Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218322 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 46 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2013


Chapter 46


Hanna Jo


I spend most of the day on Brian’s bus. I just can’t face AJ. Avoidance is easier than having to see him. Brian is being a good friend and letting me cry on his shoulder. Then he tells me funny stories to get my mind off of AJ. It didn’t really work, but I wasn’t going to say anything.


Brian says I need to eat, so here I am at catering with him and Joe attempting to eat a salad. Mostly I am pushing lettuce around on my plate. I see AJ sit down at the table across from us. His face is full of sadness and anger. He is sitting all alone.


“Ignore him for now. Let him wallow for a while. You did nothing wrong, Hanna.” Brian whispers in my ear. Then he grabs my fork and feeds me some of my salad. To a bystander this doesn’t look so innocent. I don’t know what to do, so I just let Brian continue with whatever the heck he’s doing.


AJ knocks his glass on the floor spilling iced tea everywhere. I see him cursing to himself as he grabs a napkin off the table. Howie rushes to help him. I stare down at my plate.


“Everything okay, sweetheart?” Brian asks while wrapping his arm around me.


“I guess. I’m not very hungry. I think I’m going to head back to the bus.”  I quickly stand up grabbing my plate and silverware. I throw it away and walk out.


“Hey Ho Jo! Wait up!” Jessi shouts as she tries to catch up with me.


Stopping, I watch Jessi run towards me. I really just want to be alone, but I’ve missed my best friend. I’m glad that she’s back.


“What’s going on with you and Brian?” She says while catching her breath.


“I have no clue. I think Brian is trying to make AJ jealous.” I shrug.


“It’s painfully obvious it working with the way he’s glaring at Brian and spilling his drink.” Jessi smirks. I don’t find it funny.


“Oh, Jessi.” I sigh. “Brian is so in love with Joe. The two of them together is enough to make anyone sick. I don’t know if I can stay on Brian’s bus if Joe is there. It makes me feel depressed.”


“Come stay with me.” She suggests as we head outside.


“I don’t want to interrupt your special time with Nick.” I smile at Jessi. There’s no way I want to hear her and Nick having sex.


Jessi gets shy all of a sudden. “That isn’t happening anytime soon.” Her cheeks get pink.


“Oh, really? I’m sure it will happen sooner than later.” I wiggle my eyes at her as we arrive at the buses. “I think I’m going to sit this concert out. My head hurts and I want to lie down.”


“Hanna, things will work between you and AJ. He really does care about you. Give him some time.” She pulls me in a hug. “If you need me just text me, and I’ll be here for you.”


I pull away and go inside. I’m not even sure what to do. My heart is aching. I will myself not to cry. Instead I start looking through the cupboards. I find a bottle of wine. Maybe this will help me to forget my troubles.


I sit on the couch and pour myself a glass of wine. Instead of sipping it, I down the whole glass in one gulp. Then I pour a second glass and guzzle it down. Thank goodness no one is around to bother me. For the first time all day I’m feeling good.


Men who needs them? I don’t need AJ. I can get along fine without him. There’s a lot of fish in the sea. AJ is one fish, but he’s the one fish I want.


I look at the clock. There’s about an hour until the show starts. Quickly I stand up and straighten up my clothes. It’s time to go get my man back. The wine has given me the confidence I need to prove how much I love him.


When I enter the venue, I stagger inside. Maybe I drank too much wine. I’m feeling tipsy, but I like it. I turn corner and fall into Brian’s arms. I stare into his blue eyes. I slide up his body and push my mouth onto his. My tongue pushes Brian’s mouth open and I wrap my arms around his neck. Brian is enjoying this kiss as much I am. I’m so into this make-out session that I barely hear AJ’s comment.


“What the fuck?” AJ remarks under his breath. He walks past pushing into us.


I break apart from Brian. We stand in the hallway staring at each other. I run my fingers through my hair trying to figure out what is going on. My head is fuzzy from the wine. Just how much did I drink?


“Hanna what’s going on?” Brian asks softly, grabbing my hand. Shaking my head, I pull away. Then I bolt down the hall.


I keep running until I find somewhere to hide. I open a door thinking it’s a broom closet; I’m shocked when I realize its Donnie’s dressing room. He is the middle of getting dressed. Donnie is wearing black pants slung low on his hips. There’s no way he’s wearing underwear. His abs are rock hard.


I can feel my breath getting shorter as I gaze at his body. Donnie is all sex, and I have to admit I’m enjoying the view. I shut the door so that I get his attention. He looks over at me and gives me his characteristic smile. You know the one that makes every woman want to drop her panties.


“Hello Hanna. What brings you here?” He leans against the wall.


“Umm….Umm…well…umm…” I can’t take my eyes off his chest. I want to rake my fingernails down his chest and then kiss all the scratch marks.


“I’ve never seen this side of you Hanna. You always seem so composed.” Donnie grins at me. “You are a very beautiful woman.”


I walk over to Donnie swaying my hips side to side. I’m doing my best to look sexy. Slowly I reach out and touch his chest. He’s rock solid. A girl could get use to that in her bed.


Donnie moans. “Damn Hanna, you know how to work up a man with just a touch.”


“You like that?” I reduce the space between us. My breasts are resting against his chest. “I’ve never met a man so hard.”


Donnie takes my hand and places it on his growing bulge. “See what you do to me?” His mouth nips playfully at mine. “You know there is plenty of room on my bus. You can always stay with me. I’m sure we can partake in some extracurricular activities.


“Why wait that long?” I suck on his earlobe.


I hear the air hiss through his teeth at my touch. Slowly I slide to my knees in front of him. My hands go to his belt buckle. I bite my lip and take my time undoing it. Once his belt is undone, my fingers trace the skin above his pants. Donnie shivers in excitement. I replace my fingers with my mouth, placing tiny kisses on his body.


“MMM, HANNA!” He groans. My tongue tastes his abdomen. I ready to take him right here and now. My fingers move to the button. I take my time, enjoying the moment.


“STOP!!!!” Jessi yells. I release my hands from his pants and freeze in my spot.


End Notes:
What is Hanna Jo thinking? Thanks for reading!
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