Undying Devotion by kevmylove

( Sequal to Sinister Devotion) Crystal thought Jack was dead...and she was right. Jack did die that fateful day, at the farm; however, Alex McLean is still alive and kicking. He's got a new life, but the past, still seems to haunt him. What he doesn't know, is what is in store for him, now.




Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: Death, Domestic Violence, Graphic Violence, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: Jacklex Series
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 28457 Read: 27383 Published: 04/03/09 Updated: 04/02/12
Chapter 5 by kevmylove
Author's Notes:
By the way thank you all for the reviews. I promise as soon as I get catched up. I will reply to my reveiws, wouldnt' want you guys to think I don't appreciate them. lol

“Wow the place looks like new!” Yelina piped as we made way through the living room, her eyes were darting all over the place.

I couldn’t help my gaze, from falling upon her. Her bottom lip was cut, she had a black eye, a large purple mark, that covered most of the right side of her face. It hurt to see her like that, and all because of me.

Carefully she laid down on her bed, and I helped her get comfortable. After, a couple of moans and groans, she eased up on the pillows and laid there, staring at me. “You’re going to give them what they want, right Alex?”

I took a seat next to her, and ran my hands through her hair, “I don’t know what they want.” I shrugged, and saw the look of…I could call it horror, on her face. “Look, don’t worry…you’re going to stay here with me. Till all this shit is over! I wont let them hurt you again, alright?” it wasn’t too hard, to put up a front, I wasn’t sure what the hell I was going to do. If I could even, keep her safe anymore.

“Alex, I don’t think it’s me they are going to hurt next. It will be someone or something, way more important to you…”

CRYSTAL…was the first, thought in my mind. That was the most valuable thing to me. “There were two men and a woman, she was blonde, with a soft voice. She sounded pretty pissed about something, but I was laying there half dead, I couldn’t hear it all. I’m sorry!” she caressed my arm, with her hand.

I stood up, not wanting to get anymore details, there was enough shit, clogging my fucking mind. I didn’t need anymore. “Well why don’t you get some rest. I will be in my room.” I gave her a soft smile, and pressed my lips against her forehead.

My head was throbbing by the time, I got to my room. It was almost three in the morning, and I wasn’t close to being sleepy, it would just be, another day of no sleep. I let myself fall onto my bed, sprawled out, there was so much on my mind, that I couldn’t even think fucking straight.

I was angry that Yelina, had been hurt, and meanwhile my stupid ass, was busy getting fucked up.

There hadn’t been not one call from Jenkins, in the past couple of days, and I was starting to wonder why. Was I not needed, or where there no more murders going on? If either one was the case, what the fuck was going on, I had been called at least three times out of the week, before all this started happening.

Then there were these people, who I had no fucking clue, as to who they were, or what they wanted. I mean, at first I had imagined, they were part of Don’s clan, maybe seeking, revenge for their boss. I had also contemplated, the possibility of them being, an old targets family, also seeking some type of payback.

Now, I had found out that, one of them, was a woman, and she was blonde. Instantly the memory of, watching my old Sheeba zoom out of the parking lot, flashed through my mind. I was praying that I was wrong, that I was being an asshole, for even thinking, that she would be capable of doing such things. Anyways, she didn’t even know I was alive, according to her I was six feet under, somewhere.

“Shit” I muttered, as I sat back up, there was no point, in sitting here trying to guess, I had to find this shit that they wanted. My dad had to have something, that belonged to these fuckers, something so important, they were starting to hurt people. Whatever it was that they were looking for, was somewhere in this house and I had to find it, before they caused more damage. Quickly forgetting the time, I put myself to work, looking through every cabinet, folder, box, anything that had older papers in it, that could belong to my dad.

There was a buzzing, a really weird song playing, then more buzzing. I opened my eyes, and realized I was sitting in a chair, with my face resting on my kitchen table, I had a fucking mess of papers, all over it and the floor. “Fuck…” I mumbled, fumbling for the phone “Mclean” I answered, and only heard breathing on the other line. Here we go again, I thought quickly.

“Hey Mclean, sorry I haven’t called you. I was on a special assignment, and well to tell you the truth, nothing fishy had happened, till today. You wouldn’t mind coming down to 1383 Ocean Drive, number 123 would you?” he sounded a bit bothered and I jumped to the conclusion, that it must have been, the scene, he was at.

“Of course not! I’ll be right there…” I snapped the phone, and let out a sigh of relief. Hurriedly I rushed, to the bathroom, hopped in the shower and brushed my teeth. Then, rummaged through my closet for a clean pair of jeans, and a clean white shirt. Once I was nice and fresh, I went to check up on Yelina. “Hey there…” I gave her a smile.

I was surprised to find her, all dressed up too. It might be the dog in me, but although she was a bit bruised up, she was looking hot, in the tiny purple dress, she had thrown on. “Hey! I thought you might have work today, I wasn’t sure.” she giggled nervously, “I hope you don’t mind, if I tag along. I promise not to make any noise, or get out of the car.” she gave me a cheesy grin.

There wasn’t any need to, do all that, I had planned on taking her with me, with or without the theatrics. “No problem. If you’re all set, we can head out.” I gave her a hand off the bed, and she limped her way through the house and to the car.

We were at Ocean Drive in a flash, I couldn’t wait to see what was in store for me today. The place was buzzing with police cruisers and even an ambulance. I’m not sure, why all these rich guys, tend to live in high buildings. Before, I could step foot out of the car, Jenkin’s was leaning into my window “Hey there kid…holy shit Yelina! Are you alright?” he inspected her, and then looked over at me.

I grinned “It wasn’t me…I know you’re cop instincts…I’d never lay a hand on her.” I turned to look at Yelina, who was turning a shade of pink, with embarrassment.

“My place got robbed, and unfortunately I was in it, at the time. I’m ok though, just a bunch of cuts, and bruises.” she gave him a weak smile, and proceeded to look out the window. I couldn’t imagine, what she was thinking about at the moment, or why she was so damn embarrassed, in the first place.

I cleared my throat and hopped out of the car. “Be back in a bit…” I leaned in and gave her a nod. She smiled and continued to stare out the window.

I walked side by side with Jenkins, as he filled me in with all the details about the crime scene. “Edgardo Pared…he’s not one of the main men, but he was second in command. The weird thing about this one, is that the woman survived.” he pointed, in front of us. A brunette was leaning against a glass table, as her arms flew all over the place. She kept talking in Spanish, and from what I could understand, she was cussing us out. Ignoring her, just like I do, Yelina when she‘s in those Cuban moods. I made way over to the dead man, leaning over the couch, there was blood all over the place. Pulling on my gloves, I noticed that this one was sloppy…carefully I turned him to face me, and instinctively stumbled back when I saw his eyes wide open. Fucker!

I continued my inspection, while my ears were busy listening in on the interview. Her accent was heavy, but I guess I was used to it, cause I understood everything she said, and I didn’t like it. Once again, there was a blonde mentioned, but she didn’t say, that she was the killer. Just, that she had appeared out of nowhere, and had been in a scuffle with another person that was in the house. Then Jenkins asked the million dollar question ‘Why hadn’t the person killed her?’ she shrugged.

Jenkins looked up at me, as I stood up straight, and started to cough. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, the blonde had saved her, by killing the man. Were there two blondes? Maybe with all the trauma of what happened, Crys had acquired multiple personalities? That was possible…ok, who was I kidding.

“You got some ideas Alex?” Jenkins startled me, when his hand made contact with my shoulder. “Looking a bit pale there!”

Clearing my throat, I laughed “No, it’s just odd, that a woman is doing all this…that’s all.” I was trying hard to keep a straight face, and keep my mind on the task at hand. I hadn’t found out anything, that they didn’t already know.

“Alex…this is obviously not the same person. To many differences in the scene. The man is the only one dead…it took two shots for him to go down…close shots! Then the person lets the woman live, when they killed the other two. It’s not making any sense.” he shook his head, and let out a deep sigh. For a second I forgot about what I was doing, and had a vision of my father helping out Jenkins, they must have worked great together. He hadn't made detective, for nothing. I wish I was that fucking clever. Damn it!

I shook my thoughts away, this wasn’t about me and my memories. This was about cracking this case, that was starting to involve me. I wanted this shit to be over, there was an idea brewing in my mind. There was only a couple of ways that I could figure out, if this was indeed my blonde. I mean…Crys. Maybe she was being a good girl, sitting in class and here I was being a fucking asshole, thinking she was murdering people.

After what felt like forever I hopped into the car, startling Yelina. “Sorry…” I muttered, revving up the engine, and hauling ass out of there.

“Let me guess…things didn’t go so well.” she placed a hand on my knee.

“Fuck no, just more shit to think about…” I ran a hand through my hair and let out a sigh. How had things changed from one week, to the other? I had not the damnest clue, but I wasn't going to give in to these bastards.

I hadn't noticed, that I was speeding, or that Ocean Drive wasn't so far from my own house. Just as I was rounding the corner, I was blinded by some high beams and all I heard was the skidding of my tires.

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9674