Friends...And More? by tree2583

"Life's always been filled with a lot of puzzles...Are best friends only friends? Or can they end up as lovers?"

(Revised with some assistance from Hilda Warren)Copyright 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: No Word count: 46876 Read: 101070 Published: 03/17/06 Updated: 01/14/07
Chapter Fourteen by tree2583
Nick rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock on the nightstand. It read quarter after six. He had slept for almost seventeen hours straight. He needed to get up. He got out of bed and went into the bathroom that connected to Alana’s bedroom (the master bathroom) to use the toilet. He walked down the hall and into the extra bedroom. He found three Wal-Mart bags on the extra bed. He rumbled through them and found a stick of deodorant. Nick smiled as he put some on. Only Alana knew down to the deodorant he wore. Has anyone ever cared for me that much? She doesn't have to care about me, but still she does...I crawl back here into her life as I messed my life but she welcomes me so sincere. I would never want to leave...

He threw on a pair of the jean cargo shorts and a button down shirt, which he decided to leave unbuttoned.

He walked out and found her in the kitchen cooking over the store. Nick watched her dish out hamburger helper onto two plates. Why can she do even the simplest things with such a grace? I feel like she's only here because of me. I know, I'm being selfish, but...I could imagine to be with her be sincerely..loved? She sat at the kitchen table and looked up to see him watched her. Alana pointed to the counter, motioning for him to eat. He grabbed the plate from the counter and sat down at the table across from her. She slid over bottled water.

“Thanks,” he said quietly.

He opened it up and took a long sip.

“Nice outfit,” she commented

He looked up at her as he put a forkful of hamburger helper in his mouth, chewing it and swallowing.

“You didn’t have to buy me anything,” he said as he wiped his face with a napkin. “But thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she answered.

She watched him finish up what was on his plate and go up to the stove and put another heaping pile on his plate.

“You didn’t eat either, did you?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at the pile on his plate. What was he doing all the time? Did no one really care for him? But maybe..deep down..he knew that here is the place for matter what?

“Nope" he answered, shoving a forkful into his mouth.

Nick was on his third beer when Alana came into the living room with a wine cooler for herself. The television was on ESPN, a review of games and stats from the previous day from all the games. She saw on the couch next to him.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

He downed the rest of his beer and set his empty can on the coffee table.

“Shitty,” he answered.

She offered him the rest of her wine cooler, in which he gladly accepted. Alana went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of rum, a liter of coke from the fridge, and two glasses and went back into the living room.

I just have to make him talkative..if he says everything now he'll feel better..let's see what I have to loosen his tongue,

“Okay Nick,” she said pouring two drinks “start talking.”

Nick was laying in between Alana’s legs with his head on her chest. He was passed out. She shut off the television. They had finally talked about his break-up with Paris, even though it took him three beers, two wine coolers, and seven rum and cokes to get it out of him. She played with his hair while he slept , realizing it was 2:30 in the morning. And how could i be so selfish and only think about me? How could I be mad at him for not calling? He has been through some hard times...maybe he's got a beautiful soul if he believed that this girl really loved him?

She finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Nick woke up a short time later because he had to use the bathroom. He carefully got up without waking her. He had to hold on to things because he was still a little tipsy.

Alana woke up and saw that the bathroom light was on. She stood up and stretched. He came out and saw that she was awake.

“I’m gonna go to bed,” he told her as he made his way down the hall toward her room.

A few minutes later, she went down to her room to get some sleep also. She found Nick sprawled out on his back with the blankets around his waist. She saw that his clothes were piled next to her hamper, including his boxers! He was naked in her bed!

“Nick, wake up,” she said, shaking his bare shoulder.

He groaned. “Whhhhaaatttt…..?”

“Put your boxers back on,” she demanded.

“I’m too tiiirrreeedddd…..” he complained.

“Then I’m not sleeping in here,” she said.

He held out his hand and she gave him his boxers. He rolled out of bed, exposing himself when the blankets fell back.

“Nick!” she cried, trying not to look, but couldn’t resist. She took in the sight of him as she took a deep breath. God, he was gorgeous when he was naked! He's really well stocked down there, too...Where's my mind going now? Am I actually allowed even to think that?

“What?” he asked as he pulled up his boxers.

He squinted at her. “I’m so fucking tired,” he complained. “I can’t believe you woke me up just to put on my boxers.”

He slid back into bed under the covers and closed his eyes.

Alana went into the bathroom and changed into a night gown that was purple with spaghetti straps. She climbed into her bed on her side and pulled the covers up around her shoulders and closed her eyes. Well, maybe it wasn't a big deal to let him sleep witout his boxers? He didn't have any bad intentions, right? She sighed ligthly and rewinded the unusual scene in her head. Maybe he'll undress for me one day?

These little naughty thoughts brought her swiftly into the dream world.

A little while later, Nick woke up. Looking at the clock, it read a little after 3:30 in the morning. He looked over at his best friend. She was sleeping peacefully. He stared at the ceiling. He felt so much better after talking to Alana about his break up with Paris. He finally had come to the realization that he never really loved her, but only cared for her. But what was love?

He smiled in the darkness. He never loved Paris. He could finally stop feeling sorry for himself and move on with his life. He looked at the inside of his wrist. He could see the outline of Paris’ name. Whatever possessed him to get it, he didn’t know. Tomorrow he would go and get it fixed. It had to be covered.

Nick ran his fingers through Alana’s hair and down her shoulder. He smiled again and watched her sleep. He finally knew what love was -- to know that someone really cares for you, to know that she'll be always by my side...and the feeling to be with her forever from now on. I have to find out how she feels about me...I will show her how much I care for her...just step by step...It was what he felt for his best friend, wasn’t it? Did she feel the same way?
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