The One by starbeamz2
Summary: A simple meet-and-greet at the hospital turns into something much more rewarding than they had expected...

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 4627 Read: 4114 Published: 06/15/06 Updated: 12/18/06
Author's Note...Part Two by starbeamz2
So, after hearing what a bunch of readers had to say, I've come to a decision. Actually, it was more of an affirmation of the decision I'd made when I originally wrote the story. I've decided not to continue The One. I think I was just being silly when I thought I'd continue this one. BUT, before those of you who did want more get angry with me, I'll explain why.

I like the story the way as it is, and I agree with everyone who said that I'd spoil the magic if I wrote more. You're absolutely right. This tale was destined to be a short story. I don't want it to become the stereotypical Nick goes after Hannah, finds her and the baby, Hannah and Nick fall in love, have some drama, get together, and live happily ever after. Blah. This story would disappear into oblivion if I did that. So, to keep myself from insulting this story, I will not add anymore to it.

That being said, I DO have another Nick fic that I'm planning on regularly updating once finals are over...which is in two days. So, if you're dying for a Nick fic, check out Proving Them Wrong. I've been told it's pretty good by people who are reading it, and I trust them (*big smile*).

Happy Holidays everyone and happy readings!
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