The Best That I Can by Dream_Dancer



Damen lived most of his life thinking that his dad was dead. Right at the end of his juinor year of high school his mom tells him the turth. His dad didn't die. He left. Damen spends his summer looking for him and once he finds him he's unsure of what to do. He doesn't want to get close with his dad, he just wants to know why he left. And he won't leave until he has the answer.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor
Warnings: Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Sexual Content, Slash M/M
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Completed: Yes Word count: 21371 Read: 48035 Published: 05/26/11 Updated: 12/04/11
Chapter 29 by Dream_Dancer

Nick pushed Jess down on the bed gently. Then he got up on top of her. She reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt. Smiling he took it off and then kissed her. She pulled him down to where he was lying on top of her. For a few minutes they kissed, letting their tongues play with each other. After a while Nick stopped and got up. He was about to take off his pants but stopped. He turned to her.

"What about Damen?" He asked.

"He's at a party. He'll walk in at 3am, pass out on the couch and won't wake up until 10am."

            He nodded and undid his pants. Then he pushed them down his legs and kicked them off. He looked at her and smiled. He gently sat her up and unzipped her dress. He took it off her and dropped it on the floor. She smiled at him and got off the bed. She reached up and pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. When she pulled away she pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. He looked up at her and smiled.

            Jess leaned down and kissed him. Then she started kissing and sucking his neck. When she heard a soft moan escape his lips she smiled and started to kiss down his chest. She licked over both of his nipples before continuing to move down. Slowly she kissed along the waist band of his boxers.

"Jess.... Please..."

            She looked up and smiled at him before taking off his boxers. Then she sat up and reached behind and undid the clasp on her bra. Nick watched as it fell down and exposed her round breast. He grabbed her and pulled her down. Kissing her he moved his hands to her panties and slide them down her legs and threw them on the floor. He kept kissing her and moved to where he was on top of her. She spread out her legs and moaned when she felt him at her entrance. He kissed he deeply before entering her.

End Notes:

Let me know what you guys think!

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