Heartbreaker by evergreenwriter83

When Brooke Carter embarks on a whirlwind tour, the last thing she expects to do is fall for Nate, her sexy new photographer and web tech. To make matters worse, just when her love life starts to sizzle, someone else reappears to shake things up. Will Brooke make the right choice in the messy game of love? Or will she be the one to get burned?

(part of the Coaster Girls series; a spin-off to the Coaster Series)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Dramedy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: The Coaster Girls
Chapters: 50 Completed: Yes Word count: 68965 Read: 105301 Published: 10/12/10 Updated: 12/10/10
Chapter 38 by evergreenwriter83
Chapter Thirty Eight

Christmas flew by. Noah was grounded and for some strange reason seemed to think it was all my fault. Dad got Landon a new motorized car and he spent Christmas Eve going thirty miles per hour in circles in the backyard at eleven o'clock at night. Pey got tons of sports stuff that she couldn't use because of her arm; ergo, she spent a lot of time sulking by the plate of Christmas cookies.

The one big disappointment for me came from the lack of a present from Jasper. I know its silly; I mean what's a present really? Even so, I had sent him a necklace. I guess I was expecting a little something. That's what boyfriends and girlfriends did. Right?

By the time New Years Eve day crept up on us, I was worried that Jasper was regretting his decision to date me. I mean, he was fine when I talked to him on the phone but--

I had inherited my mom's worrywart-iness.

That's why I was pacing back and forth like a mime trapped in an invisible box at the airport. I kept one eye on the list of arriving flights. When the flight from Newark showed up, I took a deep breath.

If he wasn't on it...


I turned. I had been watching the wrong damn terminal. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me and I got the kiss of my dreams.

Okay, so maybe I had been overreacting. I wrapped my arms around his neck; my hands connected with something hard and lumpy. I pulled away.

"What the--"

Jasper gave me an irresistible grin. "Your Christmas present. I'm sorry it's late, but custom builds were running later than normal."

He shimmied out of the strap, swung the object around, and held it out. It was a guitar, but not just any guitar. It was a girly guitar. It was pink and it had my name written in black script.

It was amazing.

The only problem was that I didn't have a clue how to play it. My instrument was my voice; I had never had the patience to do anything but bang mercilessly on dad's drum set.

"Oh! Oh...wow!" I said. I took it; it was heavy. I didn't even know how to hold it. Jasper started to laugh.

"It comes with free private lessons," he said. The look in his eyes told me that the lessons probably weren't going to be all on the guitar. I grinned.



Five hours later, I was trying to get ready for the New Year's Eve party and, as always, was running behind. People were talking and shouting all through the house.

"BROOKLYN COME ON!" mom yelled.

"Damn-damn-damnit," I muttered. I smacked at my table looking for my earrings. My fingers wrapped around the little orbs and I hurriedly put them in.

"I'M COMING!" I yelled. I looked at myself one last time. It was a 'little black dress' night. I pulled at my cleavage just enough that dad wouldn't make me go put on a turtleneck. I grabbed my clutch purse and aimed for the stairs. My skirt danced around my legs; it was nights like these that I loved being a girl.

Kay was standing right inside the door. Right behind her was Jasper. He was in a tux like the one he had worn to the VMAs. Plus, he had on my necklace. It didn't really go, but--

Good golly, miss Molly...

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey!" Kay and Jasper said at the same time.

Jasper walked up to me just as my feet hit the floor. We smiled at each other.

Everyone bustled around us getting purses and phones and keys. For once, I was the first person at the door. Mom, dad, Brian, and Aunt LeighLeigh stood in a line in front of Noah and Kay.

I smelled a set-up.

"We haven't forgotten your punishment," dad said. Noah's eyes widened.


Aunt LeighLeigh looked at Kay. "You're staying here tonight and watching Landon."

Kay's mouth opened, but mom wasn't ready to let the lecture die.

"If you two are so intent on playing house and acting 'grown-up,' then I think it's time you see what your future is going to be like," she said. She stepped forward and made NoNo look at her.

"You're going to stay here and watch Landon. His bedtime is at ten tonight. His dinner is in the fridge; just reheat it. Read him a story. After he goes to bed, I want you two to stay in the living room. NO sex."

Talk about uncomfortable. I fidgeted; Jasper's hand brushed against my elbow. I felt bad for Kay and NoNo, but I could also see what mom and dad were doing.

Mom stepped back to go, but at that moment, Landon ran up. He wrapped his arms around mom's legs.

"Don't go!" he said. Mom pried him off and covered his face with kisses.

"By the time you go to sleep and wake up, we'll be back," she promised.

That didn't work. Landon burst into hysterics.

Noah and Kay looked at each other. They looked horrified. Mom's forehead creased, but dad took her arm.

"We'll be back around two," Brian said.

"Call if you need anything," Nick said.

With Landon having a mini meltdown in the background, we all went out to the cars. Jasper was driving my car; dad didn't want me driving on New Year's Eve. It kinda burned me that he trusted Jasper over his own daughter. I was responsible! So what if I was a gir--

Jasper's hand went to my bare knee as he backed the car up. My mouth went dry.

"That's not the gear shift," I said lightly. His fingers caressed slowly the area right above my kneecap.

"I know; it's better than a gear shift," he said. I blushed.

"So I take it you missed me?"

He laughed. "You haunt my thoughts blondie. Plus, that dress isn't helping matters."

I smiled. Something told me I was going to get my first sneak peek at what Jasper meant when he said we could be 'creative' without having sex.

I had a hunch I was going to love ringing in this new year.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10314