Daywalkers by Jamelet
Summary: They walk by day but belong to the night. They crave life yet live it. Can anyone stop their destructive ways before its too late?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Action, Horror, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Completed: Yes Word count: 64157 Read: 75060 Published: 07/12/03 Updated: 08/23/03
A Slayer's Wrath by Jamelet
A/N; This chapter will be a good one, so please review!! Thanks! (There’ll be fighting in this chapter!)

“Day Walkers”

**~Chapter Nine- A Slayer’s Wrath~**

Brian, A.J., Howie and Kevin steps out of the room all the while laughing at the misery of the slayer.

“Nick, I trust you can keep an eye on the slayer. Don’t let her out of your sight. We’ll be dining of a while. I promise I’ll bring you back something.” Kevin says smiling, his eyes twinkling in delight as the door closes shutting out the loud music of the club.

The door closes and Nick stares at the crouched figure of the slayer handcuffed against the pole. She seems immobile from the recent incident of seeing her dead friend in her front of her.

Whispering almost mumbling, Nick could hear the slayer say something.

“God, Xavier, I’m so sorry. I thought I could have stopped it before anything happened. You’ll be ok soon, rest for now.” Trinity says quietly as her head tucks close to her chest.

Nick walks closely to the slayer inspecting her every move. With a smirk on his face he stands in front of her, his eyes glowering at the slouched figure.

“I don’t understand how you despise us so much. We only hunt because of what we are. You hate what we are and what you are! Why can’t you face it? You can’t stand the fact that we can get away with killing and you dare defend a race that kills our kind.” He whispers harshly.

Placing his pointer finger on her side of the face and trailing it down to her chin, he smiles and whispers. “Why don’t you join us? We were all born like this. I never asked to be a killer but now I don’t have a choice.”

“You do. I made my choice. I made the choice of standing up against this curse. I fight everyday to the demon within me. There’s no excuse for what you do to people. You use what ever power you have to overcome your victims. I promise to stop people like you as well as others from harming the innocent lives here.” Trinity states with confidence at the face of the man whom could be beautiful if it wasn’t for his demonic actions. His blond locks which tonight stood up in spikes, seems to glow in the little light in the room.

His deep blue eyes twinkle as he gazes at Trinity who now is standing in front of him. He grabs his back pocket and in one swift move takes out a small knife. He cuts into her dress at her thigh level and examines the same marking of the black circle with the red dragon. Something was different about her tattoo though, it seems to be glowing, shining almost unlike his.

“This is a two hundred dollar dress jerk! And you just cut into it. I hope you know once I’m done with you, you’re getting me a new one.” Trinity sneered towards his direction.

Laughing, Nick states, “That’s funny cause you’re the one that’s tied up and I think you might not stand a chance against me.”

Suddenly Trinity slams the handcuffs against the pole breaking it off her hands and feet. Standing in front of him she punches her fist into his abdomen. Nick quickly backs away before her fist touched him.

“Nice move slayer, let’s see what you got.” Nick says pulling out a sword from his long black coat. Swinging it around professionally, he snips off one lock of her black curls and holds the hair in his hand smiling.

Trinity eyes this man’s move and decides to show him her moves. “See Nick, I have a surprise for you.” She states pulling out two thin long swords tucked away in the back of her dress. Swinging her swords around, she touched the tip of his neck making a small slit on his chin. She places the two swords in an x mark with Nick’s head in the center of them.

“Wanna test me Blondie? I can cut you up nicely and you won’t even get a chance to blink. Nick, I’ve been in this profession for too long to think I would be stupid enough to be cuffed up. Nicky, see I had it all planned out, you may have hurt me emotionally but killing Xavier just gives me fuel to kill your disgusting self. Hope the pictures won’t be too bad with the cuts on your face.” She states nastily.

Nick quickly grabs her and slams her against a metal pole causing her to lose her grip on the weapons. She kicks him in the back of his head with her heel of her stiletto surprising him in pain. He clutches his head with his right hand and with the other takes the sword and punctures her arm with it. A small flow of blood drips on to the ground coming from the cut on Trinity’s left arm.

“AWW! OUCH!” screams the slayer.

“Oh, did I hurt you sweetie?” Nick says obviously enjoying seeing Trinity in pain. Pushing her against the hard cold metal pole, his eyes trail over her body.

“Tell me slayer why don’t you join me?” Nick whispers harshly into her face.

“Hmm, cause I have better things to do then to join up with a sorry punk like you!” Trinity whispers. Suddenly surprising him, she kicks him in the groin area as Nick quickly moves out the way.

He takes the sword and rips into her dress cutting off the bottom half of her dress exposing more of her legs and thighs. He stares at the figure in front of him with a smile.

“What’s wrong Nick? You seem speechless. This is something different from you. You always have something to say even if it’s stupid. Tell ya what, take a nice long look cause this will be the last thing you’ll see.” Trinity speaks maliciously. She jumps onto Nick, knocking him to the cement floor. She slams her heel on to his side as he tries squirming away from her. A small trail of his blood leaks out staining some of the floor.

“Poor baby, did I hurt ya?” Trinity says laughing at the hurt look passing his face, her caramel skin shining with sweat in the dim light.

He pushes her off and with his leg and topples her onto the floor next to him. He crawls up on top of her and reaches for his sword. “Slayer it ends now!” He says trying to drive the sword to her flesh. She moves to the side and pushes him on to the floor crawling up on top of him with her two swords slam onto his arms.

“AWWW, DAMN!” He cries out in pain as his arms are now punctured with the sharp blades of the swords. Blood begins to drips to the floor slowly.

“I prefer being on top!” she states holding her swords closely to his face. She had him pinned down and he tries wriggling his way out. She hears familiar voices approaching the doorway and smiles at Nick.

“It looks like you just got saved by your friends. But don’t worry, I’ll come back and kill you later with the rest of your posse.” She realized how easy it would have been to kill Nick at this point but knowing she has four others to watch out for she knew if she killed Nick then, she wouldn’t make it out alive with the others ready to kill her. She has to led them away from one another to kill them. Looking at the window near the pole she was tied up, she races over and crashes through the window making her escape.

Glass shatters into the room as the four others rush in to the room.

Kevin opens the door to the room to find Nick sprawled out on the floor with a bloody lip and other wise shaken up. Brian races to Nick as Howie reaches the window.

“Looks like she got away. What the hell happened?” Kevin says.

Nick explains his little fight with the slayer and how she looked like she could really kill him.

“Man, she’s stronger than she looks. Don’t think cause she’s a girl, she can’t kick butt, cause she sure as hell did mine.” Nick says embarrassed.

“Wait, wait, hold up, you’re telling us that girl beat you up. Damn, Nick, you let a girl beat you!” A.J. says holding back laughter.

“Shut up! She’s strong, what the hell do you think! She had this whole thing plan and we just set her off by disposing Xavier.” Nick says angrily.

Brian concerned over Nick’s condition, places a bandage and some wet napkins with alcohol to help the healing of the cuts. “Bro, just relax, chill out! We’ll get her. She’s not the only one with a plan you know.”

“She’s out, I can see her running away.” Howie states, glancing at the figure of the slayer already crossing a large field away from the club.

“She can run, but she can’t hide.” States A.J. smiling as he helps Nick back on to his feet.


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