Take Me Home by DelphinaCarter
Summary: "Life takes you to unexpected places. But only love brings you home."

Nick wakes up and is told he's been in a terrible accident, without any memories of what happened. When he uncovers the truth is when the real journey begins...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Science Fiction, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: No Word count: 45830 Read: 55212 Published: 10/19/15 Updated: 07/15/21
Taking Control by DelphinaCarter
Brian turned to AJ, his eyes wide. He’d never considered or even thought of the possibility that he could be Sienna’s son, because he always thought he was from Earth. Kevin had never told him otherwise, nor had he even thought to ask. Yet something about this made sense somehow. He’d never known his parents. He’d been raised by Kevin and his father on military bases his whole life. He was an Empath, like Sienna.

“Oh my God, AJ. This…I don’t know what to say. I never thought that I could be her son.” Brian whispered.

“It makes sense though, especially after you told me you didn’t know your parents and how you were sick all the time. What if you’re not from Earth at all, but you’re from Motrale?”

The two of them looked into the next room and saw Nick hooked up to various machines. Brian tried the keypad but it didn’t work. Brian peered into the room, there didn’t seem to be anyone else inside, and Nick was unconscious. Now it made some sense as to why he couldn’t reach Nick telepathically, he was definitely in a coma. Brian’s heart sank, but he was feeling hopeful now. The question was, how were they going to get him out of the room?

“He’s in here! We found him! Help me try to get this door open, AJ.”

AJ tried to open it for a minute or so before he decided to take out his gun, aiming for the door.

“No, not that way! Not that way!!!” Brian protested, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. AJ pushed Brian away from the door, ignoring him and fired his blaster at it, causing the handle to blow off as the electrical panel smoked. Brian began to cough.

“It’s open now.” AJ said, smirking.

“You are a fucking idiot. I told you not to draw attention to us, now hurry and let’s grab him before they figure out what you did!” Brian shouted, pushing into the door as it opened. Nick was unconscious but unguarded, so Brian tried to figure out how they would do this without triggering anything. His heart was practically pumping out of his chest from adrenaline but they managed to get Nick out of the room. AJ picked Nick up, carrying him over his shoulder as an alarm started going off over their heads in the hallway, red lights flashing. Out of nowhere, someone began to fire at them, Brian nearly dodging being hit by flattening himself against the wall.

“Oh, fuck.” AJ said, noticing guards at the other end of the hallway coming towards them. Nobody was blocking their way to the holding bay so they dodged fire and made a run for their ship.

“This is why I told you not to draw attention to us. We are dead meat! Hurry to the ship. We might still have a chance to get away.” Brian hissed.

“Not very likely.”

Brian turned to see Sienna walking towards them with a smile on her face.

“I guess you’re going to kill us now, might as well get it over with,” AJ said, tossing his gun on the floor. Brian rolled his eyes.

“Now, now. I never said that, Alex. You think so little of me after all this time. I’ve let you live this long, haven’t I? Just because you disobeyed me, there is no need for such violence.” Sienna said in a sickly sweet voice that made Brian and AJ both feel nauseous immediately. Neither of them spoke or made any moves, other than AJ to adjust Nick, who was still over his shoulder.

“What’s your angle, Sienna?” AJ asked. So many thoughts were going through Brian’s mind right at that moment, about Sienna possibly being his mother, questioning where he was from, and what Sienna’s motives were. He could have sworn he saw Sienna staring at him as if she were reading his thoughts right then.

“If you hand the Healer over, you are free to go.” Sienna said. AJ and Brian looked at each other and knew there had to be some sort of catch to this arrangement. Brian wasn’t about to give Nick up after they’d come all the way here to get him.

“What if we don’t?”

Sienna turned on her guards, fired at them and smiled. One of them dropped to the ground, his clothes smoking. Brian and AJ jumped back, their eyes wide.

“That’s what will happen to the two of you if you don’t put the Healer down and go back where you came from. He belongs to me.” Sienna said with another smile.

“He doesn’t belong to anyone. He’s a human being just like us. He has the right to be free, to live life. Not be cooped up in some kind of cage like an animal. I was prepared to fight for him before, and I will now.” Brian snapped. AJ paled, Brian knew that he was uneasy because he knew they were both going to be killed. It was just a matter of time. All of this conversation was just simply stalling the inevitable.

“Ah, but that’s the thing, Empath. You don’t know if you are actually human, do you?” Sienna laughed. Brian was caught off guard by this statement. Did she know?

“What do you mean by that?” he asked.

“I am also an Empath. I’m sure Alex has told you my secret by now, that like you…I can also read minds and read emotions. I know everything you are thinking right now. I know everything you both are feeling. There is literally no escape for either of you, even if you took the Healer- I’d be able to find you. My power is much more advanced than yours.” Sienna said.

“You didn’t tell us why you wanted him so badly. Why are you doing all of this? Can’t the people from your planet and Earth exist together peacefully?” Brian asked, tears forming in his eyes as he thought about having to hand Nick over to her again. He had to try and fight her, even if it was meant for him to perish. He wanted Nick to find his true home, to be free. For the two of them to live in peace together forever. He didn’t care about the prophecy, or about the war….anything else.

“Kevin didn’t tell you what his father and the rest of the humans did to me, did he? I would have thought that he did considering they were your family. It is because of humans that I don’t have my son. It’s the Richardsons fault that he is dead. I am at war with them because they killed him!” Sienna shouted, shaking with every breath.

“I t-think that they lied to you.” AJ said shakily.

“That’s impossible. He’s dead. He’s dead, and Earth is going to pay! Now that I have the Healer, victory is in my grasp. He will be my new son. He will obey me and only me. He will use his power at my command so nobody on Motrale has to lose a loved one again. The Healer is the key to everything.” Sienna cackled. She reached for her blaster gun and held it towards them, as if she were going to fire but then put it back down. AJ was muttering some sort of prayer under his breath.

“Don’t do this. Please. He deserves to be free, to live in peace.” Brian protested.

“My people are sick. They’re dying. We need the Healer! Give him to me!” Sienna said, stepping towards them. AJ tightened his grip on Nick and backed away further.

“He’s all I have left. You don’t understand what will happen to me if you take him from me.” Brian said, crying.

“You know nothing of my pain. Why do you need him so badly? It’s not like he loves you like you want him to love you. That’s what you wanted from the Healer, isn’t it? His love? Your family is the reason you and the Healer are in this in the first place. They lied to me and went back on our bargain. Surely they didn’t tell you any of this?”

Brian shook his head, tears running down his face as he broke down in front of her. He was shocked to see Sienna’s face soften. Brian knew that she wondered the same thing that he was wondering. Was she really his mother? His head throbbed, but he ignored that for now.

“They didn’t tell me anything. I-I don’t even think they were actually my family. I think…I think they were lying to me. You know, don’t you. You’re thinking the same thing, aren’t you. You don’t want to k-kill us, c-can’t we please talk about this? Then I will decide about leaving N-Nick with you.” Brian sobbed.

“Stand down. Leave us to talk.” Sienna started, waving her guards away. Brian was surprised by this sudden change of heart. Alex looked over at him cautiously as Brian nodded at him to reassure him, and they were led back into the room where they’d found Nick. AJ laid Nick’s body back on the bed and Sienna closed the door behind them. Nick still didn’t stir. Brian wiped his eyes, feeling foolish for crying in front of Sienna. He felt weak.

“You wanted to talk, so let’s talk.” Sienna said finally, startling him as she followed him across the room with her violet eyes. AJ kept his hand on his blaster gun the entire time, the other on Nick as he monitored the situation.

“What happened to your son?” Brian asked.

“My son was very sick, as were our people on Motrale. There’s a disease that’s been wiping out the children on our planet, nobody has been able to find a cure. My son was one of the few children remaining. I was promised help from the Healers and then denied that assistance from Earth. We had a small colony of Healers that lived on Motrale, when they left they grew in population on Earth. Since I was denied help, we would do routine missions to Earth to kidnap one or two to bring back to Motrale with us. We were discovered, and the Healers moved to another location. When I asked for help again, I was denied. They took my son from me, I presume to study him as part of our bargain. I was promised they’d find a cure for him, but I was informed that he perished.”

Brian’s mind was going wild with this information now because things suddenly made sense. It made sense why he was always kept on military bases growing up. Why he and Nick had to live their lives in secrecy. It made sense why they were on the run all the time from Sienna. It all made sense. He’d grown up being lied to. Brian wished Nick was awake to hear all of this. Nick would finally hear the truth, that Brian really didn’t know any of his past either.

“Sienna, I think I might be…I think I might be your son.” Brian said softly.

“Nonsense. My son died years ago. You cannot be him.” Sienna protested, turning away from him.

“You said it yourself, I’m an Empath like you are. I kept getting sick as a child. Nick was healing me. Nick and I are tied together by our emotions, that’s why I can’t be separated from him. When I was little they discovered his healing powers. They put him through training all the time, so many tests. We both had to do tests. My powers don’t work unless we are connected. Hasn’t it crossed your mind that there is a possibility that is the reason I was sick? That I am your son? Your son was sick-“ Brian said, but as he talked Sienna started to get more and more agitated, pacing nervously.

“LIES!!! I told you that this Healer belongs to me. You are interfering, I should have you both killed right now!” Sienna shouted suddenly, startling everyone. AJ left Nick’s side and ran towards her, Brian following. The two of them restrained her as she struggled.

“You are going to take us back to Earth, right now. You are going to wake Nick up. He is leaving with us. I don’t care if you threaten to kill the two of us, but these two are going home.” AJ demanded as he took Sienna’s weapon. She struggled again and AJ exchanged a smile with Brian. They were finally going to be on their way home.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=11395