I Have Loved You by Drama_Queens
Summary: When Brian and Nick take their pregnant significant others out to dinner, they never anticipated what could occur.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes Word count: 59336 Read: 21696 Published: 10/29/05 Updated: 10/29/05

9-12 by Drama_Queens
Chapter 9

"So, tell me about us?" Jenn asked Nick randomly as she was rocking the baby.

"About us, let’s see here. We've know each other for about two years now. AJ introduced us at one of his many parties. He had
met you from one of his drinking buddies." Nick started out.

"AJ…huh…that name does seem to ring a bell." She sat in deep thought for a few seconds then her eyes got really big.
"Tattoos, that's what I see when I think of that name."

"Yeah, AJ has a lot of tattoos." Nick said calmly although in his head he was screaming out of happiness that she was
remembering at least something.

"Alright, now continue on about us." Jenn said getting excited over the fact that things were surfacing in her mind.

"Well, I don't know about you, but the second I saw you I was in love. Until then I didn't believe in love at first sight. You changed
a lot of things in my life for the better, but anyway. We ended up dating for a little over a year. I had been planning on proposing
for a while but I could never find the right time. Then we went out for dinner and you told me you were going to be having our
baby. I knew that then was the right time. We have been so happy since. Just planning our family and enjoying time together."
Nick was close to having tears in his eyes, but held them in as to not upset Jenn.

"That's so sweet, I know that once I remember what we had we will be right back where we were." Jenn said with a smile on
her face for one of the first times since the accident.

Nick had thought that this week couldn't have gotten any worse.

Just as he and Jenn were beginning to bond things took a turn for the worst.

AJ had stormed into Jenn's room, panting out of breath.

"Sara….house…..attacked…..emergency room….." Was all Jenn or Nick could understand from the man.

"Whoa AJ, slow down. Catch your breath then tell us what's going on." Nick said as he approached AJ.

"What's going on?" Jenn asked skeptically as she rocked the baby back and forth in her arms.

AJ soon caught his breath and began to tell the story. "First off Brian woke up." AJ started.

"Really!!??" Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah, but anyway, when he woke up he was all worried about Sara."

"Brian and Sara….do I know them Nick?" Jenn asked looking confused.

AJ just kind of stared at her like she was crazy. He had forgotten all about Jenn not remembering anything. Nick inwardly
berated himself for forgetting that he wasn't supposed to mention this kind of stuff in front of her.

"Yeah Honey, you know them. I'll be right back to talk to you about this. AJ and I are just going to step outside for a second."
Nick said as Jenn just simply nodded in return as he walked out the door.

"Damn I didn't remember that she couldn't remember anything. Sorry dude, but she will get her memory back soon, right?" AJ

"I sure hope so, but she did remember that whom ever AJ was had tattoos." Nick said with a smile.

"Well no one ever forgets the bonedaddy." AJ said also with a smile.

"Anyway what happened?" Nick asked getting anxious to get off of the subject of Jenn's recovery and also to find out what

"It's not good man, Brian woke up and was all worried about Sara. He made us go to his place to check on her and when we got
there…god…it was just bad. When Sara didn't answer the door Kevin went to open the door with his key and found it was
already unlocked. We found her in the bedroom, there was this guy on top of her. I don't even want to know what he was doing.
But Kevin and I managed to get him off of her and restrain him till the police got there."

"Oh my god, this can't be happening." Nick said in shock.

"Well, they got her down in emergency right now. The asshole was arrested, but I did get to do some damage to him." AJ added
trying to make something sound good. "But I'm kinda worried. He warned us to watch out backs, that we all should be dead."

"He said that?!!"

"Yeah, luckily he did so in front of the police. Now they won't even grant him bail."

"Does Brian know about this yet??" Nick asked.

"Oh, no. I'm not about to tell him that. We want to wait till they get Sara stable and find out the extent of her injuries." AJ replied.

"Man, Bri will be so heartbroken when he hears this." Nick was silenced for a moment, thinking about the romance of his
friends. "Well, I'm going back into the room with Jenn. I'm sure she's gonna want me to tell her who Brian and Sara are
anyway, but I'm not going to tell her what happened tonight. God, I just can't believe this is all happening to us."


Brian was running his sheets over and under his fingers anxiously as he wondered what was going on with everyone else. He
couldn’t believe he had been out for so long. The weak man tried to remember the last thing he could…remember.

"Damn you Littrell! It’s not supposed to happen this way. I’m still so in love with you."

He could remember her voice softly crying out to him. It was the last he had really heard of her. Brian knew his wife had been
there for the past couple of days though. Although his brain couldn’t really grasp what she was saying then, he could feel her.
Her fingers curling through his hair, his fingers touching the lips that he longed for.

And the only words in his mind. The ones he fought so hard to say. The ones he knew would make her feel better.

‘I love you Sar.’

The Backstreet Boy angrily wiped tears away from his eyes with the back of his hand. What was this feeling inside him? What
was wrong with him? With Sara? Why did he feel like his whole life was slipping through his hands when he didn’t even know
for sure that anything was wrong?

Why couldn’t he have just said ‘I Love You’?

Brian’s thoughts were too many and too harsh and he would’ve screamed had AJ not walked in at the same moment.

"Hey Rok.." AJ tried to act as casual as possible. Seeing his friend’s eyes light up when he saw him, he wasn’t sure how long
he could hold up.

"J.. Where’s Sara?" He didn’t mean to sound rude. He just had this aching in his heart and knew that his wife being okay was
the only thing to take that ache away.

"Um, I don’t know. Nick needed me to help with Jenn so…Kev went by himself." AJ lied.

"Oh." It was all the older man said before slumping further into his bed and looking out the window for a few moments.
"So…Jenn.. Nick…how are they?"

"Well, Nick’s fine. They’re proud parents of the sweetest baby girl." The thin man paused. "Jenn’s suffering from mild memory
loss right now. She can’t remember who Nick is or.. anything really. He’s had to explain everything to her. I guess he’s sort of
her ‘rock’ now."

"Aw man. I’m glad the baby’s okay though." He swallowed. "How’s Sara?"

"Well…um…" AJ stumbled and gave an inward thanks to God when he saw a nurse coming in.

"Glad to see you’re awake!" A cheerful blonde nurse smiled, writing things down on a clipboard. "I need to check your vitals…"

Brian willingly let her do her job but his mind wandered as to what AJ was hiding. Why wouldn’t anyone tell him anything about
his wife?

"Um, nurse, would it be okay if my friend here takes me down the hall to see my other friends who were in the accident with
me?" He couldn’t lay here any longer and he felt stronger than he had that morning.

"Well, not really.. You see.." This nurse always had trouble turning someone down.

"Please ma’am. I need to see them. Really.."

Once Brian’s eyes filled with tears, she knew she had to give in. Rolling a wheelchair in front of where AJ stood and helping
Brian into it, she warned the two men not to get her in trouble.

"Does that mean no wheelchair wheelies?" AJ smiled charmingly.

The nurse only smiled and raised her eyebrows as she left the room.


An half hour later, Brian was cradling his best friend’s daughter and smiling at something so familiar.

"I hope my little baby is as beautiful as yours Nick." Brian smiled, able to forget his longing for Sara for a few moments, thinking
about how his life would be with his new bundle of joy.

AJ stood up and walked out of the room. He couldn’t take it anymore. Sara was in more danger than Brian knew and up until
now, AJ had forgotten all about the baby that the couple had lost. Brian didn’t know and his brother could no longer watch him
hold Nick’s baby with thoughts of his own.

Nick was left in the room with Jenn and Brian. He watched as his best friend spoke like Donald Duck to his daughter and
watched again at how Brian made Jenn laugh. That was Jenn’s laugh. The laugh he had been trying to remember for weeks.
The sound that rang through his ears and pulled at his heart like no other.

Yet, Brian was causing it.

He remembered how moments ago, when he was explaining Sara and Brian, she had vaguely remembered them. Why the hell
couldn’t she remember her own fiance? It angered him, frustrated him, confused him….hurt him. Nick couldn’t help feel a tinge
of jealousy run through his body.

How he could be jealous though? He would’ve hated to be in Brian’s shoes at that moment. Not knowing anything around him.
Not knowing anything about what his love was going through. Not knowing that there was no longer a baby waiting for him.

So, what was Nick supposed to feel?

Numb, he supposed. It would be so much better than feeling anything else now.

But that’s when they heard it and Nick shut his eyes tightly, hoping Brian hadn’t heard the words fly through the air and into the
open door of Jenn’s room.

" Emergency…Patient Sara Littrell…Age 24..."

Chapter 10:


*Jenn's POV*
Everyone just stood there frozen as the man continued to take a few more pictures. I don’t understand why this guy would be
taking pictures of us. “Nick what’s going o要.” I said looking up at him. Apparently what I said brought him out of the shock he
was in cause he suddenly jumped up and started running after the man.

As Nick ran out the door everyone else started to come back to there senses. I looked around at them all in question. “Why did
Nick just run after that man like that, and why would he be taking pictures of us?”

“Don’t worry about it right now Jenn.” The Latino guy said to me. “Nick will let you know all about it later.”

“Damnit! I don’t wanna wait till later. I am sick of all you guys telling me that you will tell me about stuff later. I wanna know
about it now!” I was starting to get real impatient with them. I’m sick of not knowing all the time.

“Okay, okay, just calm down sweetie.” AJ said to me. He came up to me and helped me back up into the bed. “You see, the fella’
s and I are all part of this musical group known as the Backstreet Boys. So that’s why that reporter was in here trying to get
pictures of us. I just hope Nick caught that bastard before he got out the door.”

“So you guys are famous, and nobody knows that this has happened to us yet. Is that pretty much it?” I asked skeptically.

“Yeah sweetie, it is.” AJ responded back. Just then Nick came back in panting for air. He just looked at the others and shook
his head no. Everyone let out a groan and Nick came and sat o要 the side of my bed.

“So you didn’t catch him?” I asked him as he grabbed a hold of my hand.

“No, he got away. I guess that now we need to hold a conference.”

“For the fans?” I asked him. Nick just looked at me with this confused look and I gave him a smile back. “No, I didn’t remember
that, AJ told me when you were gone.”

Nick gave AJ a really mean look then AJ spoke up. “Hey man, she made us tell her. She got all mad and I thought that she might
kill us all if we didn’t tell her what was going o要.” AJ replied with a laugh.

Soon Brian went back too his room, the other guys went back to their homes I guess, and Nick of course was staying here with
me. It had been in the early morning hours and I was up feeding Nicole when the tall dark haired friend of Nicks came rushing
in. He stopped short when he saw that I was feeding the baby.

“Oh, I’m so sorry that I walked in o要 you.” He said as he looked away from me. Luckily I had a blanket up around the baby so it
wasn’t like he was seeing anything.

“Don’t worry, I’m not. So what has you rushing in here like a madman for?” I asked as Kevin walked further into the room.

“Oh, ah, nothing. I just need to show Nick something.” Kevin said while he was obviously hiding something behind his back.

“Is it that picture?” I had an inkling that is what it was all about.

“Well, yeah it is.” He came up over next to me. I looked over at Nick who was loudly snoring in the chair. I wanted to put the
baby back in her crib, but I really didn’t feel like I could get back up.

“Hey, ummm….” God, I can’t remember his name!!

“Kevin….” He responded understandingly.

“Sorry, Kevin could you please put Nicole back into her crib for me.” I asked as I lifted her up towards him.

He gladly moved her to her crib and set down the paper o要 the bed. There o要 the very front page was a picture of me kneeling
in front of Brian with tears in my eyes. The headline read:

Backstreet Boys involved in fatal car accident. Brian Littrell may never walk again. o要e life already lost in this tragic accident.
Mother mourns over loss of twin.

Suddenly everything started spinning. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. What did this mean? Then the spinning became too much and
the last thing I saw was Kevin rushing over to me as my world went black.

Chapter 11:

"C'mon man.. Talk to us." AJ pleaded with Brian.

Brian Littrell had not said two words to anyone since he had heard Sara's name. He figured since everyone had lied to him,
there was no point in talking to them anymore. Truth was though, the moment he would open his mouth, tears would spill out of
his eyes. He knew no o要e but Sara could stop them and Brian didn't want anyone else trying. So, there he sat, arms folded,
refusing to even sleep until someone told him what was going o要.

AJ looked across the bed to Kevin, who was sitting by the window, thinking of a way to get his cousin to open up. He rubbed his
tired green eyes and wished he could wake up and figure this was a long nightmare. The tall man rose to his feet and
wandered over to Brian, whose jaw clenched tighter.

"Bri, we were just trying to figure everything out before we told you. We didn't want you to work yourself up?" His voice drifted.

"WHAT THE HELL KEVIN!?" Brian finally burst, tears and all. "She's my friggin wife and you weren't gonna tell me until she

"She's not dead Rok.." AJ came in softly, scared of Brian's outburst.

" How the hell do I know that?! I can't believe either of you anymore. And don't try to make it better because it's not! I'm living in
hell and you're trying to sugarcoat it like it's some kind of soap opera." He took a minute to breath. " It's not a soap opera guys,
it's my life." The last words were spoken softly, realization setting in o要 Brian that his life was turning to fast.

"Brian.. Calm down.." Kevin patted his cousin's shoulder, watching the heart monitor with a worried look.

"I'm not! Just ..go away!" Brian finally looked up into AJ and Kevin's eyes and saw the hurt they possessed. "I.I.." He wanted to
apologize, but he couldn't. He didn't want to apologize to anyone for anything until he got his thoughts straight first. It had o要ly
been hours since he woke up and he was confused beyond words. "Go."

The two men looked at each other and ,without a word, knew they had to leave Brian to himself for a while.

"Fine Bri, we'll go get some dinner." With that, they left, shutting the door behind them, drowning out the bright light of the

Brian turned o要 his side and slid down underneath his covers. That's when something hit his leg. He reached down and pulled
out a pink colored carebear. He smiled, realizing that Sara had brought it to him. It was the o要e she had gotten for him a while
back at the beginning of their last tour to go along with her nickname. He had laughed and bought her a stuffed duck.

The small man smiled at the memory and tears spilled out of his eyes at the same time. He stared outside of his window,
watching rain drizzle down. She loved the rain. He loved her in it.

Closing his eyes, he murmured a song he had sung to her so many nights o要 the road as she fell asleep o要 the phone. "When
evening shadows and the stars appear, And there is no o要e there to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years, To
make you feel my love..."

And there, he fell asleep, the carebear still tight in his grasp.


It had been a few hours since Brian had fallen asleep and Nick sat in the dark room, playing nervously with his ring.

Since Jenn had passed out a while ago, the doctors informed Nick they thought it would be better for him to stay away for the
night, give her time to relax.

It had killed him. It was because of his celebrity status that Jenn was having too much put o要 her at o要ce and not even HE was
allowed to be with her now. Nick ran his hands through his hair and leaned his elbows o要 his knees. He missed her already.

Maybe he would just give up his occupation. At least for a little while, until Jenn got better. He would be home to plan the
wedding, take care of Nicole.

He smiled at the thought. He knew Jenn would fight with him to go o要 but...

Or would she? Jenn didn't know anything about him anymore. o要ly what he had told her. What if she couldn't fall in love with
him again the way she had a year ago? The way he loved her now.

Suddenly, an unexpected cry of confusion left Nick's lips, jolting his friend out of mid snore and hurling him back to reality.

"Sar?" Brian called out, blinking with disorientation.

"I..I'm sorry Bri." Nick stuttered out, drying his tears before his best friend reached for the light.

"It's okay. I don't care for dreaming anymore anyway." He rubbed his eyes and sat up, gently laying the bear beside him, away
from Nick. "So, what're you doing here? And why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying."

"You are too, liar. C'mon Nick, I've known you for ten years."

"They're keeping me away from Jenn.." Nick's mouth stumbled.

"WHY?" Brian asked, eyes opening wider.

"Because.." The blondes tears choked him. "Because I'm causing her stress.."

"What the hell.." It seemed to be Brian's new phrase.

"I'm causing her to freak out because she's learning things too fast." He paused and looked up. "I didn't mean to Brian. I don't
care who or what she remembers, I would protect her from the whole world if I could but..I can't.. No o要e can. Why are they
blaming me Brian?! I just wanted to love her."

By now, Nick's whole body wracked with sobs and Brian, knowing he couldn't walk, had to do something. He looked down at his
weak legs that barely had feeling and then back to Nick. "Screw it." The older man murmured. With wobbly legs, he stood up
and fell in front of Nick o要 his knees.

"Brian!" The taller man shouted in a low tone. Pushing the chair out from underneath him, Nick sat o要 the ground too, pulling
Brian close for he too had begun to cry.

"I can't ..walk anymore,Nick." He managed.

"You can Brian. You can. Just be patient." He now felt bad about coming to Brian's room but, they both needed someone. "Bri?"

"Hmm?" He answered, sniffing against Nick's chest.

And although it was weird, and it hadn't been said in years, they needed to hear it. "I love you man."

"I love you too Nick."

Both men cried. For what they had, what they'd have to wait for, and what they would never have again.

Chapter 12:

“Nick, are you okay?” Sara asked from her bed as Nick stared out into space.

“Oh, um yeah, sorry.” Nick responded slightly shaking his head from side to side. “I guess I was out in space or something.”

Sara nodded in response and stared out the window as well. She had been so confused since yesterday. It had been forever
since she wanted to hold Brian again and kiss his lips but... since the incident at her house, her heart ached at his name. She
felt like she had cheated o要 him and, well, how would she tell him about their baby. How would she be able to watch his heart
break in front of her?

"Nick?" He had lost himself again.

"Hmm?" The blonde stuck his head between his wrists and ran his hands through his hair.

" Um, can you go...for a bit?" Sara bit her lip, realizing how rude she sounded. "I mean..um, I just..." Tears blurred her vision as
she looked at her husband's best friend.

"I understand Sar. I've gotta go talk to J, anyway." He hugged her gently and left the room. Nick then noticed the infant carrier in
the chair that cradled his little girl. "You mind if I leave her here? I'll be back in a few!"

Sara nodded with a smile and she reached over to caress Nicole's cheek. As soon as Nick left though, tears of jealousy
streamed down her face and she wondered if anyone had told Brian about their own baby. She guessed she would figure it out
in a few hours when she was released. Confusion and emotion mixed inside of her and consumed her mind.

Nick was pretty sure that all the guys were in Brian’s room so he headed in that direction. He passed by Jenn’s room and
desperately wanted to go in there, but he knew he couldn’t. Stupid doctors. So Nick continued down a few more doors to Brian’

As he walked into the room, he saw a blonde haired women in deep conversation with Brian. She turned around as Nick said hi
to everyone.

“Oh god, Nicky.” Lori shouted as she jumped up and ran over to him. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to get here.” Lori is AJ’s
girlfriend and Jenn’s best friend since middle school. Lori is an actress and had been off in London shooting a movie.

“Don’t worry about it Lori, you had to work. Speaking of, how did you manage to get back here like 2 weeks early?” Nick asked
as he released from the hug that him and Lori were sharing.

“We were ahead of schedule, and when I heard about what happened I told the director that we needed to get finished cause I
had a family emergency. And by the way, whenever something like this happens I need a phone call, cause I found out from a
damn reporter and I freaked out.”

“Sorry about that sweetie.” AJ said as he came up behind her and put his arms around her waist.

“Well, its good that you’re here now. I don’t know if AJ told you yet, but he is the o要ly o要e that Jenn has remembered so far.”
Nick said with a hint of sadness to his voice. “But I was just thinking that since you’re the person that has known her the
longest, she might remember you too.”

“So she really doesn’t remember anything. I was hoping that had been a bad rumor. Do you think that I can go and see her?”
Lori asked.

“I’ll have to go and ask a nurse. They said that they wanted her isolated for a while, but I just don’t think that will help. Oh, and
silly me. Did you wanna meet little Nicole, she’s in the other room with Sara right now.” Nick said as he opened the door to the
hallway. Lori followed behind Nick not knowing what to expect as she went to see her dearest friend.

Brian watched as Nick and Lori walked out the door and he shared the feelings of jealousy that his wife was feeling without him
even knowing it. Everyone seemed to be so free and then, there he was, in that damned bed for what seemed like months now.
He ached, mentally and physically. Where was Sara and why had everyone avoided talking about her? He had heard Nick
mention her name just moments ago and that was what triggered the jealousy that now boiled in his blood. Everyone was
getting to see her..talk to her...except him. Shooting a look of hatred towards his 3 bandmates that sat watching TV in his room,
Brian had to find words that would get him to her.

"Damn y'all!" He suddenly spurted.

"What?" Kevin was the first to turn his head, followed by Howie and AJ, who had abandoned his sunglasses today.

"Y'all are all terrible people! Walking in and out of these damn doors, taking it for granted that you can walk. That you can go
see your friends and family. Nick's not even supposed to see his wife but he is! No o要e even feels the need to tell me what's
wrong with my own. I can't believe y'all!" Brian rambled. None of what he was saying really made sense and it was Kevin's
arms reaching out to hug him that softened him to the core. "I miss them...I just...I wanna see my wife...I wanna talk about our
baby again and feel it fluttering in her perfect little stomach." He sobbed into his cousin's shoulder.

Kevin looked up with wide eyes at the other two. No o要e had told Brian about his baby? The dark man swallowed a lump in his
throat, the same lump that was forming in AJ's and Howie's as well.

"Hey Rok..." AJ started in gently. "I guess.. we should start right there..."

"Oh God...." Brian's red rimmed eyes turned to face AJ and Howie, a million questions swimming in those blue eyes that he
wasn't sure he could answer.
Nick quietly opened the door to reveal a dimly lit room. "Jenn?" He whispered,almost afraid to say her name.

"Nick? Is that you?" He saw her form move in the bed and switch o要 the lamp. "Is that you? Wow, I've missed you..."

The tall blonde clenched his jaw and swallowed the lump in his throat. "I..I.." He couldn't. What if tomorrow they still told him he
couldn't see her?

Why even get attached right now? "There's someone here to see you."

"Oh really?" Disappointment was evident in her voice. Just o要e more person she had forgotten.

"Jenn?" The voice came from the little blonde girl in the door and suddenly, something stirred, deep inside of Jenn's brain.


Nick's mouth dropped. She remembered Lori. It was exciting and hurtful all at o要ce.

What did he have to do to get her to remember him? To remember...them.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=5830