Friends...And More? by tree2583

"Life's always been filled with a lot of puzzles...Are best friends only friends? Or can they end up as lovers?"

(Revised with some assistance from Hilda Warren)Copyright 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: No Word count: 46876 Read: 101060 Published: 03/17/06 Updated: 01/14/07
Chapter Thirty by tree2583
Nick ran up the stairs, skipping every other, inside the studio building, with Alana right behind him. He was late and Kevin was going to chew him out, he just knew it. He ran down the hall and into the studio at 1:15p.m. The other guys were all seated on their stools, ready to go.

"You're late Nick," Kevin said as he sat on his stool. "What was it this time?"

He gave Kevin an evil look and took his seat next to Brian and A.J.

Johhny was behind the glass and pushed the intercom so that he could talk to them.

"Okay boys, let's get rolling," Johhny said as he flicked a few buttons.

Alana quietly shut the door behind her and took a seat next to Johhny. He smiled at her and pointed at the glass.

"Have you ever heard them sing before?" he asked quietly

"Yah," she answered "Just not like this."

"Ah, you have seen them perform then?" Johnny assumed.

She shook her head no.

"Really?" Johhny asked. "How long have you known Nick and the guys?"

"Ten years," she answered.

"And you have never seen them perform?" he asked.

"Nope," she answered, yet again. "I try to stay out of Nick's pop star life. He's just Nick to me when he comes home." Maybe I'm just too afraid of his popstar life?

Johnny sat there and listened to Alana as they talked about how Nick was when he wasn't touring or recording. He then, turned his attention back to the Backstreet Boys. Alana and Johnny saw Kevin talking to Nick in the corner. Johnny switched on the intercom.

"God damnit Nick, what the hell is the matter with you today?" Kevin asked, his voice filled with anger. "We have a deadline to meet and we can't be screwing up all the time!" Yeah, to hell those deadlines! I'm havin bigger problems! Alana doesn't want me..but you're rambling about deadlines...

Nick rolled his eyes and started to walk back to his stool, but Kevin grabbed his arm. This made him mad.

"Get your head out of your ass!," Kevin growled.

Nick shook off his grip and glared at him. A.J. gently pulled Nick away from him.

"Smoke break," A.J. said steering Nick out of the studio, as they both went out the side door.

Alana was puzzled at her best friend's behavior. He never acted like that when the guys were together with her.What's going on with him?

"Nick's been edgy the last few days," Johnny said "And Kevin is not making it any better."

She sighed and got up and when down to find Nick and A.J. She walked down the stairs to the room that Frank had showed her. She saw that the door was opened and heard both of her friend's voices. She stayed back and listened to their converstation for a few minutes. I know its bad to eavesdrop, but I have to know...

"What is up with you lately man?" A.J asked as he sat down on the chair and lit up a cigarette, took a quick drag and handed it to his friend.

Nick inhaled deeply, then blowing the smoke out of this nose and mouth.

"I got a lot of shit on my mind that I need to sort out," he said as he took another long drag.

"We need to get this album finished today dude," A.J. said "I'm here if you want to talk about it after, but try to focus so we can chill later."

A.J. walked out of the room and saw Alana standing there.

"Hey girl," he said as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

She walked in the room and saw Nick sitting on the couch smoking. He looked up at her and gave her a small smile.

"You guys sound great," she said quietly.

He gave her another smile, this time a bigger one. Alana sat down on the couch next to him and watched as he put out his cigarette butt in the ash tray that sat on the coffee table in front of him.

"So I'm guessing you heard that with Kevin," Nick said as he lit yet another cigarette.

"Yah, what is up with that? You hardly ever fight with the guys," she commented.

He let out a puff of smoke in front of him.

"We have to have all the recording done by tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.," He said "Everything has to be perfect or we have to do it all over again. It's like this all the time."

"Do you want me to go back to the hotel?" She asked.

Nick raised an eyebrow at her. You're my favorite distraction. The only beautiful thing in this studio...

"Why?" he asked as he let out another puff.

"So you can concentrate," she answered. "I've noticed in the past day that I have been here, you're not into the music."

"Ha!" he remarked "I wonder why."

"I'm a distraction?" Alana asked giving him a sly smile.

Nick put out his cigarette then faced her.

"You have no idea," he answered, as he reached for his pack of cigarettes and lighter. You can't imagine how hard it is for me to fight the need to pull you closer.

She catch his hand in hers, before he could grab them and held his hand.

"Enlighten me Nick," she said softly.

He watched as she entwined her fingers with his. She looked at him, but he looked away for a second.

"We have to talk about it Nick," she said quietly.

He gulped and nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to go back to the hotel so you can get some work done. We'll talk after okay?" she said.

He nodded again. Alana leaned over and gave him a quick, soft kiss on the lips. Before she could pull away, he kissed her back. He cupped the side of her cheek with his hand and continued to kiss her. His tongue played with hers for a moment then he pulled back. If only wouldn't have work waiting for me...

"I'll see you later," she whisphered as she walked out the door. And you made sure I won't have the chance to stop thinking about you. Why did you wake those feelings again? If only you knew what I want...I want you to kiss me..and not stop...that's what I want.
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