Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218425 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 16 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2012


Chapter 16


Jessi is feeling well enough to go to the concert. I think Nick spending the night with her helped. He cares a lot about her, which I think is sweet. I am starting to think that Jessi is holding back something. Her reaction towards Nick is not what I expected. Nick is good for her, and I hope that she realizes that. He’s not some fly by night guy. He’s proven that already.


Alex, I’m not too sure about his intentions or lack thereof. He sent the message loud and clear last night. He’s not into me, and I have to accept that. Maybe it’s better that we are just friends. I’m not type of girl that dates a celebrity. We’re from different worlds.


“Hanna Jo, what’s wrong?” Jessi asks quietly. We’re sitting in a cab on the way to the arena.


“Nothing really. I was just thinking about AJ.” I reply honestly. There’s nothing Jessi can do to make him want me.


“Ho Jo, give him time.  Maybe he realized that he was an ass last night. If not, he’s a stupid prick and you deserve someone better.” She smiles encouragingly, “Remember there’s always Brian.”


“Brian is sweet and handsome, but he just doesn’t do it for me.” I look at Jessi and start to giggle. “He’s a good kisser, but I felt nothing. I got more out of kiss from Widget.”


Jessi snorts with laughter. “That’s sad you’re comparing a kiss from B’Rok to a tongue licking from your dog.”


“Oh, shut up! It’s the truth. Widget is a great kisser for a weenie dog.” I smack my best friend. It’s nice to see her smiling. “And if you ever say anything, I will kill you.”

“Your secret is safe with me. I promise to never say a word.”


Finally the moment I had waited for. It was different than I expected since I already knew three out of four of the boys. I was nervous for different reasons than I had originally anticipated. The throng of fans was already hiding the entrance to the venue. After what seemed like forever the crowd moved inside.

We got our passes and were finally escorted in for sound check.


Jessi and I stay back letting the other fans with Platinum VIP go first. Since we already had time with them we thought this was only fair. The guys start in by singing a few songs.


“So Nick, rumor has it that you’ve been seen with an auburn beauty around town. Is this true? Who is she?” A curious fan asks.


I take Jessi’s hands and squeeze it. I know on the inside she is flipping out. Not so much about Nick, but that she was spotted in public. I see she puts her head down so no one will notice. I wonder what Nick is going to say.


“The rumors are true. She’s a friend I met recently and I’ve been enjoying spending time with her.” He is all smiles. I am happy for Jessi even if she says she’s not falling for him.


I can feel her try to remove her hand from mine, but I don’t let her. She slumps down in her chair, waiting for the sound check to be over. I’m afraid she is going to bolt. It worries me that she is so bent on not letting Nick get close.  The way the two of them were in bed together only proves to me that they have something deeper than either one realizes.


When we walk backstage for the tour, I am relieved that Howie is giving the tour. I can relax a bit. Jessi still has her head down so she doesn’t get recognized. Howie seems like a nice guy, but I’m so not paying attention to him. I feel a hand grab mine and pull me into a darkened hallway.


A pair of smooth lips on our mine before I even know where I am. Who the heck would brazen enough to do this? Once I will myself to calm down, I know those lips. It’s Alex. I am confused, but decide to just enjoy the moment.

Alex’s lips feel like heaven. He pulls me closer to his body. I can feel every taut muscle on his chest. Going even lower I can feel his erection. Oh, he’s happy to see me. He’s holding me tightly around the waist. I sink my body against his. My hands snake around his neck. Slowly he sucks on my bottom lip. I moan in pleasure. I’ve never felt anything so good. His tongue parts my lips and gently enters. Alex doesn’t stick his tongue down my throat; instead our tongues intertwine and start a sensual dance.  I feel my body start to tense up, but it feels so good. It’s a different feeling than I have ever felt. Alex cups my ass in his hands pulling my body fully against his. Then he slowly grinds against me.


“Hanna, I’m sorry about last night.”  He murmurs against my face. I can’t take this wonderful feeling anymore. My body starts to tremble. I’m not sure what’s going on but I like it. It seems like forever, but I come down from this euphoric high I’m on. “If Brian kisses you again, I’ll break his nose and wrap his lips around it.”


I giggle. “You don’t have to do that. Brian is a nice guy, but…” I can’t finish the sentence.


“But what?” AJ asks, as he caresses my face. Being forward isn’t my nature. I have always waited for the guy to tell me that he liked me. I guess deep down I am still old fashioned.


“Umm…nothing.” I comment as AJ moves me off his body. He takes my hand and we walk down the hallway.


“I think someone has a little crush on me.” He teases.


“Who me?” I question in mock surprise. AJ stops and stares at me. “I’m never going to tell.”


“Really? I have ways of getting things out of beautiful women.”


I feel my body shudder at his comment. I can just imagine what his tricks are. If I was daring, I would ask what they are. Instead I just blush.


AJ places a kiss on my nose. “I find you very refreshing, Hanna Jo. Like I said before, I am sorry about last night. I know you’ve been shielded from the real world most of your life. I didn’t want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.”


I know he’s sincere, and it melts my heart.  Most guys push for sex regardless of a woman’s feelings. It was nice seeing that AJ wasn’t this type of man. “Thanks, Alex. I appreciate that more than you know.”


“I had to leave you last night, because I just wanted to take you up to my hotel room and make love to you.”


I get nervous suddenly and retreat back into my shell. “I…I…better…umm…go…umm find Jessi.” I can hardly get out the words.  


“Han, I didn’t mean to freak you out. Sometimes I open my big mouth and the wrong words pour out.”  He looks me dead in the eye. “Just tell me to fuck off, when I say something stupid.”


“I’ve never cussed before.” I mumble from embarrassment.


“Oh the things I’m going to teach you.  Let’s go meet Jessi.  She’s at catering. Howie took her there after the tour.” We walk to catering hand in hand.








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