Project nkotBSB by colorguard_diva, tiggerc128
Summary: Sometimes when you run from your past, you find your future. Or do you?

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Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block Characters: AJ, Donnie, Group, Nick
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 117 Completed: Yes Word count: 169861 Read: 218509 Published: 02/01/15 Updated: 07/20/15
Chapter 94 by colorguard_diva

Project: nkotBSB

By Rachel

Copyright 2014


Chapter 94


Hanna Jo


As Jessi and I leave the jewelers, I'm still a little hesitant about proposing. What if he says no? That is my biggest fear. I'd be devastated if he turns me down. This is the biggest gamble I have taken in my life.

"That ring is so AJ." Jessi smiles until she looks at me. "What's wrong Ho Jo?"


“Nothing.” I answer softly. I clutch the bag tighter to my body.


“You’re not going to chicken out are you?” She exclaims. I look around praying she doesn’t call any attention on us. Luckily, no one is looking at us.


I stop walking and look at my best friend. Jessi halts and waits for me to speak. “No, I’m not going to chicken out. I’m…I’m just…nervous.” I sigh.


“Hanna, it’s good you’re nervous. That means you really love AJ.” 


“I do love him with all my heart. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. What if he says no?” I start walking towards our hotel.


Jessi catches up to me. “He’s not going to say no. AJ loves you as much as you love him. Stay positive.”


“Do you think the plan is going to work?”


“Hell yes! Now let’s go inside and get ready.”  Jessi grabs my arm and pulls me into the hotel.


 An hour later, Jessi and I are waiting for the guys to return. I’m jittery and can’t sit still. I wish they would get back. Jessi is watching me with amusement. I flop down on the couch as the door opens.


“That was a kick ass game, Carter. You almost beat me.”  AJ cackles as he sits down next to me.


“I demand a rematch.” Nick takes a seat next to Jessi.


“Han, you look absolutely beautiful.” AJ presses a kiss to cheek. I blush at his comment. I’m glad I chose to wear the white sundress for this occasion.


“Thanks, Alex.” I reply shyly. “It sounds like you had a good afternoon.”


“I did. What did you ladies do? How are you feeling?”  The love he has for me shows in his eyes. I can’t help but smile at him.


“I’m feeling well.  Haven’t been sick since brunch.” I try to remain calm, but I feel so jittery. I pray that AJ doesn’t notice how keyed up I am.


“We also did some shopping.” Jessi added.


“Did you buy anything sexy?” Nick asks as he returns from the bathroom.


“I’m not telling.” Jessi gives him a sexy grin. He sits down next to her and draws Jessi in for a searing kiss. I can feel the heat radiating from the two of them.


When they break apart, they lace their fingers together. Jessi has the biggest smile on her face. I’m so happy that she has found her soul mate. I hope that I am as lucky as her when it comes to AJ. I believe in my heart that I am, but I still worry that he won’t want to marry me.


“So, what’s the plan for this evening?” Nick asks.


I shift my weight, by placing my legs underneath me. “Well, I thought we could have some…um…fun. Maybe we could play a game of…truth…or…dare.” I’m proud of myself for spitting it out.

“You wanna play truth or dare?” AJ spits out in surprise. The look on his face is priceless. I want to laugh, but I don’t.


“Yeah, I think it would be fun. I enjoyed it the last time.” I slowly rub his arm. “Jessi and Nick are you in?”


“You know I am.” Jessi giggles.


“Who’s going first?” Nick questions scooting closer to his fiancée.


“I’ll start.” Jessi volunteers. She looks around the room staring at each one of us. I’m actually a little leery of who she’s going to pick. We didn’t plan exactly what was going to happen during the game.  “AJ, truth or dare?”




“Pink or blue?” She grins at both of us. Jessi is excited about the baby. I think she is going to make an awesome aunt.


“It doesn’t matter as long as it’s healthy.”


“Stop being politically correct. Answer the damn question.” Nick comments.


AJ gives him the middle finger. “Fine, fucktard.  Pink.  Nick, truth or dare?”


He thinks for a few seconds. “What the hell, truth.”


AJ plays with his goatee as he thinks of a question for Nick. I can see the devilish glint in his eye. He’s going to get Nick bad on this question. “What, according to you, is the weirdest place that you have done it during the tour?” AJ cackles as he claps his hands.


Jessi is blushing profusely and looks down at her lap. It stills amazes me when I see her get all shy about sex. Nick wraps his arm around shoulder and kisses her temple. “In the highest section of the seats in one of the venues in Australia.” He states proudly. “Hanna Jo, truth or dare?”


“I think I’ll choose…umm…..dare.” I whisper. Everyone stares at me.


Nick thinks for a few minutes before he speaks. “I dare you to…fuck I can’t do this. You’re too nice of lady to do a dare.”


I can’t help it, I start to laugh. AJ and Jessi join in. Once I get myself under control, I wait for Nick to say something, but he doesn’t. “Fine, ask me a truth.”


“If you could spend the night with any man other than AJ who would it be?”


“I guess I would pick Luke Bryan.  Jessi, truth or dare?”


“I don’t know. Surprise me!” She giggles.


“Jessi, show us what you wrote in your diary about Nick the FIRST time you had sex with him.” I say with a smirk on my face. Her face turns three shades of red.


She grabs her purse and takes out a fancy blue journal. We all watch as she flips to the page with the answer. Nick is trying to look at what she wrote. Once Jessi finds what she’s looking for, she hands me the journal. “Go ahead and read it.”


I read the answer to myself and smile. I’m not sure if I can read it with a straight face. “Umm….Jessi wrote…Thor, the God of Orgasms.”


AJ falls to the floor laughing hysterically, while Nick look like a proud peacock. Jessi and I share a smile. Our plan is working perfectly. Now, all we need is to get to a point where I can ask AJ a truth. Hopefully it won’t take all night. I may lose my confidence and not ask him.


The games continues on with a few dares, a lot of truths, tons of laughter, and a few snack breaks. Forty-five minutes later, it’s now time back to me asking AJ. The last two times, he asked for dares. I’m almost at the point of chickening out, but I know that Jessi won’t let me.


“Alex, truth or dare?”  I ask sweetly.



The big moment is finally here. I push all negative thoughts aside. AJ loves me. He’ll say yes; won’t he? I don’t dare look at Jessi. He will know something is up. I grab the jewelry box from the underneath the couch cushion. Then, I get on my knee in front of AJ. He looks at me with confusion. I just smile at him.


“Alex, will you marry me?” I ask timidly.


“Yes.” AJ replies, without hesitation. He stands up and pulls me to my feet. Before I know what’s happening, he drags me to our bedroom, leaving Nick and Jessi on their own.  

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