TRANSLYVANIA by Frick N Frack Luver
Summary: Please Read + review I'm not very good at summaries the main charecters are Liz, Link and Sparky
Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Genres: Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 5252 Read: 6286 Published: 05/04/06 Updated: 05/06/06

1. Chapter 1 by Frick N Frack Luver

2. Chapter 2 by Frick N Frack Luver

3. Chapter 3 by Frick N Frack Luver

4. Chapter 4 by Frick N Frack Luver

Chapter 1 by Frick N Frack Luver
Author's Notes:

Okay the first chapter is pretty much an intro to the charecters but, the next few chapters will be better hopefully u guys will like this one

It was a cold day. The sun was beginning to set on the blue sky. A girl sat on the swing and she gazed at the purple Halloween clouds, which slowly moved past the sun.

She had green eyes and brown hair, which fell past her shoulders and, ended at the upper part of her back.

She also had brown eyebrows and she didn't weigh much so, her body figure was small.

The girl was wearing a pair of comfortable worn jeans and she was wearing a winter coat that was blue and had white stripes on the sides and, she was wearing a large green t - shirt under the coat and, pink and white Nike sneakers.

The girl was 15 years old and her name was Elizabeth Heddie Levan , but she just liked being called Liz she hated being called Elizabeth.

Liz was a tomboy and she had a natural look she didn't wear skirts, dresses or makeup and, she never painted her toenails or fingernails so her natural look is what made her pretty.

She was born on February 15 1990 and, her parents were divorced.

Liz's dad Henry who was originally from England walked out of her life at the age of 3.

Liz looked over at her brother Sparky who was a small jack Russell terrier dog with pointy ears.

The strange thing was he could talk just like any person could. He taught himself that at the age of 5.

Sparky was born on March 5 1990 that made him 1 month younger then Liz.

Another strange thing was that Sparky aged like a normal person and he simply didn't know why.

At times Sparky would be really annoying and, get on Liz's nerves. Liz and her mom had adopted Sparky at the age of 5.

At that time Liz was only 5 years old, that same year Liz, Sparky and their mom Charlene Jane Levan who was then 25, now 35 had decided to move from Reading Pennsylvania to Womelsdorf Pennsylvania.

They moved because Charlene thought the city was not the ideal place to raise her children.

Sparky Alan Levan was 15 years old the same age as his sister.

Liz began to look at the sky again then, another person began to make his way up to swings where Liz was sitting.

It was Liz's best friend, a guy she had known since she was 9 years old.

He had blue azure eyes and fine locks of short blond hair and brown eyebrows.

The boy was just as tall as Liz and he was 15 years old.

The blue-eyed blonde’s name was Link Joshua Yost and he was born on January 15 1990 in Jamestown, New York.

His parents were Samantha Ann Yost and Charles Joseph Yost both 35 years old and, Link was the only child his mom and dad have ever had.

When he was 5 years old Link and his parents moved from N.Y. to Womelsdorf P.A. They moved there because his parents found new jobs.

Link was wearing a red football jersey, blue jeans and a white baseball cap on backwards some of his blond bangs hung from the upper part of his forehead only adding to his cuteness.

" Hey Liz mind if I sit with ya? " Link asked

" Nope go right ahead " Liz said looking at him.

Link then sat on the swing right next to Liz.

" So how long have you been up here? " Link asked her.

" Only for a few minutes Sparky wanted to come up here and since today is Halloween he wanted to try and scare some little kids"

Link smirked as he pointed over to Sparky who was trying to scare a little girl then he said, " Looks like he's failing so far"

Sparky tried to scare the little girl again and, unfortunately ended up getting tackled by her. As soon as the girl left Sparky came over to Liz and Link and asked " So how did I do? "

Liz and Link then exchanged looks together then, looked back at Sparky " Well? " he asked again.

Link then answered with " I can't believe you let a little girl beat you up"

" Can you blame me Link I’m kinda rusty " then Sparky went over to the nearest bench and sat down.

A few minutes later a girl began making her way up the swings.

The girl had blond hair and blue eyes her name was Zelda Ann Worthington she was born in London England on November 17 1990, which made Liz and Link a few months younger than her.

Zelda was wearing a pink winter coat that she bought in Paris France.

She was also wearing a pink dress, pink eyeliner, pink lipstick, pink high heels and a diamond pearled necklace.

Her long blond hair was up in a bun and she had a pair of sunglasses on.

Zelda was from a very wealthy family.

When her parents Nathan John Worthington and Clarrisa Jane Worthington had married they were given the large amount of money their parents had.

When they moved from England their fortune moved with them.

Zelda was with her groupies who were wearing the same exact thing as her and, Daisy a girl who had green eyes and brown hair was praising Zelda as she walked " You look lovely today Zelda "

" Why thank you Daisy I am lovely aren't I? " Zelda said smiling then she added with, " I'm more lovely than that Elizabeth Levan "

" Yes you are Zelda " Daisy said.

The other girls praised Zelda with words like, " Zelda you look stunning "

" Oh Zelda you're hair looks beautiful today "

" Zelda may I touch your shoes? "

Zelda then turned to her groupies and said, " Thank you girls thank you "

then the girls answered with " No Zelda you should not be thanking us we should be thanking you " Zelda smiled then continued on walking with her groupies right behind her.

Zelda saw Liz and Link talking then she and the girls went up to them then Zelda asked,
" Levan could you move so I may sit there? " Liz didn't hear Zelda because she was lost in conversation with Link.

Zelda cleared her throat and then Liz looked up at her and asked, " What do you want Zelda? "

" Move "

" What? "

" Levan don't push me move "

Liz sat there for a few seconds looking at her hands. " Don't you wish to move for Zelda? " Daisy asked Liz

" Yes Levan as my friend says move "

Zelda waited for a few more seconds then yelled, "MOVE I ORDER YOU TO MOVE! "

Link had had enough of Zelda's demanding. "She doesn't have to move for you Zelda hell she doesn't have to move for anyone! "

Zelda looked over at Link and asked, " Why Link since when is it that you stick up for this girl who is a poor excuse of a human being? "

" Since I’ve known her and Liz doesn't have to move for @#%$ Zelda she can stay right here! " Link then stopped for a second then said, " You only want to be next to me that's why you wanna sit here! "

Zelda then got closer to Link then said " My my you are a quick one aren't you? Then she took one of her fingers and ran it across his jawline " Ah Link one day you will realize that you and me are destined to be together one day I will have you as my own and you will forget that you ever liked this girl Elizabeth one day you will be mine Link all mine " Then she and her groupies walked off.

Link then looked over at Liz and asked, " Do you wanna come over to my house? So we can get ready for Nicole's Halloween party? "

" Yeah sure " she said smiling at him.

Then she called to Sparky " C’mon let's go Sparky we're leaving " Sparky then got off the bench and followed both of them out of the park.

Meanwhile high above in the sky 2 middle-aged women looked down on Liz, Link and Sparky. One of the women who had blond hair asked, " Are they... " her voice trailed off.

" Yes Sarah they are "

"Really the boy is cute we should keep him "

"No " the red haired woman said.

Her name was Winifred. " It’s such a shame they are so young what a pity, we will take care of them but we need someone to help us but rest assure dear sister we will find someone "

Then Sarah asked " So does that mean? "

" Yes it begins and it shall begin tonight "
Chapter 2 by Frick N Frack Luver
Author's Notes:
Okay I'll I'm gonna say is that this is where it begins to pick up please review

A yellow school bus drove down the road.

The bus driver had finished dropping off the rest of the high school students 2 hours ago , but he had made numerous stops to different places and, now he was finally making his way back to the school.

He stopped the bus and got out to smoke a cigar. After he was done he was about to go back in the bus but then he heard a voice.

" Excuse me ? " the voice asked.

The bus driver turned around and he saw Sarah and Winnifred those were the 2 woman that spotted Liz, Link, and Sparky earlier. They both looked at Charlie. Winnifred asked,
" Excuse me but do you drive that big yellow thing you are standing in?"

Winnifred asked. The bus driver looked at her then answered with " Yes ma,am I do "

then Sarah asked " What is it ? "

" It's a bus "

Then Sarah gave her sister a confused look then she asked the driver "What's a bus ?"

" A bus is a huge hunk of metal that moves, this bus is used to take kids to school "

Winnifred's eyes widened then she asked " You mean children right ? yes of course you mean children anyways, do you happen to take a boy with blond hair and blue eyes and a girl with brown hair and green eyes on this bus ? "

" Yes I do them two are real nice kids by the way i'm glad to know e'm " Then Winnifred and Sarah smiled evily at each other.

Sarah asked " Do you know of their whereabouts ? "

" No I don't know where they live "

Then Winnifred asked him " my dear kind man would you like to come with us? "

"Um I don't know why? "

Then Winnifred answered with " Those two young people that boy and girl of which you spoke well we need you to help bring them to us "

then Sarah added with " If you do we will reward you later on "

" Really well you two ladies are quite attractive but I don't know "

Winnifred then said " Even better if you help us we will reward you be returning our deep affections for you, so on this day of hallow's eve will you help us ? "

" Well since you ladies like me so much then i guess i'll help you "

" Spendid now come along " Winnifred said.

" Wait I gotta take the bus back to school would you ladies like to join me ? "

Sarah smiled then said " Yes we would be honored to ride on your bus " then she and Winnifred got on it and sat in the front seats.

As the bus driver was driving he asked " so you two ladies ain't from around here right ? "

Then Sarah said " Look into my eyes "

" What ? "

" Look into my eyes " He turned around and looked into her eyes.

" Now dear bus driver say this you will only obey and listen to us "

then he repeated in a hypnotised voice " I will only obey and listen to you "

Winnifred then said " You will help us destroy that boy and girl that you spoke of "

" I will help you destroy that boy and girl " he said. A few minutes later he stopped the bus at the school and parked it with the other busses.

" Now you will follow us back to our house " Winnifred commanded he nodded and followed them. Sadly he did not know of the fate that was awaiting him back at their place.


Daisy Zelda's friend had decided to stay over to get herself ready for the party she came up to Zelda and asked her " You know Elizabeth is going to be there don't you Zelda ? "

Zelda frowned that name made her blood boil " Yes I know Daisy but remember Link is going to be there as well "

Daisy smiled then said " Ah Link he's so handsome you should get married to him someday"

Zelda smiled at her friend. Everyday Zelda would have day dreams of marrying Link. " I'm going to sit outside for a few minutes Daisy "

" Alright Zelda "

Zelda looked at the darkening evening sky suddenly, she heard someone talking to her it was none other than Winnifred and Sarah " Hello there young girl ' Winnifred said

" Why hello who are you ? "

" I'm Winnifred and this is my sister Sarah "

" Nice to meet you two do you need help with anything ? "

Winnifred smiled and said " Why yes we do there is a girl with brown hair with green eyes and a boy with blond hair and blue eyes do you know them ? "

" why yes I do I despise the girl but yet I show deep affection for the boy "

Winnifred looked suprised " Oh you do ? you like the boy ? "

" Yes " Zelda answered

Then Winnifred asked " How would you like to help bring them to us ? "

" What do I get in return ? "

" Well after we are finished with the girl you may take the boy and do whatever you like to him but you may not have the boy until after the girl is out of the way so will you help us ? "

Zelda smiled evily at the two woman then shook their hands then said " Sarah and Winnifred you have a deal yes I will help you "

" Wonderful what is your name? "

" Zelda "

Winnifred then smiled and said " Zelda you are now apart of our sisterhood now come along with us " Zelda nodded then quickly told Daisy where she was going then she came back outside and followed the 2 strange woman into the woods.

Meanwhile at Link's house " Sparky if you don't stop i'm seriously going to kick your ass ! ' Liz warned Sparky was annoying her.

" Ok i'll stop " Sparky then went into the kitchen and Link came back into the living room and ploppled onto the couch.

Then he turned to Liz and asked " 'Sparky annoying you ? "

" Yeah as usual "

" You don't think he'll prank you at the party do you Liz ? "

" Nah he'd only rather do that to Zelda not me , do you want a soda Link ? I can get us some "

"sure "

"Ok be right back "

She said then and went into the kitchen .

She saw Sparky picking up two halloween cookies that Link's mom had just made. " Drop
it " She said to Sparky, he sighed then and placed the cookies back on the tray.

" Man Liz you're too good at catching me doing one of my little acts "

"Damn straight " Liz said smiling at him. Sparky then went outside.

Liz then got two soda's and went back into the living room , she handed one to Link.

" Thanks " he said after taking a sip of soda a few minutes later.

" No problem "

Link looked out the window then looked at Liz and asked " It shouldn't be dark by now do you agree with me ? "

Liz looked out the window then answered with "Yeah it shouldn't be so dark this early that's weird "

After a while Liz's mom came in and asked " Liz can you go get the gardening kit outside ?"

" Sure mom " Liz said and went out to the backyard while she was looking for it she saw a strange green light , at first she ignored it but then she followed the light like she was hypnotised by it. Liz had no idea who that light would eventually lead her to .........
Chapter 3 by Frick N Frack Luver
Author's Notes:
OK this chapter is going to be kinda short please review guys i'd appreciate it

" Link yo L " Sparky said shaking a half asleep Link.

The young blond opened his eyes and looked at Sparky " What ? " he asked groggly.

" You gonna get up or what ?" Sparky asked looking at him.

" Why ?" Link asked beginning to drift off into sleep again. Link had went upstairs to get some sleep an hour ago.

" Link how long have you had that ?" Sparky asked pointing to Link's rusty old cross necklace that he wore around his neck.

Link gripped the necklace and looked at it. " I don't know, maybe since I was three or something but I know that it's really old, hell it's probley older than me " then Link sat a little up in bed then looked at Sparky and asked " Is that why you came up here to ask me how old my cross necklace was ? "

" No I asked you if you were gonna get up remember ? "

Link sighed then closed his eyes for a second then looked at Sparky and said " Sorry Spark i'm kinda still half asleep here " Link said getting off his bed and walking over to the other side of the room.

" L have you noticed that Liz has been gone for nearly a hour ? "

" Really ? "

" C,mon L i'm serious i wouldn't lie to you right ? "

" Well sometimes you say dumb crap just to piss me off "

" Yeah I know that , but c,mon man i'm being serious "

" Ok I beleive you , now lets go check "

" Check where ? "

" The backyard "

" For who ? "

" Your sister "

" Who's my sister ? "

" Liz "

" Who's Liz "

Link gave sparky a " c,mon " look " oh geez spark you know damn well who Liz is , you're just doing that to annoy me "

" Yeah I know " Sparky said with a big grin on his face.

Link gave Sparky a " I'm gonna kick your ass " look.

Sparky's eyes widened " Ok L i'll stop annoying you just please don't kick my ass "

" Ok geez calm down Sparky " Link had on a pair of blue comfortable jeans and his red jersey under that he was wearing boxer shorts that were red and a large white muscle shirt also his silver cross necklace hung around his neck. he also had on his white baseball cap which a few blond strands of hair fell to his forehead but he was cute so it didn't matter.

" Ok you ready to go Sparky ? "

" Yeah "

" c,mon then lets go "

They left Link's room and headed out to the backyard, five minutes after looking for Liz Sparky and Link both met at the back door " Didn't find her Link ? "

" No , damn this is weird , maybe we should check my house ? "

" Good idea "

Link opened the front door to his house " Mom, Dad , Charlene , Liz ? "

" Nobody's here " Sparky said. Link then checked the rest of the house to make sure Sparky was right.

" Damn where did everybody go ? " Link wondered , he had searched the whole house and what Sparky said was true nobody was there .

Link then got off the couch and opened the front door

" Link where are you going ? L ? "

Sparky got no answer, Link walked out of the front without another word, Sparky then ran outside to see where he was going. Link walked across his front lawn and up to the dirt path on the side of the road. Sparky could see where Link was headed. Link was going into the woods, there was a rumor that the woods are very scary on Halloween night.

Sparky gulped he beleived that rumor. then he began shouting as loud as he could " Link no L , no man don't go up there , L . Link are you listening to me ? " Then he yelled " LINK JOSHUA YOST GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE ! "

It didn't work cuz Link was out of hearing range . Link felt drawn to the woods , it seemed that the woods had the answers to the questions he wanted and needed. Sparky sighed then quicky looked up into the sky which was a pitch black and purple color, then he ran as fast as he could to catch up with Link.
Chapter 4 by Frick N Frack Luver
Author's Notes:
this is a longer chapter will LInk and Sparky be able to find Liz ? read and find out
Translyvania : ChaptThere was a intoxacating smell of potions and brew , they filled her nostrals with a poison like aroma , Liz tried to open her eyes but she couldn't.

Liz had no idea where she was , but she knew she was sitting on a chair , because she could feel the surface of the smooth wood from underneath her.

Liz then finally opened her eyes and when she did , she was greeted by the smiles on Zelda , Winnifred and Sarah's faces.

Liz blinked her eyes a couple of times , it was as if she beleived her mind was playing tricks with her.

Liz then opened her eyes again , then she looked to the ceiling , then the floor , then her gaze stopped at Winnifred , Sarah and Zelda.

" Hello there well it is good to see you have finally awoken " Winnifred said.

" Wait where the hell am I ? "

" No need to use vulgar language girl you are with us "

" Yeah but where ? "

" Just a cabin in the woods "

" What woods ?"

" The ones you live near "

" Oh , why am I here ? " there was no answer.

Liz was getting impatient. " You didn't answer my question "

Then Sarah said " Well uh you uh got lost in the woods and you uh tripped over a stone and you were knocked out so we uh brought you here "

Liz gave Sarah a weird look " Uh ok " she didn't know if she beleived what Sarah had said.

Then Winnifred said " Well you just stay right here my sisters and I have very important things to discuss "

" Ok "

" Good , now come along sisters follow me into the other room " Sarah and Zelda nodded then followed Winnifred into the other room.

" Link yo L wait up ! " Sparky said completly out of breath " Man - you - walk - too - fast - L , why are we up here in the woods anyways ? "

" I think Liz is up here somewhere "

" Oh yeah what gave you that idea? "

" I don't know I just have this feeling she's up here "

" Link " a voice called

, " Sparky was that you ? "

" No why ? "

" Someone just called my name "

" Really wow that's weird you must be going crazy or something L cuz I didn't hear a damn thing "

Link then thought for a second then he heard the voice again, " That sound's like ... " then Link's voice trailed off. " Liz ? " he asked to himself in his head.

The voice answered back " Link ? "

He asked " Wait who the hell am I talking to ? , are you Liz ? " no answer. " Liz is that
you? "

" Link ? "

" Liz wait how am I able to talk to you ? , I mean inside my head "

" I don't know Link it's kinda weird "

" Don't they call this telapathy or something?"

"Yeah I guess that's what it is "

" Where are you ? "

" What are you and Sparky looking for me ? "

" Yeah , maybe you should tell me where you are so we can find you "

" Alright that's sounds like a good idea , um ok i'll tell you just give me a sec ok ? "

" Ok "

Liz then got off the chair and went over to the window she could see that the cabin was on a small hill and there were trees so Liz knew that she was in the woods.

" Link "

" Yeah i'm here "

" Ok i'm in a log cabin up on top of a small hill here in the woods "

" Ok Liz don't worry I think i'll be able to find you "

suddenly Liz couldn't hear Link very well " L are you there ? "

" Yeah why ? "

" I don't know it's starting to get hard to hear you what's happening ? "

" I think are connection is starting to break off maybe we should stop this telapathy thing "

" Ok Link "

" Gotta go Liz , don't worry me and Sparky will find you so i'll be there in a few minutes "

" Ok Link well bye "

" Bye Liz " then the connection broke off.

" Link what were you doing ? " Sparky asked.

" Talking to Liz "

" Oh- what ? how can you be talking to Liz ? "

" In my head "

" You were talking to Liz in your head? "

" Yeah "

" That's weird "

" Yeah I know it is , I had no idea I could do that , Liz told me where she's at "

" Ok where is she? "

" She's in a cabin here in the woods on a small grassy hill "

" So that means we can find her then get out of here "

" Yep "

" Ok well what are we waiting for L let's go get Liz "
then they both headed even further into the woods.

A few minutes later Link and Sparky were standing right outside of the cabin. something told Link not to just go right in but , to stay outside and wait till the right time.

Link then went over to one of the windows and sat on his knees. " L what are you doing ? "

"Shhh Sparky we gotta be quiet "

Link then looked through the window and saw Liz sitting on a chair.

Liz then looked over to the window and saw Link's hand gestering her to come over to the window.

Liz went over and saw Link kneeling on his knees in the grass. Liz then opened the window and said " Damn L it's good to see you "

" You too Liz , should I come in ? "

" Yeah but come in from the back door ok ? "

" Ok , c,mon Sparky " then they both went to the back door.

Liz then closed the window and sat back in the chair waiting pateintly for Link and Sparky.

Then Liz felt two warm hands on her shoulders. Liz then turned around to meet with Link's blue azure eyes. " Did ya miss me Liz ?"

" Hell yeah I missed you and Sparky too , glad to see ya guys "

Link and Sparky both smiled at Liz.
then Sparky asked " Ok we found ya Liz now can we go home ? "

Suddenly Winnifred , Sarah and Zelda entered the room. " Well well well looks like we have some more guests " Winnifred said smiling.

" Uh we aren't really planning on staying long " Sparky said

" Nonsence you two boys look pretty hungry from your walk up here " Winnifred said smiling at Link and Sparky.

" We arent really that- "

then Sparky interupted with " Um yeah we could stay for some food right L ? "

" I guess "

" Splendid then why don't you three follow us into the kitchen "

Liz and Link sat there and looked at the food which didn't even seem like human food.
"I can't beleive Sparky's gonna eat this stuff " Link said to Liz.

Liz nodded she felt like she was puke just watching Sparky put the "food " in his mouth.

Winnifred asked " Why aren't you two eating ? "

" Uh we aren't hungry "

" Yeah I uh kinda lost my appitite "

" Well then if you aren't hungry then maybe you could use some sleep "

Link then said " I just slept a little while ago "

" That doesn't mean you could use more sleep, by the way i have a song that puts people to sleep " Sarah said

" yeah I just ate so i'm kinda tired guys " Sparky said to Liz and Link.

" Well then follow us into the other room then " Winnifred said. then they did.

Liz and Link just stood there and Sparky layed on one of the beds.

Suddenly Sarah began to sing. At first Link ignored it . but, then he felt tired " Liz are you feeling sleepy ? "

" Yeah "

" I'll try not to go to sleep ok Liz ? "

"Okay Link i'll try not to too " but then as much as they tried they couldn't stay awake. Liz and Link both walked over to the beds and Layed down, and rested there heads on the pillows, Liz and Link looked at each other, then they fell victims to the soft and meladic 4
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