Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218424 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 84 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2013


Chapter 82


Hanna Jo


“Hanna, wake up.” I feel my body being shaken. I keep my eyes shut tightly and ignore the voice. “Come on sweetheart, I have a surprise for you.”


My eyes slowly spring open. AJ is staring at me in the dim light. I sit up and stretch a bit, trying to get my bearings. My body is exhausted. Jet lag has hit me hard. I start to lie back down. I don’t want to get up. I pull the comforter up to my chin.


“No, Hanna. You need to wake up.” AJ presses a kiss to my mouth. It starts off light, but soon I feel his tongue in my mouth. That awakens my body and I start to reciprocate. I wrap my leg around AJ’s waist. He pushes back from me. “Now, we are going to do romance not sex.  Get up and put on some shoes. I don’t want you to miss your surprise.”


I follow AJ’s directions and slide my flip flops on. Even though I’m half asleep, I take his hand and let him lead me out of our room. Once we’re in the elevator, I lean against him. AJ rubs my shoulder gently. “What time is it?” I stifle a yawn.


“It’s about five thirty.” AJ chuckles when I groan.


“Why are we up so early? Didn’t we just go to bed?” I complain.


The elevator door slides open, AJ grabs my hand. We leave the hotel and make our way onto the beach. I notice a blanket is set out on the sand. There’s a basket and some pillows. I look up at AJ and smile. He did this for me and I’m grumbling. I feel awful for being a grouch.


“Alex, oh my! This…is…absolutely…” I am touched by his thoughtfulness. He seems to be trying with this romance stuff.


“Let’s get comfortable. The sun will be rising shortly.”  He places a kiss on my cheek.


AJ sits down first on the blanket. I sit down between his legs, my back against his chest. He places a blanket around us as I snuggle against him. We sit quietly watching the waves crash against the sand. AJ’s facial hair tickles my shoulder as he rests on my shoulder.  Neither of us is talking, but the moment feels perfect.


I’m in awe as I watch the sun rise up from the horizon. The sky is lit up with orange and pink. It’s a beautiful site. The sun is shining down on us. I smile at this perfect moment.


I turn my body so that I’m facing AJ. I stare into his eyes as he stares back at me. All I see is love radiating in his eyes. It scares me and comforts me at that same time. To know someone loves me unconditionally is the best feeling in the entire world.


“Alex…thank you for this moment. It’s one I’m going to cherish forever.” My hand grazes his cheek. “It’s not about the sunrise, even though it’s absolutely breathtaking. You cared enough to remember. Alex, I love you with everything that I am. It scares me…because….I know nothing about love.” I admit my fear.


“Han, it scares me, too. Sure, I’ve been in a lot of relationships. I thought I was in love. In love enough to get married. Nothing I felt for them is what I feel for you. It’s different. You make me want to be a better man. I want to make sure that you are happy and protected. These feelings are new for me. The romance is new for me. I’m just as unsure at times as you are.” He wraps his body around mine. It feels heavenly being cocooned inside of him.


I poke my head up. “Make love to me.”


AJ looks down at me. I can see the desire in his eyes, but it’s mixed with a trace of hesitation. I lick my lips and swallow. I’ve never seen this look from him. I’m not sure what to think.  Usually he’s ready to strip my clothes off in an instant. Clearly, he doesn’t want to make love. I start to back away, but AJ pulls me closer.


“Hanna, don’t you even try running away. There’s nothing more I’d rather do than make love to you right here, right now.” He moves my hand to his bulging pants. “This is what you do to me twenty four hours a day.”


“I’m sensing a but.” I pause briefly. “Am I right?”


He nods. “It’s just that after our fight, I realized you are right. We have a great relationship, but it can be even better. I love you and I love the sexual part of our relationship. It’s now time to explore other avenues. I want to learn everything there is about you. I want to do romantic things with you. I want us to be more than just sex. Hanna Jo, I see us being together for a long time. I even see a house full of kids someday. I want it all with you. ”


Can my heart swell with any more love? I wipe the tears that are threatening to fall. “I love you, Alexander James McLean.”




A few hours later, AJ is sleeping in our hotel room. We spent the rest of the early morning relaxing on the beach eating breakfast and talking. This has been one of my favorite moments with AJ.


Now, I was on my way to the nearest tattoo shop. I was going to surprise AJ by getting a tattoo. I was going to use the picture he drew of us. I couldn’t wait to surprise him.


I enter the tattoo parlor. It’s clean and has a few patrons inside. I walk over to the counter and wait patiently. This only makes me more nervous. I’m not the type of woman who gets tattoos. Jessi would be proud of me.


“Good afternoon Miss. How can I help you?” A man covered in tattoos asks.


“I’m interested in getting a tattoo.” I reply timidly. He gives me a funny look. I know I’m not the type of customer he sees regularly in his shop.


“What do you have in mind?” He asks curiously. This man probably thinks I want a flower or a heart. I hand him the drawing, and he grins at me. “That’s an interesting drawing.”


“My boyfriend drew that.” I am frustrated with this guy. He has no reason to judge the tattoo I want.


“Don’t get yourself into a tizzy.” He hands me some papers. “Fill these out. It will be about forty minutes.”


I take the thin stack of papers and sit down in a chair. It doesn’t take me long me to complete the forms. I’m almost finished when I find myself reading one of the statements repeatedly. I feel clammy all over, and I feel sick to my stomach. I grab my purse and open it quickly. I don’t find what I’m looking for. I take all the papers and rip them up. I rush out of the tattoo parlor.


I will myself to calm down as I look for the nearest drugstore. A few minutes later I find a Walgreen’s. I hurry into the store, but I don’t even know where to look. My nerves are getting the best of me.


“Excuse Miss. Do you need some help?” The saleslady asks sweetly.


I look around the store making sure no one is paying attention to me. “I need a pregnancy test.” I whisper.


“They are on aisle four.”


“Thank you.” I say and rush over to find what I need. I grab one and hurry to pay. Once I’m outside of the drugstore, I ponder what to do next as I head back to the hotel.


I can’t believe I have to take a pregnancy test. I was always careful about my birth control. Maybe my pills were in my luggage at the hotel. They had to be there. This was just a false alarm. I try to remain calm even though I’m shaking like a leaf on the inside.


Once I return to the hotel, I walk into the public restroom. I take the test out of the box and do what I need to do. In three minutes, mine and AJ’s fate will be determined.


Shit. I didn’t even think about that. He did mention having kids in the future, but what about now? Was it too early in our relationship for us to have a kid? What if the test was negative? Do I mention it to AJ? There are so many questions swimming in my head. I decide to take one moment at a time. I might be freaking out for nothing.


Three minutes are finally up. I take the test and force myself to look at it.




Oh my!

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