FinallyHappy by bonezbunny23
Summary: my world was crumbling around me i had no idea how to stop the destruction i was causing. the guys had enough of my shit so we split for a well needed break.i was glad forthebreak nobabysitters watching me constantly i partied all the time till an unsuspected stranger came into my life
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: The Aj chronicles
Chapters: 21 Completed: No Word count: 20863 Read: 30636 Published: 04/20/11 Updated: 04/21/20
Story Notes:
this starts when the guys are on hiatus it mostly follows aj;s journeyon getting back to himself and finding love

1. Prologue by bonezbunny23

2. Chapter 1: A New Friend by bonezbunny23

3. Chapter2 : Falling Fast by bonezbunny23

4. Chapter 3:Dinner by bonezbunny23

5. Chapter 4: The Big Move by bonezbunny23

6. Chapter 5: Cook-out Surprise by bonezbunny23

7. Chapter 6:Cravings by bonezbunny23

8. Chapter 7: Studio Time by bonezbunny23

9. Chapter 8:Media Shower by bonezbunny23

10. Chapter 9 : Contractions by bonezbunny23

11. Chapter 10: Baby On Tour by bonezbunny23

12. Chapter 11: Engagement Surprise by bonezbunny23

13. Chapter 12:Double Trouble by bonezbunny23

14. Chapter 13:Marriage and babies by bonezbunny23

15. Chapter 14: Birthdays and Baby blankets by bonezbunny23

16. Chapter 15 marriage isn't so bad Part 1 by bonezbunny23

17. Chapter 16 Marriage isn't so bad part 2 by bonezbunny23

18. Chapter 17: The diagnosis by bonezbunny23

19. Chapter 18: Homebound And Happy by bonezbunny23

20. Chapter 19: Tour busTrouble/Terrible-twos by bonezbunny23

21. Chapter 21:Time outs and monster trucks. by bonezbunny23

Prologue by bonezbunny23
Let me take you back to the first time I met my beautiful wife and how my life changed forever. It all happened on one of the rainiest nights in October, we were on hiatus which we all needed plus I was enjoying myself with all the free time I had. I was sitting in a booth at one of my local spots with my friend Chris, watching some girls dancing when she walked in looking like a angel amongst all us people. Chris was talking to me but I couldn’t stop staring at her and I told myself by the end of the night I would have her in my bed. Little did I know everything would change for me at that moment. Bone are you listening to me, hey man what you want to drink. Huh, sorry man did you see her isn’t she beautiful I wonder what her name is.

Who did I see you mean Chelsea I know she’s beautiful bone. No Chris Chelsea is pretty but beautiful is only for her and I pointed my angel out to him. Chris looked in the direction Alex pointed and he said what are you sitting here for go get her name. He didn’t have to tell me twice with that I was up and making my way towards my angel. Here’s where everything I knew was about to change weather I was ready or not. I paced myself not knowing what I would say when I got up to her. I made my way to where she was and asked may I sit down?.

I looked up to see who I was about to tell off when I was suddenly mesmerized by the stranger at that moment my world changed drastically. All I could do was shake my head yes hoping he would sit down. I sat down and said I’m Alex and you are?. She giggled at me and said I’m Kim and I noticed you been staring at me for awhile do I look funny? I said no Kim beautiful is more like it why are you in here alone? Kim looked at me and said I’m here alone because I followed my heart and it got broken. Why are you here to pick up women if so I’m not interested and you can go back to your friend.

I looked at Kim saying well to be honest yes I was trying to pick up women until I saw you walk in I don’t know what it is about you but you caught my eye and I have to say whoever broke your heart had no idea what they lost. I’m sorry your in pain and I’d really like to get to know you better can I have the chance to do that?. She took a napkin scribbled something on it, kissed me on the cheek and I watched her leave smiling when I saw what was written on the napkin and made my way back to Chris. I went back to my table smiling like a Cheshire cat when I sat down Chris said I take it that went well bone. It went great her name is Kim and can you believe she saw right through me Chris I was so sure I was going to get laid tonight but it doesn’t even matter now. I left the club, dropped Chris off, and went back to my place picking up the phone dialing the number on the napkin somehow thinking she gave me a fake number till I heard her sweet voice on the phone.
Chapter 1: A New Friend by bonezbunny23
I couldn’t wait to see Kim again we talked on the phone almost everyday and I was looking forward to the day at the beach with a new friend. Alex was getting lunch ready for his fun filled day at the beach when his phone started ringing. He picked up the phone with one hand as he juggled lemonade with the other hand. Kevin’s voice came through the line, Hey bone was just calling to see if your ready yet so I can come pick you up? Alex says pick me up for what totally forgetting about his plans with Kevin to go golfing. Kevin says Bone did you forget we are supposed to go golfing today, its been planned for 2 months. Alex says Oh shit Kevin I’m sorry I’ve been so busy with Kim these last 2 months in fact I was just preparing lunch for our day at the beach when you called me.

Kevin says Kim who’s She I never heard you mention her before must be special if your spending all your time with her. Alex says I thought I told you about her I mean I must have at some point in our conversations She is a new friend. Kevin says you talked about her but you never mentioned her name or the fact that she is a new friend. Alex says Kevin I’m sorry really I am can we move our golfing day to tomorrow I really worked hard on lunch and I want Kim to see the effort I’m putting into this whole day. Kevin says enjoy your day at the beach I want to hear all about it tomorrow ill pick you up at 9 later bone. Alex says thanks Kevin I owe you big oh I will tell you everything tomorrow got to go for now. Kevin hangs up with a smile on his face glad Alex made a new friend.

Kim couldn’t find a single thing in her closet that looked good on her for today which made her upset because she was going to be spending the entire day with Alex her heart fluttered just thinking about him. Kim called her best friend Ashley hoping she could help with the dilemma at hand. Ashley picked up the phone and Kim’s voice came through the phone ash I’m freaking out I don’t know what to do today has to be perfect. Ashley says why are you freaking and why does today have to be perfect?. Kim says because I can’t find anything to wear for my beach day with Alex and it has to be perfect because he’s perfect ash help me.

Ash says when were you going to tell me about this Alex and what makes him perfect. Kim giggles saying his heart makes him perfect he is so fun to be around now will you help me find something to wear please. Ash says I’ll be there in ten minutes to help save your perfect day. Ten minutes later Ashley was going through my closet I was nervous everything I looked at just wouldn’t do not for a day with Alex he deserved the best and that’s what he’ll get. Ashley smiled I found this your sundress its perfect Kimmy. Ash oh my god its perfect can you do my hair. Of course you know I will. Ready to see yourself don’t cry now. Ashley turned me around and when I saw myself I almost cried oh ash your amazing thanks I have to go now I don’t want to keep Alex waiting. Kim put her flip-flops on said goodbye to Ashley and got in her car heading to a little shop near the beach. She got out and headed into the store smiling as she went up to the counter. Hey Susie, did the sunglasses arrive yet? Here you go Kim they look great he’s going to love them and I also got those shirts you wanted have a good time. Thanks Susie, ill tell you later.

Kim got back in her car and went home knowing Alex would soon be pulling up to get her. Kim makes sure the animals are fed and is putting the laundry away when she hears a car pull up, a huge smile crosses her face as she grabs her keys and comes out the door. Alex watched as Kim walked to the car his heart started to race like it did every time he saw her. She looked amazing the sundress stopped right above her knees, her cute painted toes peeking out of her flip-flops the way her dress hugs her skin no wonder my hearts racing. Alex leaned over opening the door for Kim and smiled as she got in the car. Kim hugs Alex taking in the smell of his cologne as she says you look good Alex just like you did yesterday don’t get mad but I was watching you play football with 2 of your friends. Really so I wasn’t seeing things I thought I was being watched and I’m glad it was by you did I mention you look great.

Alex parked the car in a spot next to the pier and got out to open Kim’s door. Kim got out and smiled when she noticed Alex holding a picnic basket he even went so far as to have little pink flowers wrapped around the handle. Kim took his hand and off they went to enjoy their fun-filled day on the beach. Kim and Alex were chasing each other like kids playing tag to them it was just fun but to the other people on the beach it looked like they were a young couple enjoying life. Alex was running after Kim and stopped to rest on a tree when suddenly he was on the ground and Kim was on top of him giggling as their eyes met they both got lost in the others eyes.

Alex was about to say something when he felt Kim’s lips touching his own and instantly the sparks flew in his soul. Kim’s whole body shivered as the sensation swept her away and when they finally broke the kiss Alex looked at Kim and she looked at him and they both knew at that moment they were more then just a new friend to each other, they both got up and walked hand in hand back to the pier had lunch and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Alex pulled up to Kim’s house and she smiles saying I had fun thanks for a great day cant wait to do it again. Alex smiles your welcome I had fun as well I have to get going I’m golfing tomorrow with Kevin. Kim smiles and says oh before you go I have something for you I hope you like it she hands him the bag. He takes the bag opening it and pulls out 2 shirts and the sunglasses. On the back of his shirt it says Jizzle and has a skull and rose on the front and on my shirt it says Kizzle and has half a heart and half a skull. He sees the sunglasses and smiles his have Jizzle on the sides and little skulls on the shades part. My glasses say Kizzle down the sides and have heart skulls on the shades. Alex says aw Kim I didn’t get you anything now I feel bad and he looks at me. Kim says aw don’t feel bad I have you that’s the best gift I can ask for and I kiss him smiling goodnight jizzle ill call you tomorrow on my work break enjoy your golf game with Kevin. Alex smiles you too kizzle sweet dreams have a good day at work. He watches Kim go inside and then drives back to his place going to sleep with a smile on his face and amazing dreams all night.
Chapter2 : Falling Fast by bonezbunny23
Kim went in to work reluctantly wishing she was watching Alex play golf. She was in the middle of working when Ashley said so how did it go at the beach. Oh ash it was amazing we had such a great time we had a picnic he worked so hard even had little flowers on the handle in my favorite color. He loved the glasses and shirt I had made for him what a night oh did I mention we kissed. Ashley says what you kissed how was it is he a good kisser. Kim smiles Ashley he is a great kisser it was amazing my whole body shivered I wish I could watch him playing golf but I’m stuck here.

Ashley says be careful your fallen fast that’s what you did with Joey and he broke your heart. Alex is nothing like Joey, he’s already got my heart and you know since I’ve been hanging out with him he hasn’t drank or smoked I think we bring out the good in each other. I am falling fast and I like it now lets finish this so we can get to lunch so I can call Alex because I miss him. Ashley says ok but please don’t get all mushy gushy on the phone with him while I’m eating its disgusting. I wont and wait till you meet someone who makes you feel like I do then you will be all mushy gushy too ash.

Alex smiled as he hung up the phone hoping the flowers get to Kim before she has lunch. He went upstairs to shower and yelled when he felt something furry touch his leg then he started laughing when he looked down and saw Vegas sitting on his foot. You little rascal you scared daddy I thought you were a rat. He washes Vegas then finishes showering he gets dressed and then he dries Vegas off carrying him downstairs. Alex puts on his shoes, plays with Vegas and says you want to go golf with me and uncle Kevin? Kevin pulls in to the driveway and beeps the horn.

Alex picks up Vegas, grabs his golf clubs, keys and phone walking out the door to the car. Kevin opens the door for Alex and starts chuckling what are you wearing bone you look like a hippy. Alex puts Vegas and his clubs in the back seat hey I don’t look like a hippy Kim made the shirt and glasses for me is that a problem. Kevin says I’m sorry Jay no its not a problem just Kristin never did nothing for me like that when we first started as friends. Alex says well Kristin has always had different ways of letting you know she cares Bro. I hope you don’t mind Vegas I couldn’t leave him in the house alone. Bone you know I don’t mind I got us coffee and breakfast from McDonalds. Alex smiled thanks Kevin, ready to get your butt kicked today?. Kevin says your welcome lets just have fun out on the green.

Kim was in the middle of washing a dog when she got called up front. She sighed thinking great now ill never get my break. Kim goes upfront yes Ashley you called me up here. Ashley says yes I called you up here these are for you she hands me the flowers saying nobody ever sends me flowers. I take the flowers looking for a card smiling they’re from Alex he said he wanted to send me flowers because he’s thinking of me and missed me. Ashley says he really is sweet how bout we get lunch so you can thank him for the beautiful flowers.

Kim and Ashley finish up the dog and head to lunch talking about their plans for the weekend. Kim and Ashley find their table under a tree and sit down opening up their lunch and chatting. Kim says Ash how long do you wait to give yourself to someone? Ashley says well it depends on how you feel and if the person is right for you. Thanks ash I’m glad you understand I’ll have to talk to Alex and see what happens I just hope he feels the same way that I do. Ashley smiles don’t worry Kim I’m sure he feels the same way you do call him thank him for the very pretty flowers that you got while we are at lunch go on.

Alex and Kevin are sitting at a table eating laughing at Vegas who is barking at his shadow. Kevin says does he always bark at his shadow your dog is spent bone. Alex laughs yeah the vet says its perfectly normal maybe if I get him a friend he wont be so crazy. Kevin says since we are taking a break tell me about your day with Kim. Alex smiles it was great we walked on the beach then chased each other around we kissed then had lunch on the pier after lunch we went surfing then sunbathed to dry ourselves and kissed again. Kevin says whoa you kissed I thought she was just a new friend how did she react when you kissed her. She kissed me and sparks flew Kevin she was a new friend but now I find myself falling fast did you know I haven’t been to a bar or smoked a cigarette since Kim and I have been together.

Kevin says I have noticed bone and I’m very proud of you so what your saying is that Kim is your girlfriend. Alex says I haven’t asked her yet but yes you can call her my girlfriend. I’ve been house shopping so I can be closer to her when she goes back to California in January I may even move there for good. Kevin says yeah I think she will say yes have you thought about what your giving up for her. Alex says yes I’ve thought about it and I’m having a dinner for you and the guys, my mom and several close friends I’m going to lay everything on the table and take it from there. Kevin says you know I support you most of the time on things you do or relationships just please this time do it right. I still haven’t got over how Sarah not only disrespected you but she disrespected the group with all that bad press that’s part of the reason this break happened jay. Kevin I know that and I haven’t forgotten what happened this is different I wont let myself mess it up I just hope everyone is as supportive as you are Kevin.

Kevin says you know they will Alex we all love you and always will I know everything will work out for the better Alex. Alex was about to say something when his phone started ringing he smiled when he saw Kim’s name flash across the screen. Alex smiled hello Sweetheart how’s work going? Kim’s voice comes through the phone its going good the flowers are beautiful thank you how is your day with Kevin going? Its going good just taking a break for lunch I miss you glad you like the flowers I knew you would there is something I want to ask you but I’m nervous about the answer you will give. How do you know what my answer will be unless you ask me jizzle I miss u too. Kim looks at Ashley he wants to ask me something I’m nervous what do you think it could be that he wants to ask me.

Alex looks at Kevin for support and says ok here goes nothing, Kim for the past 2 months you and I have been inseparable growing closer with everyday that passes I find my self intrigued with where we are going and I’m falling fast for you. I know we haven’t talked about this but I’ve considered you my girlfriend since I met you in October so what I’m trying to say is can we make It official can I say we are dating? Kim looks at Ashley with tears in her eyes and says I thought you’d never ask yes its official jizzle I’m so happy I’m crying.

Alex says aw baby don’t cry your going to get me started I’m happy too beautiful. Kevin smiles at Alex invite her to dinner with Kristin and I tonight bone. Alex says don’t cook tonight Kevin has invited us to dinner. I’ll pick you up at 7 see you tonight. he hangs up smiling lets go Kevin I want to get Vegas home and then ready for dinner tonight. Kim smiles saying Ashley can you feed rascal and molly I have a dinner date tonight with Alex. Kim hurries home after work tidying up the house some and then starts getting ready for her dinner date with Alex and his friends Tonight.
Chapter 3:Dinner by bonezbunny23
Kim had just got done doing her hair and makeup when there was a knock at the door. She smiled excitedly putting on her shoes hurrying down the stairs grabbing her purse. She opens the door smiling at Alex who is standing on her steps with flowers. Alex says wow you look amazing these are for you beautiful. Kim takes the flowers putting them in a vase Alex these are beautiful I love them. He says beautiful just like you we’re going to be late if we don’t leave now. Kim walks over to Alex kissing him taking his hand walking out the door to the car letting him open her door. Alex shuts the door then gets in taking Kim’s hand holding it all the way to the restaurant. He says baby you ready for this how do they always know where I am. Kim smiles they always know where you are because your sexiness just spills over now lets get inside and find our table.

Kevin smiles at Kristen I hope Alex doesn’t get mad about dinner tonight I didn’t tell him Brian, Howie, and Nick were going to be joining us. Kevin, you should of told him what if he decides to leave are you prepared for that?. Kevin says everything will be fine love, you will see he wont leave. Alex leads Kim over to the table pulling out her chair kissing her neck then sits down beside her still holding her hand. Kevin says a few more people are joining us for dinner I hope you don’t mind bone.

Alex says I don’t mind waiting for the guys to get here I cant wait to see them again we all need to do something together. Kristen says so bone this must be Kim, Kevin told me all about your new friend. Alex laughs oh he did well then you must know that we’re dating. Kristen says no I didn’t but I do now congrats I’m pulling for you 2. Thanks Kris just hope the rest of the guys will be as supportive as you and Kevin have been. Kim squeezes Alex’s hand reassuring him that everything will be fine.

Fifteen minutes later the rest of the guys arrive along with their other halves taking their spots around the table putting in their orders with the waitress. Kevin says I’m glad everyone is here it feels nice to have us all together again. Kristin and I wanted to invite you all for dinner to discuss where we see the group going, Bones rehab situation and repairing cracks in our friendships. Brian says unless we are all on the same page I don’t see us as a group going anywhere. I think I speak for everyone when I say this bone we want you to know that you don’t have to do this alone. We love you and are behind you every step of the way in what ever you choose to do. He looks at Alex teary eyed we all love you and decided nothing is worth our friendships being torn apart so what I’m trying to say is we all forgive you and support you.

Alex says I know a lot of the underlined problems in the group revolve around me I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you over the years. I want to tell you all I haven’t had a cigarette or drop of alcohol in 61 days and I feel like a million dollars. In these 61 days I’ve met someone who changed my whole perspective on life she’s my angel she’s been by my side through everything Kim meet the guys, Guys meet my angel Kim. All the guys say hi hugging Kim and congratulate Alex on his progress. Kevin says now that everything is coming together lets enjoy ourselves and have dinner it smells amazing. Everyone is laughing and having a great time its more then just an ordinary dinner. It was getting really late everyone decided to call it an evening and head home planning to get together again real soon.

Kim kisses Alex’s neck saying lets get out of here taking his hand leading him out of the restaurant purring at him. Alex smiles following kim to the car shutting her door and quickly getting in leaning over to kiss Kim then heads back to her house. Alex parks the car leading kim to her door smiling I had a great time at dinner it went well. Kim kisses Alex back me too it was so much fun better then any dinner I’ve been to in awhile. Alex hugs Kim gets in the car and drives off heading home with a smile on his face from another great night with his angel. He didn’t know that a simple dinner turned into a beautiful evening bringing together all the people he cares about in one room. He hoped there would be more dinners like this one to come in the future he couldn’t wait to get together with the guys again. He takes a shower then climbs into bed thinking about today and eventually falls into a peaceful sleep snoring softly as dreams of Kim flood his mind.
Chapter 4: The Big Move by bonezbunny23
Ashley looks at kim I can't believe your actually leaving me here for California. What’s out in California that you don’t already have here. Ash come on we’ve talked about this you know I go to school out there and do my modeling. Besides I wouldn’t leave with out my best friend your coming with me. Ashley screams hugging Kim oh my god really no more stupid paper work. Kim laughs yes no more paperwork your going to be modeling with me ash I can't wait we’re going to have so much fun. Now help me get these boxes downstairs the moving truck will be here in a few hours I want to have everything ready when it gets here. Ashley takes all the boxes that are full downstairs then goes back up to help Kim finish packing the other rooms up stairs. After 20 minutes the living room has boxes scattered everywhere.

Ashley was walking around the living room putting stuff in boxes and started laughing when she saw pictures of Kim and Alex she was amazed at how well they blend together especially since they are total opposites. She put the pictures in the box along with some other things taped it shut and put it with all the other boxes. Kim came downstairs to see the living room completely empty and heard Ashley packing up things in the kitchen, so Kim started writing on the boxes having no idea that Alex was doing the same thing at that moment. Chris, Kevin, Brian, and Nick were carrying box after box to the moving van for Alex. Alex comes out carrying chairs that’s the last of the small furniture guys I appreciate all the help I’m really going to miss this house. Nick says you know we don’t mind helping you just promise when you get to California and get settled invite us for a cookout. Alex says I promise as soon as Kim and I are settled we will have a big cookout for everyone.

Ashley looks at kim saying I never knew a person could have so many dishes wow. Kim giggles well one can never have enough dishes you never now when you’ll have a party. Have we touched the stuff in the basement yet, are the animals ready, are you ready the moving van should have been here by now what’s taking so long I don’t want to miss our flight. Ashley says the basement is cleared out and cleaned we did that yesterday and the pet carriers are all labeled and the pets are in them sleeping all we are waiting on is the moving van we wont miss our flight everything is fine. Kim why don’t you take a break and let me finish up go spend some time with Alex I’ll call you when the moving van gets here.

Kim hugs Ashley I owe you when we get to California I’ll take you shopping see you soon. Kim grabs her keys and runs to her car heading over to Alex’s place to spend some time with him before she has to go to the airport. When she pulls into his driveway she is shocked to see Alex, Nick, Chris, and Brian loading furniture into the van her mind racing with questions and confusion. Nick sees kim out of the corner of his eye Bone Kim’s here she doesn’t look very happy did you tell her about any of this. Alex says no I haven’t had the chance to tell her but I guess now is a good time you alright with this.

Alex walks over to where Kim is standing hey beautiful what are you doing here?. Kim looks at alex I came over to spend time with you before ash and I go to the airport and I find a moving van in your driveway what’s going on?. Alex looks at kim baby yes there is a moving van in the driveway because your not leaving without me. Kim looks at him alex what are you saying I’m confused. He looks at her smiling baby what I’m saying is I’m moving to California so we can be together all the time, I was going to surprise you please don’t be mad I love you. Kim looks at Alex teary eyed you mean it your really going with me I love you Alexander James Mclean you make me so happy.

Alex smiles wiping her tears away yes my angel I’m going with you, in fact I bought a house in Malibu 3 months ago because I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth that’s how much I love you baby. Kim kisses Alex so we’re roomies now. I hope ash will be ok with having her own room I love you how’s Ashley’s stuff going to fit. Alex says we will make it fit beautiful lets go inside and have some lunch. Kim giggles smacking Alex’s ass then runs towards the house heading to the kitchen. Alex laughs running after kim I’m going to get you for that sexy.

Kim looks behind her to see if Alex is closing in smiling when she doesn’t see him. She turned back around to keep running when she felt Alex’s arms around her waist. Kim giggles lets have lunch before nick eats it all. They walk hand in hand to the kitchen Kim sits on Alex’s lap biting his neck purring in his ear. Baby you keep that up I won't be able to control myself and I don’t want to take advantage of you kim. She purrs in his ear biting it playfully and she finds herself being thrown over Alex’s shoulder heading upstairs.

Alex takes kim to his bedroom lets her off his shoulders and leads her to the bed. Kim looks at alex who reassures her by kissing her cheek I won't do anything unless you want me too. Kim smiles alex I want you to be my first make love to me. Alex kisses kim undressing her finding himself lost in her beauty his heart skipping beats he says you ready baby. Kim whimpers yes her body trembling in anticipation is it going to hurt?. It only hurts for a few minutes I’ll be gentle beautiful I love you. Alex kissed me all over he spent 2 hours making sure I was ready for him. I was so hot and bothered I begged him to love me the next thing I knew he’s on top of me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he put my legs around his waist his penis rubbing against my opening with one thrust our bodies intertwined our souls becoming one we grabbed on to each other screaming each others names sliding over the edge again and again until we passed out sleeping.

Ashley put the last box into the moving van giving them directions to find the house in California. Ashley waited till the moving van was on its way to call kim to come get her. Alex and kim were sleeping until the ringing of her phone woke them. Kim yawns hey ash everything ok over there. Everything is fine you sound like you just woke up you ok. We fell asleep watching TV how are my babies. They are fine on their way to the airport and I’m coming to get you so be ready. Kim giggles hope you don’t mind riding in the back because Alex is coming with us to California. Ashley says oh my god I’m rooming with a backstreet boy so cool see you both in a few minutes. Kim says ok see you then she hangs up the phone getting dressed come on baby. Alex gets dressed following Kim downstairs to wait for Ashley to take them to California to start their new lives.
Chapter 5: Cook-out Surprise by bonezbunny23
Kim ran to the bathroom getting sick again for the 5th time this morning Ashley can you go to the store for me while Alex is sleeping please. What’s wrong Kim do you need more cough medicine. Ash don’t freak out but I think I might be pregnant I’m 3 weeks late on my period I’m so scared. Oh my god I thought you were on the pill kim. Ash I am on the pill that’s why I’m scared buy 5 tests I want to make sure before I say anything to Alex. Ashley goes to the store buys the tests and hurries back to kim in the bathroom.

Kim grabs the boxes from Ashley reads the instructions and takes the tests now we wait 3 minutes ash I’m so scared. Ashley looks at her watch ok kim lets look together 1, 2, 3 they look at the tests and kim turns white as all five tests are positive tears streaming down her face. Ashley hugs kim aw its ok I know its scary but I’m so happy for you ah I’m going to be an aunt I cant wait to go shopping. Ash your acting like everything is fine this is a big deal I have to tell Alex I’m scared what if he breaks up with me. Ashley hugs kim don’t worry he wont leave you Alex’s crazy about you I got a way you can tell him wait right here. Ashley comes back a few minutes later with a box putting one of the tests in it go give this to Alex I’ll start setting up for the cookout.

Kim wipes her tears, heading upstairs to tell Alex the news. She gets to the door of their bedroom hesitates for a few seconds then opens the door baby can I talk to you for a minute. Alex turns on his side looking at Kim good morning what’s wrong angel you look like you seen a ghost. Kim sits on the bed tearing up handing Alex a box this is why I’ve been sick the last 3 weeks. Alex wipes Kim’s tears away opening the box seeing the positive pregnancy test. Oh my god we’re having a baby this is the happiest day of my life I love you so much beautiful. I love you too Alex your not mad that I’m pregnant.

Baby I’m not mad I’m happy and scared at the same time I knew I wanted babies with you since we met. Kim kisses Alex I can't wait to tell everyone today about our little surprise. Alex smiles how bout we just tell my mom and Ashley for now make the guys wonder for awhile. Kim smiles I like that idea now lets get downstairs and help ash with the food prep. Alex and Kim help Ashley start preparing food for the cookout when the door bell rings. Alex walks to the door opening it hey guys come on in. The guys walk in the house hugging Alex and the girls carry the dishes they brought to the kitchen.

Alex smiled the cookout was going great. He was glad to have his brothers back and their support he hoped they wouldn’t be mad at him for keeping Kim’s pregnancy a secret. He was in deep thought when he felt Brian nudge him bone is Kim ok that’s the 4th time she’s ran to the bathroom in 20 minutes. He says oh hey Brian yeah she’s fine just got a tummy ache come on lets go eat foods getting cold it looks great. Everyone’s laughing having a goodtime when kim walks out with a birthday cake for Alex. She says you thought we forgot didn’t you well we didn’t happy birthday baby I love you . He says I love you to beautiful thanks everyone this day just keeps getting better.

Later that night after everyone left kim was laying in bed beside alex who decided now would be the best time to call his mom and tell her the news hoping she wasn’t asleep yet. Denise was watching TV with Tony when the phone started ringing now who could that be at this time of night. She smiled when she heard Alex’s voice come through the phone hello mom I didn’t wake you did I if so I’m sorry. NO alex you didn’t wake me tony and I are watching tv are you and kim fighting you only call this late if something is wrong. No mom we are great I’m calling this late because the cookout just ended and I cant keep this in any longer mom Kim’s pregnant I’m going to be a daddy. Denise smiles oh alex I’m so happy for you, Tony we’re going to be grandparents Kim is pregnant. Alex says you’re the first person we’ve told the guys don’t even know yet. Alex finished his conversation then hung up falling asleep.
Chapter 6:Cravings by bonezbunny23
Its 3 am I know your probably thinking what is he doing up at 3 in the morning he should be sleeping. Its become a normal thing in this house , don’t you just love those things they call cravings. That’s right Mommy’s having cravings and normally most guys would complain about these early morning food runs but I enjoy them because I get to be the one who helps you grow inside your mommy’s tummy when your old enough I can show you these videos.
Alex gets his keys and drives to the store parking the car and goes inside. He grabs a little cart heading down the candy isle looking for chocolate when he bumps into Kevin who turns and says bone what are you doing in here shouldn’t you be sleeping. What’s it look like Kevin I’m buying chocolate.

I see that your buying chocolate but I know its not for you because you cant have it. Yes that’s right but its for Kim she’s craving it so what she wants she gets. Kevin says what normal person craves chocolate at 3 in the morning bone seriously what’s up. Ok Kevin look I wasn’t going to tell you guys for a few months Kim’s pregnant that’s why I’m buying chocolate Kevin. Congratulations Alex that’s great how far along is she. 3 months the baby is due in October we haven’t decided if we want to know the sex or not. Please don’t say anything to the rest of the guys I want to tell them when we go back to the studio next month. Kevin smiles your secret is safe with me bone. Alex smiles and was about to say thanks to Kevin when his phone started ringing. He looked at the number and says yes baby I got your chocolate I ran into Kevin and well I told him about the baby. Kim smiles that’s great can you pick up pickles, ice-cream, chips, olives, grapefruit, and some cranberry juice. He smiles wow more cravings beautiful I’ll pick up everything and be right home love you . Alex says well Kevin I’ll see you later and he walks down the isles getting the different things he needs then gets inline to pay for it. He gets everything paid for and takes it out the store ,going to the car.

He starts the car driving home, takes the bags inside putting everything away except for the chocolate and pickles. Alex smiles as he enters the bedroom handing Kim the pickles and chocolate making funny faces at her. He says the guys and I start going to the studio next month to start working on the next album I’m excited. Kim says that’s wonderful I know it will be great just like all your other albums have been. Our little one sure likes dancing on my bladder can't wait till that ends. Alex helps Kim to the bathroom and then they climb back into bed Kim video-taping him singing to her belly like he always does. Kim smiles and then gets comfortable in Alex’s arms and falls asleep. Alex kisses her forehead and then turns out the light
watching kim sleep when suddenly he feels inspired to write, he gets paper out of the night stand and starts penning down words for a song. He writes for the next 2 hours smiling at the finished product. He couldn’t wait to get in the studio but first he wanted Kim to hear it because her opinion means everything. Alex nudges Kim waking her up baby I want you to hear this song I wrote and be honest. Baby can't it wait I was sleeping you Meany. He says aw baby I’m sorry please you inspired the song please. Kim smiles what is it called? He smiles incomplete as soon as he starts singing Kim is taken back by how great it sounds. When he is done singing he says so what do you think baby. She kisses him with tears in her eyes its beautiful that better make the record you see that it does.
Chapter 7: Studio Time by bonezbunny23
Alex walks through the double doors heading into the studio smiling when he sees his brothers waiting there for him so they can start. Howie says well guys here we are again back together for another round. Nick says well im glad we chose now to come back can't wait to see the look on everyone faces when this album comes out. Brian says I don’t know about you guys but I spent this time being with Leigh Anne which helped me write 3 songs. Kevin says I’ve got a few songs as well, this break has helped us regenerate but most of all I think its done a lot for age. Alex says yes this break has done a lot for me and before we jump in the booth and start laying down tracks I have a big announcement to make to all of you .

Howie, Nick, and Brian look at Kevin and Alex wondering what the big announcement is. Alex says well you all know that this break was because of me and since I met Kim my life has changed for the better. I’ve been sober for 215 days, I’m becoming myself again and well I’ve been keeping this from you guys for the last 3 months so here it goes Kim’s pregnant. All the guys hug alex saying that’s great age we are so happy for you two. He smiles with tears in his eyes I am so ready for the baby to be here already. Kim has banned me from shopping for the baby anymore because we have no more space in the nursery for any more clothes.

I just hope management understands that I refuse to make my self look available when I’m not. Brian says don’t worry bone we are behind you all the way we won't let management get near you three. Alex hugs Brian lets get this album started your all coming to the house for dinner tonight. The guys say we just hope you and kim can handle all the media and management when they find out. Alex says we can handle anything as long as we have our family behind us.

Brian ,Kevin, Nick and Howie are sitting in the lounge taking a break when Alex’s voice comes flowing through the door. All the guys go to where the source of the sound is coming from and are amazed when they see Age in the booth with his eyes closed singing with no background music. They wait till he is done wow age that’s a beautiful song. They hug him and he says thanks I think it’s a hit and there are parts for everyone I want this on the album. I promised kim it would make it so lets see it does.

After 3 months of long studio hours the guys are called into jive for a special meeting. All the guys walk in and take seats at the table chatting when Johnny sits down good to see you guys again. I called this meeting because we need to start planning the tour and pick a release date for the album .What do you guys think about October 23rd for the album release party.Wecan start the tour in November what do you think. Alex looks at the guys then says that’s fine but I wont be attending the release party I’ll be at the hospital watching my child be born. Johnny says what are you talking about? You will be at that release party your under contract remember?

The guys look at Johnny you may be managing our careers but you don’t have any say when it comes to our personal lives. We will attend the release party and let the fans know that age will show up if he can and if not the fans will understand. I got to watch my son come into the world I won't let you take that from him. Johnny says you all agree on this fine but he better be able to handle all the negative attention from this. Alex says I don’t see any negative attention coming from this unless you open your mouth which somehow I know will happen now if you excuse me I have a date with the doctor. He gets up and hugs the guys walking out the door.

He is walking towards his car when he hears aj is there a secret backstreet reunion in the works are the rumors true.He says yes its true the guys and I are in the studio working on another album it should be out around the end of October now I have to go I’m late for a doctors appointment. Did you break something is it a checkup. Wow you guys really don’t know when to quit, no I’m fine but I wont be if I miss this appointment kim will kill me. Is that your doctor. No she is my girlfriend we have been seeing each other for awhile, today we find out how big our baby is and maybe even if it’s a girl or boy now I have to go. He gets in his car and drives off heading to the doctors office. He parks and hurries inside going to kim sorry I’m late sweetie I got swarmed by paparazzi the minute I stepped outside. She smiles kissing him it’s ok I knew they must of found you.

Kim smiled as she watched alex so fixated on the screen watching their baby move around. He starts singing and the baby moves to his voice. The nurse says would you like to know what your having. He looks at me, I smile yes. The nurse moves the baby in different positions till she can see what it is. Are you ready to know because I can't contain myself congratulations it’s a girl.

I hug alex squealing with happiness a girl it’s a girl oh my gosh it’s a girl. He smiles looking at me with tears in his eyes my girls my beautiful girls I love you. I love you too baby text your mom, the guys are you going to tell jojo tonight on the radio show. Only if you want me too. I kind of let it slip to the press so its probably all over the television and internet by now. I giggle you never were good at keeping secrets but I love you anyway.
Chapter 8:Media Shower by bonezbunny23
Alex smiled as he dialed his moms number almost jumping up and down when she finally answered hello, Mom how was your day. Fine is everything ok did the nurse find something wrong? No everything is fine we found out what we’re having mom, Baby get the other phone I’m about to tell mom. Denise shakes her head my son is loosing it wow. Mom It’s a girl. Denise starts crying oh my god Alex that’s wonderful I’ll let Tony and Liz know when they get back I’m so proud of you I’ll call the station tonight. Ok mom talk to you then he hangs up and calls Brian.

Hey bone how did everything go? Yeah we are all still here ok your on speaker go ahead. Hey guys can you all here me. Yes we hear you what’s up. Alex is crying and says Nick you were right see you at the station tonight he hangs up. Brian says what are you right about nick. Nick smiles holding up a piece of paper that says in pink letters IT’S A GIRL!!!. The guys get on the phone with a friend and smile waiting to see the look on aj’s face at the station.

Alex that tickles I thought you shaved mmm this shower feels so nice. It feels great with you in my arms, Alex we have to get out and dressed. 20 minutes later alex and Kim walk hand in hand through the parking lot. Kim kisses alex go see your fans I’ll see you inside babe. He smiles kissing her back heading to his fans when he sees nick give him the thumbs up that she’s safe. Alex signs autographs and takes pictures with the fans after 15 minutes he goes inside meeting up with the boys for the interview.

Jojo here live we have some special guests the backstreet boys. It’s good to see you all again we have a lot to catch up on its been awhile. He starts off first I want to congratulate Brian and his wife on their little boy baylee. Brian smiles thanks man its amazing. Alex is smiling which makes jojo say now on to aj this could get interesting. He says first I want to say you look great what you been doing.

Alex smiles thank you I’ve been following the 12 step program for my addictions I’ve been sober for 8 months and counting. I also have to give credit to my beautiful girlfriend she keeps me grounded. Jojo says ah yes her name is kim right, he smiles yes kim my angel. Jojo says just recently you told Tmz that you have a girlfriend and she’s pregnant. Alex smiles yes she is almost 7 months pregnant. Jojo says congrats we have a caller on the line hello caller. Hey Jojo its Denise, I am calling because the boys and I have a big surprise for alex and kim.

Jojo says lets bring out aj’s girlfriend. Kim walks over to the couch sitting by alex she smiles babe what’s going on do you know about this surprise? Alex says I’m just as surprised as you I love you .
The guys smile and say we got together with your mom and wanted you to have what you need for the baby. They smile as they reveal the stuff they got and then denise says the guys and I also finished the nursery for you and we let the press know about the baby and that we want privacy. Alex kisses kim who is crying thanks mom, guys we love you this is all so exciting and scary.

Jojo says I can imagine this is scary especially for kim she’s only what 21. Kim says what does that have to do with anything, alex and I love each other we were surprised by the pregnancy, it will make us stronger. Jojo says wow she has a mouth on her, when kim hears that she runs to the back with Leigh Anne and starts crying. Alex says this interview is over and he runs to kim taking her in his arms, baby its ok lets go home and cuddle. Alex what about all the meetings and pro…. He kisses kim they can do it without me I have more important things to do. He takes her hand and texts Kevin im going home I won’t tolerate the media attacking kim like that so we are going home.

Alex and kim walk out the station heading to the elevator when they get swarmed by paparazzi who are snapping pictures, even going to extremes by getting up close to get their pictures. Alex gets in after helping kim in the car and starts driving off when he winds the window down and says come on guys let me get out you got your pictures I think that’s enough for now. Alex drives off heading home pulling in the driveway parks the car and helps kim in the house. 20 minutes later they are sleeping in each others arms.

The rest of the guys finish the interview before its over Kevin makes a statement I would like to ask the paparazzi, radio stations and fans to please respect our friends wishes to have privacy this is so new to them and overwhelming as their friends we want the media storm to stop we are humans too and have the right to privacy when it comes to our personal lives. Thank you for listening we love all our fans your amazing see you all on tour.
Chapter 9 : Contractions by bonezbunny23
Kim is in the shower when a wave of contractions hit her. She calls for alex then starts crying remembering he had to go to that damn press album party. She goes on with her shower gets dressed and calls Denise hoping she is home. Kim panics when no one answers she hangs up holding her stomach as another wave of contractions hit her. She deals with the contractions for 3 hours then breaks down crying sending a text to alex praying he gets it.

Alex is at the album party trying to have a good time pissed off that he had to attend it. He is signing autographs and is amazed when all these fans give him gifts for kim and the baby. His cell phone starts vibrating when he sees the message he says guys It’s time kim needs me I’ll see you later. The guys let everyone know that aj will be on tour and he gives his thanks to everyone for allowing him to enjoy this time in his life. Alex gets home and opens the door grabbing the bags putting them in the car. He gets kim in the car and they drive to the hospital. When they are being taken to the room kims water breaks in the elevator. Kim holds on to alex crying oh gosh im so scared what if mom doesn’t get here in time what if the guys cant make it. Alex hugs kim shhh baby everything is going to be fine mom is on her way with Tony and Liz, the guys will be here as soon as they can. Lets just focus on us and getting the little one here safe.

Alex I’m scared what if something goes wrong. Baby everything is fine just breath I want you to be as comfortable as possible. He fluffs up her pillows, helping her switch positions and feeds her ice chips putting a wash cloth on her head helping her cope till his mom arrives. How is she doing alex. She’s fine mom now that you’re here. Ow ow it hurts mom alex it hurts get it out . Kim begs the doctor for medicine I’m in pain please it hurts alex your never touching me again. 11 hours later alex is holding kims hand push baby push I can see her head push baby. Kim squeezes Alex’s hand pushing hard one more kim one more and look there’s your baby the doctor lays the baby on her stomach. Alex got everything on film and starts crying when he cuts the cord. Kim looks at alex then the baby and starts crying looking down at her miracle. Kim says she’s beautiful our little angel.

Alex and kim smile deciding to name their little one Madison Alexis McLean. Alex smiles going to the waiting room where all their family and friends waiting for the news. He smiles it’s a girl she’s beautiful her name is Madison alexis I have 2 beautiful girls to love. Everyone cheers smiling we are so happy for you. He smiles showing them the video its amazing I can't believe how amazing this is. He hugs brian now I really know what its like to love unconditionally. He picks up baylee let’s go see maddie your new cousin.

Kim looks at Denise hugging her wow she’s beautiful you’re a grandma and I’m a mommy I can't wait to go home and just sleep having a baby is hard work. Denise smiles and says you and alex are going to be amazing parents and remember you have lots of help. I’m going to let you sleep now while I spend time with alex and maddie. Denise comes out to the lobby hugging alex I love you son I am so proud of you. Alex smiles love you too mom I don’t know how kim did it Madison weighs 8 lbs I couldn’t ask for a better anniversary gift then my little girl. I cant believe its been a whole year since kim and I met, now we have a beautiful little girl I want another one. Denise says whoa slow down son its going to be a lot of work especially since you go on tour in 15 days I hope you can handle the pressures of the tour and being a dad.
Chapter 10: Baby On Tour by bonezbunny23
Alex is doing laundry, cooking, packing the bags for tour, and holding a sleeping maddie in his arms. He looks down at maddie kissing her head you and mommy are going to make being on the road fun. You and mommy sure do sleep a lot how bout we get this stuff in the car and then have lunch with mommy and then go to the airport to meet the guys. Alex sets the table for lunch, then heads upstairs to wake kim. Alex lays maddie on the bed kissing Kim’s forehead wake up beautiful I made lunch. Kim opens her eyes smiling looking at alex and maddie lets have lunch I love you .He smiles and they go downstairs having lunch.

Kim looks at alex now its munchkins turn to eat. Kim lifts up her shirt letting maddie eat. Alex smiles I cant wait to see how you and maddie take to tour. Kim says I will like it but I don’t want Madison to be photographed or thrown in the news all the time she isn’t a object she is a baby. Alex says hunny I won't let that happen besides we get to decide what the press gets when it comes to Madison or us. 20 minutes later they are in the van headed to the airport, on the drive alex kisses kim running his hands down her legs moaning in her mouth as the bulge in his pants gets bigger. Kim bites his lip moaning into his neck baby we can’t not for another month.

Alex bites her neck groaning this is going to be the longest month ever. They arrive at the airport and Kim sighs oh my gosh baby how are we going to get out without them exposing maddie. They get out of the car smiling and kim actually shocks Alex when she moves the blanket off Madison’s face letting the press get pictures. The press snaps several pictures then let them go into the airport to meet the guys. They meet up with everyone kim yawning baby I’m tired.

Brian smiles watching alex interact with his family. Howie says I think alex is doing very well with all the attention he is getting don’t you think Brian. Yes he is doing very well. He is so doting to kim and Madison I look forward to seeing maddie grow as the tour goes on. Alex puts his blanket over kim and Madison then falls asleep holding the 2 of them in his arms for the rest of the plane ride. Brian nudges alex gently its time to get up the plane landed do you want Leigh Anne to take maddie with baylee so you and kim can get settled in your room. Alex gently picks up maddie your going to go with uncle Brian for a little bit so mommy and I can get the room ready for you munchkin.

He kisses her forehead and then nudges kim baby we landed lets get to our room. Kim and alex get to their room and start getting settled. Kim climbs into the bed falling asleep. Alex smiles kissing her forehead letting her sleep as he gets things settled then takes a shower excited about being on stage. He couldn’t wait to show Maddie and Kim off. Alex gets out the shower then leaves kim a note as he shuts the door heading to meet up with Kevin.

He knocks on the door going inside yawning. Hey bone what did you want to talk to me about? Alex says when did you know you wanted to spend the rest of your days with Kristen? Kevin says I knew I wanted to be with her forever on our 4th date.
Ok can you give me some advice I’m nervous. Kevin says sure why are you so nervous bone? Well I know this sounds crazy but I want to marry Kim I am going to tiffanies to pick out a ring for her. Kevin says that’s great have you talked to your mom or her parents yet. Alex says her parents disowned her when we started dating so my mom and you guys are the only family she has.

Kevin says let me get Brian and we will all go together. Alex says wow I’m surprised the paparazzi aren’t here asking questions. No we made sure no press were here. Alex smiles walking around the different cases looking at rings. Brian says remember how nervous we were when we were buying rings. Kevin says yes I am so proud of him he loves those girls very much I know he will be a great husband hell he is an amazing father.

Alex comes over to Kevin and Brian smiling I got the perfect ring for her. He shows them the ring tears running down his face. I didn’t know love could feel this good lets get back I miss my girls. They all leave heading back to the hotel. Alex hugs Kevin and Brian then goes into his room smiling when he sees his girls sleeping. He picks up maddie then climbs in bed laying her on his chest watching his girls sleep.

Kim wakes up a few hours later looking over to see a sleeping maddie and Alex. She takes a shower, makes bottles for maddie, unpacks the suit cases, and had just finished ordering dinner for everyone when she heard Alex stirring in bed. Alex yawned again as he changed Madison’s diaper you sure like keeping me awake don’t you little one. Madison looked up at her daddy wrapping her little hand around one of his fingers cooing at him. Kim wraps her arms around him aw baby you should of let me get her so you can sleep. Alex smiles its fine I wouldn’t have it any other way besides I can sleep later right now I’m spending time with my girls.
Chapter 11: Engagement Surprise by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
this chapter gets a little steamy hope you like it
Alex growled in My ear as we quietly made our way to one of our hiding spots backstage. We left a trail of clothes so if anyone was looking for us they should just follow the clothes. Kim was given Alex a blowjob when he picked her up, bent her over a chair and slid deep inside her pussy. Kim gasped moaning hard as alex fucked her pussy hard.

Nick have you seen bone anywhere he was supposed to be in makeup 15 minutes ago? Last time I saw bone he was with Kim heading backstage. Oh hell nick anything can happen In a 2 hour time period with those two we better see if we can find them. Alright but if they are doing what I think they are doing maddie won’t be an only child for long. When Kevin hears that he quickens his pace following the trail of clothes hoping to find aj and kim.

Kim dug her nails in my back causing me to slide deeper inside her. I thrusted even harder sucking one of her nipples as I felt her walls tighten around my throbbing cock. I grabbed kims hips pulling her up and down on my cock as I bit her neck moaning into it. I got her against the wall spreading her legs as far as they would go. I smiled as her moans got louder and louder knowing in just a few seconds she would beg me to make her cum. Alex I can’t take it anymore please make me cum I need you. I smiled as I fucked her hard and fast grabbing her hair pulling her to me. Kim whimpers oh god alex your dick feels so good in my pussy oh I’m Cumming oh god. Alex groans as Kim’s screams get louder, he moans in her ear oh yeah here it comes baby. Alex smiles as he cums inside kim filling her with his seed just as Kevin and nick open the door.

What the hell is wrong with the two of you?If you wanted some time alone all you had to do was ask but instead you just disappear leaving Madison with baylee all because you 2 want to have sex. Alex and Kim Look at Kevin saying they are sorry and that it wont happen again. Kim asks if Madison and baylee are safe. Nick says yes they are fine they are sleeping right now. I fed them, changed maddie and put them both to sleep. Kim hugs nick we are sorry thanks for looking after her I feel so bad. Nick and Kevin say its fine you two are forgiven bone get your ass to makeup and kim you go get maddie off nick’s bus.

Kim made her way to nick’s bus smiling when she saw maddie sleeping alongside baylee. She kisses maddies forehead dream well my little angel. She climbs into the bunk across from the kids and finds herself drifting off to sleep. Brian is talking with howie when Kevin says can you believe those two abandoning their child just to have sex. Nick laughs ya know if it wasn’t for the trail of clothes I don’t think we would of found them. I’m still trying to get the visions out of my head. The show was going great the fans went nuts over baylee.

During intermission while the other guys were changing alex walked out on stage asking everyone for their attention. He smiles saying for the last 15 months my life has changed drastically. For 23 of the 24 years of my life it was always about me. Then I met someone who changed everything about me, she was put in my life for a reason. Baby can you come out here please there is something I want to ask you.

Kim walked out on stage over to where alex is standing you wanted to see me. Alex smirks 15 months ago I met an angel who helped me see whats important in life. That angel gave me the greatest gift by making me a father to a beautiful little girl. He gets down on one knee pulling a box from his shirt opening it he says Kimberly Dawn Copeland will you let me have the honor of loving you everyday for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth.

I looked down at the man in front of me who was professing his undying love. I smiled wrapping my arms around him crying along with him. Yes Alexander james mclean I will marry you. The crowd went crazy clapping and crying as Alex said I finally kept a secret that was well worth the wait. Kim looked at him smiling I never thought you would propose on stage your so romantic I love you. Then it hit me Oh my god im engaged to Aj Mclean things don’t get much better then that.
Chapter 12:Double Trouble by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
Kim and alex set nick up on a blind date with her friend sue. alex and kim are married with another baby on the way.
It’s been a whirlwind of a tour these last 4 months especially for me. I’ve gone from engaged to married, having a very cranky 7 month old (teething is a scary thing) to being 4 months pregnant with my second child. That’s what happens when your husband happens to be aj McLean. I swear that man has super sperm. People think me being a celebrities wife isn’t a big deal. Well you try having to deal with no sleep, crying babies, cleaning up after 5 grown men, and the feeling of never being able to see your feet again. Alex asked me this morning how I do it, I just smiled and said because I love you. He thinks me updating all of you about our lives is a great thing. I like being able to share these chaotic but yet tender moments with all of you. I have to go now but I promise to check in more with all of you down the road so bye for now.

Kim signed off the computer, picked up maddie lifting her shirt so she can eat. Alex was sitting with maddie on his lap watching some baby cartoons while Kim showered. 20 minutes later kim climbed in the chair beside Alex munching on macaroni and cheese rubbing his leg. I’ll be glad when the little one stops teething my boobs won’t hurt so much. He chuckles nuzzling her neck I’ll kiss them better. Oh no you won’t that’s how I got like this again kim says pointing to her tummy.

Alex says ok ok I’ll cuddle with you when munchkin goes to sleep. Kim sighs in 5 months we are going from one crying baby to two. Nick says that is so what you get I can’t wait for the baby to get here you are going to have double trouble. Alex smirks yeah you laugh now just remember uncle Nicky you owe me a favor I won the bet. Nick gulps I’m doomed your going to make me watch them both. Kim says you watch Baylee so I don’t see how it can be any different.

Nick says Baylee is a boy that’s a big difference. Alex shakes his head nick its good practice plus you can show Madison how to play video games with her favorite uncle. Nick smiles hey your right I’ll teach her everything I know and whoa slow down I Nickolas gene carter will not be having kids anytime soon. Kim smiles oh you won’t be saying that when you meet my friend sue at dinner tonight. Damn it why do you both put me through these blind dates I’m perfectly capable of picking winners. Alex smirks so Paris was a winner what’s the worst that could happen nick. He shrugs fine I’ll do it on one condition. Yeah what’s your condition carter Alex says with a raised eyebrow. I get to pick where we eat for dinner tonight hope your hungry he says walking off Ajs bus. What did you just agree to Alexander Kim said as she put maddie down for a nap. I let nick pick where we eat tonight I just hope your plan works maybe sue will be the one to tame carters wild side. Kim smiles kissing Alex oh it works I tamed the badboy. I kissed her smirking which lead to some very over due hot and steamy lovemaking.

Sue knocked on the first bus door she came to hoping it was the one kim was on with alex. Brian pushed the door open smirking when he saw who was standing there. Hello peanut, wrong bus Bones bus is the red one. She blushes kim didn’t tell me which one she said just knock on a door someone will answer. Brian smiles I’m looking forward to dinner tonight. Sue smirks me too I’ll have Nicky wrapped around my fingers before tonight is over. Sue talked to Brian for a few more minutes then made her way to Ajs bus.

She was just about to knock on the window when the bus door opened and Alex stepped out to have a cigarette. She says way to scare me bone. Sorry how was your trip Kim is sleeping finally. She says yeah I bet munchkin still teething. Alex says she has 2 teeth on top and 2 are coming in on the bottom. Sue says poor girl no wonder she’s cranky. When do you and kim find out what the new tadpole is. Alex says we already know I’ll let her tell you when she wakes up.

He says your bunk is already set up hope you don’t mind being above munchkin. Sue smiles you know I don’t mind besides after tonight the only bunk I’ll be seeing is carter’s. Alex says good he needs to get laid I’m tired of hearing him whine. Sue looks behind Alex to see kim wrap her arms around his neck and say Hi daddy. Alex snuggles into kim as he says Hi beautiful, Sue was just telling me how after tonight the only bunk she will be seeing is nicks. Kim giggles That’s my sister he will be putty in your hands.

Sue says I know bone tells me you found out what the tadpole is. Kim grins resting her chin on Alex’s shoulder the tadpole is a girl. Sue giggles do I see a pattern forming here poor sis. Alex says it’s ok our next one will be a boy. Kim says slow down super man I thought we decided we are going to wait till Ariel is 1 to have more. He says I can handle that we are going to be super busy next year. Kim says you go shower on nick’s bus sis and I have to get ready for dinner. Alex kisses kim then heads to nicks bus to shower thinking oh hell kim and sue together nick and I really are in double trouble.
End Notes:
hope you like this chapter, will sue be able to tame nick or will his wild side be too hard to handle. will nick be able to foil sue's plan or will he be the next victim of marriage and babies.
Chapter 13:Marriage and babies by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
sorry for the wait this chapter is overdue ive been busy with college and work. im going to try and post 2 chapters a week if time allows me too.
I was amazed yet again at how right my wife was at her plan working. All it took was some flirting at dinner and an hour of dancing. Another backstreetboy has fallen victim to that wonderful thing called love. Nick swore it would never happen to him... That's untill he met sue. You know what they say about a woman on a mission. I am glad sue came along and met nick that night at dinner 4 months ago.

Everything has gone back to somewhat normal. We promised to keep you all informed with what's going on in backstreetland. I am sad as Kim has to stay home during this leg of the tour due to being 8 months pregnant. I am proud to say madison has 12 teeth and is starting to take her first steps. I am so anxious for Ariel Faith Mclean to make her arrival into this crazy family. The fellas and I love all of you and want to thank you for your continued support, undying love and loyalty. We really do think of you as part of the family. Myself or one of the guys will update you all with more craziness in the land of backstreet.

Alex had just finished sending a message to the fans turning off his laptop just as Kevin,Brian and Howie piled on to his bus. Alex looked at his 3 friends with a weird look on his face. What are you 3 looking at me like that for? Have you seen the latest headlines jay? Its all over the internet, tv, and magazines.I can say by the look on his face he has no idea what we are talking about howie says looking to brian and kevin.

Which headlines are you talking about? The one in the national enquirer about nick and sue? The one in people magazine stating that me being married is a publicity stunt to gain record sales or the one in us weekly that says i have yet again fallen off the wagon and started using again. Take your pick i have seen them all. Before the three of you freak out i am fine nothing those gossip blogs or tabloids say bother me anymore. Kim called me soon after she heard and we talked about it that kind of stuff used to bother me if thats what they need to say to make money or to get noticed i don't care.

They looked at aj smiling we were talking about sue and nick,we are proud of you for not falling into the rumor mill. Aj says whats being said about nick and sue is true. What are you talking about jay? He smirks at the 3 sets of eyes looking at him. He was about to say something when nick walks on the bus saying I'M GETTING MARRIED GUYS. Aj smiles told you it was true and he walks off the bus heading to soundcheck.

We played another sold out show tonight.I was in my hotel room talking to my wife while the rest of the guys were at the after party meeting fans. Alex why aren't you at the afterparty socializing with the fans. Hunny,the fans will understand i told the guys i was tired so i came back to the hotel.Your not tired you just dont want them walking in on us having phone sex again. He smirked you caught me im guilty as charged. He got comfy on the bed as his converstation got hot and steamy.

Nick kissed sue what a party, this is nuts. Sue kissed him back it is crazy i wish kim could be here having fun with us. Baby there will be lots of other afterparties the 2 of you can have fun at. I know its hard on you being around all this testosterone all the time. How bout as soon as this leg of the tour is over we spend 2 weeks with Jay and Kim. Sue shrieks hugging nick you would do that for me baby, your the best.

Nick smiles i would go to the ends of the earth for you sue and thanks now i know i'm the best. The Afterparty ended on a highnote as we all made our way to our rooms. I smirked as sue yanked me into our room to have our own party. I laid in bed watching sue sleep wondering what she was dreaming about. I was almost asleep when i heard aj at my door.

I opened the door, what do you want jay it is late. I know i am sorry i just wanted to know if you thought about what i said. I looked at him like he was crazy huh what did you want me to think about again. Aj smiled and said Marriage and Babies nick.
End Notes:
Looks like the plan worked nick's engaged,Mclean baby#2 is soon here what other shocking surprises are in store for the guys. Some obstacles are coming their way lets see how they handle them
Chapter 14: Birthdays and Baby blankets by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
Heres the next chapter hope you enjoy
October 23rd, 2004: Madison's 1st b-day, our second anniversary

I am amazed at how fast this year has flown by Nick. I never thought at 26, I would be married with 2 children. Nick smiles Jay we all knew once you met the right person that would be it. He smiles Thanks nick my munchkin is one today she's growing up too fast. Nick smiles wouldn't it be funny if Maddie and Baylee grow up to like each other. Alex says shut up I don't want to think about that now help me finish setting up.

Kim had just finished wrapping Madison's presents when the doorbell rang. She waddle over to the door opening it. Brian and Leighanne came inside hugging Kim. Brian says you poor thing I bet you are so over being pregnant. She smiled I am so ready for it to be over so I can see my feet again. Leighanne smiles where's the birthday princess?

Sue comes walking in the room with Maddie right behind her. Kim smiles she was having a bath so she can be ready for today. Leighanne Puts Baylee in the play pen and says Hey sue need help with anything in the kitchen. Kim smiles she needs help decorating cupcakes. Brian kissed his wife making his way outback to help nick and Aj. They finished decorating the yard and started a game of football when Kevin and Howie arrived.

Kim smiled watching alex interact with their daughter. He had her on his lap helping her open her gifts which was a site to see. Every time she got one open she put the bow on his head giggling at him. Kim sat down beside alex kissing maddie on the cheek happy birthday munchkin. Madison took a bow from one of her toys and put it on kim's tummy saying Mama Present. Kim smiled tears in her eyes you said your first words munchkin. Alex kissed kim on the cheek and maddie on the top of her head enjoying this special moment with his family.


November 7th, 2004:
I am sitting in the lobby of the hospital updating all of you lovely fans. Kim and I had our second anniversary along with Madison's 1st birthday on the 23rd of last month. Ariel was due on Halloween but decided she wasn't ready yet. So kim is being induced, the doctor broke her water 2 hours ago. Madison is with her grandma she is too young to understand whats going on. We are all excited about having this time off .

Nick wanted me to thank all of you for being supportive and accepting of his engagement. He wanted me to let you all know that even though most of us are married we love you all like family. I am truly thankful for all your support, loyalty and love. We wouldn't be able to do this with out you. I have to go be with my wife I hear her screaming my name. I will update you all when Ariel Arrives.
Alex made it to kim's room in time to hear her yell I NEED TO PUSH.
He quickly went to her side taking her hand breathing with her. The doctor is on her way you can't push yet Mrs. Mclean a nurse said. She squeezes my hand baby I have to push I want to see our baby. I smile at her kissing her forehead I know kim I promise you will be holding Ariel soon. I was on the phone with my mom when a nurse ran to me and said its time hurry.

I hung up on my mom and ran to the delivery room with the nurse.
I held kims hand as she pushed helping her through it. Doctor Sanders told me to come over to where he was so I did. The next thing I know kim gave one last push and Ariel was in my arms. I had just delivered my daughter the feeling that rushed over me was amazing. I laid ariel on Kim's stomach and kissed her I love you beautiful.

I kissed him and told him how amazing he was in bringing our baby into this world.
Kim looked at the nurse who put Ariel in my arms smiling as she said congratulations. Alex quietly got on the computer while kim was sleeping. He logged on to the website to keep his promise to the fans. I promised all of you I would update you when Ariel arrived. She's here and doing great has a little jaundice but a few days in the sun will fix that.

She has brown curly hair and hazel eyes. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces, 17 inches long. I also want to let you all know that I helped deliver her. It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. The guys called congratulating Kim and I on Ariel's arrival. We will post some family pictures on the site for you all to see. I have to go sleep is calling me so thanks for all the love. Behave, Be cool and most of all Be real. Nothing is better then Birthdays and Baby Blankets.
End Notes:
How will Kim and Aj juggle a toddler and a newborn? Will Nick get married or will he get cold feet? How Will the guys deal with the time they have off? Will there be another album. Stay tuned to find out
Chapter 15 marriage isn't so bad Part 1 by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
heres another chapter hope you like it.
March 15th, 2005

When it comes to commitment, I have a bad track record.
I like women and sometimes I got a little out of hand.
All that changed when I met my beautiful wife Sue.
I still do not understand the plan but I know it works.
I would not be married right now if it didn’t work.
I am sitting in the lounge of the studio waiting for my turn in the booth. We are recording songs for our next album never gone.

Brian walks out the booth smiling your turn Nicky. I smiled at Brian making my way to the booth were I sang my heart out.
We were all in the lounge having a break from recording so we can eat. I chuckled at the site of Alex being fed by Maddie.
Alex smiled eating yet another french-fry that was shoved in his mouth.
He says alright baby girl you eat your nuggies so I can feed your sister.
She poured her chocolate milk on Ariel giggling up at Alex.

Then the water works happened when Aj yelled at her.
Her cries only added to the loudness that was already in the room. Alex is trying to comfort Ariel when Kim comes in and picks up Madison taking her out of the room to comfort her. She walked back in the room taking Ariel from him saying with a slight tone in her voice I am taking the girls home when you get back we need to talk AJ.

I saw the color drain from Alex’s face when Kim called him aj. I feel bad for him when he gets home tonight. The rest of the day at the studio was quiet we finished a few songs then all went our separate ways. I got in my car heading home to tell sue we might have a visitor for a few weeks.

I walked in the door heading to the kitchen putting my arms around sue.
Dinner smells great, I missed you how was your day?
Sue smiled at nick I missed you too, it was good your home early. He sighs Aj might be sleeping here tonight. I’ll go put his blanket and pillow on the couch in the den. I say after dinner let’s eat I got a feeling we are in for a long night. Sue sat with nick eating dinner so what did he do this time? He yelled at Madison for pouring milk on the baby and made her cry.
I sighed as I parked the car in the garage hoping the flowers I bought will help Kim calm down. I made my way into the house looking for my wife. I know she is waiting to pick me apart for earlier, I deserve it. I was making my way to the kitchen to put the flowers in some water hoping my wife forgot about the little incident earlier. I thought I was in the clear until I walked into the den and saw my wife with her arms crossed.

Kim watched Alex put the flowers in some water and make his way to the den. She looked at Alex as he sat down with a look of anxiousness on his face. He says baby I can… he was cut off mid sentence and that’s when Kim let him have it. “I can’t believe you yelled at Madison like that even if she was wrong for spilling milk on the baby. You could of corrected her differently Alexander. Do you realize you are only making her scared of you every time you yell at her? I know you’re stressed with making this new record and dealing with management, which still is no reason to take it out on our children.

I looked at my wife trying to think of how to answer her questions with out pissing her off anymore. “I don’t think I did anything wrong, as her father I was disciplining her. I told her twice not to pour her milk on Ariel; she didn’t listen and did it anyway. Therefore, I raised my voice at her to let her know she was in trouble. What I said next is what has me on my way to nick’s place for the week. I looked at Kim and said you don’t discipline her enough, Madison can do no wrong in your eyes and poor Ariel had to suffer from it.

Kim looks at Alex smacking him across the face saying how dare you Alexander. Madison is only 15 months old she is going to be bad at times, that’s what children do. I think its best you go to nick’s place until I calm down. I am so angry with you I don’t even want to be around you. Kim walks out of the den going upstairs to our room slamming the door letting me know I messed up again. I grabbed my bags putting them in the truck and made my way to nick’s place.
Nick just finished putting the dishes away when the doorbell rang. He just shook his head knowing who was behind his door. Nick opened the door seeing Alex standing there with his bags looking like a dog with his tail between his legs. Alex walked into the house making his way to the den putting his bags on the couch that would be his home for the week.
Nick stood in the doorway of the den looking at Alex saying you can stay as long as you need to. Sue has a plate of food in the microwave for you if you’re hungry.

Alex sighed thanks nick, looks like we’re housemates for a week or two.
Nick says if you want to talk about what happened I’m here for you bone. Alex says I know and I’m sure Kim will tell sue and you will hear all about it. Nick, she smacked me in the face that’s how pissed she is at me. Nick says let me guess you said some things you shouldn’t have which made the situation worse. Yeah I told Kim that she didn’t discipline Madison enough, I know it was wrong to say but at the time I didn’t care.

Nick says Damn jay, you really put your foot in your mouth this time.
He says I know nick, I’m going outside to have a cigarette and think.
Nick says alright jay, before I forget we have to be at the studio by 7 tomorrow. Aj says yeah I’ll set my phone when I come back inside.
Sue puts her arms around nick saying I just found another reason why I love you so much. Nick smiles really and what reason is that?

She smiles your kindness and your heart. How you’re a friend and brother to the guys mostly aj. I kissed sue saying you are amazing I love you. I hope that these 2 weeks will go quick I don’t like seeing our friends fight. She smiled at me baby everything will be back to normal by next week. I kissed her forehead hoping she was right at least for Alex’s sake.

I’m surprised Kim hasn’t called you yet to tell you what happened baby.
Sue kisses nick then pulls away saying she already called while you were talking with Alex. I went outside to join Alex sitting down beside him saying I know something is bothering you even if you tell me there isn’t. Alex says I’m stressed about the album, I am also agitated because I have to tell Kim she cannot come with me for the first leg of the tour. Nick says I thought management was cool with her being there. I did as well but apparently, Johnny thinks I won’t be able to focus with her and the girls there.
End Notes:
im working on part 2 of this chapter and will post it as soon as im finished. i will also start another chapter and try to post that as well. thanks for your patience im sorry its taking me so long to update this.
Chapter 16 Marriage isn't so bad part 2 by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
this chapter gets a little steamy, some languaged used.
AJ’s point of view:

It has been a long two weeks for me. I really do appreciate nick and sue letting me stay here with them. I listened to their advice as much as it hurt to give Kim the space she needed. I hope these two weeks were just as hard for her as they were for me too. I hope I’m strong enough to tell my wife that she can not come with me on the first leg of this tour. I am excited to be going back home, I just hope I will have a warm welcoming when I get home.

I’m waiting for nick to finish his turn in the booth when suddenly I hear the cutest little voice dada miss me. I turn around and see Madison running as fast as her little legs will carry her right into my arms. I scoop her up smothering her with kisses and tickling her. She squeals in delight as I say I’ve missed you so much Maddie. Kim walked up to me and I was hit with the smell of her perfume. I inhaled taking in her scent smiling as she passed ariel to sue the next thing I know my wife has her hands on my ass smothering me with kisses. When she stops kissing me I smirk at her so you did miss me?

She playfully smacks my arm that was the longest two weeks of my life. I pull her into my arms feeling her body against mine sighing let’s not fight like that again I love you. Kim squeezes my ass and purrs in my ear can we have make-up sex right now? I look at kim then at sue who says you have a good 45 minutes untill the guys finish up. Five minutes later after locking the door to the conference room kim is all over me.

Nick was heading to the lobby when sounds from the conference room flooded his ears. Nick followed the noises until he pressed against the door listening to the screams coming from inside the room. ALEX IM CUMMING OH GOD CUM WITH ME. OH FUCK , KIM ME TOO. Nick made his way to the lounge going to sit down when the guys say so you heard it too. Nick says it was bound to happen sometime today. Kim and I make our way back to the lounge to find our friends shaking their heads at us.

I sighed as kim put my plate down in front of me slowly loosing my appetite. She looked at me as we ate what's wrong alex, you were fine at the studio. Did the guys picking on you get to you that bad hunny?
I looked at my wife taking her hand the guys picking on me is not what’s bothering me. I look at kim management, johnny in particular doesn’t think I’ll be able to focus if you and the girls are on tour with me for the first leg.I looked at kim waiting for a response pushing my plate away suddenly I wasn’t hungry.

Kim looks at me why does he want us apart? I could understand it if there was just you and I involved but we have kids. I look at her saying baby I know I don’t like it either I hate having to be away from you and the girls for so long.Kim cleaned up our dinner while I gave the girls their baths and got them ready for bed. When she came upstairs I had just put ariel in her crib tucking her in.
Kim kissed the girls goodnight turning on the nightlight following me out of their room. When we got to our room I made love to kim all night till we both passed out with smiles on our faces. Sue and nick are right Marriage isn’t so bad after all.
Nick kissed sue smiling as he followed her to the hot-tub with the wine glasses in hand. They were both feeling good due to the wine they both drank. Sue put her arms around nick’s neck sitting on his lap as he undid her bathing suit top letting it fall in the water staring at her very hard nipples. Nick smiled licking and biting sue’s nipples as he slides her bikini bottoms down to her ankles putting her against the wall of the hot-tub. He makes love to her in the hot-tub for several hours then they move to the bedroom. Nick makes love to sue until they both fall asleep exhausted with smiles on their face.

How will alex handle being away from his family while on tour? How will the fans react to the new album? How will kim react to the news she gets about ariel? What surprises are in store for nick and sue? Will they be able to survive or will distance and old flames cause problems
End Notes:
will everything work out for the guys? Will the news kim gets be bad or good.... we will find out soon
Chapter 17: The diagnosis by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
kim gets news on ariel,sue gets some shocking news,an old flame tries to cause trouble.
It's been a long 4 weeks to say the least. Johnny has kept us so busy with promotional shit and radio interviews that we barely have time to sleep which is crazy might i add. I thought it would be a good idea to bunk with Aj, you know so we can keep each other company and out of trouble.Things are going well except we miss our girls terribly.
Just because we text and skype over the computer it doesn't compare to being able to hold them at night. I feel bad for jay,especially since he is waiting on a call from kim about ariel's doctor appointment.He is such a softy when it comes to them. i'm glad hes in a good mood, i dont like sharing a bus with angry alex,thats not a pretty site. Sue has been staying with kim so she can spend time with the girls is what she tells me but i think she is there so they can keep each other company until we come home.
None of us like the idea of being away from our families untill may but really what choice do we have? Anyway enough about that,on to exciting news we have picked a set list of songs to put on the new bsb album,we are working on trying to get more european and canadian dates worked in to this tour. We will do our best to keep you all updated with whats going on here in backstreetland. I am going to join my bus mate and wait for a call from my love.
Kim has been making herself crazy the past week waiting for the results of a test the doctors ran on ariel. I would probally be doing the same thing if it was one of my kids.Nick has been so wonderful sharing a bus with aj. I know at times that cant be easy for him.I had just finished getting ready to take the girls to the zoo when kim comes in the livingroom hysterical. What's wrong kim is everything ok?
She screams no everything is not ok,ariels test results came back. Sue says what r the results, is it a bug? I looked at sue it's worse then a bug, she has luekemia.Sue's heart ached for kim,she hugged her friend knowing the one person that could help is miles away. I didnt feel right leaving kim home by herself after the news she just received but i had to pick up stuff for dinner tonight.
Sue got back to kim's putting the food away when she saw a note on the fridge. Sue,Please don't be mad at me for leaving. I'm asking you to watch the girls, i had to tell alex this is person. i hope you understand and forgive me. i will try and hurry back as quick as i can. Sue sighed as she dialed nick's number smiling when his voice came on the line.
I was standing by the bus having a cigarette,while nick sat inside talking on the phone with sue. I've been anixous all week or maybe i've got home sickness as brian and kevin call it. Just as i finished my cigarette turning to get back on the bus i collided with nick. we both landed on our asses,laughing as nick said damn bus steps. We had about 2 hours to relax before the radio interview, so i opted for sleep.
I was sleeping until the sounds of nicks video game came blaring into my bunk. I made my way to the sitting room glaring at nick about to give him a piece of my mind. Nick looked up at me grinning hello sleeping beauty hope my game didnt wake you. I glared at him about to tell him off when my phone rings. Nick says Ha, saved by the phone works everytime.
I grab my phone answering it Hello? i was trying to tell nick off before my phone rang interupting me. I regretted saying that when i heard my wife on the phone. Baby, i was just saying how i....yes honey i'm sorry. Kim giggled on the other end of the phone pushing the door open saying dont just stand there in your boxers, kiss me silly.
I kissed my wife holding her in my arms.She looks at me and breaks down sobbing in my arms. I make her look at me baby what's wrong i cant understand you when you get like this. the words that just came from my wifes mouth hit me like a ton of bricks. Alex, Ariel was diagnosed with luekemia. I left the girls with sue and got here as quick as i could this is just something i couldnt tell you over the phone.
I held kim in my arms kissing her forehead as tears streamed down my face. i feel numb laying here replaying those words in my head over and over. Kim sighs now i wish i wasn't pregnant i couldn't handle knowing if something is wrong with this one too. I looked at kim how far along are u? im willing to stand by u with whatever you decide. She looked at me tears in her eyes 4 weeks they say the best time to abort is before the 4 month mark. I squeezed kim's hand give it one month and if thats what you want we can go together.
End Notes:
will kim keep the baby? how will aj deal with ariel's sickness while ont he road. what happens when the guys make a decision that could affect their future?
Chapter 18: Homebound And Happy by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
the boys are heading home after 4 months of being away from their families. lots of surprises are in store for some of them when they return home.
The plane ride home is very different this time around. All five of us decided to be on the same flight, so we can spend some time with each other until we start touring again in July. Can you believe the look on Johnny's face when Jay told him that we refused to tour anymore if our families cannot be with us. Brian chuckles yeah that was the best night of the entire first leg. i can't wait to get home to Leigh-Anne and Bayley and tell them the great news about us firing management and finally getting back control of our music and lives.

Nick was slouching in his seat bored as we watched Brian interacting with his family,knowing in just 4 hours we would be doing the same as him and honestly i couldn't wait to hold my girls in my arms. Those 4 hours felt like eternity until we landed just a few minutes ago. Nick shook me and said this is it man i'll see you soon then he hugged me and made his way off the plane to sue who is five months pregnant. They are in for the ride of their lives and i'm gonna sit back and enjoy the show.

I made my way down the steps of the plane,pulling my bags behind me grinning from ear to ear. I was surprised to see my mom and tony waiting with Kim and our girls. I hugged my mom and tony who said its good to see you son we've missed you welcome home. Alex smiled i have missed you both very much as well is that invite still open? Denise smiles of course and we cant wait to show the girls the zoo and dolphins and Disney world. Alex smiles how bout we head home and you can tell the girls all about it mom.

While Denise and Tony took the girls to the car, i made my way to my wife who was hiding behind one of the luggage finders giggling. My smile got even bigger as she stepped out from behind the luggage finder and attacked me with kisses. I missed you so much Alex, Please tell me that we get to go with you when you go back on the road in July. I put my arms around Kim,kissing her forehead i wouldn't have it any other way love. Kim giggles i'm surprised you haven't noticed yet as she takes my hands to her growing tummy. I scoop her up spinning her around saying you kept our baby and i kiss her neck growling in her ear saying we better get to the car before they think we ran off on them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I smiled at sue as she waddled over to me looking ever so sexy at five months pregnant with Twins. She kisses me saying I've missed you so much Nicky lets get home so we can go find out the sex of our babies. Nick smirks i'm so excited, i can hardly wait how bout we just head to the doctors now and then go home once we know. We made our way to find out what names we will be picking tonight for our twins. The guys hounded me something awful when they found out i was gonna be the one with twins first.

We arrived at the doctors both of us anxious to finally know the sex of our twins. I watched as sue got up on the table lifting her shirt so the doctor can place that goo stuff on her tummy. She took my hand smiling as the doctor moved all around her tummy. I cried once i heard the heartbeats knowing they both were still in there. Doctor Mcneil smiled saying congratulations baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl.I kissed sue then pulled away saying i love you one of each now we can finally pick some names tonight.

We are sitting on the couch cuddled up under a blanket writing down names we like for a boy and a girl. We came to realize choosing names isn't as easy as we thought it would be and i know everyone probally expects us to name our son after me but i want him to be his own person. Sue and i after 3 hours finally had 2 names picked out that we like. We both decided that we will share the names with everyone on the next leg of the tour. We spent the rest of the day just enjoying each others company. We both climbed into bed that night with smiles on our faces trying to get as much sleep as we can before we have to head to Mclean's house in the morning.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alex is playing with madison and ariel while i make dinner. It's so wonderful to watch him with the kids, i always knew he'd be a wonderful father. I am pulling dinner out of the oven when i feel him press against me breathing on my neck, his hands on my hips moving up under my shirt. I bite my lip whispering Alex not in front of the girls,after dinner you can have me for dessert. He smirks devilishly nibbling on my neck then heads to the table asking Denise if her and tony would mind taking the girls for the night.

All during dinner i had a hard time keeping my composure, all i wanted was for dinner to be over so i could have my wife for dessert. She's wearing my black muscle shirt,that damn perfume that drives me crazy, a bra and panties and she's teasing me with her feet. Kim giggles whats the matter babe you look a little flustered everything ok?
I look at my wife as i let out a low growl saying not flustered i'm waiting to enjoy every bite of my dessert and he leans forward making my feet press up against his erection.Alex smiles as dinner ends taking all the dishes to the kitchen. Denise and tony get the girls ready and head back to the hotel leaving the love birds alone for the night.

Alex smirks as he pulls kim into him saying we can finish the dishes later i want my dessert as promised. Kim giggles pushing herself away from alex saying you gotta catch me first and she heads for the stairs. Alex chuckles your making this too easy as he starts after her cutting her off at the stairs. Kim giggles as his arms wrap around her saying caught ya my yummy dessert. Kim shudders saying where r we going Alex? He chuckles as he throws me over his shoulders saying to make me happy of course. It's a good thing mom and tony took the girls with them for the night so they wouldn't have to hear the noises coming from their parents room.

I watch my wife laying in my arms asleep as i kiss her forehead telling her just how much she means to me and that i am lucky to have her and our kids in my life. Kim opens her eyes looking into mine and says she's the one who's lucky to have me and that me and the kids make up her world and she couldn't imagine her life being any better then it is. I kiss Kim holding her in my arms as we drift off to sleep happy and in love.
End Notes:
how will the fans react to the baby names nick and sue have chosen? How will the BackStreetLadies react once the boys tell them about firing management? will they get bigger buses now that their families are going on tour with them?
Chapter 19: Tour busTrouble/Terrible-twos by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
sorry for the long wait on a new chapter I have a new baby so its a little hard for me to write but ill try to do one chapter a week if I can thanks for reading
Hello everyone out there I know its been awhile since we've updated all of you on life in backstreetworld these days. WE are all still married with children and happy. A lot has happened in the last two years since we ended the last leg of the tour. Nick and Sue are trying to handle terrible twos with their twins Harper and Hayden while adjusting to our busy schedule this year. Brian and Leigh-anne are doing well expecting another baby in the fall turns out Baylee wont be an only child anymore. Howie and leah just had their 2 year wedding anniversary. I see a baby for them next. All this talk about my brothers makes me happy until the announcement at the end of this tour changes all that...Kevin and Kristin are happy still no baby but they haven't given up. Kristin is busy with a few movies she has going on with kevin's help.

Things in my world have been fairly interesting to say the least. Kim's family is trying to get back in her life after trying to destroy what she has with me. Aj never has to worry about loosing me or his kids we are stuck with each other for life. ahh sorry wifey stole the laptop. Madison starts preschool this fall ariel has been in remission for almost 2 years and my boy Austin turns 2 tomorrow thank god for family buses now. this tour has been crazy fun and hell on wheels at times. Our buses have broke down several times already in the past 3 months.

I am not worried at all about terrible twos for I have experience in that field so if nick needs advice he can come to me. Although Kim says she is better with them at this stage then me. I'm willing to bet with Austin I win this time around. He loves putting mommy through hell so we shall see what this leg of the tour brings and it all starts with a tantrum god how I love TERRIBLE TWOS. Aj,how do u do it man. I just made it through the teething stage and your telling me tantrums are coming,thank god for our wives when the hard stuff comes along. I smile at nick by the time the twins are teenager's you will be a pro at parenting. Just remember I'd rather have a cranky toddler over a broken bus,I hope things get fixed and soon I dunno how much longer I can stand sleeping on pink frilly pillows yuck. Nick says hey Brian didn't have to offer to let u on his bus,I do feel your pain though, at least there is a family room at the venue we are doing too. I'll take your advice as I go help wifey deal with terrible twos. Alex walks off Brian's bus with a defeated look on his face. I stick my head out the window of my bus everything ok jay you look upset? Alex sighs I got Austin in trouble with Kim with his cars I totally forgot I promised him we would play monster trucks after soundcheck last-night well he fell asleep waiting for me so his cars and trucks were everywhere on Rok's bus I feel terrible. His lip quivered and everything I get so focused on the show and fans sometimes Austin suffers since he's outnumbered by his sisters. Nick hugs me bro don't you ever talk like that again, I know sometimes we get so caught up with making the fans happy we feel like our kids suffer, when really they love us no matter what. Alex was about to say something when he felt a tug at his leg daddy i sowwy mommy yell u i not play no more says my son looking up at me. I pick him up Aw lil man terrible twos stink how bout you and i go have some ice-cream. Nick smirked sending kim a message he was taking alex Austin and the twins for ice-cream.
End Notes:
how will management deal with the broken buses? How will baylee handle not being the only child anymore? What will happen with ariel's health. stay tuned to find out
Chapter 21:Time outs and monster trucks. by bonezbunny23
Author's Notes:
This chapter is told from all the guys point of views. the guys have been under pressure will they handle all the things happening on this tour?
Brian's POV:
This tour has been a whirlwind of fun and frustration all wrapped up in one. I really hope the buses get fixed soon Leigh-Anne and I love Sharing our bus with jay and his brood most of the time, things are getting a little nutty. I'm Getting a lil worried about the w hole situation seems management is dragging their feet about filling any of
our family requests which is starting to frustrate the fellas and me as well. Besides all that stuff happening I'm so excited to be a dad again. To be honest we were about to give up hope of having anymore children then one night we prayed about possibly having another kid or two. In just a few short months Baylee will no longer be an only child I'll have to get used to having sleepless nights and stinky diapers again. I never thought things would turn out this way with the fellas and I. I'm very proud of the men Alex and Nick have become. They have handle all the press bad or good better then to be expected. Hopefully we can hangout together once tour is over. I'm looking forward to it. I cant wait to surprise the fellas with this trip at our last show.

Howie's POV: Leah has been so great with handling this outrageous schedule management threw at us. Its been press conferences, radio interviews, after parties, soundchecks galore. I expected it of course seeing as how jive thinks they can control our private lives as well. We all have gotten into it with jive concerning our families. Now don't get me wrong we love you fans and making music just sometimes we wish you could see what really goes on behind the scenes most days. Uh-oh I'm rambling again Leah says i do that a lot actually she thinks its Cute another reason why this guy loves her. We weren't gonna announce this until the end of tour due to trying to figure out why it happen and for us to grieve properly, seeing how you fans are always supportive in the good and bad Leah had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. I am so grateful she has the other wives to talk to in this time She seems to have the closet relationship with Kim and Kristin. Those 3 are always together doing something while the guys and i are working. Leah kisses Howie on his cheek saying hurry up babe Kim ,Kris, Sue, and Leigh-Anne will be Here any minute don't wanna keep them waiting. Well that's my que to say see you all soon enjoy the music I'm off to a lunch date hope the girls like sushi only one way to find out.

Nick's POV: Wow where to begin I remember just yesterday sue telling me we were pregnant now fast forward 2 years later I'm playing Barbie's dress-up and wrestling with my very rambunctious twins. We Just had our anniversary last night. Marriage isn't always rainbows and butterflies it takes communication love honesty and most of all respect and trust. I hope The girls are having a great time with Howie at lunch. Speaking of lunch I better go see what my little monkeys are up-to before the kitchen is destroyed. Nick yells lunchtime then roars who wants Dino nuggets he tickles Hannah and Hayden pretending to be a dinosaur. Nick sys Ahhhh Hayden you got me sorry guys have to go I'm under attack love you guys see ya on the road.

Alex's POV: This last leg of the tour has been interesting to say the least with all The Bus issues over scheduling late after parties, I used to love that part of shows now not so much id rather hang out on the bus or hotel playing monster trucks and salon party. I am so grateful For my beautiful family and my brothers of course. The guys and myself are a little worried what Kevin's announcement could be when this tour ends in 2 months. I really hope its good news I Dunno if I can handle anymore negative energy. Things Have been a little stressful between me and the wifey to the point I offered to watch the kid-lets so she can have some me time. Hopefully when we get to Memphis the flowers will be in our room along with a few other surprises for her and the kids. Dad, Dad, DADDY Madison yells I thought you were gonna play with us while mommies out. Yes sweetheart daddy will be right there I'm almost done updated the fans on our crazy lives. Wow I have to go guys I just got put in time out for taking to long to play. Ugh now I know how the kids feel when they are in time out ouch holy sh.... monster-trucks. AJ signing off still in timeout.

Kevin's POV: This tour has been fun with you fans but horrible with the buses breaking down, all the extra meetings and press for what extra nostalgia for your company. Kevin smiles as Kristin walks on to the bus. That little outing was just what I needed spending time with the girls and Howie who knew sushi could be so good. Kevin raised his eyebrows at his wife You Ate Sushi? Kristin smirks yes it was actually good poor leigh-Anne she's so ready to be unpregnant. I bet its another boy I'm surprised they haven't told us this time around. Kevin smirks I'm sure what ever they have will be just as special as Baylee. When ever Baylee gets tired of the crying or the noise he can always come stay with us for a while. Kristin smiles saying maybe by that time we will have a little one ourselves and they can play together. Kevin smiles We will have as many as you want my love.He hugs her kissing her neck saying ya know we still have 3 hours till we get to Memphis. Kristen smirks leading kevin to their bunk what shall we do. Kevin growls i know what im going to do he turns the light off making love to his wife then passing out with an hour left till Memphis.

Hey guys, Kim here just wanted to thank all of you for being so Supportive and kind to us wives. I know it can be hard at times seeing all the pictures and updates or hearing things on the radio. The guys really do love all of you fans your like family to everyone of them. I still find myself getting goosebumps at times being married to a BackStreetBoy. I Know its hard for some of you to understand just know i promise to never stop letting Aj know how loved he is and to always try to keep him happy even through the bad times. Kim snaps a photo with the post the 4 sleeping beauties. I hope you all come out to the show tomorrow night its gonna blow your minds. The boys will see you all tomorrow ktbspa signing off now.
End Notes:
Is kevin having second thoughts about the announcement? Will leighanne make it till the end of the tour before she goes into labor. How will the fans react to the wives and kids being with the guys for the last leg of the tour. Stay tuned
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