Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218364 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 63 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Dottie

Copyright 2013


Chapter 63



As much as I wanted to make love to Nick, the dressing room wasn’t the right place.  Every time we get into it hot and heavy, someone knocks on the door.  Finally, frustrated, I slide off his lap and he says, “Sometimes I HATE those guys!”


I can’t help but giggle.  “You do not and you know it.  Get your shower and we’ll find some privacy to finish what we started.”


He leans over and kisses my cheek.  “You waiting here?”


I think about what I DID buy in the lingerie store and I realize I need to get ready for him.  I push myself to my feet.  “Nope.  I have to do some stuff before you get to the bus.”


His eyes twinkle.  “Now that’s the way I like my woman to think.  I get to see what you bought, then tomorrow you can replace it with something new that hasn’t been ripped to shreds.”


I giggle, walking toward the door.  “Promises, promises.  I wanna see you deliver on that promise, Mister!”


He grabs my waist just as I reach the door and presses me against it, dipping his legs to nestle his groin against my ass.  He reaches around me, sliding his hand over my stomach and then lower to cup my sex.  “I’ll do it to get to this, Baby. That’s a guarantee!”


I whimper, my body shaking with need.  After a few minutes of playful petting, he pulls back and spins me around, dropping his lips to mine for a scorching kiss.  When we part, I whisper, “Hurry Nick!”


He smiles. “Not to worry, I’ll be there before you know it.”  He opens the door.  Bruce and Robert are waiting.  “Take care of her.”


Bruce nods. “Yes Sir.”



I chew on my lip as I stare at myself in the mirror.  Yes, of course I wanted to buy sexy lingerie, but…ok, let’s be honest, I want Nick to see me as beautiful.  A real lady.  I want it to be more than sex for us, and for the first time in my entire life, I feel like it is. 


I chose a baby doll.  It’s yellow and semi-sheer.  The front ties between my breasts with a bright purple ribbon.  The fly away front plays peek-a-boo when I move, showing glimpse of the matching yellow panties I bought.  I turn, checking out the back.  I thought about a thong, but like I said, I want him to see me as a lady.  The sales girl said what I chose was called a tanga.  It’s kind of like a bikini cut.  The sides are string and the front and back cover a lot more than a thong does.  I face the mirror again, pleased with the result.


I’m brushing out my hair when my phone rings.  I snatch it up, hoping it’s Nick.  When I see Donnie’s name, my heart plummets.  I want to ignore it.  From outside the bus, I hear him yell, “You better answer the damn phone!”


I sigh and answer it. “Yes?”


He grunts.  “I don’t think I like you ignoring me like this.”

I sit down on the bed. “Well I KNOW I don’t like you having me followed. You said till the end of the tour. It is NOT over yet!”


Silence reigns.  “What do you mean you’re being followed?”


I want to scream in frustration.  “You big, conceited ASS! I’m not some stupid, ditzy groupie pining away for you!  Stay the fuck away from me!”


Before hanging up he mutters, “You have ten days.  Enjoy it while you can, because when day eleven gets here, you’re either going to be in my bed or Carter is going to wish he’d never met you!”


I slowly lower my phone, anger washing over me in waves.  I’m sick and tired of this shit.  I quickly text Nick, telling him to give me fifteen minutes before he comes out.  I know he’ll be pouting when he reads it, but I gotta see what Thad has going on.


When he finally answers, I ask bluntly, “Do you think you can stop them?”


He sounds confused briefly.  “Jessi…I…what…OH, you mean the Wahlberg brothers?”


I sigh in exasperation. “Of course I do!  Do you know anyone else trying to ruin my life?” I hear him sorting papers and I feel guilty for interrupting him.  “I’m sorry Thad but he just won’t leave me alone. He’s having me followed now.”


His next statement floors me. “I know.”


I could hit him. “How do you…YOU’RE having me followed to?”


He sighs and sounds irritated. “How the hell else can I protect you? I can’t put someone in the tour now, it would raise suspicion. Don’t worry, THIS is someone I’ve known my whole life. He’s solid.”


I lower my head.  “Thad, seriously, will this be over in eleven days?  Cause that is his deadline. Either in jump in bed with him or he runs to the press.  What am I going to do?”


His confidence gives her hope. “It will be over well before then.  I have what I need. We have DNA from Paul when he was locked up.  Looks like all the women who have come forward claiming a Wahlberg fathered their child has a solid case.  We have a definite match on two of the children to Paul. The other three belong to Donnie or the younger brother, Mark.  Don’t worry, he’ll leave you alone.  I think Nick’s reputation can survive him dating the victim of a conniving, mob family like the Wahlbergs.”


I whisper softly, “Thanks Thad. Sorry I went off.”


I hear him laugh. “Jesus, Jessi, if anyone deserves to, it’s you. Now just take it easy and steer clear of Donnie as much as possible.”



I turn off my phone and put it on the dresser.  Nick should be here very soon.  I light a few candles and turn on some soft music before turning down the lights. 


I take a deep breath, pushing aside all thoughts of Donnie, Paul and Thad and focus on tonight. Tonight is for Nick and I and I’m NOT letting them ruin it for me.


When I hear the door open and Nick say, “Thanks guys, take the rest of the night off,” my heart races.  I quickly move to the bed and climb to the middle. I lean against the headboard with my legs curled under me waiting. I don’t have to wait long.


When he steps into the bedroom, our eyes meet.  I smile softly. “Hi.”


He smiles back closing the door and turning the lock with a decisive click. “Hi yourself.”


We just stare at each other.  I can’t stand it.  “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”


He shakes his head. “No! God, no, you look incredible.  I just…now that we’re here and you look like that…I just want to stare at you. I’m afraid if I blink you’ll disappear.”


I bite my lip, trying not to cry at his tenderness.  “Nick, stop, I’m not that special.”


He walks to the bed and crawls up beside me. Sitting on his knees, he cups my face and whispers, “You’re all that and more.” He kisses me gently.  I cover his hands with mine, falling more and more in love with him.


I push myself up onto my knees as his arms slide around my body.  Our lips part slowly and I whisper, “I thought you were going to rip this off?”


He smiles, desire flashing in his eyes.  “You’re too beautiful for that.  Tonight I want to show you just how much I love you…and I’m going to show you all night long.”


He lifts me against his body then slowly slides us down till we are lying side by side on the bed.  I slowly slide my leg up the outside of his as he deepens our kiss.  My heart is aching with love for him.  Love that I can’t deny.  He’s becoming my entire world, my reason for living.  I’m so afraid.  What if he ends up being like all the others?  Can I survive it?  I don’t think so.

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