Piper said. "See, now you can't say that because it's just kind of gross considering what happened in that plane earlier."





Nick was grinning to himself, and I groaned, knowing he was thinking about him and Scarlett joining the mile high club. I poked him in the arm with my fork, making him jump.

"Stop picturing you both doing it in the plane and answer my question." I glared at him as he stopped smiling and got all serious.

"How do I?"

We looked at each other a moment, making me soften my glare. "You just tell her, Nick." I said softly.

"But how? I tell her I love her all the time, but to tell her I'm in love with her... that's big."

I smiled softly. "Nick, you are in Paris, not literally... thank god." He rolled his eyes at me, making me chuckle. "But you are in the city of love... take her out somewhere! You don't have to spoil her, but just... show her! And I don't mean fuck her under the Eiffel tower or anything like that."

Nick laughed. "Take her out? We leave tomorrow..."

"Then you need to take her out tonight. It'll probably be nicer... less tourists and all that." I reached across the table and squeezed his arm. "And never forget that this is Scarlett, our Scarlett... just because you two are together and in love she's not changed. She's still the same person."

Nick nodded, a slight smile on his face. "I know, believe me... I've learnt that already."

I gave him a big smile before letting go of his arm. "I'm proud of you! All grown up. Awww..."

"But you're younger than me!"

We both laughed, and I quickly stole the last piece of his cake before grinning at him.

"Well, I was going to say you are too, but bitch... you stole the piece of cake I was looking forward to!"

I laughed, before he stood up and surprised me by hugging me. I hugged him tightly back before pushing him back. "Stop, people might start rumours." I smiled as he kissed my cheek before grabbing his plate.

"This calls for more cake!" He walked over to the table to grab another slice, leaving me watching him amused.





I wasn't out shopping for long and ended up buying a new dress and made it back to the venue in time for the concert to start. Piper and I went out and watched from the crowd since she hadn't seen the show yet. We danced and sung and had an awesome time. It was a lot more fun watching the show with her there, because I forgot that there might be people watching people. Kind of made me wish she could stay there for the rest of the tour, but I knew she had to get back home and do her movie. Plus, there was a Dylan.

And I'm not sure exactly what happened in my absence. Maybe Nick and Piper had a long talk about the Dylan thing because they seemed okay. When we got back to the hotel, Piper and I had talked about renting a movie and the three of us watching it together like old times until I saw Nick pull Piper off to the side as we were getting ready to leave the venue.

"What's the secret?" I asked, walking over to them. "I'm not watching some action movie. I don't care what you say."

"We're not watching anything," Nick said, grabbing my hand. "Piper, see you in the morning!"


"We're going out," Nick said before handing Piper my backpack that I carried my laptop in and Piper giggled, getting in the van with the other guys. "Just me and you."

"But Piper came to hang out..."

"And Piper's okay with it," he said, zipping his jacket up before wrapping his arm around mine. "She's gonna go back and skype Dylan probably. She's still here a few more days. We got plenty of time with her."

"What the fuck did you two talk about while I was gone?" I asked as we started walking down the sidewalk and it was freezing outside. "Did you finally make up from the Dylan thing?"

"Yeah, I need to be more concerned with us than about her. She's a big girl," he said as I looked around, not seeing Mike anywhere. "Mike went back to the hotel, too."

"If you're trying to be romantic or something, it'd be a lot more romantic in the warmth," I whispered as he cracked up. We turned a corner, seeing the Eiffel Tower in the distance and I sighed. "It's pretty."

"We should come back here when we have more time. We have to leave first thing in the morning," he said as I pouted. "You wanna walk further down? We can take a cab back to the hotel." I nodded and we started walking down the sidewalk, heading towards the tower. "So when Piper leaves we're gonna head back into the studio on our days off, right?"


"You're gonna sing on that song with me," he said as I looked over at him. "Not just background vocals."

"Okay," I said as he stopped and looked at me. "Okay, if you want me to do it, I'll do it. Just stop ruining the moment here," I said as he tried not to laugh and we started back walking. "I know why you do that. You forget how well I know you. You get nervous and instantly start talking about work stuff."

"Now you know why I always dated people who didn't know me," he whispered as I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing to be nervous about."

"I'm nervous I'm going to do something wrong and you're going to hate me, and then Piper's going to hate me, and then probably kill me, and then I'll be alone," he spat out as I looked at him. "Alone and dead."

"You won't do anything wrong and if you do, I'll kill you. Piper won't have the chance," I whispered as he chuckled. "I'm cold. The Eiffel Tower is awesome and all but if I had balls, they'd be freezing off right now so I'm sure yours is getting frostbite."

"I'll get a cab..." Nick said, letting go of my arm before leaning over to kiss me quickly. "Then we can warm up," he whispered, before wiggling his eyebrows.


Chapter 14 - True Colors by blockstreetgirl


February 21, 2010


"Why do you have to leave? I don't want you to go!"

I glanced at Scarlett as we walked down Oxford Street, in London. We'd spent the morning shopping before I was due to fly back that evening. I had to admit to myself, I didn't really want to leave either, but the movie was due to start filming, and I missed Dylan. "I know, but you guys will be back soon!"

"Hmm..." Scarlett hummed softly, linking her arm through mine. "I love London."

I smiled. "Me too. Remember when we first came here? Nick brought us here on their first European tour, and he took us to Buckingham Palace..."

Scarlett snorted. "Oh god, yea... Nick kept trying to distract the guards, and got us thrown out. That was funny..."

"He's so stupid." I said, making Scarlett elbow me.

"Hey! He's my stupid..."

I smiled at her. "I love seeing you so happy, you know. I'm glad its Nick, too. As stupid as he is I can see how much he adores you. It's about time you had a chance to be happy." I smiled more when Scarlett blushed.





"I was about to give up in hoping something would even happen," I sighed. "Good thing I got tipsy on New Year's Eve and you kissed Dylan, otherwise I'd probably be pining away in my hotel room or something."

"You are kind of blunt when you're drunk," Piper laughed. "And when you guys record that song, let me hear it because I've been waiting for this shit for years."

"I will, you know I will," I sighed. "So... I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I overheard Nick talking to Howie..."


"Howie ran into Joey McIntyre before we left on tour apparently and I think the guys are gonna do something with New Kids on the Block," I whispered as Piper looked at me. "I keep hearing them being mentioned. I overheard Nick and Howie talking at the hotel before they left for the venue."


"I know...."

"That would be..."

"... awesome..."

"It's just my thoughts, but it's weird it's being brought up and stuff," I grinned. "I don't know how the hell Nick's gonna release a solo album and finish this tour then if they do something with New Kids..."

"Busy Nick is a happy Nick, you know that," Piper said. "Bored Nick gets into trouble. Just probably means we won't see each other as much because you'll be with him obviously. Which, you should be with him."

"I don't have to be... Nick's toured without either of us before..."

"You want to be on tour with him when he's on tour," Piper said, looking at me with a stern look.





"What does that mean?" Scarlett gave me a look, and I hated to have to explain myself.

"Look, the reason me and Nick started hooking up to begin with was because of my sleeping around. He hated it, and he wanted me safe. Then it sorta became a way to keep him safe too." I glanced at Scarlett, who looked like she felt awkward. "And it worked. He didn't sleep around, well... not as much as he probably could have, but it worked. And... I just worry that..."

"He won't cheat on me." Scarlett stated, stopping us from walking. A few people walked into us from behind, complaining about "tourists" and "getting the fuck out of their way" so we stepped to the side.

"I know,"

"So why are you saying this?" She frowned at me, and I realised I may of put my foot in my mouth.

"Because I want you to be happy. I want you both to be happy! I don't want some random whore of a fan trying to ruin you both, thats all."

"I trust him. Don't you?" Scarlett went from looking a little peeved, to worried. "You think he's going to cheat?"

"No... no, jesus no, Scar. I don't. Forget I said anything, Ok." I gave her a smile, but she didn't look convinced. "Really, don't worry about it. You guys are going to be fine. Hell, it'll be me messing my relationship up no doubt!" I chuckled nervously, not liking Scarletts expression on her face.

Maybe it was a good thing I was leaving that day.





"Well if anybody knows about boy band whores, it's me," I said as we started back walking and Piper glared at me. "Come on... three of the four guys..."

"Damn, I didn't think about that," she laughed. I was trying to change the subject because frankly I didn't even want to think about Nick cheating on me. "All singers. You have a type."

"I don't think he will," I said as Piper nodded. "He knows we would both kill him. But... I mean, there's gonna be times when I'm not with him. The reason I'm supposed to be here now is to work and you see how well that's going. Just wait... wait til you actually have to work with Dylan."

"The sex scenes are gonna be weird on camera..." Piper whispered. "Wait until my parents find out about that..."

"Fuck them," I said, causing Piper to snort. "Seriously, fuck all the parents. Fuck my parents. Fuck your parents. Fuck Nick's parents. Fuck them all. That's why I don't want to have any kids. I don't want to be like any of them."


"Yeah, Nick and I have already talked about that," I laughed. "Never."

"Well you can't even take care of a pet, so it might be a wise choice," she said as I rolled my eyes. Just because I had a turtle that died when I was younger, apparently I can't take care of anything. "Poor Leonardo."

"Dude, we need to get you to the airport," I said, looking at my phone. "We've been out here shopping too long. Or you could just stay."

"No..." Piper sighed, making a face. "I have to get home." I watched her as she went to try and get a taxi and I held our bags, knowing she was going to be leaving me alone with the stupid boy who I probably needed to have a cheating talk with.

That was going to be fun.





Leaving Scarlett at the airport had actually been harder than I anticipated. I'd already said goodbye to Nick that morning, and even though I missed him, it was Scarlett I'd miss more. I missed talking to her about everything and anything.

My flight went smoothly enough, landing me in LA just before dinner time. Time differences sucked, but my boyfriend meeting me at the gate at the end of it all was totally worth it.


I smiled, walking faster towards him and buried myself in his arms. He held me tight, and murmured that he missed me before pulling me back a little so he could kiss me. He literally took my breath away, making me break the kiss. "Damn, you did miss me..." I chuckled, cupping his cheek with my hand. "I missed you too."

"Good. Only the one bag? I was sure you'd come back with more!"

I laughed, pulling my bag close to him. "Nope, just the one." I smiled as he took the bag in one hand, and held my hand with the other. "I think my body clock is messed up though. I feel like I should be sleeping, not walking outside to sunshine."

Dylan squeezed my hand. "Does that mean me taking you out to dinner is a no no?"

I pouted, glancing at him. "Maybe? I'm hella tired, and kinda just wanna curl up, watch some TV and sleep."

"Hmm, ok. I'll drop you home."

It was my turn to squeeze his hand. "With you too, dummy."

"Yea?" He smiled a little, making me pull him close and kiss him. "Yes, with you."

He chuckled, letting go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulder and held me close. "Lets take you home then..."





The London show was awesome, but it felt different without Piper there and I hated it. I watched part of it, then went back to the dressing room and played around with a song on my laptop that I had been writing. Nick didn't know about it. Nobody knew about it. It wasn't that I wanted to hide it. It's just that I wasn't sure what he would think about it.

And frankly, I didn't know who the song was for me... me, or him.

We headed back to the hotel and ordered room service before relaxing a little and falling asleep. Except, I only slept for maybe thirty minutes before I woke up, thinking about what Piper had said. I kept looking over at Nick. I had toured with him before and never saw him pick up groupies, at least not in the past few years. But I knew he wasn't all innocent either. Maybe he just didn't do it when I was around back then.



"If I wasn't on tour, you wouldn't cheat on me, would you?" I asked, closing my eyes and waiting for a response. "Nick..."

"I heard you."


"Why would you ask me that?" he asked, sitting up in the bed and rubbing his hands over his face. "Do you want to go back home?" I shook my head, staring up at him. "I'm not 17 anymore. I'm not going to fuck everything that walks."

"So you wouldn't?"

"No... yeah, I've cheated in the past. I won't deny that," he sighed. "But I also tried not to sometimes and sometimes I just didn't care because I knew the chicks I were dating weren't for real. You're for real."

"I don't want to leave the tour... but I'm just thinking in the future, you know, I might not always be able to tour with you," I said as he nodded. "Not all the time."

"I'm happy with this... and sorry, some one night stand with a fan won't live up to this. So if you go away and I have to jack off for a week, then so be it," he said as I rolled my eyes. "You asked. I'm being honest. I told you the last thing I wanted to do was screw this up. That includes cheating because... I know you won't put up with that. And... I'd never want to do that to you."

"I'm sorry for bringing it up... I was just thinking," I whispered. "I think these pills have my hormones all screwed up and I'm being all girl like or something. I haven't been feeling good."

"Did you say they made you feel bad before?" he asked as I nodded. "Then maybe you should go see a doctor. If you can't take them, we'll figure something out," he said, moving over so that he was hovering over me. "What was that song you were working on backstage?" I just glared at him. "One of the crew heard you and mentioned to me that you had a good voice."

"Something, I don't know what it is yet," I whispered. "Damn I shouldn't have woke you up. You're all pissy now."

"I wasn't really asleep," he smiled. "I was thinking, too."

"About what?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out sooner or later," he whispered, kissing my forehead and then rolling off of me and beside me in bed, making me pout.

I hated secrets.





I woke up with a start, seeing the room I was in was in complete darkness. I froze a little, not remembering where I was until I felt an arm tighten around my waist, a kiss pressed to my temple.

"You ok?" Dylans voice was full of sleep, but it made me relax right away.

"Yea." I whispered back. "I just forget where I was for a moment there..."

"Home sweet home, Baby." He kissed my forehead before cupping my face and tipping my head up. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me softly before deepening the kiss. His hands started roaming along my body, making me break the kiss.

"Slow down baby... I'm kinda on my period..."

Dylan groaned. "Kinda?"

"Yea, it started on the flight. So, we're gonna have to hold off." I gave him a small smile despite it being dark in the room, but felt the bed shift before he let me go and sat up.

"I thought you were on the pill."

I frowned, leaning up. "I am."

"So why the period? I didn't think girls were on the rag on the pill."

I pulled a face, and touched his hand, but he moved, climbing off the bed. "What do you mean? It depends on what pill a girl takes. What's wrong? You're pissed cos I have my period?"

"I'm pissed because you never told me this!" He raised his voice a little, surprising me.

"What? I told you I was on the pil... obviously! I don't see what the big deal is!"

"The big deal is, you lied!" He shouted, making me lean across the bed to turn the lamp on, and once I got used to the light I looked at him. He was glaring at me, a look of pure anger on his face.

"I have not lied." I climbed off the bed. "You are over reacting."

He shook his head. "I'm leaving. I can't be around you."

I gave him a look as he pulled his jeans back on. "Yea, that's probably a good idea."

He looked at me as he did his jeans up. "Maybe you should take this time to think about what else you are keeping from me." he glared at me before leaving my bedroom, slamming the door hard behind him.

"Jerk..." I muttered, jumping when my front door slammed shut so hard it set off the house alarm. I shook my head and headed downstairs to turn it off.

If me having my period was a bad thing to him, then maybe things weren't going as well as I had wanted them to go.


Chapter 15 - Home Sweet Home by blockstreetgirl

March 20, 2010


Home sweet home. Or at least LAX. That's all I've seen so far besides the car that Nick had got to pick us up. I was glad to be home, but I was exhausted and really just wanted to see my bed. We were home for a little over a month, I thought. To be honest, I wasn't even sure. The past month had been a whirlwind. The tour wrapped up in Europe and the next stop was Japan I thought, but to be honest, I wasn't sure I was going to go. It was only for a week and a half and the publishing company in Nashville had already been calling for me to come in.

The car dropped Nick off at his house so that he could go in and tend to things and he said he was coming to my place afterwards. I just wanted to see my bed and my pillows. Hotel beds were all nice and comfy, but there was nothing like my own bed.

The driver of the car helped me bring my bags inside the house and I went to tip him but he said Nick had already done so. It had been a long time since I was away from home for so long. I was usually never gone no more than two weeks at a time.

I didn't even bother pulling my luggage upstairs. I grabbed my backpack and purse and made my way upstairs and paused, seeing a pair of heels outside my bedroom door.

Heels that weren't mine. I know because I would never wear those.

I walked up to my bedroom door and pushed it open slightly to see Piper curled up on my bed asleep, hugging up to one of my pillows. I dropped my backpack on the small chair in my room and crawled up on the bed, touching her arm.

"Piper...." I whispered, nudging her a little as she jumped. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh my God, you're back!" she practically screamed, jumping over to hug me. "You're back."

"Yes," I laughed. "What are you doing in my bed, Goldilocks?" She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, everything is fine," she smiled. "Your place was just closer to the soundstage where we've been filming some stuff and I was so tired and I knew you were coming home..." she said, stuttering over her words so I knew she was lying. I knew when Piper Marsh was lying and she was lying. "You're home. Where's Nick?"

"The car dropped him off at his place so he could check on things," I said, staring at her. She looked like she hadn't had much sleep. "You look tired. Have you been sleeping well? How's Dylan?"

"I'm just tired from work... being the star of a movie is tiresome," she said as I gave her a look. "Seriously."

"You're lying...."

"I'm not lying," she said, moving over to hug me again. "I missed you guys. I don't have to shoot tonight. Dylan's shooting some stuff. Want to just hang out? Me, you and Nick? We can watch ‘Dazed and Confused' or ‘Dumb and Dumber' or something really stupid and funny like old times. Can we? We can order a pizza.... hell I'll go shopping and get the stuff and make a homemade pizza."

"Yeah, we can do that," I smiled. "I'm tired of take out. Homemade pizza sounds amazing."

"Great, I'll go rush the store and get some stuff," she smiled. "Yay! You're home!" she said, jumping off the bed. "The three musketeers are back," she laughed as I smiled and watched her rush out of the room, grabbing the heels that were left outside my bedroom door.

Something was off. Something was definitely off with her. Not only had I barely talked to her since she came home from London, but there was something weird going on. Her house is less than two miles away. That was just an excuse.

And I was going to find out what that was.





"Ready made pizza base, toppings, cheese, sauce.... snacks, sodas... dvd... dvds..." I turned, pushing the cart across the tour to the entertainment section and browsed the DVD's, trying to find a classic DVD that I knew Scarlett didn't have.

My mind travelled though, seeing Dylan's face on the front of a DVD case. I sighed, reaching forward and picking it up before turning it around and placing it back. I picked up Mrs Doubtfire on DVD and tossed it in the cart before turning around.

Filming had been going great, We'd done a few weeks in Georgia on location, filming a whole bulk before coming back to LA and filming on the sound stages. We still had a while to go, but things were moving smoothly with it.

It was probably the only thing that was going smoothly. But I didn't want to think of anything else right then.

I picked up everything else I needed to make for dinner before paying and heading back to Scarlett's. I walked into the house to see her and Nick standing in the kitchen, and instantly stop talking when they saw me. "Hey! "Mrs Doubtfire" ok? I also got ingredients for an apple pie, thought you could make it Scar if you aren't too tired, otherwise I don't mind making it..." I placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, and was instantly engulfed in a hug by Nick. I sighed, letting him hug me before moving back.

"You ok? You seem tired?" Nick was looking at me, like he was trying to find something. I shook my head a little, and turned to the shopping bags, unpacking them.

"I'm fine. Yes, a little tired. Filming went on for a while last night... well, I left this morning, so yes. Tired. I missed you guys though. Tell me about the rest of the tour! Did Howie fall over anymore? Ooh, I also bumped into Kevin the other week. He said he's happy for you both!" I glanced at them both, who were staring at me.






"You're tired but you're talking like you're hyper," I said as she laughed.

"I had an energy drink at the store," she smiled, setting stuff on the counter. "So, really, how is everything? I feel like we haven't talked in forever."

"Everything's fine... we have a few weeks off so we're gonna work on my album," Nick said as he looked at her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Peachy," she smiled wide. "Oh my God Scarlett, you've got to see this dress I got to wear to the awards show next week. It's gorgeous. It's by Stella McCartney and you're gonna die." She looked like she started looking around for something. "Damn my phone is upstairs. Be right back."

"See," I whispered to Nick as Piper rushed out of the room. "What the fuck is that?"

"She's on uppers," he whispered as I glared at him. "She's on something. That's not an energy shot and she's acting strange, yeah, but..."

"She's barely talked about Dylan and every time I brought him up, she would change the subject and she was sleeping in my bed, Nick," I said as he sighed. "She lied to me. She never lies to me and she lied. I can tell when she lies. She lied to me just then about the energy drink because she doesn't drink them. She doesn't even like Red Bull and Vodka."

"Let's just see how tonight goes," Nick said as I made a face. "Seriously... maybe it's just the stress from the movie. This is a big deal for her."

"Got it!" Piper said, walking over to show me the dress on her phone, which was gorgeous. "Isn't it beautiful."

"Yeah... the gold color is awesome with your hair," I smiled.

Now I was officially worried.





I was itchy. Way too itchy to feel comfortable watching this movie. Plus, I could feel Nick and Scarlett looking at me every now and then and it was unnerving.

I was fine, why wouldn't they listen to me.

My cell buzzed from the arm of the chair, making them both look over as I glanced at the screen and sighed.

"You going to get that?" Scarlett answered, making my stomach drop.

"Uh... sure." I picked it up, and walked out the room before answering.


"Where are you?"

I walked into the kitchen, pulling the door closed a little behind me. "I'm having a day to myself." I whispered, walking over to the kitchen counter where I'd left my bag.

"But I haven't seen you since this morning."

I sighed. "Just... I'll see you tomorrow." I cut the call, turning my cell off and tossing it on the kitchen counter before unzipping my purse. The door creaked, making me spin around, sending my bag flying on the floor. I sighed, seeing Nick walking in with the empty popcorn bowl as I bent down to pick my bag up, but as I did the contents spilled out everywhere.

"What a clutz." Nick said, chuckling as he bent down to help me.

"I got it..." I said, swatting his hand away as he reached for the script I kept in my bag, but he'd already picked it up as I did, and it exposed exactly what I didn't want him to find. I gingerly looked at him as he picked up the small baggy with pills in before he looked at me.

"I knew it..."

I went to snatch for them, but he stood up. "Nick..."


I gazed up at him, and felt my stomach sink as he gave me that look. The look of disappointment. I looked away from him and felt my eyes well up. "I'm tired..."


"I AM!" I raised my voice a little before looking around. I didn't want Scarlett to see this. "I'm working alot, and... they help."

"Piper, last time you were on these you were addicted! I am not seeing you get in that mess again!"

"I won't!" I stood up, and watched as he turned around. He walked over to the sink, and its like I knew what he was going to do, but didn't realise it until he ran the water and emptied the bag of pills down the sink.

Hell, I didn't even react. I knew I had more at home.

"No more, Piper! I mean it!" He turned and looked at me. "Where's Dylan?"

"On set." I answered, shrugging.

"What did he do?"

"Nothing!" I bent back down and shoved the contents of my bag back inside it before standing back up. I grabbed my cell and avoided Nick's gaze. "I should go home."


"I'm tired, and going home!" I looked at him, glaring, and dared him to tell me he was going to make me stay, but when he sighed and looked away I walked out the kitchen, yelled to Scarlett that I would see her later, and left.

I didn't want to go home, but it wasn't like Nick was going to make it easy for me to stay at Scarletts.





"Where the hell did she go?" I asked as Nick walked back into the living room. "She flew by, telling me she'd see me tomorrow. Did you confront her?"

"Uh, sorta," Nick sighed, handing me another can of Sprite. "Her bag fell over. I was right."

"You were right?" I asked, reaching over to pause the movie. "What do you mean?"

"She's on uppers again, I don't know what type, I couldn't really tell... looked like prescription, but wasn't in a bottle so I know no doctor gave them to her," Nick said as I glared at him.

"Again? What do you mean again?" I asked as Nick looked away. "When was she ever on drugs?" He didn't say anything. "Nick..."

"Back when I was really bad... before you and Kevin took me to rehab. Before I came to stay with you in Nashville. She would do whatever I would do. It's when you were gone a lot, doing your own thing. When we were messing around."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I asked, almost yelling. "Why didn't she tell me? Why the hell am I always left in the dark when it comes to you two?!" He just looked at me, not saying anything. I was raising my voice, but I felt like I had a right to raise my voice.

"I got her into it and when I got clean, I got her out of it. She had a problem, but it wasn't like mine," Nick sighed. "But the moment I saw her, I saw that look in her eye. I saw how she acted. That's how she acted back then. Like, she had crazy eyes or something, you know?"

"I wonder if Dylan has gotten her into it?" I asked as I stood up, reaching for my purse. "I'm going to find him."

"Oh no you're not," Nick said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap. "You're not going to go fight him. If anybody's gonna fight him, it's me and I don't know even know if he's done anything." I just glared at him. "What?"

"Everything goes back to you two being together," I muttered.

"This isn't about that, it's just, it's just when she did those things before, that's all," he said as I looked away. "I promise. Her bag fell in there and the pills fell out. That's how I saw them."

"I should go over there," I said, trying to move out of his lap and he held me there. "Stop."

"You're not going over there. She knows it's wrong. And if for some reason it's bad, and she's addicted, we'll help, other wise, let her be," he said as I glared at him.

"I hate you."

"Fuck off, you do not."

"I can't believe you two never told me, especially you with how you used to be," I whispered as he pouted.

"Wasn't my place to tell. Besides, you and I have had our secrets from her, too," he whispered as I sighed, crawling off of him and sitting back next to him on the sofa.





I knew he'd be waiting for me when I got home. It was inevitable, especially after I turned my cell off. I sighed, cutting my cars engine and slowly climbed out the car before walking over to him.

"You hung up on me." He had his arms folded across his chest as I walked past him and unlocked the front door.

I was feeling exhausted, and genuinely wanted to sleep, but knew I wouldn't get any. "I was busy."

"Too busy for your boyfriend?" He shut the door behind him and followed me up the stairs.

I kicked my bedroom door open, throwing my purse on the floor and stepped out my heels. I pulled the t-shirt I had on over my head and threw that on the floor along with my skirt, panties and bra. I crawled into bed and glanced at Dylan as he watched me from the doorway.

"What are you doing?" He eyed my clothes on the floor before looking back at me.

"Come to bed?" It was a question, and a pityful one at that. But he didn't need convincing. He stripped himself of his clothes and tossed the covers back, not caring that I was clearly hiding underneath them. He crawled onto the bed and looked down at me.

"Whats this?" His hand moved to my thigh, and gripped it.

I glanced down, seeing nothing. "My leg."

"Fat." He muttered, moving his hand further up my thigh until he reached my stomach. "There too."

I sighed. "I've lost 8 pounds this week alone."

"Bullshit." His hand moved up my stomach until he cupped my breast in his hand. "At least getting fat means these get bigger." He crawled over me before looking down at me. "I'll work that fat off of you, don't you worry. He gave me a smile before leaning down and kissing me, and I kissed him back, because I wanted the attention, and needed the attention.

I needed to forget Nick's disappointed face, and I needed to remember that my boyfriend loved me despite my flaws.

As as Dylan made love to me, I tried to convince myself that I wanted this as much as I was telling myself I need it.




[Flashback - December 2002]

I glanced around the bar we were shooting my music video for "Do I Have To Cry For You" and smiled. It was perfect, literally as I imagined. The video was all my idea too, and it had been a little tricky finding a director who would go with my idea, but once we had... well it was great seeing it come alive.

"The bathrooms stink in here."

I turned, seeing Piper walk out from the back of the bar, her face in a grimace. I chuckled and waved her over. "But the bar is perfect."

"Just don't use the bathroom." She sniffled, walking over to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"So, do I have to pretend I'm in love with you and shit?"

I chuckled, looking at her. Piper had come into her own the past few months, having got a part on a TV show. She'd had to darken her hair a little for the role, and it made her look more grown up. She was the hot thing on TV right now, so it was perfect that she was here with me to star in my music video. "Maybe a little..."

"I'll try not throw up in my mouth." She winked at me before moving away and looking around.

I watched her a moment before taking a deep breath. I hadn't really seen Piper since Halloween, after my album had dropped and we went out, and that conversation on the beach where I told her I'd be her go to guy. We hadn't done anything yet, and it made me wonder if she was still sleeping around.

"So, you ready?"

Piper turned to me and grinned big before nodding. "Hell yea."

I held out my hand, and she took it before I guided her outside, and across the road to the motel we were also filming in.





Filming with Nick had actually been a lot more fun that I'd thought. Initially I thought it would of been awkward, but it obviously helped that we were comfortable enough with acting to make it look normal on camera. We had to react fighting, crying, happy and in love... it was fun overall, especially driving down the empty highway in the convertible. Of course, my boobs nearly fell out the top I'd been wearing, and Nick had pretty much begged me to put a bra on.

I mean, what guy begs a woman to wear a bra??

We had the scene in the bar to do, which all I had to do was walk in and pretend I was touched by the song.

What had surprised me was Nick was actually in there playing the guitar and singing the song to some locals, so when I walked in the look of shock on my face was real, and the smile as well. He sounded good, all natural sat there with just a guitar. The actual song was playing quietly in the background for guidance, but he didn't need it.

Once the director yelled that it was a wrap I skipped over to Nick and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"YAY! Lets go party now!"

Nick chuckled. "Uh, you're underage!"

"Shhhh!" I covered his mouth with my hand and glanced around. "Don't ruin my fun. There's a guy over there, and I can't talk to him without a little courage."

I spotted Nick look across the bar at the guy I'd had my eye on since I'd been in here, before he looked back at me.

"Not the greasy looking guy?"

I shrugged, and gave the guy across the bar a grin. "He looks nice enough."


I looked at Nick. "What?"

"I thought we spoke about this?" His voice was a little hushed, but I heard him loud and clear.

"I am not sleeping with you. Plus, it's weird."


"SHHH!" I placed my hand over his mouth again before leaning in and kissing his cheek. "I appreciate that you care, but I'm a big girl." I gave him a smile before letting him go and walking across the bar to the guy I'd had my eye on.





I know it wasn't jealousy I was feeling, because I'd felt that before. But I seriously wanted to punch that guys face in.

We'd headed back into LA, the guy tagging along with us. Piper had pretty much made out with him the whole way in the back of the car, and when we got to the hotel we'd been staying at, she skipped the bar and headed upstairs with him.

So I skipped the bar and headed back to my room.

I texted Scarlett, who was in Nashville finally following her dream, and let her know a brief description of how the video went, minus Piper running off with the random guy, before grabbing my backpack and going through it until I found what I'd stashed in there earlier that week.

AJ had been the one to get me into popping pills every now and then, and then I'd watched him get addicted to shit that messed with my head. I knew I wasn't as bad as him, being that I'd had these pills nearly a week, but at that moment I needed something to wake me up. I took a couple, downing it with a beer and walked out to the balcony on my hotel room. I sat on the lounger, and gazed out at the city when the balcony door on the room next to mine opened and I saw Piper walk out.

"Thought I heard you come outside." Piper leaned against the railing and looked at me.

"Where's the guy?"

She shrugged. "He had a small dick..."


Piper laughed. "Kidding. His wife called. He had to leave."

I shook my head, standing up. "You are crazy!"

She nodded. "Yup." Piper looked at me before looking around. I watched as she literally climbed over her balcony to mine with ease. We were pretty high up, and she just walked past me and into my room like she'd walked through the door.

"Yup, definitely crazy. What are you doing?" I followed her in to see her holding my bag of pills.

"What are these?" She waved them at me.



"Uppers." I sighed, waiting for the lecture I was sure to receive.

"What do they do?" She opened the bag, pouring some into her hand. I walked over and took them from her.

"Nothing you need to know." I put them back into the bag and sealed it.

"They make you high, don't they? I can see it in your eyes. Let me have one." She reached out for them, making me jump backwards.


"YES!" She yelled back, but laughed as I dodged her again. She chased me around the room a moment before I stupidly tripped on my shoe and landed on my front on the floor. The bag flew across the floor, and she quickly picked it up and opened it before I could even get up. She slipped a pill in her mouth and swallowed it without water before doing the bag back up and dropping it on the floor beside me. She threw herself down on my bed and sighed loudly as I climbed off the floor with a groan.





I'd never done drugs before, and I didn't really know what to expect with these pills. I didn't feel weird or anything, but I felt my energy levels literally build up, and when they did I realised Nick was sat on the chair across from the bed watching me. "What?"

"I can't believe you did that..." He shook his head at me, making me laugh.

"Oh what? Because you do them I can't?" I rolled my eyes. "Nick Carter, you are a hypocrite!" I climbed off the bed and walked over to him. "I'm fine."

"No, you are now high."

"And so are you!" I waved my hands in the air, grinning at him. "I kinda like it."





He sighed at me, looking away. He looked a little defeated. Probably how I looked when Mr Greasy's wife called and he left. An idea came to me, making me smile.

"Hey, I know something..."

Nick glanced at me. "What?"

"Well... that guy left me hanging..."

"What?" Nick repeated, slowly sitting up straight.

"Nick, I'm horny and you said..."

"No, Piper! You're high!"

"And horny!"

"Its me!"


Nick stared at me, like really stared at me. I shrugged at him, pulling my tank off over my head. I put my hands on my hips and tried to match the look on his face that he was giving me. It was amusing, especially when it had been his idea to begin with. "Well? Am I that repulsive? Or do I need to convince you..." I reached for my shorts, and unbuttoned them slowly before sliding them down my legs. I was wearing a little thong, and kinda felt exposed as I stood there in my underwear, but then Nick moved, and I glanded up as he grabbed me by both my arms and looked down at me.

"You promise to never touch my stuff again?"

I gazed up at him, his eyes boring into mine. "Sure..."

"I mean it..." His grip loosened on my arms, and slowly his hands moved up my arms and to my neck, where he brushed my hair back and looped his fingers through my bra straps, lowering them slowly.

"You better be good..." I said, getting a small smirk back in return.

"You won't regret it, trust me..." He said, his voice all husky before he lowered his head as if he was going to kiss me, but paused a moment. I took a deep breath, moving my hands to his t-shirt and gripping it in my hands.

"Our secret?" I whispered, licking my lips as he breathed a little heavy.

"Our secret." He muttered, before closing the gap between us and kissed me.

[End Flashback]


Chapter 16 - The Truth by blockstreetgirl


March 21, 2010


I couldn't sleep all night. All I could think about was Piper on drugs, Piper doing drugs and something going on with Dylan. She was different and it wasn't just the drugs. The longest relationships I've ever had had been with Piper and Nick and I knew them both like the back of my hand and something was off.

I text Piper in the middle of the night, asking her if she wanted to have breakfast so I sat my alarm for eight and woke up to a text from her, telling me that she had to be on set and didn't know when she would be done.

I had walked downstairs to find Nick cooking breakfast, the best that he could do and smiled, sitting up at the counter.

"She says she's busy," I whispered as I looked up at Nick. "Now I'm worried."

"See, this is why I never told you because I saw how worried you were about me... you didn't need to drive yourself crazy worrying about the both of us," he said as I looked down at the counter. "I think you know everything."

"You're not hiding anything else from me?" I asked as he shook his head.

"You knew pretty much everything anyway and I really don't think there's anything else you don't know," he smiled. "Now... you know everything."


"I promise."

"I think I might go to the set today. We're taking the day off from working on the album anyway, right?" I asked as he nodded. "I think I'm gonna go... She had told me before she put me on the list."

"Want me to go?" he asked as I shook my head. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I just, I feel like there's more going on than just the pills," I said as he nodded. "Plus, don't you have a meeting?"

"Yeeeeees... I do. Howie and I are meeting with Donnie Wahlberg and Joey McIntyre," Nick said as I grinned. "I know. I'll try not to fanboy."

"See, I have things to do and you have things to do," I said as walked over behind me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the cheek. "I just worry about her."

"Me too, trust me, because if I find out Dylan has anything to do with it, he's dead," Nick said as I looked over my shoulder at him.






I sighed, yanking my panties back up as Dylan opened the trailer door and stepped outside. I fought the feeling being used and discarded before stepping outside. We were filming filler shots for the movie, mainly us looking happy and in love, and I was far from feeling happy and in love.

I was shaking, on edge and tired, despite crashing at some point the night before and only waking when Dylan forced me to get up. I hadn't had any coffee, or anything to pick me up.

I followed Dylan onto the set, and avoided his gaze as he spoke to me. Instead I brushed my hair off my face and looked around.

"Piper! You're make up needs touching up!"

I sighed, and walked off set and to the shade, where the make up team were. I sat down and closed my eyes.

"How did you get so sweaty just heading inside to get a drink?"

I didn't answer, knowing they wouldn't find the answer of my boyfriend fucking me against the fold up table as something good. They quickly covered my face in powder and cleared me to head on set, and as I stood up my head swam, and I went dizzy, making me sit back down. "Woah..."

One of the make up girls told me to sit, whilst another walked off. I didn't see who, instead I covered my eyes with my hand and willed the spinning to stop.

"Piper? PIPER!"

I jumped, hearing Scarlett's voice, and then she was there. I knew she was, I could smell her fruity perfume, and it was only making my head swim more. My stomach turned and I literally pushed her back before losing the contents of my stomach on the floor between us.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Dylan ask, but Scarlett had me up on my feet and in the cool of a trailer before I could even register. She urged me to rinse my mouth out with some water before I finally opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Why are you here?"

She looked at me, wetting a cloth with cold water before walking over. "Wipe your face."

"Scarlett..." My voice cracked, and I sighed, making Scarlett walk over and start wiping my face gently.

"I'm worried about you." She whispered, wiping my skin gently. It was soothing, and I closed my eyes again.

"I'm ok."

"Piper, you just threw up all over the place. You're as pale as a ghost, and shaking. You taken anything?"

I jumped, opening my eyes and looking at her. "He told you?" I felt my eyes sting with tears.

"I guessed. Piper, why?"

I took one look at her before breaking down in tears, feeling completely humiliated.





"He told you... he's whipped," Piper cried as I sat down next to her and hugged her tightly. "I'm just so tired lately... and I needed some help," she cried as I tried to soothe her. "I don't know how they do it... these actresses. No wonder Lindsay Lohan went bat shit crazy."

"Are you sure it's just the movie?" I asked as Piper backed away and nodded. "Promise?"

"I promise."

"You finish your scenes today and then you come to my place, okay?" I said as she stared at me. "Don't go home. Don't go to Dylan's. Come to my place and you can lock up in a room and sleep. I'll bring you food and take your phone and you sleep."

"I don't know... I should go home... "

"No... you're gonna come to my place and sleep or Nick and I will go find you and bring you back to my place," I said as she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. "I'm not gonna judge you... you know I've had my issues. Being around Nick, we've all probably had them."

"I'm just tired...."

"Give me the pills," I said as she backed away from the hug and stared at me. "Seriously, Piper. Give me the pills." She pointed over to her bag in the corner and I stood up, walking over to it and looked inside. I grabbed a bottle that I found, which was almost full and took them, walking over to the bathroom.


"I'm flushing them down the toilet!" I yelled, flushing the toilet and watched the pills go down the drain. I knew I was going to stop by her place to and search to see if I found any. There was no way I was going to watch her doing this. I had to watch Nick and if I had known she went through this before, I would have kicked her ass into shape. "You are in a movie that everybody is looking forward to, Piper. You're living your dream," I said, glaring at her. "Do you want to fuck it up because of pills?" She shook her head.

"You don't get it..."

"I do," I whispered. "This is why I don't really have a real record deal anymore... because they wanted me to be something I didn't want to be. I'm not Britney Spears..."


"I'm not one of those people and you can't let this movie or Dylan or anybody make you into someone you're not and those pills will not help..."

"I get it, Scarlett," she whispered as she stood up, walking over to hug me again. "I'm gonna be fine. I haven't ate this morning. I overslept and rushed to the set...."

"I'll go... but you go eat something and come to my place or we're coming to get you," I said as Piper nodded and I gave her a kiss on the forehead and made my way out of the trailer to see Dylan walking up.

"Scarlett, Piper said you were back," he said as I went to walk past him but turned around and faced him. "She okay?"

"I tend to give everybody the benefit of the doubt," I said, walking up to him and he took a few steps back, his back hitting the side of the trailer. "And I don't know exactly what's going on, but that's not my Piper in there."

"I don't think she's your Piper anymore," he said as I glared at him.

"She will always be my Piper," I hissed. "If I find out you gave her those pills, that you've done anything to hurt her, I will fucking end you." I turned to walk away and heard him chuckle. "You think it's funny?" I asked, looking back at him. "Ask her about the last guy that was an asshole to her and what I did." The smile on his face fell as I turned the corner to leave and I immediately got my cell phone out to text Nick.






New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys. Together.

"I definitely think we should keep it secret until you guys come to our concert in July in New York so we can see how it sets in," Donnie Wahlberg said as we sat at the kitchen table in Joey McIntyre's house. "Feel out fans."

"I think it's going to go over well," Howie smiled. "They're going to love it."

"I know two who will anyway," I muttered as Howie grinned. "My best frien... girlfriend," I said, almost forgetting for a second. "She's a huge New Kids fan, her and our other best friend."

"That's that songwriter chick, right?" Donnie asked and I nodded. "Red hair... she's good. Maybe we can get her on for an original song? That way we can still keep it hush hush."

"Dude, she'd die," I laughed. "Backstreet Boys don't phase her because I've known her since right before I became a Backstreet Boy, but she would die if you guys did something she wrote."

"I'm going back to New York for ‘Blue Bloods' until the tour starts, but talk to her about it and tell her to keep it a secret," Donnie said as Joey nodded.

"Make sure she comes to the New York show and we can all talk, together," Joey said as I looked at Howie who grinned. He knew how badly Scarlett was going to freak. "This is going to be amazing."

"Sweet, so we're good until our phone conference in June?" Donnie asked as we all agreed. We said goodbye, Howie stayed behind talking to Joey about something and I followed Donnie out to his car which was parked next to mine. "Heading home to rest from tour?"

"Yeah, but I'm working on a solo album, too," I said as he opened his car door and rested his arms on the hood of his car. "You heading back to New York?"

"Yeah, but my brother is hooking me on a blind date tonight and I'm not looking forward to it," he said, making a face.

"Too bad my friend is apparently dating someone or I'd set you up on one," I laughed, about to get in my car.

"Oh, who?"

"Piper Marsh, she's an ac..."

"Oh yeah, I know who she is... she's beautiful... good actress, too," Donnie said as I nodded. "Well, I guess if I don't before, see you in July?"

"See you in July!" I smiled, climbing into the car and looking at my phone to see texts from Scarlett.


Piper threw up on set and almost passed out... and I threatened Dylan. I will kick his fucking ass. Going to her house to see if she has any pills there. Intervention. Tonight. She's staying at my place. Be there.


"Oh boy," I sighed, cranking up my car and watched as Donnie pulled out out the drive and I was right behind him.





I was alone in the trailer for all of a few minutes when I heard the door open. I didn't need to look up to see who it was, I knew it would be Dylan.

"What's wrong with you?" He shut the door before walking over to me.


"It's those pills, right? The ones you've been swallowing like your life depends on them. You're pathetic!" He grabbed my purse and emptied it out, and when he never found the pills, considering Scarlett flushed them, he groaned. "Where are they?"

"Scarlett flushed them." I muttered, rubbing my face. I didn't feel so hot again, and didn't need Dylan's crap.

"Her... she needs to keep her nose out!" He walked over to me and grabbed my face. "You look pale."

"I don't feel so good."I whispered, feeling a cold chill run through me. He stroked my face, and the motion made me close my eyes.

"You should go home, sleep this shit off. I'll tell them you are sick, and I'll drive you." He stroked my face once more before leaning down and kissing me softly.

"Don't." I whispered. "I need to stay."

Dylan snorted. "You're a mess, Piper. They won't want you here."

I brushed his hand off my face before standing up. "I'll be fine." I tried to smile, but knew it didn't work, and even if it had there would be no way Dylan would react to it. "I'll be fine." I repeated, walking past him and back outside. The bright sunlight hurt my eyes, but I walked over to the make up people, who looked a little uneasy at me.

"I'm so sorry... I've not felt that well and... got, how embarrassing!" I covered my face, half in humiliation, and half because the sun really did hurt my eyes.

"It's ok, Piper. It happens. You ok now?"

I uncovered my eyes. "Yea, just... make me look normal?"

They chuckled, telling me to sit down, and as I did I said a little prayer before letting them make me look normal.

Hopefully I would feel more normal!





I walked into my house and instantly fell on the sofa. I was beat. I was still on European time.

I had drove to Piper's house and walked in, instantly noticing something was different. The house was almost decorated differently. And it was a mess. I bypassed the living room at first, making my way upstairs to her bedroom to see the bed was a mess. I could definitely tell two people had slept there. Dylan had some clothes on the floor and I looked over at the bathroom.

She had pills in her secret bottom drawer in her bathroom, just where I knew she would hide them. And I flushed them all down the toilet. I checked her safe, which I knew the password to. It's where she kept her passport and her expensive jewelry. She had more in there and I took them and got rid of them.

I jumped from thinking about the pills when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I reached in, seeing a text from Piper.


Be there when I leave the set. I'm sorry you're disappointed in me :(


I ran my hands over my face and instantly felt a sharp throb in my head. I was getting another one of the migraines. I'd been getting them way too frequently again and knew why. It was the birth control pills. I just hated not taking them. I knew Nick didn't want to have to deal with condoms each time we were together. We weren't a one night stand and it ruined the mood always having to get one.

I texted Piper back quickly before calling my doctor's office and setting up an appointment when I heard someone walk in and knew that it was Nick.

"Hey, that Piper?" he asked, walking over and handing me a milkshake, making me smile.

"No... was calling my doctor for an appointment," I pouted. "I'm getting another migraine. I feel it coming on."

"I told you, if I have to wrap him up, I will," he said as I smiled weakly. "Piper bad off?" I nodded slowly, sipping on the milkshake. "Donnie Wahlberg told me to tell you to think about a song that we could perform together, NKOTBSB."

"Excuse me, what?"

"NKOTBSB. Our new supergroup," Nick said as I glared at him. "We are going to their show in New York in July and going on stage with them to test the waters. It's a surprise, so shhh... but if you get bored and want to write a song for your two favorite groups..."

"Donnie Wahlberg knows who I am?" I asked as Nick cracked up. "I just had chills. God..." I whispered before crawling over and kissing him softly on the lips. "I go to the doctor tomorrow. Want to go with me?"

"Me, go to a vagina doctor?" Nick asked, making a face. "Take Piper." I laughed a little, sitting sideways in his lip and rested my head next to his. "She'll be okay, Scarlett. We'll all be okay. Things are changing for the better. I've... I've never been this happy. We'll get Piper better and everything will be fine."

"I hope so," I whispered. "Maybe you should go on set and make sure she gets here," I said as I lifted my head and looked at him. "She was totally out of it when I saw her. I don't know how much work she's getting done today."

"Okay," Nick said as I grabbed my phone to text him the address of where they were filming.

I wanted to make sure she got here safe and sound.





"CUT! Piper, can I talk to you?"

I sighed, letting go of Dylan's hand and walking across set. It had been a hard day with no breaks, and even though the scenes we were filming weren't major, I was ruining every single take. I'd forgotten my lines, stood in the wrong place, blocked a camera and literally done everything wrong. The director looked pissed as I walked over to him. "What's wrong?"

"Look..." He stepped closer, talking quietly. "...Dylan explained your little problem, and I just wanted to know if you were up for more filming, or would you like to go home."

I frowned. "Little problem?" I glanced at Dylan, who was talking with one of the extras.

"Yea... I won't go into details, but you do look a little rough."

I pursed my lips. Whatever Dylan had told him had not been about the pills, still... this guy had no right to insult me. "I'll go home."

The director nodded. "Bright an early tomorrow, ok?"

I nodded, giving him a small smile before walking over to my trailer. I stepped inside, locking the door behind me and changed from the dress I was wearing and back into the jeans and t-shirt I'd arrived in. I grabbed my cell from my bag, and jumped as it rang in my hand. Nick's name flashed on the screen, so I answered it.


"Hey, you still on set?"

"Uh, yea..." I looked around as there was a knock on the door. "...but I'm leaving."

"Wait there! I'm just parking the car. I'm taking you back to Scarlett's."

I shook my head and sighed. "Of course you are..." I whispered, cutting the call once Nick told me he'd meet me at my trailer. I sat on the sofa and stared at the door as Dylan kept on knocking.





I parked the car and made my way through security check-in, looking around for the trailer that Piper told me she would be at. I had to stop and ask someone because frankly I didn't know where the hell I was going.

But when I saw Dylan knocking on a trailer door, I knew I'd found my spot.

"Hey! That's Piper's trailer?" I asked as Dylan looked over at me and stopped knocking.

"Yeah, she's locked herself in there," Dylan said, knocking on the door again. "Piper, open up!"

"Hey, let me talk to her," I said as Dylan didn't move and I just looked at him. "Yo... move."

"Go back home."

"‘Scuse me?"

"You need to go home and tend to your girlfriend because if she threatens me again..." Dylan said as I glared at him. He said something but his voice trailed off.

"Yeah, I can't control Scarlett, but that's one person you don't want to piss off, along with me... so back... the... fuck... off," I said, taking a breath between each word. "BACK THE FUCK OFF."


"Yeah, I'm here. Come on!" I called back, glaring at Dylan. "You know what, I think this is all your fault. I was actually giving you the benefit of the doubt for a minute but..." I stopped when the door opened and Dylan stepped back as Piper walked down the steps and over to where I was. "You ready?"

"Where are you going?" Dylan asked.

"Not with you!" I called back out as I wrapped my arm around her and we started to walk off.

"I'm going to Scarlett's for the night!" Piper called out, not even looking back at him as she started walking faster and I caught up with her. We made it back through security and she practically ran up to where my car was so I unlocked the doors with the button on my keys.

"What has he done?" I asked as soon as I got in the car. "What did he do?"

"Nothing, Nick, let's just go," she said, fastening her seat belt and closing her eyes. "Just go."

"Okay, you promise?"

"I promise."

I sighed, cranking up the car and started pulling out of the parking lot but looked back and saw Dylan standing by the security gate in my rearview mirror. Yep, I thought maybe she could take care of herself for about five minutes, maybe five and a half, but now I'm back to thinking this guy was sketchy and I was going to have to kick his ass.

Or at least get someone to help me kick his ass.





Scarletts house smelt of a mix of cinnamon and honey as Nick let me in. He shut the door behind me and pretty much guided me into the kitchen, where Scarlett had apparently been sat waiting.

"Piper! You ok?"

I nodded, sitting across from her as Nick moved around Scarletts kitchen. I watched him a moment, noting how he seemed to know exactly where everything was before looking back at Scarlett. "They sent me home from the set."

Scarlett frowned. "Are you really ok, Piper? You haven't had anymore pills, have you?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, you flushed them all, remember?" I watched her as she nodded slowly. "I'm tired, and in desperate need of something to pick me up. Yea... I'm not even going to deny that."

"I flushed them all. Every last one of them. I need you to tell me all the hiding spaces though."

"I'm sure you got them all, Scar." I leaned my head in my hands and looked at her.

"I'm sure I did as well, but I am going to take care of you, and that means making sure you don't slip."

I tried to smile at her, but couldn't. I felt so tired, and my head was hurting. "Can I go to bed?"

"But... Dinner..."

I looked over at Nick, who was watching us.

"Sleep will probably help her, Baby." He walked over and ran his hand along Scarlett's back before smiling at me. "We can keep your dinner warm."

I nodded, and slowly stood up before walking out the room. I didn't want to sleep at all, but what else could I do?

I laid on the bed in the spare room, staring at the ceiling. I'd stayed in this room plenty of times, so it wasn't like it wasn't familiar. But it wasn't my place, my house, my bed. I could hear Nick and Scarlett's muffled talking from down the hall in her room, and I just knew they were talking about me. I picked up my cell and sighed, seeing half a dozen texts and missed calls, all from Dylan. I decided to call him, being that I couldn't be bothered to text.

"Oh, so now you are talking to me..."

I sighed. "I just thought I'd call before going to sleep."

"And say what, exactly?"

"Goodnight?" I answered, knowing that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"Goodnight? You left the fucking set, Piper! Left and went with him!"

"Dylan, they are worried about me... don't be mad."

"Worried? They are fucking idiots, Piper. Interfering idiots. They need to focus on their own damn relationship and forget about you." He sighed loudly, making me close my eyes. "I'm coming to get you..."

"You can't!"

"I am!"

"Dylan, please... just... I'll see you tomorrow on set." I closed my eyes tighter, hoping he'd agree.

"You better be there..."

"I will. I promise!"

Dylan was quiet a moment before talking softly. "I love you, Piper. I just want you with me."

"I... love you too. And we will be together... tomorrow. I've gotta go." I cut the call, turning my cell off and shoving it under my pillow before rolling onto my side and closing my eyes.





"Just go check on her and come back," Nick said a little bit later as I walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to the bedroom where Piper was.

I had went to check on her earlier to see if she wanted something to eat, but she was out cold. I just wanted to make sure she was okay before I went to sleep. And when I opened the door, I saw her laying there, her eyes focused on the ceiling until she looked over at me.

"Hey, you're awake," I whispered, walking into the room and shutting the door back. "You want something to eat?"

"No... I'm okay," she whispered as I walked over and sat down on the side of the bed. "It's late, right?"

"Yeah... I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and my head is killing me so I'm going to sleep," I said as she nodded. "I called Charlie," I said as she looked at me. "He's calling the producers and director and you're taking tomorrow off to rest."

"Scarlett, I can't..."

"Yeah, you are and he agreed..."

"I can't..."

"It's a done deal, you're off tomorrow," I said as she closed her eyes. "Plus I want you to go to the doctor with me tomorrow. You know I hate going to the doctor."

"The only doctor you hate going to is the gynecologist," she said as she glared at me. "Headaches? You must be on birth control again..." I nodded. "He's not gonna like that..."

"If I have to go off them, Nick said he'd be okay..."

"No, I meant Dylan, me not working..."

"What the hell has he done to you?" I asked as she shook her head. "Piper, he's done something, whether you realize it or not. I'll kill him."

"He hasn't done anything... I love him," she said as she put her hands over her eyes. "I want to go back to sleep."

"Okay," I whispered as I made my way back over to the door. "I'll make breakfast in the morning."

"You two be quiet over there. I don't want to hear sex..."

"There's no sex tonight, trust me," I muttered and I knew she had smiled even if I didn't see it. I closed the door and sighed, making way back down the hallway.

If Nick did background checks on guys before, maybe I need to do my own kind of background check on Dylan.



This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=11327