Can't Believe by LenniluvsBrian
Summary: Sixth story in the series..... How jealous can one get, before snapping a little bit? Does anyone really know what it's like to be left out and forgotten - to not have any friends at all? Someone does - and it's the last person you might expect too....
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Violence, Child Abuse
Series: A.J. & Tesia Series
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 1530 Read: 4494 Published: 09/10/04 Updated: 09/10/04
Prologue by LenniluvsBrian
A.N.: Hey! I'm back! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own T.L.M.


“Really?” A voice asked skeptically.

“Yes, really!” A second voice snapped.

The younger one tried very hard not to make any unwanted sounds.

“Now, get upstairs and start packing!” The older one roared.

The younger one scurried out of the room hurriedly.

“Can’t believe this is happening,” the one headed up to pack thought. “I just – can’t.”

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