Forces Of Nature by DelphinaCarter

Thanks to Evergreenwriter83 for the banner! ***ON HIATUS*** Tornadoes.....twisters.....cyclones....funnels....there are so many names for them. For Alex McLean and Nick Carter, tornadoes are a way of life. Storm chasing is in their blood...but sometimes finding yourself is scarier than facing the storms themselves.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Kevin, AJ
Genres: Drama, Alternate Universe, Adventure, Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 7429 Read: 13193 Published: 02/12/11 Updated: 03/21/12
Chapter 7 by DelphinaCarter
Author's Notes:
I know its been a while, I hope you guys are still reading! Enjoy the update.
Chapter 7

"You okay?"

"Do you have to follow me around like that? Are you that obsessed with me?" Brandy snapped when she saw Alex appear near her.

"You looked upset." he replied softly as she wiped her face.

"What do you care?"

"Brandy....cut the shitty attitude, okay? I am being sincere here and you''re biting my head off." Alex snapped back.

"Alex, you don't know anything about me. We had sex one time. It's not like we are dating or anything. Even if we were....I still wouldn't tell you." Brandy said as she walked away from him, her feet echoing on the floor. Alex went after her and grabbed her arm.

"You always have this wall up. Let me in. I won't hurt you....I swear." he promised softly. Alex looked at her and Brandy's brown eyes stared into his.

"We had sex....that's Why is this so important to you?" she asked. Nick was watching from the corner booth with interest.

"Goddamn it, Brandy. I don't sleep with just anyone. Obviously we had something, a connection there." Alex pointed out.

"I didn't." she said coldly, not meeting his gaze.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Something that makes you act this way? Nick told me you weren't always so bitter." Alex said. She walked out without a reply....Nick following both of them. They drove in silence all afternoon, stopping at a motel to rest.

"Fucking Christ." Brandy muttered when she saw the Channel 8 news truck outside.

"They must be doing a story on the super cells we ran into earlier." Alex said. A tall, dark haired man was doing a report right in front of the motel and Brandy scowled.

"Alex....not here. Let's stay somewhere else." she snapped as she laid eyes upon the handsome green-eyed weatherman.

"This place is fine." Alex protested, parking the truck and getting out. Brandy followed, silently cursing under her breath.


"Who are you?" Alex asked. Nick strode over and shoved the weatherman suddenly....cursing at him.

"You son of a bitch!!!" he shouted.

"Get this loser off of me!"

"Nick, stop!!! He's not worth it!!!" Brandy shouted, running to them. Nick was fully engrossed in a scuffle as people watched in surprise. Alex held Nick back by his arms as he struggled.

"Fucking asshole...he has some nerve showing up here..." Nick screamed.

"I will teach you some manners, Carter." the weatherman sneered, moving towards him.

"Kevin!" Brandy said suddenly, and Alex turned to look at her.

"So you finally decided to come back home, have you? I missed you so very much."

"Don't fucking start, Richardson. I will never go back to your crappy station. I belong in the field and you know it."

"You can't run from me forever." Kevin told her. He went up to her and kissed her gently, she pushed him off. Alex was having a hard time controlling Nick, who was struggling.

"Get off of me, bro!"

"Nick, calm the hell down. He's not worth it. Who is he anyway?" Alex asked, staring at Kevin with disgust. He looked like the type of person that would smile in your face and stab you in the back.

"You don't know him? He is with the news station around here. Brandy used to work for him and got into field research." Nick explained.

"I didn't know she used to work in a weather station. What else is she hiding?" Alex asked....watching Brandy and Kevin arguing.

"I will NEVER go back to that shit hole you call a station." Brandy said, pushing Kevin away.

"You'd rather be here with these losers? We both know you will never get that thing up in the air. Especially with Carter on your team." Kevin said. He was in his 30s...but looked young for his age.
"Leave Nick out of it." Brandy demanded.

"I really must be going...we are tracking a storm east of here. I wish you would reconsider."

"She doesn't need you." Alex piped up. Kevin looked at him and laughed. As he walked away, he couldn't help wondering what Brandy's history with Kevin was.
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