All I Ever Needed by LuLu8806
Summary: They say that love conquers everything, and that love is all you need. Just how true are those two statements. Is love all you really need? And does love really conquer everything, including hurt?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 10239 Read: 8528 Published: 06/28/06 Updated: 06/29/06
Chapter 3 by LuLu8806
Chapter Three

Lori moaned as she began to slowly make her way out of bed. The sun was pouring through the curtains of the french doors that led out to the balcony in her room.

"Damn." she said as she squinted and pushed her hair out of her eyes. She pushed herself off the edge of the bed, and pulled her dark blue nighty down.

"This sucks." she said as she grabbed her black silk robe off the chaise lounge next to the bathroom door.

As she began to pull her robe on, she heard movement downstairs, and began to make her way down to the land of the living. She had just stepped off the last step, when she heard voices to match the movement that she heard.

"Good morning sunshine."

Lori groaned as she walked into the kitchen to find AJ standing in front of the stove, flipping eggs. "There's coffee made if you want some."

As if someone had just spoke of heaven, her eyes lit up. "You are a god."

"That's not the first time I've heard that."

Lori rolled her eyes, and poured the heavenly liquid into a big coffee mug that was already sitting out. "So what's on the agenda today?" she asked as she leaned up against the counter facing AJ. She closed her eyes and savored the smell filling her nostrils.

"Well, we're having a small 'Almost here, Baby' party here for Leighanne and Brian. Nothing over the top, considering her current condition. We're going to be having it here. That's around 5, 5:30ish though."

She took a sip of her coffee. "Who all's coming?"

"Well, the three of us. Brian, Leighanne, and Baylee, obviously. Howie. Kevin, Kristin's not going to be able to make it she's in LA right now. Nick, and I think that's it." he said looking over at Lori.

"Sound's fun. What are we doing until then?"

"Well, Erin was talking about you and her going shopping or something like that." AJ said waving the spatula around as he talked.

"Watch out you could put an eye out with that thing." Erin said hoarsely as she patted AJ on the butt.

"Those better be the hands of my beautiful wife." AJ said as he scooped up the eggs and put them on a plate.

"The one and only." Erin said as she wrapped her arms around him from the back, and laid her head on his back.

Erin smiled when she saw Lori sitting at the kitchen table drinking her coffee, and looking out the patio door.

"I still cant believe you're here." she said walking over to the table to sit.

Lori smiled as she turned her head toward Erin. "I know me neither."

Erin could see something was sort of off with her, "Lor, you ok?" she asked as she reached out for her hand.

Lori took it, and smiled, "No, I'm fine. I'm just still trying to wake up."

"You sure?"


Erin was about to say something else, but was cut short by AJ bringing over their breakfast.

"She's fine, hon. Now, lets eat this food that I slaved over all morning while you guys were sleeping." he said as he dropped a kiss on his wife's cheek, and did the same to Lori as he walked to his seat.

The truth was though she wasnt fine. She was nervous as hell. How were things suppossed to go with Nick today? Should she try and avoid conversation at all costs? Or should not? Conversation would be awkward, and no conversation would make her seem like she still held a grudge. She didnt know how she felt anymore.

AJ whiped his mouth with a napkin, and looked at Lori who was just staring at her food. "Has it done a trick yet?"

"What?" Lori asked as she looked up at AJ

"Your food, has it done a trick? You havent touched it, yet."

Lori laughed, "I'm not so hungry right now. Would you mind terribly if I went up to take a shower?"

AJ smiled at her, "Not at all. You know where everything is right?"

"Yes, thank you."

Erin watched her friend as she walked up the stairs. She turned back to her husband. "Something's up."

AJ took a bite of his eggs, "Really? I had no clue."

"Shut up."

"I can't imagine what it is, either. Maybe it's coming back home after, oh geez I dont know, six years, but hey who's counting? Then, she hasnt been home a full 24 hours, and she's faced with the reason why she left in the first place." AJ said with sarcasm dripping with every word. "But I'm just an innocent bystander, I really dont know."

Erin glared at him, "Smart ass."

"Well, you know how I feel about this whole thing." AJ said as he grabbed his plate and walked over to the sink.

"Yes, Alex, you made your point about a week ago. Leighanne wanted her here, and Lori agreed to come, there was absolutely no pushing on my part." she said getting up, and doing the same.

"The party? Come on. That wasnt planned until you knew for sure she was coming."

Erin crossed her arms, and glared at him, "Where exactly are you going with this?"

"Lori and Nick are both my friends, and you're putting them both in a very awkward position."

"Are you saying I did this on purpose? I would never put one of my friends in such a position. She wasnt here for the baby shower, and I wanted her to feel included. Yes, I want Nick and Lori back together so bad I can taste it, but this was not intentional."

"I believe you, no match making this week or however long she's here for?"

"No match making." Erin said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I promise."

AJ smiled and closed the space between them with a kiss.

A few hours later Erin and Lori were both showered and ready to go shopping. They both kissed AJ goodbye and were en route to the mall. They both wanted to get somethings for Leighanne, and Lori also had to get something for the new baby. Despite her inner conflict, she had an amazing day, spending it with her best friend. By the time luch had rolled around, things changed.

"So, you want to talk about what's bothering you? Not that I dont know what it is already, but maybe I could help." Erin said as she took a drink of her drink.

Lori smiled nervously, "I dont know where to start."

"How about the beginning?"

Lori played with the salad she got for a while, then took a deep breath and decided to voice it. " I don't know what to do about tonight. I mean I knew that I was going to have to be face to face with him sooner or later, but tonight? It just seemed so sudden, and I thought I was ready. Then I realized how soon, and everything that I was so sure about I suddenly doubted. I began to think about whether or not I should avoid him, and how the hell we could make conversation. That is if he even wanted to talk to me."

Erin took a hold of her hand, "Lori, he knew where you were, he could have come after you. He didnt. You werent the only in the relationship."

Lori bit her bottom lip from the inside, and tried to hold back the tears she knew were about to fall. "You dont know how many times I thought about that."

"I know honey. I know."

AJ smiled as he opened the door. "Long time no see man. How's it goin?" he said as he embraced the younger man in a hug.

"Pretty good, just thought I'd drop by." Nick said as he embraced AJ back.

"Come on in, man. The girls are out shopping, I give it an hour or two." he said walking the few steps back into his house.

Nick closed the door behind him, and followed AJ into the living room. "So she's here, huh?"

AJ's head turned to where Nick was standing. He knew all to well the 'she' he was talking about, just surprised how fast he brought it up.

"Yeah, she got in last night. Erin and I picked her up. Sit down, man." he said patting the seat next to him.

"How's she doing?" Nick asked as he sat down.

"I really havent had a chance to talk to her like I'd like too, but you can find out for yourself tonight." AJ said as he turned the TV off. He knew after a few moments that there would be no need for it.

Nick sighed and rubbed his head, "I doubt that'll happen."

"So, your just going to let her go this whole week, and you're going to avoid conversation with her at all costs?"

"Yeah, I doubt that'll happen too."

"Ya know you really have to move past this...hell I dont even know what to call it. Whether you like it or not, she's family. She's part of our little family that we as 'brothers' have built over the last 14 years."

"J, I didnt come over here for this."

"I damn well know you did." he said turning around from his position on the couch. He was now facing him. "You knew she was coming, you knew she was going to be staying here. You haven't been over here in weeks, and now you all of sudden show up? Yeah, your right. You didnt come here for this conversation that we're having, but you came here too see Lori."

Nick couldnt lie. He didnt know why he wanted to see her but he did. He just kept silent.

"That's what I thought." AJ said.

"I don't know what to do man."

"Well one thing you CAN'T do is avoid her." he said as he looked at the magazine that he had picked up.
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