Forces of Nature by nirkku
Summary: Kaylee Reid works as a teacher. Follow how her life changes when accepting a life time opportunity. All she wanted was to change their lifes but she got so much more than that...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 10485 Read: 14727 Published: 07/08/08 Updated: 11/12/08
Chapter 1 by nirkku
Kaylee Reid was playing with her dark brown hair and tapping her foot impatiently. She was nervous and her hazel eyes kept watching the ticking clock on the wall. Kaylee was waiting for her job interview to start and was anxious to get in the office room which so many men and women had already visited. She sighted and picked up a another magazine from the small table in front of her just when she heard her name called.

“Miss Reid?” A deep male voice asked from the office door. Kaylee smiled when she stood up and shook hands with the man.

“Hello,my name is Jonathan Hallet and I am going to do your interview today. Please come in.”

Kaylee followed Jonathan inside of the room and watched how he sat down. Following for his example she also sat down after handing her file to him. Kaylee sat there quietly and looked around the office while he went through some papers.

“So, Miss Reid…” Jonathan started but Kaylee interrupt him.

“Please, call me Kaylee. Miss Reid sounds so… Weird.” Kaylee said and gave him a warm smile.

“Okay then, Kaylee… I see that you have excellent recommendations here, great grades from school and… Oh, so you have graduated both Harvard and Yale? That’s incredible. So, tell me. Why did you want to qualify as a teacher?”

“It’s just something that I have always wanted. I remember being a little girl and trying to teach my big brother… I just wanted to do something from the children, they all have a change to go to school and I want to make sure that they also learn something.”

“Okay. Sounds good to me. Why you want to this job and what are your good sides according to this job?”

“Well, as you can see from some of the recommendations there this isn’t my first time that I would be teaching on the road. And I guess that I really want this job because it is also a change to me to remember how my childhood was like. I mean, my family used to travel a lot while I was younger and we never did stay at same place more than three weeks. So going in a regular school wasn’t a choice for us. That’s another good side of me, I guess. I know how hard it can be always just being on a road and trying to study there. That’s why I like to call myself more of child’s friend than a teacher. You need to make a connection with the kid you’re teaching. That’s how it all isn’t so bored and stuff like that. You really need make teaching a fun thing.”

“Allright.” Jonathan said and turned some pages of the file. “I really don’t what to ask… It seems like your file speaks for you.”

“Is that a good or a bad thing?” Kaylee asked nervously.

“Oh, it’s definitely a good thing. I think that Mr. and Mrs. Littrell will really consider you as a choice here. They let me and you know by Friday… Until then, it was nice to meet you and good luck.” Jonathan said and walked to the door and opened it to her.

“Thank you very much, have a nice week.” Kaylee said and walked out of the building.


It was now Wednesday afternoon and Kaylee had just came out of the shower she had take after her yoga class. She changed her clothes and locked her cabinet before heading towards her car. In the car she checked her messages and was suprised to have a call request from Jonathan Hallet. Dialing the number with shaking hands she hoper for the best. The phone beeped few times before someone answered.

“Jive Records Company, how can I help you?” A young female voice asked.

“Uhhmm,I was trying to reach Mr. Jonathan Hallet. I had a call request from him…”

“And your name is?”

“Kaylee, Kaylee Reid.”

“Okay, I’ll put you through to him. One second.”

“Thank you.” Kaylee waited and heard few beeps before the phone started to dial again.,

“Hello? Jonathan Hallet.”

“Hi Mr. Haller. This is Kaylee Reid speaking… You left me a call request?”

“Oh yes, hi Kaylee. I wanted to talk to you about the job interview we did on Monday…?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Littrell have made their decision and… Well, congratulations. The place is yours.”

“Really?! Oh my God, thank you so much!”

“You welcome. And my best wishes for you. Can you come to the office in Friday? We need to make the contract and then you can also meet the young boy that you’ll be teaching.”

“Of course, just tell me what time and I’ll be there.”

Kaylee and Jonathan agreed the details for Friday afternoon and chatted for awhile before ending the call. Kaylee was so excited for this opportunity to work with the Littrell family. Hell, she was excited to get the road with the Backstreet Boys!
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