Heartbreaker by evergreenwriter83

When Brooke Carter embarks on a whirlwind tour, the last thing she expects to do is fall for Nate, her sexy new photographer and web tech. To make matters worse, just when her love life starts to sizzle, someone else reappears to shake things up. Will Brooke make the right choice in the messy game of love? Or will she be the one to get burned?

(part of the Coaster Girls series; a spin-off to the Coaster Series)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Other
Genres: Drama, Dramedy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: The Coaster Girls
Chapters: 50 Completed: Yes Word count: 68965 Read: 105311 Published: 10/12/10 Updated: 12/10/10
Chapter 39 by evergreenwriter83
Chapter Thirty Nine

"Here's a twenty. When it's gone, you're on your own."

Pey smiled up at dad; she took the money and glanced over at the huge arcade set up.

"Do you have your cell phone on?" mom asked. Peyton nodded.

"Okay, have fun."

Peyton ran off; I fondly remembered spending a couple of my New Years' in the 'kids section' of the club with Noah and Kay. This was probably going to be Pey's last year; then she'd join the legion of girls who scoped out a cute guy to dance with for the night and hoped for a kiss to end the evening. Of course, I didn't have to worry about scoping out a hot guy. I had one who was holding my hand and causing me a few heart palpitations.

"You two--"

Jasper had been pulling me out in the direction of the dance floor. We turned. Dad was giving Jasper 'the eye.'

"Yes, sir?"

"No alcohol," dad said.

"Yes, sir."

"No leaving the building."

"Yes, sir."

Dad looked like he was thinking hard to come up with a third thing. Mom wrapped her hand around dad's arm.

"Keep your cell on. I want you guys close when the ball drops."

I smiled. "Will do."

Dad looked at mom and then back at me.

"Well...have fun."

I stifled a laugh; Jasper and I headed onto the dance floor just as the music changed to a slow song. I wrapped my arms around Jas's neck.

"Careful," he teased. "Your dad might come over and do the ruler test to make sure we're keeping the proper amount of spa-"

I pressed up right against him. He stopped mid-sentence.

"You were saying?"

"I was being a smartass."

I laughed. "I know."

Jasper's arms wrapped around me and I lowered my head to his shoulder.

"Your hair smells good," he whispered. I giggled. My fingers played with the chain around his neck. I felt his lips on my collarbone.

I looked up at him. The room was decorated in silver and gold; it made everything seem, well, shiny.

"I'm glad you came," I said. Jasper played with a lock of my hair.

"I wouldn't have missed it. How long has your family been coming here?"

"Well, mom and dad have been coming here forever. They don't let in kids younger than twelve. So, this is my fourth year here. I spent two years in the kids room and decided to work the dance floor last year. It's a safe club; at midnight confetti falls and--"

Jasper's kiss interrupted my rambling.

He caught me off-guard. I grabbed onto his face and held it while our lips brushed eagerly against each other. When we pulled back for air, the music had changed. People were bumpin' and grindin' around us. I prayed I wouldn't see mom and dad doing that; it was a sure-fire way to embarrass the hell out of me. Besides, dad would probably get all crazy if he saw Jas and I making out in the middle of the floor.

"Want to go?" I asked. Jasper looked surprised.

"We just got here," he said. "Plus, I promised your dad we wouldn't leave the building."

"We won't," I assured him.

He still didn't look convinced. "Let's get a drink first," he said.

It seemed stupid to argue. His hand rested on the small of my back as we headed to the bar. Two diet Cokes later, we were sitting on bar stools side by side, watching the huge hall get more and more crowded. Jasper took a big sip from his plastic cup.

"Hey Brooke, what size ring do you wear?" I had just taken a big swallow of my own drink. I covered my mouth to keep it from spurting out. Talk about random...

"Why?" I squeaked.

"Mom found a ring while she was cleaning; she didn't know if you might have lost it when you came for dinner."

"I wear a seven. But I wasn't wearing a ring."

"Okay. It's probably mom's and she just forgot. She has more rings than a crop field."

It took me a second to get the joke. Total blonde moment. When I did I snorted. Jas looked amused. I was embarassed. He took the plastic cup from my hand.

"So what were you saying about going somewhere?"

I smiled and slid off the barstool. If he still wanted to go with me after I snorted my brains out...

"Follow me," I said.


Ten minutes later we were in my car in the parking garage attached to the club. The doors were locked and the lights were dim. Even so, I felt totally safe.

"Technically we haven't left the building. It's attached," I explained.

"Do you think your dad will accept a technicality?" Jasper asked. His eyes kept darting to my legs.

"He won't know. We'll be back by midnight, won't we?"

I know I kind of posed it as a challenge. The corner's of Jasper's mouth twitched. "Of course. We're just going to have a nice talk, right?"

The look on my face made him laugh. His hands snaked into my hair; he shook the strands through his fingers. I turned to him.

I'm pretty sure I kissed Jas first. His aftershave tingled my senses. His hands went from my hair down to my waist.

"Brooke, you're like dynamite," he mumbled. I covered his face with quick kisses.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"It's dangerous."

I plunged my tongue hungrily in his mouth. He let out a sigh. I slowly maneuvered myself between the front seats into the back. I pulled my lips from his and sat back.

"Cars and beds are dangerous places for the celibate," he warned.

"I just want to get creative," I teased.

His eyes darkened. He crawled into the backseat. My hands found his tie and loosened it. I slipped it over his neck and twirled it playfully in the air. He gently grabbed my wrist and pinned me down. I slid on the leather seats, bending my leg so my dress fell to expose a clear expanse of thigh. Jasper's breathing came faster; my fingers massaged the material of his tie.

"You want creative?" he whispered. I swallowed hard. That voice...

His hand slid over the bare skin of my leg. When he reached my hip he slid his hand under and pulled me up by the bottom. Our groins met; he was hard. His mouth crushed against mine. His tongue was hot and warm; he took the tie from my hands and let it fall.

The hand that had grabbed my ass slid back to my leg, it stroked the outline of my panties. His kisses came deeper and deeper; our tongues playfully dueled for control. When I felt his fingers slip under the material, I forgot about winning the battle of the tongues. My jaw went slack as he stroked me.

"Good?" he whispered. I nodded so hard that I was sure I was going to pull a neck muscle. I grabbed at his dress shirt and yanked it out of the waistband of his pants.

I hadn't seen Jas shirtless before; in a tank yes, but never totally shirtless. I fumbled with the buttons as most of my brainpower went to the rhythmic movement that was causing all my lower muscles to contract pleasantly. Even still, I found success as I undid the last button and pushed the shirt and the accompanying jacket down his shoulders. I soaked in the sight greedily.

His abdomen was a beautiful layout of well-defined abs. A small smattering of dark hair ran down from his navel to below the waistband of his pants. His well defined shoulders rippled as he used one hand in my southern region and the other hand to grasp my breast through my dress.

"Fuckin' hot damn hell, you're..." I moaned. I wiggled on the seat; he leaned in close and caused me to stop moving. His fingers plunged and I let out a cry and just let myself enjoy what he had to give.

He kissed me again. And again. And again. Sometime later, the top of my dress just happened to slip down. Jasper's pants accientally came undone. There was boobs at play and a smokin' hot erection and a lot of dirty words, soft husky laughter, and contented kisses.

And best of all...absolutely no sex.


"Are we cutting it close?" Jasper asked. I checked my cellphone.

"Oh, only thirty seconds," I said.

We laughed as we ducked back in the building. Jasper reached down and fixed the bottom of my dress.

The warm air was pleasant compared to the mostly chilly parking garage. My car windows had successfully fogged up, but the walk in the garage to the elevator had been brisk. I wove through the crowd towards the place mom had texted me to meet her and dad.

"Where were you?" mom said when Jas and I ran up. Peyton was already standing there; she had a big cookie in hand. She took a sip of dad's champagne when he wasn't looking.

"I just wanted one more dance," Jasper explained.



Mom didn't have time to ask any more questions. Dad glanced at Jasper suspiciously and took a quick sip of champagne. We all joined in the countdown.


As Pey shouted "Happy New Year!" mom turned to dad. I turned to Jasper. He brushed my face with his fingertips.

"Happy New Year, Brooke," he whispered. "Happy New Year." I leaned into his embrace and kissed him passionately. It was going to be a great year.


It was almost two by the time we got back to the house. I was walking on air. I was in love. Not just 'love' but love. It was the most amazing feeling.

The house was quiet as we walked in. Noah and Kay were collapsed on the couch.

"How'd it go?" mom asked. She put her purse on the end table.

Noah and Kay just looked at her. Kay looked exhausted.

"It's not going to be easy, is it?" Uncle Brian asked.

I couldn't hide the pity I felt; Kay took one look at me and started to cry.

My high immediately crashed.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10314