Frick 'n Frack by honey
Summary: My response to the May picture challenge. Kevin's thoughts on the whole "Frick 'n Frack" issue... enjoy!
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: Picture This!
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 475 Read: 2645 Published: 05/10/07 Updated: 05/10/07

1. May Picture Challenge by honey

May Picture Challenge by honey
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Lord there they go again! You know if I’d have had any idea what those two were going to be like together I never would have called Brian and asked him to come…

Ok, that’s not true. I love my cousin and the Backstreet Boys just wouldn’t be the same without him, but God! The maturity, or lack there of, that those boys display sometimes is downright embarrassing. Seriously, Brian’s in his thirties now and Nicky’s not that far behind him, and they still act like the silly teenagers they were when we first got together. Did you know they actually dubbed themselves Frick and Frack? They had matching hats made, it was very strange.

Back in those days, when we were still trying to make a name for ourselves, Lou was always telling us how important our image was. I used to get so mad at them when they goofed off. I would sit them down and pour my heart out to them about how this is a serious business and if we want to be taken seriously then we need to act serious. Sometimes they would try to hold back their giggles, but not very often.

Man… they really knew how to push my buttons back then. And I suppose I really was a little anal back then. It took me a while to realize how important it was to make sure to have a little fun.

You know, the guys always say they learned a lot from me over the years and that they look up to me, but honestly I don’t know who’s learned more from whom. I mean I always tried to keep us together through all the craziness we’ve seen, and I’m sure to some extent I did, but Nick and Brian always brought the laughter to the table and we needed that more than anything.

Granted Frick and Frack went a little overboard sometimes, especially in the late nineties after we’d just come into our success. In fact I sort of feel the need to apologize to all the fellow “boy bands” out there. Backstreet Boys sort of paved the way for all those groups and I’m pretty sure the common stereotype of homosexuality that is often associated with us comes primarily from Nick and Brian.

I thought maybe spending so many years apart they might have grown up a little but sure enough, somewhere near the beginning of this tour, I can’t remember who started it, but one kissed the other on stage and it sort of turned into this war. Tonight they were practically making out.


There’s no point in lecturing them anymore; they never listen. And you know what they say? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

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