Murder at Backstreet Mansion by evergreenwriter83

Who's ready for a game of Clue? When Howie, Brian, AJ, Rochelle, Leighanne and Leigh decide to do a live-action version of the game for charity on Halloween, they lock themselves in a house with five eager fans (and Nick - since we ALL know he can't keep a secret). But is this more than a game? And if it is, will the consequences turn out to be...deadly?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Horror, Humor, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Graphic Violence, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes Word count: 13388 Read: 17402 Published: 09/25/10 Updated: 09/28/10
Chapter 2 by evergreenwriter83
Chapter Two

"Here are the two categories you're going to do."

Howie handed me two sheets of paper.

"Nick Trivia?" I said with a grin. "Awesome!"

I paused. "Wait. Who came up with these questions?"

"We did," Howie said. AJ and Bri nodded.

I glanced down the list of ten questions. My eyes widened.

"What's this? Question 10 - When will Nick Carter get married?"

AJ started to laugh. I flipped the paper over.


"Well, you said you weren't comfortable with the thought of marriage!"

"So? Comfortable and never are two different words," I said.

I was pretty proud of myself. Lauren and I had been together for over two years. That was a record for me. Just because I hadn't put a ring on it yet...

I looked at the other sheet of paper. It was a 'Don't Forget the Lyrics' type of thing. I nodded.

"I can so do this."

"Well, you have no choice. This thing starts in an hour," AJ said.

We were sitting around the back room. Howie had his cup of Starbucks stuck between his legs as he rifled through the papers.

"So...I have a question," I said. Howie glanced at me.

"What if the girls are screaming so loud they don't hear the question? Won't that give like an advantage to the tables up front?"

AJ grinned. "Jen's going to have the questions put up on a screen behind you."

I smiled. Jen was my hero. "Sweet."

"And you got the place right?" Howie asked.

"You've got the pictures and the contract don't you?" I said.

I had found the perfect place. The moment I had pulled up I expected a dead body to be swinging from the old dead tree in the front yard.

"It looks fuckin' creepy," AJ said.

"It's Halloween!"

I glanced over at Brian. He was wearing a bright orange Wylee t-shirt. He looked a little like a traffic cone, but I wasn't about to tell him that. Leighanne was already out in the main hall at a Wylee table in her own bright orange shirt.

The Littrells were a little odd.

We discussed a few more things, grabbed a bite to eat, and then it was show time. Justin's voice floated into the back. A cheer rang up from the tables.

"It's show time."


AJ, Brian, and Howie all went before me. I studied my Nick Trivia notes. How bad could I screw up questions about me?

"You're on," Bri said. He slapped my ass as I walked by him. He had a thing about my ass. Sure it was squeezable like Charmin, but I preferred a female hand on it anyday.

"HELLO L.A.!" I yelled. There were tons of tables. I hadn't expected so many people. A deafening cheer sounded back.

"Who's ready for some Nick trivia?" I asked. I stumbled back at the next scream. I heard a few 'aww's' mixed in.

The screen behind me flashed. I smoothed out the paper on the podium. I put on my reading glasses. Someone wolf whistled.

"Question one," I said. "What three instruments can I play?"

Almost simultaneously, every single female body went half-flying across the table to whisper the answer. I stood there. Was I suppose to provide between question entertainment? Or was I--

A buzzer rang right by my ear. I screamed. Everyone looked at me.

"Sorry," Jen said. "That means times up."

I pulled my mic away. "That means I almost pissed my pants."

She laughed. I straightened my glasses.

"Question two. What breed is my dream dog?"

I flipped the paper over. Someone, probably AJ had wrote women. Someone, probably Howie, had crossed that off and wrote the right answer.

I was prepared when the buzzer sounded the next time.

The rest of the category went just like that. I made up my own question ten.

"What character did I play when I guessed starred on the show American Dreams?" I asked.

The buzzer rang and I headed backstage. I gave the scorekeepers the answer (Jay from Jay & the Americans) and went to go grab something to eat.

"Not bad," Bri said. "The glasses were a nice touch."

"They make me look smart," I said.

AJ laughed.

"Looks can be deceiving."


Howie, Bri, and AJ did their next rotation of questions. I was licking the black sprinkles off of a Halloween cookie with Howie tapped my shoulder.

"You're on."

I stuffed the rest of the cookie in my mouth and headed back out. I took out the lyrics paper.

"Question one," I said. A few crumbly bits of cookie flew out of my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand and chewed vigorously. I swallowed, dropped my hand, and smiled.

"Question one," I repeated. "Finish this lyric. We're looking for one word. 'Baby he would say whatever it takes to keep you blind to the truth between the ____________'."

I made my way down the list. They got harder and harder. Finally I was back at question ten.

"Last question," I said. "We're looking for eleven words. 'I wake up every morning and see your face ___________________________________."

I didn't even recognize the lyrics. I flipped it over. It was Helpless. The guys weren't playing around. I heard some little snippets of singing going on at a few tables. The buzzer sounded.

"Alright guys, that's my last category. Good luck!"

Everyone clapped. I headed backstage. Howie was waiting to go back on.

I had another Halloween cookie with my name on it.


"Alright, it was a close contest," Howie said. The four of us were back onstage. There was a high level of excitement in the air.

"But in the end, there was one winning team," AJ added.

"Team #..." Brian said slowly.

"Fifty four!" I yelled.

The groans outnumbered the five ecstatic screams that floated through the air. Five girls bounced up and jumped up and down. It was a nice sight. Two of the girls had great racks.

"Come on up here!" Howie called.

The five girls ran up. They stood in front of us grinning ear to ear.

"You girls are invited to the first ever BSB Murder Mystery event," AJ said. "Are you excited?"

They nodded. Brian handed down a microphone.

"Tell everyone your names."

A brunette grabbed the microphone. "Desiree."

She passed the microphone off to a short little blonde.


She passed the mic to her left.


Ivanka made me nervous. It was kind of like a game of 'which one doesn't belong.' She was totally Goth. I had a hard time believing she was a BSB fan. Her eyes met mine. I almost shivered.

"Alyssa," a cute strawberry blonde (one of the two with a great rack) piped up when it was her turn. She flashed Brian a big smile. It was always the 'Pollyanna' types that went for Bri.

"And I'm Kasey."

Kasey was the other one that was stacked. She was wearing a short skirt and her legs went on for miles.

I was such a leg guy.

"I hope you guys don't scare easily," I said. The girls looked at each other and laughed. Well...they all laughed except Ivanka. She didn't look like anything would scare her.

Howie took the mic back and started to explain to losing tables that anyone who paid for a group picture could bring their table up to Justin and get ready.

"Alright, winning group gets the first picture. Everyone smile!"

The girls turned around. The four of us stood behind them. I wrapped an arm around Desiree's neck. She laughed. I heard my two busty girls burst into giggles. I glanced down the row.

"Are you tickling the girls again Howard?" I said. He grinned. "Nope!"

I snorted. For a married man, Howie's hands sure did get around.

"Alright, guys. Give these girls a NICE picture," Jen said. We posed again.

"See you tomorrow," Bri said. The girls took their packets of information.

"I can't wait," Ivanka said. "I love a good murder."

I fought the urge to shiver again. Maybe it was just that it was so close to Halloween, but I totally got a bad vibe about her.

I knew my job tomorrow was to give out prizes if the girls found me. As they walked away, I couldn't help but think I was going to avoid Ivanka at all costs.

Now the other four...

That was a different story.
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