Undying Devotion by kevmylove

( Sequal to Sinister Devotion) Crystal thought Jack was dead...and she was right. Jack did die that fateful day, at the farm; however, Alex McLean is still alive and kicking. He's got a new life, but the past, still seems to haunt him. What he doesn't know, is what is in store for him, now.




Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Death, Domestic Violence, Graphic Violence, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: Jacklex Series
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 28457 Read: 27393 Published: 04/03/09 Updated: 04/02/12
Prologue by kevmylove
Author's Notes:
Hi all...after some serious thinking...and reading your reveiws...plus listening to Kristal...I decided we should really find out what happens to Jack...or Alex! I hope you guys like this one just as much as the last

My hands were shaking, as I took the box from the neatly dressed teller, she looked up at me with a warm smile, and I smiled back. My mind was flooded with pure curiosity, as to what was in this box. It was kinda heavy in my hands, which intrigued me, even more. I followed her into a small room, where she instructed me to tap on the glass, once I was done . I shook my head and gave her another one of my, crooked smiles. I sat there, just staring at the metal box, my stomach was in knots and my hands were sweating.

I placed my finger slowly over the latch, slipped it through and the top popped open. I felt the knot in my stomach, tighten, as I caught a glimpse of a pile of folded up papers. Shakily, I took the first visible thing into my hands, I unfolded it carefully and laid it onto the table. My eyes were scanning full speed, when they came to an abrupt stop, as the name popped out at me, Abby Denise Mclean, I closed my eyes. I still had a hard time with all the emotional shit, that I tended, to get them all twisted. I felt such a mix of emotions, at the moment, that I could barely pick out or separate one, from the other. I was so angry that my little sister was ripped away from me and then saddened that I couldn't have her in my life. There were a shit load more, that were coursing through me, as my eyes snapped back open.

My heart tightened, in my chest, as my eyes continued to scan the papers. My emotions where already getting the best of me, and I had only looked over one piece of paper. I grabbed a handful of things and placed them out one by one. Four social security cards, four passports, mom and dad’s birth certificates and finally I unfolded mine. It was almost as new as Abby’s and my name flashed at me, Alexander James Mclean…the kid was right, my birthday was indeed January, 9th 1978. To think I celebrated it, every 6th of June…I feel like such a fucking idiot.

After cursing under my breath, I added it to the pile of papers I had already looked at. Then I took out more things one by one…there were a couple of my dad’s commemorative badges, some documents with the LAPD logo in the top right corner, Richardson's name was on it, a Daryl Jenkins and my dad's, I was curious to what it was, but I'd figure it out, at a more private time. There was a picture, just like the one I had taken from Richardson. There were actually a few of him and my dad together, which confirmed that they had been close, some even had another guy, with salt and pepper hair, in them. Have no clue who he could be.

The stack fell out of my hands, and scattered all over the floor, I picked them up, one by one…looking over each and everyone one of them. I couldn’t help the smile on my face, as I stared at one, in particular. We where were all at the beach, Abby was in mom’s arms, in a pink Mickey Mouse bathing suit, mom was hugging dad, and I was grinning like there wasn’t a worry in the world. I have to admit, I've always been good looking...even when scrawny and wearing dorky ass shorts!

After looking at each and every picture in the box, I was happy I could see the faces, I had longed so much to remember. I took out my wallet, and folded up the picture, just the size to fit in one of the clear slots. Now, I'd always have them with me. Unwillingly my gaze fell upon the smiling blonde, it happened everytime I opened the damn thing. Fuck, I missed her and I just couldn't stop thinking about her. It was better this way though, she thought I was gone, and she could go on with her life plans, where I certainly didn't belong. With a sigh, I closed my wallet, stuffed it back in my pocket, along with a couple more pictures and decided to find out what was making the box, so fucking heavy. I shoved my hand into the long narrow box, and felt something cold. Right away, I knew  what it was, and I was grinning like a child, as I pulled out the object. Looking it over, I wondered if it was my dad's, from the force, It looked like a police issued pistol. I knew I couldn‘t take it now, but I would definitely come back for it.

Once I was done, I tapped on the window, like I was told to, silently she walked me back to put the box away. She thanked me and gave me a smile, this time it seemed more flirty, than warm. I was tempted, Jack would have taken her back home and porked her till the next day. I on the other hand, opted to thank her, give her a flirty grin, and get the hell up out of there. I have enough things to torment me at the moment, to add another women to the list, plus Alex Mclean doesn‘t do one night stands.

End Notes:


This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9674