I Need You by Carter
Summary: Co-Written With Veronica

Anna Weathers and Rachel Green are assigned to follow Nick Carter and his friend Brent because they are selling illegal drugs from Mr.Larios at the headquarters of Jive. Once Brent gets caught Nick goes to Anna for help but does Anna hide Nick or turn him into the cops?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes Word count: 13822 Read: 13393 Published: 02/24/06 Updated: 02/24/06

Chapter Seven by Carter
(chapter written by Veronica)

Hours later Anna's house)

Anna was doing a little search of her own, trying to find out about Nick's past. She discovered Nick was born in James Town, New York. He was the son of Bob and Jane Carter, siblings were Aaron, Angel, Leslie and BJ, and he was the eldest. The house he lived in was in actuality his parents. He did once work at Jelly Music, but he had been fired a year ago.

"He lied to me, he lied." Anger ran through her. "How could I be so stupid? I trusted him. He sells drugs too, I just know it." It took a while for Anna to realize there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Weathers you in there or what?" That was Sam Taylor's voice. He was another investigator on her team, he took pictures.

Anna quickly opened the door and there stood Sam and Rachel.

"So, you get any hard evidence?" Anna asked him.


All three sat on the sofa and cleared the coffee table.

"He won’t tell me what he has. I've asked him like a billion times." Rachel was frustrated with Sam. "He wont even let me go to Rossos yet."

"Ok, Rach, calm down. What do you have Sam?"

Sam reached into the backpack he carried and slid out a big yellow envelope. "Ok, as you know I've been following Brent, as soon as Nick came into the picture I had Watts follow him." He took out pictures from the envelope. "Here are the first few days, nothing special. Him going out, partying with Green, but 3 days ago..." He said as he handed the pictures to Rachel. "...Here he is, selling his merchandise on the streets."

"Bulls eye. We got him." Rachel screamed.

"What about Nick? Anything on him?" Anna asked anxiously

Sam pulled out another yellow envelope. "Nothing, at least not incriminating. He doesn't go out much, stays indoors. The only time we saw him outdoors was with you Weathers...but there was something strange. See these guys?" Sam pointed them out. "They watch Nick. When he was out with you, they were following. When he's home, it's like they're standing guard or something."

Anna was relieved he wasn't found selling drugs. Though the men following Nick was extremely strange. What was going on?

(Nick's house)

Nick passed in her bedroom trying to think of what to do.

"Nick! Brent is here!" Jane yelled at him from downstairs.

Brent entered his room. Nick just stared at him. He felt so much anger towards him. All he wanted to do was punch him right in the face.

"Ok, I have a plan Nicky. You owe 6,000 on your part. I sold all my merchandise, so I'll sell the rest of yours. It's the least I can do."

Nick didn't like the sound of it, but it wasn't often that Brent offered to do something nice. Nick got his swiss army knife and sliced his matress, took some small packages and handed them to Brent. "Here. Get rid of these fast and get us out of this mess."

Brent took off his jackets and rapped it around the packages. "I will." He walked out of Nick's room with a smile on his face. He was sure his plan would work, and it wasn't the plan that he had told Nick.

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=7009