Darkness of Vampires by Purpura Lipstick
Past Featured StorySummary: Some people can't wait to die, others wish more than anything to live.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Alternate Universe, Horror, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: Darkness of Vampires
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 16487 Read: 35201 Published: 07/01/04 Updated: 10/03/06
Chapter 14 by Purpura Lipstick
Author's Notes:
Oh I am having so much fun writing this story. I'm so glad for my reviews too, thanks everyone who has taken the time to review my story. You have brought new life into writing fanfiction for me.
May paced the room she was in. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. Just a few hours ago, Brian picked her up for their usual lunch date but instead of going to lunch, he brought her here and locked her inside. She had no idea where here was, but she did not like the tone that Brian addressed her. His usual sweet tone was replaced with harsher words that left her wondering what she did. Now that she was locked, in this room, fear took over and thoughts flashed back to what her sister told her about Brian the night before.

“Oh why didn’t I listen to you April?” May stopped her pacing and slumped down in the corner of the room. Tears began to well in her eyes. Worse then her sister being right was the thought that Brian really didn’t care for her in the way he let on. She was broken-hearted; she could care less what happened to her now.


Kevin watched as April found her jeans and pulled them on, her face looking down out of her shyness. He was racked with guilt over the moment and trying not to show the guilt and upset April. “We should be leaving shortly.” He stated trying to initiate conversation. If the situation had been different, he was not the creature he was, he could see himself falling in love with this woman. “April, whatever happens tonight,” he paused unsure how to put what he had to say next, “Whatever happens, you have to trust me. I know it’s a lot to ask, but trust me.”

He pulled himself off the bed and opened the door for April and himself, Alex stood down the hall waiting. April gasped at the sight, blush covering her cheeks, embarrassed that someone knew what happened in the room only moments before. They walked towards Alex, April keeping her head down and mouth closed.

“The others are in place.” Alex informed Kevin. “The clan is gathering to honor the Creator. Brian has May; it’s time we are going.”

Kevin looked back at April at the news that Brian had May already, April kept her head down but he knew anger and fear were boiling up inside of her.

Kevin pulled Alex further ahead of April, hoping she wouldn’t hear. “I feel so guilty, I’m not sure I can do this to her.”

Alex looked at his friend. “You did what you had to.”

The rest of the journey back underground into the cell they escaped from hours before was silent. They entered the cell and made their way through the maze to the door that lead upstairs into the club, April could hear shouts of joy and voices already. She stopped before she could go through the door.

“I will be by your side the entire time.” Kevin told her to relax her. He held her hand out and she took hold of it letting him guide her through the door and up the stairs into the main part of the club. They stood in the back, watching vampires joyously reuniting with friends, smiles broadening on their faces when Brian appeared on the stage pulling May with him. April gasped as she saw this, and was quickly hushed by Alex.

Brian stood on the stage with his hands raised, the crowd quieting immediately. They waited with baited breath for what he had to say.

“Friends, we all know why we are gathered here today.” Cheers went up from the crowd and Brian had to wait until they quieted again before he could continue. “Yes, it is a joyous occasion that was almost a time for mourning. The girls of that horrible prophecy were discovered.” This time he had to pause for the ‘boos’ the crowd shouted out. “But, we are in luck for they also can restore our Creator.” At this he pulled May towards him and tipped her head away from him so her neck was fully exposed, he looked at the crowd then turned to May and licked her neck.

May’s knees buckled in pleasure, she could not help but desire this man, she knew he was bad for her, hell he was evil but she still wanted him inside her.

April saw this and bit her tongue to not make a noise.

Brian turned back to the crowd and smirked at all the cheers that he raised. “We have also known of a rebel group for the last hundred years.” More ‘boos’ commenced and Brian held his hand up, the other still holding May’s hand, and quieted them yet again. “But here too we have overcome. While the rebels thought they gained an ally, I knew I had an inside man.” Gasps could be heard from the crowd and April noted Alex gasping as well. “It is he my friends that has brought the other sister with him tonight.” Cheers rose and Alex looked towards Kevin, quietly and quickly moving off.

April stood next to Kevin shaking from fear. “What?” She questioned before Kevin grabbed her hand so she could not run off.

“Where are you cousin?” Brian called out.

Kevin held tightly on to April as he felt her struggle to escape his grasp. “Remember what I said.” He whispered before he started pulling her to the stage.

“You bastard!” she yelled causing heads to turn in their direction. “I thought I could trust you!” She fought hard to get away, but Kevin’s hold on her arm was tight.

“Kevin, I knew you could do it.” Brian smiled at his cousin as Kevin brought the girl fully on stage still holding tightly to her.

“Of course Brian, you know I’m your man.” He smirked and turned to the audience holding April’s arm high. “For the Creator!”
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=2671