Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218383 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 1 by colorguard_diva


By Dottie

Copyright 2012


Chapter 1



It’s official: I have gone off the deep end. Or finally waking up to the fact that if you really want something in life, you go for it. So here I am, going for it.

Who am I? Hi, my name is Jessica Todd.  I’m your average, 29 year old banker leading the most boring life on the planet. So what do I do to spice things up? I write. My dream is to one day write my own novel. For now, I’ve been content with the stories I share online with my friends about the man of my dreams. One Mr. Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys.

Of course there are other men I fantasize about from time to time. The cute guy that lives in the apartment above me. The construction guys on the project down the street from work.  But none of them hold a candle to my celebrity crush. How could they?

I have always had this fascination with Nick. Tall, blonde with gorgeous blue eyes and a smirk that makes me want to climb all up his body and have my way with him.  And since I only stand at 5’1” I’d have a lot of climbing to do.

When the announcement was made that NKOTBSB was going to tour again in Europe, a plan started hatching in my brain. I missed the tour in the US. I’ll be damned if I miss the European one. I’m not exactly THRILLED with NKOTB being along for the ride, but hell, I’ll sit through ANYTHING to see Nick up close and personal!  But the problem is financing.  Where do I get the money?  Well, I do work in a bank….

When Mr. Oakley promoted me to Assistant Manager of the bank, he gave me certain clients to take care of. Meaning, kiss their ass to keep their business.  OK, that really just rubs me the wrong way. But, in dealing with these high rollers, I found a way to make some extra cash.  How you ask? Simple. I let them cop a feel now and again. For a price.

Currently I have close to $300,000 in a private account in Switzerland.  That’s not nearly enough for what I have planned so it’s time to bring in Miss Hanna Jo and up the game a bit. Who is Hanna Jo? My best friend, loyal confidant and fellow BSB lover.  She’s a little shy, but when it comes to our boys, she’s got ideas that make her a certifiable FREAK! 

My plans, once we get to Europe, is to follow the tour.  Tickets at every show, which I’ve already been buying.  We have platinum VIP’s for all the shows so far. Every time a show is added, I buy the tickets. 

But I digress.  How are we going to pull this off you ask?  Easy:  we’re intelligent women with one goal in mind:  BSB BABY!


When I get home from work, I pick up the phone and call Hanna Jo. When she answers, I say, “OK, Chick, time to put our plan into motion. You ready?”

I hear the hesitation in her voice. “Jessi, what if we get caught?”

I sigh and say, “Hanna Jo, we are NOT going to get caught.  IF by some chance our little scheme is uncovered, I have the perfect fall guy. Mr. Oakley the big ass.”

The catch in my voice tips her off.  She sighs, “What did he do today?”

I bite my lip, trying to keep my rage under control. When I finally do speak, my words are clipped and Hanna Jo knows I’m enraged. “He came into my office and tried to…he ripped my favorite blouse and said he wanted to see what had all the clients singing my praises.”

I hear her swear under her breath. Something Hanna Jo rarely does, considering her strict, religious parents. “Jess, are you ok?”

I sniffle, letting the tears fall. “No. I’m tired of him rubbing his nasty ass cock up on me and tired of him lunging for my tits when we’re alone. We have a plan, let’s do it and get the hell to Ireland before the boys show up. Please?”

She’s deathly quiet for a minute before saying, “When?” I start crying in earnest then. She says, “I’ll be over in half an hour.” I know it bothers her when I cry.  With what I have been through, I’m a relentless bitch at times and I hate showing weakness. 


When she gets there, I’m under control again. She hugs me and says, “Don’t worry, we’ll get the bastard.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Hanna Jo, for some reason, when you cuss it just sounds so abnormal.”

She sighs. “I know. I can’t cuss properly. It’s utterly disgusting.”

I giggle and fall back on the sofa. “I’m sure AJ will teach you how to properly cuss.”

Hanna Jo blurts out, “That’s not all I want him to teach me.”

I can’t help it. I laugh harder. Her laughter joins mine and I hug her again. “Thanks. For everything.”

She pushes me back. “I better at least get to TOUCH Nick for this!”

I giggle and say to Hanna Jo, “You can touch Nick only if I get to lick that 69 tattoo at least once.”

We all shake hands and Hanna Joe says, “It’s a deal.”

I close my eyes and whisper, “That tattoo has been the fuel for SO many naughty ideas.”

Hanna Jo always loves the dirty ideas we have about the boys. “I’m getting really excited about this!”

I laugh loudly and say, “It’s gonna be the bomb, isn’t it?” After a high five, I grumble, “Too bad we’re stuck with the New Kids too!”

She sighs dramatically. “The things we do for love!” We giggle together before she asks, “Are we still dressing up like Cat Woman?”

I run into my bedroom and bring out our costumes. “Of course we are. Don’t forget to put the lifts in your shoes.”

She fires back quickly, “Don’t YOU forget. Oakley doesn’t know me, but he’ll know it’s you in a heartbeat.”

I nod solemnly. “I know. Which is why I have to disguise my voice. I’ve been working on it. My lifts are in my shoes already. Plus, I have a secret weapon.”

Hanna Jo looks at me puzzled. “What?”

I laugh. “Wait, I’ll show you.” I run into my bedroom and put on my costume. When I come out, I’m every bit 5’9” tall, thanks to the lifts in my 5 inch heels. I spin in front of her and say, “Ta da!”

She stares at me. Hanna Jo gasps, “What happened to your boobs? And good lord, your butt is HUGE!”

I can’t stop giggling. I open my shirt and say, “Duct tape. The way a busty woman flattens her chest.”

She groans. “Jess, that’s gonna hurt when it comes off.”

I sigh. “No it won’t. I’m wearing a camisole under it. It’s the only way to make my boobs disappear.”

She shakes her head. “You’re a genius. But what’s wrong with your butt?”

I turn my back to her and say, “Grab it! Feel how real it is!”

She gasps. “I am not touching your butt!”

I turn around exasperated and I shake it at her, explaining, “Hanna Jo, it’s NOT my ass! It’s a booty pop! A fake ass. You’ve seen the commercials, right?” She nods slowly, still unsure. I sigh frustrated. “I wore this to the bar the other night. I had 3 guys all over me. They thought it was real!”

She starts to relax. “So there’s no way we’ll be identified, is there?”

I smile and say, “No. Especially since you’re gonna cut the feed to the cameras before Oakley shows up. And that little trail of breadcrumbs I left to his secret account is going to push the cops right to him. There’s no WAY we can lose!”

I see the excitement in her eyes mirrors my own. “OK, seriously, when?”

We sit on the couch and iron out our plans.  A week from Friday, we’re gonna be a lot richer and on our way to Dublin, Ireland. In ten days, our lives are going to change…and the real adventure begins.




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