Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218311 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 14 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2012


Chapter 14


Sitting across from AJ is confusing, to say the least. I’m not really sure why he invited me to dinner. I’m getting the friends vibe from him this evening. He hasn’t made an attempt to hold my hand or flirt with me. It’s almost like we are brother and sister. Maybe he didn’t like the way I kiss. I hate that I am overanalyzing every move AJ is making.


“Are you enjoying your shepherd’s pie?” AJ asks for the third time.


“It’s delicious. Thank you for inviting me to dinner.” I answer politely. I take a sip of wine and force myself to relax.


“You’re welcome. I’m enjoying it.  I can’t believe the tour is starting tomorrow.” 


“I bet it’s exciting to perform in front of all those fans. They adore you.” I smile at him. I’m not extremely flirtatious, but maybe he will take the hint.


When he answers, I know he doesn’t. “I enjoy it and appreciate my fans. They mean the world to me.”


Wishing I was bold enough to just crawl onto his lap and kiss him, but I’m not. I’m afraid to make a move. I figure AJ just isn’t into me.


“So beside Backstreet Boys, what kind of music do you listen to?”


I set my fork down and wipe my mouth. “Well when I was younger I was only allowed to listen to hymns and traditional Christian music. Then I found the Backstreet Boys, and I became alive. Now I listen to everything. It’s nice to be able to listen to anything and not be judged by narrow minded people.”


“Were you really that sheltered?” He asks quietly.


I nod my head. “It’s not easy to talk about. I love my parents, but I resent them.” I can feel the anger build up in my veins. “Let’s talk about something else.”


AJ doesn’t press the issue, but we sit in silence. Neither of us knows what to say. I hate feeling this awkward with him. It’s not how I visualized being with him. I stare at my plate afraid to look at AJ.


“Hey J. What’s up?” I hear Brian’s cheery twang. I force myself to look up. “Who’s the beautiful lady your with?”


“Hey Rok! This is the always beautiful and lovely Hanna Jo.” AJ says with a smile. I feel the heat on my face as I blush.  The way AJ looks at me makes my stomach among other things tingle.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He wiggles his eyes suggestively at me. “How were you so lucky to meet this guy?” Brian takes a seat at our table.


I sit up tall in my chair and give Brian my full attention. I glance over at AJ. He doesn’t even seem to care that Brian is intruding on our date. Oh no, maybe this isn’t a date. AJ is probably just being nice to me since Nick has a thing for Jessi. Why am I so bad at reading men?


“We met at the airport. Then we spent the whole flight to Switzerland chatting.” Oh no, what happened between then and now? We had a nice conversation and even flirted a bit. Now things are just uncomfortable.


We spend the next hour, talking away. Brian is telling the funniest stories. I can’t help but laugh. He’s a real charmer, and I forget about being shy. AJ starts to shift in his seat.  “It’s been an enjoyable evening. I’m feeling a little tired. Brian will you see to it that Hanna gets back to her hotel safely?”


“Sure Thing.”


AJ walks over and presses a quick kiss to my cheek. “Thanks for the lovely evening. Take care Hanna.” With that he’s gone. His attitude stuns me, but I hide my surprise deep inside. No reason for Brian to notice that I feel crappy. I’m ready to go back to the hotel.


“Would you like me to escort you back to your hotel, Hanna Jo?” Brian is a true southern gentleman.


“No thanks, I think I’ll just take a taxi.” I stand up, ready to leave. “You shouldn’t have to go out of your way for me. I’ll be fine.”


Brian stands in front of me. “And there’s no reason for a beautiful lady to be out alone at this time of night.” 


His face inches closer to mine. I can feel his breath on my face. I anticipate what is coming.  Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? His lips are soft against mine. The kiss is simple and quick. It was nice, but I feel like I’m betraying AJ.


“I need to go check on Jessi. Thanks for the nice evening.”


I bolt out of the restaurant. It’s only about two blocks to the hotel, so I walk back. The cool air on my face helps me get back to reality. So many thoughts are swimming in my head.


Jessi is sitting in bed watching television, when I let myself in. “How was your evening with Alex? Did he take you to his room and have his way with you?”


“You must be feeling better.” I flop down beside her. “Do I look like a woman that’s had hot sex this evening?”


“Not at all? Did AJ as least feel you up?” Jessi curls up under the covers.


I lower my voice. I am embarrassed to tell me best friend the truth. “All I got was a kiss on the cheek, but Brian kissed me.”


“What!?!?” Jessi shouts. Then she holds her head from the pain. “Ouch. What the hell happened tonight? I want all the glorious details.”


I precede to her all the minute details of the lackluster date. Once again, I feel foolish. Men; I don’t understand them. I think I’ve ruined any chance I had with AJ. Maybe I didn’t have a chance to begin with. How am I going to face him tomorrow?


“That really fucking sucks, Ho Jo. It seemed like you hit it off with him.” She gives me a hug. “You know you and Brian would make a cute couple.” She starts laughing.


“If you didn’t have a concussion, I’d smack you with a pillow.” I roll off the bed and start to get ready for bed. “Brian is sweet and funny. He’s a good kisser, too.”


“I detect a but coming on.”


I sigh loudly. “He’s not AJ.” With that I climb into bed for a restless night’s sleep.







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