The Scent of Affection by nickcarter280

An aromatherpist finds herself working with the Backstreet Boys. One of them is in serious need of an attitude adjustment. Seems easy enough but what could possibly go wrong?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No Word count: 16322 Read: 41254 Published: 05/20/07 Updated: 11/09/09
Chapter 17 by nickcarter280
Author's Notes:
Next Chapter... If you want to share any ideas don't hesitate.

“I can’t believe you are leaving already.” I said as I hugged my sister goodbye in the airport.

“Well, you don’t need us anymore. I can see you can take care of yourself sister. Besides, Chris couldn’t take more than a 2 day vacation.”

I was proud, even though she said it in the middle of the sentence, but for her to admit that I can take care of myself was what I really needed in the middle of the madness they call a backstreet tour.

“You take care, and call us if you needed anything, ok?” Chris said as he was hugging me.

“I will, don’t worry” then I leaned into him and whispered “Take care of her” ,because annoying AJ who started having a crush on my sister decided to tag along with us. In the corner of my eye I saw AJ hug Karen, a little bit too long, and I felt Chris tense in my arms. So I just simply added

“Thank you, for enduring what I’ve put you through.” He simply smiled and hugged me again. He touched Karen’s shoulder, who was still hugging AJ, or at least trying to get out of his embrace, to tell her that they have to go. In a very much unintended action, he held her hand in his and they went through the gates and we waved them goodbye until we couldn’t see them again.

“He is totally not your boyfriend.” AJ commented smirking, as if he just didn’t drop a bomb over my head now.

“WHAT?” Then, I realized that I screamed a little too loud when some heads turned my way.

“It totally shows that he is not your boyfriend”

“Oh yes, he is”

“Oh no, unless he is cheating on you with your sister.”

“You are a yucky person AJ”

“A Yucky??!” he was astonished yet amused “You are a weird person, Russell”

“Last names?! Ohhhhhhhh, I didn’t know that we were allowed to use them Mclean.” I throw back.

“We are, when some one you thought is a friend lies to you.” He put me in silence, I couldn’t answer as I saw confusion, and a hint of pain in his eyes.

“I just would love to know why you lied to us” He said.

“How did you know he is not my boyfriend?” I asked trying to keep myself from answering his question.

“To tell you the truth, he is a great actor, even better than you. Until now, until the goodbye, the way he said good bye to you was too brotherly. Not to mention the way he flinched when he saw me hugging his girlfriend” He took a pause to check out my expression, and I guess it said I knew exactly what he meant because he only smiled. “Besides, they are making out in that gate right now, as if they missed each others so much”

“What?” I tried to check what he is talking about, but damn me for being short, I couldn’t see anything and starting jumping trying to catch a glimpse of what he is seeing. AJ kept laughing at me. It wasn’t funny, I can’t believe them.

“Come on, I need to leave before anyone recognizes me, and on the way to the hotel, you can tell me your reason for lying to your only friend on tour” He was playing the guilt card, while grabbing my hand and lead me to the sliding doors.

And he succeeded; I’ve never felt as guilty as I did at that moment.


“I still can’t understand what you were thinking.” He was sad with a hint of anger that he successfully kept out of his voice, but failed to hide from his eyes. We were on the bus taking us to another nameless city. They all look the same after the first week on tour. Howie was with us, a lovely addition on our tour bus, but honestly not at the moment. I had an angry backstreet on my hands and we were waiting for a hung-over one to join us.

“I told you AJ, it was supposed to be a prank, it just backfired because my logical part of the brain didn’t work” Then I heard laughter, coming directly from Howie.

“And I still can’t believe that you knew?!” I nearly screamed at Howie.

“It is really stupid not to realized Julie. Unlike AJ though, I guess I understand where you come from. Not a 100% but I’d say 20%.”He said, after the biggest snicker I’ve ever heard.

“How did you know?” Yes I whined, I learned from the best.

“Come on, it’s as shiny as the sun.” Howie said laughing.

“Told ya” AJ replied.

Once we heard the footsteps taking the two steps on the bus our heads turned to the source of the sound to find a very, as I said, hung-over Nick holding his head.

“What’s with the long faces?” He looked at us and commented.

“Nothing, I am going to bed” AJ said and left. I tried to go after him but Howie shock his head at me, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Nick. Apparently Drinking and hangovers never stop him.

“OH! Trouble in paradise.” He teased

“Shut up Nick!” all of us, even AJ in his bunk yelled at him.

“OWWWWWWWWWWWW” Nick screamed in agony holding his head again. Suddenly he laid his head on my lap and grabbed my hands and placed them on his temple. I got the idea and started massaging his head as I did before. He sighed in content while Howie gave us quizzing looks.

“Serves you right.” I said addressing Nick.

“Shut up!” He replied “and don’t you dare stop what you are doing.” A long pause hung in the air, and given to Nick’s curiosity, it was a bit weird.

“So, what’s up? What is going on here?”  Told you!

“Nothing!” I filled in quickly.

“I heard boyfriend and Karen and stuff, is he jealous?!” Next I know Howie jumping in filling Nick with the whole story, because he didn’t want AJ to be picked on by Nick. Yeah sure, no problem with Nick picking on Julie though.

“I don’t like AJ like that. We are just friends. Would you please get this in your head?” I glared at them both, Nick for the comment, and Howie for spilling the beans.

“I KNEW IT!” Nick screamed then laid his head further on my lap, with a moan. It must have hurt to scream like this with a hangover.

“You too?!” The trick used to work all the time. Why this time? Those backstreets are not easy to fool, got to keep that in mind.

“Told ya, Caramel. The guy’s eyes were screaming “I LOVE KAREN”. He totally didn’t look like your boyfriend” Even though it was really annoying how right Nick was. How small I felt inside for picking a fight with him for nothing, hurting both his feelings and AJ’s. If At least the plan had worked, I wouldn’t feel as shameful as I am now. Not only did I lie to a friend, I must have looked my worst in front of them all. Yet, I still smiled. The amusement in Nick’s eyes was to extreme levels. So in a form of apology, I let the “Caramel” Comment slide, even smiled because of it.

 “Caramel?!” That was Howie of course.

“Long story” Both Nick and I said at the same time.

“You told me nothing, you just made fun of me” I commented.

“Potato, potato, besides you called me GAY!” Ok, so he will never forget this, the guy can hold grudges.

“You did what?!” Again, dear Howie.

“Another long story” It was only me this time who replied. “I’ll tell you later, Howie. This girl is evil” Nick said.

“Nick, quit it. You tried to get me fired.”

“Oh! You deserved it.”

“You guys are weird.”

“WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP, I AM TRYING TO SLEEP” This sentence was directed to us from the Bunks, adorned with nicely chosen obscenities of course. It wouldn’t be AJ if it doesn’t cuss.

“Julie, Keep massaging” Nick whined.”My head is about to explode”.

“Ok, Sugar” This time he moaned out of frustration, and then pinched me!

“That is going to leave a mark, Nick!” My voice got introduced to new pitches.

“Serves you right” Nick said smirking and Howie Laughed.

Ok Carter, You win the battle but not the war.

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