Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218321 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 38 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2013


Chapter 38


Hanna Jo


Sitting around waiting for AJ is getting nerve wracking. After the telephone call I received from Mr. Westcott, I can’t contain my excitement. I need to share the news with someone before I burst.


“Banana.” AJ presses a kiss to my cheek. “What’s up?”


Things are better between us. All it took was one night on Nick’s bus for AJ to realize he was being a butthead. Personally, I think Nick had something to do with it. He must have been tired of me crying on his shoulder about AJ. The best thing about it was AJ asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes, even though I still don’t believe it’s true.


I take a deep breath and decide to keep quiet for a few. “How was the press today?” I am curious about what the media said about the fight in the airport. It was a nasty scene that tabloids caught on film.


“Nick and Donnie acted like best friends. The media ate it up.”  AJ grabs my IPad off the table. He starts checking his email.


“I still feel guilty. If Jessi and I didn’t come on this tour, we wouldn’t have ruined the friendship you guys had.” I sigh. Things would be different. Jessi would be safe. The guys would get along, but AJ and I would have never met. I’m thankful for that and that alone. It sucks being without my best friend.


“Would you stop?” AJ looks me in the eye. “None of this is your fault. Donnie’s always been an ass. His true colors came out, especially when he couldn’t get the girl.”


“I know.” I press a kiss to his cheek. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Is that your way of saying you want to have a quick round of hot monkey sex?” AJ jokes as he nips at my ear. I feel the heat on my face.


I giggle. “As great as that sounds, that’s not the secret.”


AJ moves around so he can see my face. Worry is etched on it. He takes my hands in his. I’m excited to tell him the news, but he’s not going to like what I have planned.


“Mr. Westcott, the assistant district attorney, he called me. The trial is over.  He’s trying to send Jessi to Melbourne.” I explain.


“That’s great news. I knew things would work out.” AJ gets excited. I know that he’s happy that Jessi will be returning.  He knows how much I’ve missed her these past few weeks.


“But…well…you see…” I try to get the words out. I’m afraid of what he will say about what I’m about to tell him. “He said that Jessi yelled at him. Something isn’t right. I’m worried about her. From everything Mr. Westcott said, she’s not going be coming to Melbourne.”


Silence fills our hotel room. AJ is deep in thought. “What aren’t you telling me, Hanna?”


I crawl onto his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. “I need to go to Jessi. Something’s wrong if she’s not racing back to us. I’m worried about her. I don’t think her being alone all that time was a good thing. ”


“Han, you’re a grown woman. I can’t stop you from going.” I give him a look. “Just because I’m your boyfriend, doesn’t mean I control you. You are allowed to make your own decisions. Sure, I’ll worry about your safety, but there’s no way I’m going to stop you from going to your best friend.”


AJ’s comments surprise me. After dealing with my parents all those years before, I forget that I’m able to make my own decisions. I feel better that AJ supports me. He makes me believe in myself.


“When are you leaving?” His hands move to my waist.


“The cab is picking me up in forty-five minutes. I’ll try to be back with Jessi as soon as possible. Please don’t tell Nick. I want it to be a surprise.”  


“Anything for you Hanna.” His mouth meets mine for a long, sensual kiss. “I just want you to know I love you.”




After what seems like forever, I finally arrive at Cottage Point. The place is gorgeous. I could see why Jessi doesn’t want to leave. I hope that’s the reason and not because she’s afraid of the Wahlberg men. I knock on the door and wait for my best friend to let me in. After a few minutes, Jessi doesn’t answer. What if something is wrong? Why isn’t she answering the door?


I knock again. “Jessi are you here? It’s Hanna Jo. Please answer the door.” I’m in a tizzy waiting for her to open the door.


The door opens forcefully, but no one is there. Cautiously I walk inside. Jessi is sitting on the couch with her eyes closed. Something is bothering her and that worries me.


“Jessi is everything okay?” I say quietly. I want to run over and give her a hug, but I hold back.


“Everything is fucking peachy.” She laughs sardonically. “Why are you here?”


I’m taken aback by her attitude. Sitting down across from her I take a moment to compose myself. I know I’m going to have to tread lightly. “Mr. Westcott called me to tell me you were supposed to meet up with us in Melbourne. When you didn’t show up…I got nervous.”


“That fucking bastard.” Jessi comments to herself. “Why would you care about me? I’m sure you’re busy with the tour.”


My mouth forms a huge o at her comment. I’m shocked that she mad at me. I don’t even know what I did. I can’t even speak.


“See that is exactly what I mean, Hanna. You can’t even answer me. You’re so busy being a tour groupie that you forgot about me.”  She sneers.


I wipe the tears from eyes so Jessi doesn’t see me crying. “Oh, Jessi, that is not true. Nick and I have been doing everything possible to find you. He was devastated when you up and left. Nick wrecked his tour bus because he was so upset.”


“Yeah, that’s because he was going to get laid. I’m sure the asshole found someone to keep his bed warm.” Jessi walks out of the room.


Clearly she’s mad at me and Nick for what I don’t know. I hate when Jessi shuts me out. Instead of talking to me she is going to skirt around the real issue. Before I would have just taken it and waited until she got over her attitude. Today, I’m not in the mood. I want my best friend back. This should be a happy moment, not a major fight.


I walk into the kitchen, where Jessi is staring out the window. “I don’t know what you issue is, but please don’t take it out on me. All, I want is my best friend back. I didn’t come here to be yelled out.”




“I know a lot of crap has happened to you, but yelling at me isn’t going to solve anything.  All I want to do is bring you back on tour with me. I’ve missed you so much. Nick has missed you. When he found the video on his phone, he knew that everything would be okay. He was anticipating your return.”


“Yeah, right.  I bet you both were too busy to care about me.” She snorts, as she wipes her eyes. Jessi doesn’t want me to see her cry.


“Jessi, we both care about you. You’re my best friend. Nick is more than smitten with you. Please, just pack your stuff and come back. I’ve missed you.”  I cry. This is not going the way I planned. Everything is falling apart.


“Just go back and leave me alone.” Jessi turns her back on me.


“I’m not leaving without you.”


“Hanna, I really don’t know why you’re here. You have it made on the tour. You don’t need me. Nick doesn’t need me.” She pauses before continuing. “I’m not good enough to be part of your world with Nick. I’m just a whore.”


Did I hear Jessi right? I’m not sure I did. I’m baffled by her comments. Before I can comment she is gone. Will things ever get back to normal?

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