Love is by bonezbunny23
Summary: this is the story of aj and how he finds out the true meaning of what Love Is... He was single, enjoying the lavish nightlife in california till she came in to his life and changed everything he believed in.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: The Aj chronicles
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 20090 Read: 26893 Published: 09/01/10 Updated: 09/26/15
Chapter 9 by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
Alex has an intense meeting with sarah, things start getting interesting with nick and jill
April 17th,2004
Kim's Point Of View.
When alex told me about the conversation he had with bob i started to worry. I know alex is strong and has great will power but sometimes he lets things get to him. I know he's got something on his mind he's been picking at his fingers for the last week. I hope he isn't having second thoughts about us or madison. Maybe his mind is racing like mine trying to come up with answers as to why people from our past don't want us together. This is supposed to be a happy time where alex and i are spending time together getting ready to be parents.

He has been so busy at the studio and i've been keeping to myself. I need to get myself together and talk with him before things get any worse. I got dressed and went downstairs seeing marcus on the couch. Alex had asked him to stay with us after what happened with his dad and the phone call my parents made. Hey marcus i know the guys are busy and management doesn't want me there but this is important i need to see alex. He smiled kev called me a few minutes ago asking me to bring you so aj can focus.

I hugged marcus then giggled as madison kicked thats right babygirl we are going to see daddy. The drive to the studio was boring, i had to listen to all the do's and don'ts of being in the studio blah blah blah i already know this. Are you hearing me Kim marcus asked looking at me. Yes i'm hearing you, i know the rules i'll be on my best behavior i just want to talk to alex. Kim i know you will be i don't like telling you the rules either but its part of my job. Now lets get in here and find the bonehead before he gets busy again.

Kim followed marcus into the building a smile on her face till she saw alex in a heated arguement with sarah. What the hell are you still doing here i told you to leave sarah. I miss you aj, i came to tell you i want you back. Alex looks at sarah then laughs at her Your wasting your time and mine sarah. we had our time to make something together and we both messed it up .I'm not the guy you used to know anymore he said looking over at me smiling.

I'm sorry sarah your too little too late im engaged. Sarah's mouth drops open then she says you expect me to believe that you, aj mclean are engaged. wow you really are a man whore. Alex goes to say something but before he can he hears kim say yes he is engaged and you've got room to talk about being a whore. Sarah looks at me then at alex It won't work. You will cheat on her like you did to me aj and all i have to do is sit back and wait for you to come crawling back to me. Kim looks at sarah His Name is Alex and your going to be waiting a long time.

i won't use him like you did, i also know i am giving him something you would never give him. Kim smiles looking sarah right in the face and says i'm giving him a family. I'll be damned if i stand back and let you or anyone else tear us apart. Sarah looked at aj who was at kim's side and said ok ok i can take a hint. i'm leaving i'm sorry for making a scene have a great life alex. Several hours later, Jill was sitting on the couch with kim who was lost in thought at the conversation she had with alex.
Earlier that day:
Alex would you just spill it already i know something is wrong, your picking at your fingers again. You know you can tell me anything. Alex sighed i'm scared of slipping up or doing something to loose you. I know i shouldn't let what my dad said affect me but what if he is right. Kim took his face in her hands making him look at her she said Alex, We will disagree on things, Make parenting mistakes,annoy each other, have good days, bad days, sleepless nights,and sometimes even fights. i can't promise things will be perfect all i know is at the end of the day the only thing that matters is we have each other.

We also have one thing your father has never had alex. What's that alex said as he hugged kim. She smiled at him We have a love that is everlasting. Alex looked in kim's eyes and all the doubts that filled his head went away. ~~~~~~~~

Kim smiles at jill your awfully happy what did nick do this time. He gave me a promise ring and made me the new stylist for them ahhhh hes so amazing. Kim's mouth fell open oh my god, really ahh congrats girl it's about time. Yeah he gave it to me last night when we went to dinner . He told me how i made him see things in a different light that im changing his mind about marriage. Oh my gosh i can see it now kimmy jill said hugging kim as alex walked out saying what can you see.

Jill grins being the future mrs. carter isn't my ring pretty she puts her fingers to alex's face. His mouth falls open as he runs back into the room feeling nicks forehead. Bone why are you feeling nick's head he isn't sick brian said. Oh just to see if this is really nick or a pod person. Why would you think nick is a pod person brian asked. Alex was about to answer brian when nick said he thinks i'm a pod person because I gave jill her promise ring at dinner lastnight.

Howie And Kevin walked in saying why in the world is bone feeling nicks head and why is your mouth hanging open Rok. Nick smiles they are in shock because i promised myself to jill with a ring lastnight. Kevin looked at nick It's about time nick i'm proud of you just take it slow. Nick smiles Thanks kev, i know its kind of fast and a little shocking for all of you myself included but i'd be lying if i said i didn't need her hell i'm incomplete with out her. The guys all hugged nick congratulating him.

Kevin said thats it i got it the perfect title for our new album. The guys looked at him waiting for his answer and they all smiled when they heard him say Never gone. Kim looked at alex saying its perfect because in the fans eyes your NEVER GONE. The guys smiled hoping they made the right choice on the album name.
End Notes:
Will alex be able to juggle being a husband, father, and backstreetboy? How will fans react to the news of alex being engaged and a dad? How will the guys deal with the pressure of how well the album does? Stay tuned to find out
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