Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218388 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 92 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2014


Chapter 92


Hanna Jo


I set my phone down and crawl back into bed next to AJ. He wraps his arm around me. We lie there peacefully for a while enjoying each other’s company. Well, that is until I hear his snoring in my ear. I shake him gently.


“I’m up Han.” He says groggily.


I scoot up and kiss him on the nose. “You were sawing logs, Mister.” I start to chuckle.


“Me? Never. So, what did Jessi want?” AJ asks curiously.


“To talk. We haven’t talked in days. Nick and Jessi are coming for brunch. I said they could stay overnight. Is that okay?”


“Of course it is. I know you’ve missed her. As for Nick, I can ignore that shithead.”


I giggle at his comment. “Maybe you should challenge him to a round of golf while Jessi and I have some girl time.”


“I think I can have that arranged.” AJ looks over at the clock. “We better start getting ready. They’ll be here and will still be in our jammies.”


“Well, I guess we better shower together, you know in case they are on their way.” I say seductively.


“I think that is a perfect idea.” AJ says as we make our way to the bathroom.



A little over an hour later, AJ and I are finally dressed. He is on the phone ordering food for our brunch. I’m standing on the balcony watching the ocean. It’s a beautiful sunny day.


I am finally relaxing about the pregnancy. AJ and I have spent a lot of time talking about it. We even went to a bookstore and purchased some books, so that we can be informed about everything. It makes it easier that AJ is supportive of the pregnancy. We are in this together.


Jessi’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I take a deep breath and walk back inside. She is looking beautiful and refreshed. The smile on her face tells me she’s excited about something. I’m curious about what’s got her so excited.


I sneak behind her and wrap her up in a hug. “Oh my gosh, Ho Jo. Don’t scare me like that.” She shrieks and turns around to hug me. “Hanna, you look absolutely stunning. This vacation has done you good.”


I blush at her comment. I quickly change the subject. “I could say the same for you. I can’t wait for the guys to go golfing so we can have some girl time. I have so much to tell you.”


Before we have time to say anything else, room service arrives with our food. Once it’s set up on the balcony, we sit down to eat. Everyone is quietly eating, until AJ starts talking.


“So, you tired of Nicky yet?” AJ teases Jessi.


She leans against Nick, “Not yet. I don’t think I could ever tire of him.”  Nick wraps his arm around her and presses his lips against her temple. Clearly, you can see the love between them. I’m ecstatic that Jessi has found a great man to love her.


“See, I’m totally irresistible.” Nick gave a huge shit eating grin.


“She hasn’t been with you long enough.  Give her some time.” AJ laughs.


I quickly finish off my plate while everyone continues to chat about our vacation. Jessi notices me inhaling my food and gives me a questioning look. I shrug and serve myself some more potatoes.


“Ho Jo, you’ve certainly gained an appetite since the tour.” Nick comments. I see Jessi pinch him, and I can’t help but chuckle.


I open my mouth to speak, but I feel the bile moving up towards my throat. I jump up and race to the bathroom.  The next minute I’m bowing down to the porcelain throne.


“Hanna Jo, are you okay?” I hear Jessi’s voice behind me.


“Move out of the way.” AJ pushes his way past Jessi. He kneels down beside me and rubs my back gently.


Once I finish another bout of morning sickness, I sit up and noticing everyone, including Nick is staring at me. “Can’t a pregnant woman puke in peace?” I stand up and grab my toothbrush, as Jessi gasps in shock.


“Let’s give her some space.” AJ shoves everyone out of the bathroom. “Baby, you okay?”


I spit and look at him. “I’m fine. You and Nick better head out. You don’t want to be late for your tee time.”


AJ walks over to me. I wrap myself around him. I take a moment to gather my strength. I know Jessi is going to have a lot of questions. A few minutes later I feel calm. I let go of AJ and make my way out of the bathroom.


“Are you going to be alright?” He follows me out.


“Yes. I’ll be fine. I just realized that the pregnancy is real, now that other people know.”  I smile at him. “You better go. I’ll be fine. Jessi and I have lots to share.”


Once the guys leave, Jessi and I sit on the balcony enjoying the beautiful breeze. Jessi’s looking antsy. I know she is waiting for me to speak. “Damn it, Ho Jo. I can’t hold it in any longer. You’re pregnant?” She blurts outs. I can’t help but laugh.


“Yes, I’m pregnant.” I whisper.


“How did this happen? Are you happy? What does AJ think about?”


“Umm…Jessi, I think you how it happened.” I giggle. She joins in with me. It feels good to laugh with my best friend.


“Are you happy, Hanna?” She asks seriously.


I take a deep breath, composing my thoughts. I know that I can tell Jessi how I feel. “Honestly, I think I’ve finally gotten over the shock. It was totally unexpected. I was planning on getting a tattoo to surprise AJ and realized that I didn’t have my period. I guess I forgot to refill my birth control.  Jessi, I felt so stupid. How could I forget something so important?”


“You were falling in love. It totally makes you forget everything.” The smile on her face says it all.


“So what’s got you so cheerful? You’ve had the biggest smile since you got here. What are you hiding?”


“I’m not hiding anything.” Jessi attempts to lie, but I can see through her.


“Liar, liar pants on fire.” I sing. “Come on, spill Jessi. You can’t keep secrets from me. I’m your best friend.”


“I’m getting married. Nick proposed.” She squeals.


I jump out of my chair and run over to her. She stands up and we start to hug each other, tears streaming down our faces. We stay like this for a while. It dawns on me that I haven’t seen the ring. I back away and grab her hand. “Oh Jessi! It’s absolutely gorgeous.” I shriek.


“Thanks, Ho Jo. It’s surreal. I can’t believe I’m getting married.” She says with a twinkle in her eye.


“Jessi, I am so happy you found the man of your dreams. You deserved to be loved by man unconditionally.”


Both of us are trying to wipe the tears off our face. Our lives are changing, but I think it’s for the best. Jessi has been through a lot with men. I’m glad she finally found one who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated.


“Do you realize that things are starting to become normal for us? I’m getting married and you’re having a baby.”


We look at each other and laugh. “How normal can it be with those two goofs in our lives?”


“Well you do make a valid point.” She smiles. “But they are our goofs.”


Jessi and I both relax and think about how wonderful our futures are going to be. With each passing day it gets better.

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