The Best That I Can by Dream_Dancer



Damen lived most of his life thinking that his dad was dead. Right at the end of his juinor year of high school his mom tells him the turth. His dad didn't die. He left. Damen spends his summer looking for him and once he finds him he's unsure of what to do. He doesn't want to get close with his dad, he just wants to know why he left. And he won't leave until he has the answer.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor
Warnings: Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Sexual Content, Slash M/M
Series: None
Chapters: 34 Completed: Yes Word count: 21371 Read: 48032 Published: 05/26/11 Updated: 12/04/11

1. Chapter 1 by Dream_Dancer

2. Chapter 2 by Dream_Dancer

3. Chapter 3 by Dream_Dancer

4. Chapter 4 by Dream_Dancer

5. Chapter 5 by Dream_Dancer

6. Chapter 6 by Dream_Dancer

7. Chapter 7 by Dream_Dancer

8. Chapter 8 by Dream_Dancer

9. Chapter 9 by Dream_Dancer

10. Chapter 10 by Dream_Dancer

11. Chapter 11 by Dream_Dancer

12. Chapter 12 by Dream_Dancer

13. Chapter 13 by Dream_Dancer

14. Chapter 14 by Dream_Dancer

15. Chapter 15 by Dream_Dancer

16. Chapter 16 by Dream_Dancer

17. Chapter 17 by Dream_Dancer

18. Chapter 18 by Dream_Dancer

19. Chapter 19 by Dream_Dancer

20. Chapter 20 by Dream_Dancer

21. Chapter 21 by Dream_Dancer

22. Chapter 22 by Dream_Dancer

23. Chapter 23 by Dream_Dancer

24. Chapter 24 by Dream_Dancer

25. Chapter 25 by Dream_Dancer

26. Chapter 26 by Dream_Dancer

27. Chapter 27 by Dream_Dancer

28. Chapter 28 by Dream_Dancer

29. Chapter 29 by Dream_Dancer

30. Chapter 30 by Dream_Dancer

31. Chapter 31 by Dream_Dancer

32. Chapter 32 by Dream_Dancer

33. Chapter 33 by Dream_Dancer

34. Epilogue by Dream_Dancer

Chapter 1 by Dream_Dancer

He stood silently on the street outside of the airport. The cars flew past and the people avoided him. The sun shown down on his pale face. His jet black hair stood out on all sides. His eyes were rimmed with black eyeliner and their red gaze stared at nothing. He had five eyebrow piercings. Two on the right and three on the left. His lip ring clung to the left side of his bottom lip. He had gages in both of his ears. He wore a black leather, studded chocker with a matching long coat. Underneath that he wore a plain black wife-beater. His straight-legged jeans were so tight they looked like a part of him. His black skate shoes were torn up with the fabric and laces hanging around.

            The boy's name was Damen. He was sixteen years old and a straight A student. Next year would be his last year of high school and he hoped to spend it here in Florida. Since he'd gotten out of school for the summer he'd been looking for someone. He hoped to find them soon. He pulled his phone out of his coat pocket and flipped it open. July 19, 2017, 12:24 pm is what it said on the main screen. He sighed, he had to find the man he was looking for fast. His school started on August 28. That gave him just about a month left. He knelt down to pick up his backpack, which was by his feet, as he remembered his conversation with his principle back in May.


            He sat in a stiff chair looking at the old man across from him. A look of disgust was clearly on the older man's face. Damen was the school's top student, and yet he chose to dress and act like one of the worst.

"Damen," He spoke quickly. "I was informed that you're thinking of turning down your consular position at the summer science camp this year."

"Yeah, I am."

"If you don't mind me asking, why?"

"I might be busy. Looking for someone this summer."


            He rolled his head to the side and ran his fingers over his lip ring. His leg bounced up and down uncontrollably. He didn't want to tell anyone what he was looking for. He thought it over in his mind and came to the conclusion that telling the principle didn't matter.

"My father."


            He didn't know why he had said that. The man wasn't really his father. Biologically, yes he was. He had never met him though. The guy had left before he was even born. He hated himself now for saying that. Those words tasted disgusting coming from his mouth. He didn't have a father. He didn't need one. He just needed to know who this man was and why he left. Only after he knew that would he stop.

            He opened up his backpack and looked for an old letter this guy had sent his mom. Damen hoped that he stilled lived in the same place as he did back then. He opened it up and read it over. The guy, like himself, had horrible handwriting. Most of it made no sense to him. So he skipped over it until he reached the end. He stared hard at the words ‘Love you forever, Nick'.

"So much for forever," he muttered.

            He took out the picture that was also in the envelope. He looked at the man. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was smiling big. A diamond stud was noticeable in his ear. He wore a simple sea shell necklace and a silver chain around his neck. He has a few tattoos on each arm. One on his left arm was clearly a shark. The man looked exactly like he would if he didn't dye his hair and put in red contacts. He put the picture away and looked back at the address. He was in Florida now and all he had to do was find Sunset Beach Drive. Once he was there he might find this man.


            Damen found his way away from the airport. His first thought was going to find the man but his stomach changed his mind. Now he was on the hunt for Mc Donald's. Finding the guy could wait after lunch. He didn't have to walk a long ways before he found a Mc Donald's. It stood on the other side of the street waiting for him. He ran across the street and walked inside. The smells of grease, fries, and chicken hit him instantly. So did the annoying screams of little kids running around.

            He started to make his way up to the counter but stopped. In the corner sat a group of guys. One of them looked like the man from his picture. He shook his head, thinking that couldn't be the guy. Just then the guy turned a little. Damen could see his left arm completely. It was covered in tattoos, but one was clear. A shark tattoo. He didn't know how many people in the world had a tattoo like that but he guessed not many. It had to be him, and Damen was going to find out for sure.

            He walked right to the corner and topped in front of the table. Looking closely he could see the man's bright blue eyes.

"Can we help you?" One of the other guy's asked.

"Are you Nick?" He pointed right at the man.

"Yeah, you want an autograph or something?"

"No. I want to know why you left."

The man looked at him confused, "what are you talking about? I don't even know you."

            He sat his backpack down on an empty chair and dug around for the letter. Once he found it he handed it over to the man.

"You wrote this to my mom. Seventeen years ago."

Chapter 2 by Dream_Dancer

Nick took the letter from him and read it over. He recognized his handwriting and knew that the kid wasn't lying to him. He sighed and looked up into the kid's red eyes.

"Can we talk outside?" He asked.

Damen shrugged, "sure."

            They walked outside and walked over to a bench nearby. Nick sat down on one end of the bench. Damen however sat on the ground. Nick gave him a questioning look.

"The grass is softer than that plastic" Damen said.

Nick nodded, "Okay. So what's your name and what do you want?"

"Damen." I already said I wanted to know why you left."

"Listen kid..."

"Damen," he interrupted. "I hate being called kid."

"Right." Damen, look when I left your mom you weren't even alive. Why don't you go find your dad and ask him."

"Dude you're my dad."

"What?" Nick looked at him wide-eyed.

"You," Damen pointed at him. "My dad." Then he pointed at himself.

"Are you serious?"

"Kind of. Want a blood test?"

"No I don't want a fucking blood test. You can't be my kid."

"Well I am. Now tell me, how you like knowing you have a son who will be seventeen in three months."

Nick stood up shaking his head. "This can't be real."

"Well if it isn't will I be carried away by flying monkeys?" Damen asked him.

"This isn't funny. Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant?"

"Don't ask me. I don't know why your relationship sucked."

            Nick glared at him before walking away. He walked back inside and back to the table where he was sitting with the guys. He picked up the kid's backpack and his own bag. Then he walked over to Brian.

"Hey man can you come outside with me?"

"Sure Nick."

            Together they walked back outside and to where Damen was sitting pulling the flowers out of the ground and ripping them to pieces. Damen looked up at them and grabbed his backpack from Nick's hands.

"Don't touch this. It's mine."

"I know I was giving it to you."

"Whatever bye." Damen turned and started walking away.

"I thought you wanted to know something from me."

Damen looked back at him. "Not anymore. I don't think I want to know anything from someone like you anymore."


Damen walked to the sidewalk and away from Mc Donald's. He made sure he was going the opposite way from the airport. He took the picture out of his backpack. Slowly he started ripping it into little pieces. With each tear he made he tried to forget the conversation he just had. His mom didn't want him anymore and it was pretty clear that his ‘dad' didn't want him either. The look was on his face when Damen told him the he was his son. The guy didn't want to be his father. He didn't even really want to talk to him.

He threw all the pieces of the picture into the nearest trash can. He stopped by it and looked around. The sun shown into his eyes but he didn't care. His stomach growled. He knew he was hungry but he didn't know where to stop. He didn't even really know where he was.


Nick watched Damen walk away before turning to go to his car. Brian followed him.

"Nick what's going on?"

"Trust me Rok I don't know."

"Okay so who was that kid?"

"Apparently my son."


"Can we talk about this later? I want to catch up with him and try and talk to him."

Brian nodded and watched him as he drove off.

            Nick drove down the street. He was going over the speed limit but he didn't care. Damen had somehow moved quickly. He wasn't close to Mc Donald's at all when Nick saw him. He was standing by a trash can emptying out his backpack. Nick sighed and pulled up to the curb. He rolled down the windows as Damen turned to look at him.

"Damen get in. We need to talk."

"Sorry my mommy said don't get in the car with strangers unless they were showing you money."

"You're a twisted kid. Get in here."

Damen walked up to the car. He opened the door and sat down. He looked around the car and spotted a stack of cd's. He search threw them before throwing them back into the backseat.

"You know I wasn't kidding. She really said if I could get money from someone who wasn't her I should."


"Yep. She's drunk half the time."

"I guess that happened after I left."

"Ya think?"

            Neither one of them said anything else for a while. Damen stared out the window trying to find someplace that looked halfway cool. He could see any place that he would usually hang out at.

"Guess it's time to dye again."

            Nick almost hit the car in front of him when he heard that. Damen looked at him and started laughing.
"What did you say?" Nick asked.

"Time to dye again." Damen answered, "You know. Dye my hair."

"Oh okay."

             Nick relaxed a little as he continued to drive. Damen kept laughing quietly. He didn't expect him to almost crash, but it did help amuse him a little.

"Will you shut up?"

"Angry man."

Damen made a hissing noise. That made him laugh again. This time Nick laughed to.

"You won't make a good cat."

"Whatever man. I'm cute." Damen threw his hair back, "My alien said so."

            Nick shook his head and turned the corner. The kid was weird but he could get use to being around him. He was kind of funny too.

Chapter 3 by Dream_Dancer

"Soooo where we going?" Damen asked Nick.

"My house."

"Oooo fun. Is there a party?"


"Never mind not fun."

            Damen started running his fingers over his lip ring like he did every time he was nervous.

"You're not going to murder me are you?" He asked trying to be funny.

Nick looked at him, "no. Why, are you scared?"

"Of you? No. Of someone you might have at your creepy house? Yes."

"There's no one at my house but my dogs."

Damen faked looking shocked, "Dogs? They could hurt me."

"You'll be fine."

"That's what you think." Damen muttered under his breath.


            Damen was silent the rest of the way to the house. When they pulled up in the drive way he heard barking. He guessed it was one of the dog's Nick said he had. He got out of the car and started following Nick to the door before he stopped. The house in front of him was huge. It was white and had a green trim. There was only a door and a few windows that he could see.

"Do you hate windows?"

Nick turned back to him, "No. Most of the windows are just on the other sides of the house."

            Damen nodded and walked inside. When he was in he stopped breathing. He thought the outside was huge but the inside was just as big. The tiles were a soft green color and the rug was a shade darker. He walked further into the house and entered a white room. There were couches and chairs, all white. There were also books and other things on the shelves that came out of the walls. On the far side of the room there was the biggest TV he had ever seen.

"Whoa." Damen said.

Nick walked into the room behind him. "What?"

"Dude your house is like huge!"


"Yeah. It's big Why is it green?"

Nick shrugged, "I like green."

"What a lovely reason. Which couch do I get?"

"Any. So when do you want to see your room?"

"M WHAT!?" He shouted.

"Your room. You didn't sound happy when you talked about your mom so I thought you would like to stay here for a while. But if you don't want to that's fine."

"No it's fine. I want to stay. I've just....uh never mind."

"No what?"

"It's just that I've never had my own room before. Mom always made me sleep on the couch or outside somewhere."

            Nick looked at the young boy suddenly feeling very sorry for him. He realized that there was more to this kid than dark clothes and a twisted sense of humor.


            Later that night Nick was in the kitchen. He was cooking pasta for himself and Damen. Damen had fallen asleep not long after Nick had shown him his room. Pasta was the only thing he could think of to make for dinner since Damen was sleeping. He just hoped Damen didn't mind.

            When the pasta was done cooking and set out on the table Nick walked up stairs. He stood in the door way of Damen's room for a minute looking at the sleeping boy. Now that he was looking at the boy closely he could see that Damen looked like him a little.  He sighed as he walked over to the bed.

"Hey Damen, wake up."

            He shook him slightly. Slowly Damen's eyes started to open.

"What is it?" He mumbled.

"I cooked dinner if you're hungry."

            Damen sat up quickly when he heard that.

Nick chuckled, "yeah food. Come on."

            They walked downstairs and Damen sat down at the table.

"So what do you want to drink?" Nick asked.

"You got coke?"

"Only diet."

"I'll take milk then."


            Nick poured Damen a glass of milk and got a bottle of water for himself.

"So Damen later this week do you want to go to the store and get some things for yourself?"

"Uh..." Damen hesitated.

"I don't have to go with you if you don't want me too. I could just give you the money."

"No, it's not that. It's just how do you get all this money? Are you a drug dealer like all my mom's other boyfriends?"

Nick laughed, "no I'm not a drug dealer."

"Then what do you do? You don't look like a business man."

"Well that's good because I'm not. I'm a singer."

"Really?" Damen thought for a moment. "That's cool. Are you in a band?"

"Pop group."

"What one"?

"The Backstreet Boys."

Damen chocked on his pasta.

"Dude that's like the world's most popular boy band!"

Nick laughed again, "dude I know."


Chapter 4 by Dream_Dancer

Look at the stars - Look how they shine for you - And everything you do - Yeah they were all yellow

I came along - I wrote this song for you - And all the things that you do - And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn - Oh what a thing to have done - And it was all yellow

Your skin - Oh yeah, your skin and bones - Turning to something beautiful - You know - You know I love you so

You know I love you so...


            Damen listened to his music as he walked quietly and slowly around Nick's house. Nick had gone to bed an hour ago and he couldn't resist exploring the house. This way he could do it without Nick getting mad at him. He opened a door slowly and walked into the room. The moonlight shined in through the window. With its help he saw piles of cd's, movies, and video games. There was another huge TV, but this one had a game system hooked up to it. Damen backed out of the room and walked down the hall.

            The next two doors led into closets. He walked past Nick's bedroom and to the last room in the hall. He took a deep breath before opening it. He slowly walked in and saw a desk. He closed the door behind him and turned the lights on. He walked up to the desk and then turned to face the door. He guessed that this was Nick's office. He saw all the awards he had won with the Backstreet Boys on the shelves to his left. The wall on his right was filled with pictures.

            He walked up to the wall to look at them more closely. He saw the rest of the Backstreet Boys in some of them. Some of the pictures he knew had to be really old. He kept looking at them and kept seeing four faces that he didn't recognize. One was a guy and the other three were girls.

"What are you doing in here?"

            Damen dropped his Mp3 player and turned around. Standing in the doorway was Nick. Damen couldn't tell if he was mad or not.

"I um... I'll leave."

            Damen picked up his Mp3 and walked over to Nick.

"I didn't tell you to leave. I just wanted to know what you were doing." Nick told him.

"I just wanted to see more of your house."

"Why didn't you ask then?"

Damen shrugged, "I thought you wouldn't show me everything I guess."

"Damen you're going to be living here. I would have shown you everything you wanted to see."

"Oh..." Damen said softly.

            Nick walked over to his chair and sat down.

"So do you have any questions about this room?"

"Only one." Damen walked back over to the pictures. "Who are these people?"

            Nick got up and walked over to him. He looked at the picture Damen was pointing at.

"Those are my sister's and brother."

"What are they're names?"

"I thought you had only one question?" Nick joked.

"Well....just answer."

"Fine. My brother's name is Aaron. The girl with the brown hair is his twin and her name is Angel. The taller of the two blond girl's is Leslie. And the other blond girl is BJ."

Damen nodded, "What does BJ stand for?"

"Bobbie Jean."


"That it?"

"Yep. I'm going to bed now."

            Nick watched as Damen left the room. Something was up with the kid and he wanted to know what it was. He let out a yawn and started walking back to bed. He'd find out what was wrong in the morning when he wasn't tired.

            Nick was almost to his room when he heard barking coming from Damen's room. He ran down the hall and into his room. Layla was barking and jumping trying to get Damen who was sitting peacefully on top of the dresser laughing.

"Dude your dog's crazy."

"Thanks. Layla shut up."

            Nick walked over to her and picked her up.

"What are you doing up there?"

"It bit me."

"Oh. Sorry about that. She's kind of mean."

Damen shook his head. "And you said your dogs wouldn't hurt me."

"Yeah well, I forgot about her. You okay?"

"I will be...."

"You sure? You seemed sad leaving the other room."

"Oh...that was nothing."

            Damen hopped off the dresser and walked to the bed.

"Damen what is it?"

"Do you really want to know?"


"Fine, I got upset okay? I got jealous because you have a brother and sisters. And I don't  because of my stupid mom."

            Damen sat down on the bed and turned away from him. Nick walked over and sat down next to him.

"What happened?"

"I was supposed to have a sister. But my mom freaked out and started drinking and doing drugs more than she normally did. She also stopped eating. When she found out what she was doing didn't kill the baby she had an abortion."

            By the time he was done he was crying. Nick held him tightly not knowing what to do.

End Notes:

Song Used: Yellow by Coldplay

Chapter 5 by Dream_Dancer

Damen woke up the next morning to the sunlight and the smell of bacon cooking. He sat up in the bed and tried to tell himself that he didn't want any food. After his stomach growled four times he gave up. He stood up and walked into the bathroom dragging his backpack with him. He stopped in front of the mirror. Set his backpack down on the counter. He dug through it until he found what he wanted. He looked up at his reflection and smirked.

"I think it's time to mess with Nick." He whispered to himself.


            Nick was in the kitchen taking the bacon off the burner when Damen walked in. He turned around to say ‘hi' but stopped. It looked like Damen had on blue, sparkled eyeliner.

"Hey Nick!" Damen said brightly.

"Hi..." He answered slowly. "You okay?"

"Yep. I've never felt better....that's bacon."

            He pointed to the pan Nick was holding. Nick saw that his finer nails had the same blue, sparkled look. He was acting way different from yesterday as well. Yesterday he barley smiled now he was all happy.

"Yea...I made you some French toast and bacon for breakfast. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I told you I'm fine. Last night I just needed sleep. And I got it. Thanks for breakfast."

            Nick just nodded as he poured himself some coffee before sitting down.

"So Nick, can we go get that stuff today? I would go by myself but I don't know where anything is."

"Um... actually I have to record some songs today. But I'm free Friday."

"Alright.....Does that mean I'm here alone all day?"

            Nick nodded again, worried about what might happen that day, as he looked at Damen's face. His eyes showed no emotion but he had a smile on his face.

"Are your eyes really red?" He asked.

"Unfortunately no they're not. These are colored contacts."

"Then what's their real color?"

"I don't show or tell anyone that. The only people who know is me and my Grandparents."

"Oh. I was just wondering because...." He stopped. He didn't want to hurt Damen's feelings.

"Because they're weird?"


"I know that. Why do think I got them instead of normal contacts?"

Nick shrugged and continued eating.


            After they were both done Nick cleaned up the table while Damen looked through the fridge.

"Are you still hungry?"

"No. I'm just looking at what you have."


"And if I'm going to live here you need to get some new food in this fridge."

            Nick walked over to him and looked down.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, there's no regular coke, cherries, coco puffs, chocolate milk, or cake. What am I supposed to eat?"

Nick chuckled, "Well we can get more food on Friday too."

"Fine I guess I can live until then."

            Nick walked away and put the rest of the dishes into the dishwasher and turned it on. He turned around to tell Damen he was leaving but the room was empty. He wrote a note instead and grabbed his keys.


            Damen was up in his room laughing when Nick left. He loved the shocked look on Nick's face when he had walked into the kitchen earlier. He knew taking Rachel's make up would be good for something.

            He looked at the clock after he stopped laughing. It was only noon. That meant he still had a ton of time before Nick was back. He left his room and walked over to Nick's. The door was shut. He knew he shouldn't be going into Nick's room. But he was curious. He opened the door and walked in. The room was a mess. There were clothes and papers all over and the blankets from the bed were bundled up at the bottom of the bed. He saw the dog that bit him last night on the bed. He backed out of the room and closed the door again, wanting nothing to do with that dog.

            Damen walked downstairs and entered the room with the TV. In the corner of the room he saw an acoustic guitar. He walked over and picked it up. As he sat down on a couch he started strumming a song that was stuck in his head. After a while he stopped. Then he started again from the beginning, singing along.


She stares at the moon - Her ribbons out of tune - Memories of the past - At the bottom of her glass - And resting on her cheek - The imprint of his ring - A symbol of the weak - Commissioned by the king - Did he tie you down? - Did you make a sound?

She falls to her knees - Screaming God please - Make something of me - ‘Cause I never wanted anything like what I wanna be right now - An angel again - An angel again - Somehow

She remembers his old boots - And the shot gun that he shoots - And all that she could take - Lies at the bottom of a lake - So lift your cig and drag - As you figure out a plan - To hide it all away - How could she ever love this man? - Did you weigh him down? - Did he make a sound?

She falls to her knees - Screaming God please - Make something of me - ‘Cause I never wanted anything like what I wanna be right now - An angel again - An angel again - Somehow

And when you carry weight in your life (life) - And all the plans you make in your life (life) - The original decision was right

She falls to her knees - Screaming God please - Make something of me - ‘Cause I never wanted anything like what I wanna be right now - An angel again - An angel again - An angel again - An angel again - Somehow - Somehow yeah....


            Once he was doe playing the song Damen put the guitar back where he found it and turned on the TV.

End Notes:

Song used: Somehow - Drake Bell

Chapter 6 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

Thanks for all the reviews!!

Nick walked into the studio and saw Brian. He was looking over the song they were recording that day. Brian looked up when Nick sat down next to him.

"Hey man."

"Hi. Listen Brian I need your help with something."

"Is it about that kid?"

"Uh....yeah. How did you know?"

"Well you did leave yesterday to follow him. What do you need help with?"

"Everything! I have no idea what to do with a teenager in my house."

"He's in your house?!" Brian yelled.

"Well yea....and could you not yell?"

"Alright, but why is he in your house?"

"Because..." Nick sighed. "He's my son and he needed a place to stay."

"Nick, this kid...."



"His name is Damen."

"Okay... Damen could be lying to you."

Nick shook his head. "I don't think he is. But that doesn't matter. Can you help me?"

"Maybe..." Brian stood up. "I'll have to meet him first though."

            Nick nodded as Brian walked into the recording booth. He sat there and listened to Brian sing and hoped everything was fine at his house.



            Damen was sleeping on the kitchen floor when Brian and Nick walked in. When they walked into the kitchen Nick stopped at Damen's feet. He stared down at him.

"What's wrong with him?" Brian whispered.

"I have no idea."

            Nick knelt down beside Damen to wake him up.

"Hey Damen...." He nudged him slightly.

            Damen's eyes opened and he pushed Nick's hand away.
"Dude do not touch me."

            Damen stood up and saw Brian.

"Who's the old guy?" He asked.

            Nick chuckled and Brian hit him.

"He's my friend, Brian." Nick told him.

            Damen turned away and opened the fridge. He pulled out a diet coke and got a glass from the cabinet.

Nick looked at him, "I thought you hated diet coke."

"I do, but I'll make it taste good. Where's the sugar?"

            Nick gave him a confused look as he got the sugar out for him. Damen took the sugar and set it down by his glass.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked.

"You'll see."

            Damen poured half of the coke into a glass. Then he opened the sugar and dumped it in until the glass was almost full. He sat and watched as the drink fizzed over for a while. Then he got a spoon and stirred it before taking a sip.

"Does that really taste good?" Nick asked him.

"No, but it does taste better."

            With that Damen cleaned up what spilt over and walked out of the room. Brian turned to Nick with a smirk on his face.

"You're not going to try and control him are you?"

"Hell no! I think that would be impossible."

"Maybe not....but you wanted my help right?"


"Okay start by setting some rules and see how that goes."

"Alright...What if he doesn't follow them?"

Brian shrugged, "You're the dad not me."

"Oh thanks. I need to be called that." Nick replied sarcastically.

            Brian laughed as he walked to the door.

"If you need help with anything else just"

"Yea okay...."

            Nick walked back in the kitchen and opened up the fridge. He heard Damen walk back into the room.

"Did the other guy leave?"

"Yeah...what do you want to eat?"

            Damen was silent as he put his now empty glass on the counter. Then he turned to face Nick.

"I don't care. Anything is fine I guess."

"Alright." Nick just noticed that his dogs didn't greet him at the door when he walked in. "Where are my dogs?"

"You're room."

"What? Why?"

Damen shrugged, "They were just hanging out on your bed the last time I saw them."

            Nick sighed. He looked up and saw Damen trying hard not to laugh.


"They're having a partying in your bed."

"You're weird."

            Damen shrugged and kept laughing. Nick shook his head and lightly slapped his arm as he walked past.

"Hey are you leaving again?" Damen asked him.

"Yea. I'm gonna go get some pizza."

"Cool. Can you also get me some blue hair dye and nail polish? Bright blue."

"Uh.... Sure." Nick said uncertainly.


Chapter 7 by Dream_Dancer

They come and go, but they don't know - That you are my beautiful, oh - I try to come closer with you - But they all say we won't make it through

But I'll be there forever - You will see that it's better - All our hopes and our dreams will come true - I will not disappoint you - I will be right there for you - ‘Till the end, the end of time - Please be mine


            Nick heard singing as he walked into his house Thursday afternoon. At first he thought Damen had left the radio playing loudly. That was until he heard the voice mess up a few of the notes. He walked deeper into the house looking for where the singing was coming from.


I'm in and out of love with you - Trying to find if it's really true, na na na na na - How can I prove my love - If they all think I'm not good enough


            Nick walked past a room when he saw Damen sitting on the couch playing his guitar. He stopped in the door way and listened to him quietly.


But I'll be there forever - You will see that it's better - All our hopes and our dreams will come true - I will not disappoint you - I will be right there for you - ‘Till the end, the end of time - Please be mine

Can't stop the rain from falling - Can't stop my heart from calling you - It's calling you - Can't stop the rain from falling (Can't stop the rain) - Can't stop my heart from calling you - It's calling you


            Nick smiled as he watched Damen play. It wasn't because he was really good at it because he wasn't. He sounded okay but not amazing. But Nick could tell that Damen liked it. That's what made it sound good.


But I'll be there forever - You will see that it's better (much better) - All our hopes and our dreams will come true (they'll come true) - I will not disappoint you - I will be right there for you - ‘Till the end, end the of time - Please be mine


            Damen sighed when he was done. Sitting in front of him was one of Nick's dogs. He had no idea what the dog's name was and he didn't care either. The only thing he cared about was that his shoe was in the dog's mouth. He sat the guitar down on the couch and leaned closer to the dog. He reached for his shoe, but just as he was about to touch it the dog ran off.

"Ya damn thing! Get back here with my shoe!" He yelled.

            He heard someone laughing behind him. He turned around and saw Nick in the door way laughing.

"Why are you laughing? It's got my shoe."

"It's a boy." Nick said still laughing.

"Don't care. My shoe is in it's mouth and I want it back."

"You won't get it back for a while."

Damen looked at him, "Then what shoes do I wear?"

"You got another pair?"


"Oh. Uh.... You can see if any of mine fit. Then you can buy some for yourself tomorrow. That alright?"

"Do I get any other choice?"

"You could go bare foot. Other than that, no not really."

Damen sighed again, "Alright."

            He walked back to the couch and picked the guitar up. After he put the guitar away he left without another word.

End Notes:

Song used : Please Be Mine by Jonas Brothers

Chapter 8 by Dream_Dancer

The next day Damen was staring at the shoes in front of him. At the moment he was wearing a pair of Nick's sandal's (they were the only ones that fit). He kept looking at the shoes before turning to Nick.

"Where are the skate shoes in this place?"

Nick shrugged, "I don't know.... I don't wear those shoes."

            Damen walked off and roamed the aisles. He was trying to find something that didn't look as stupid as he felt. Skinny jeans, an August Burns Red t-shirt and sandals do NOT look good together. Finally he found a pair of black high top Converse and black and red checkered pair of Vans. They weren't what he really wanted but they were better than all the other shoes. After Nick had paid for them Damen slipped on the Vans and put the sandals in the box. Now he didn't feel as stupid. He just felt lost.

            After they got the shoes they went to get some more clothes. Damen went past every store without even glancing at them until he reached Hot Topic. He looked at the shirts first. He picked up a few of his favorite band t-shirts and a couple more pair's of skinny jeans. He made sure they were checkered or black. Then he looked at the earring's and lip ring's. When he walked up to the counter to ask the girl if she could open the case for him he noticed Nick flirting with her. He rolled his eyes and kicked the back of Nick's left knee. Hard.

"Ow! What the fuck?" Nick turned and looked at Damen.

"You're in my way. Move."

            Nick moved and Damen dropped all his things on the counter.

"Hi! Is this everything?" The sales girl asked.

            Damen looked at her. She was kind of pretty but she was peppy. Also her name tag was upside down, so he thought she had to be a little stupid.

"No. I want to look in the earring case."

            The girl nodded and went to unlocked the case. Damen watched as she put the key in wrong five times before she finally got it open. He got the set of earrings and the lip ring he wanted. Then he stood by and watched as Nick flirted with the girl more as he paid for everything.

            Once they were out of the store Nick looked at him.

"I can't believe I almost spent $200.00 in there."

"I can't believe You flirted with that girl." Damen said looking him right in the eye.

            Nick's cheek's started turning a bright pink and he turned away.

"So where to next?"

"Out of this mall."

"Anywhere's else?"

Damen shrugged, "Anywhere's I can get a bookshelf and some good books I guess."

Chapter 9 by Dream_Dancer

Damen looked around his room. He and Nick had just finished putting up the bookshelves together. Now there was two large bookshelves on one side of the room and a small bookshelf on the opposite side. On one of the large ones he started putting the books he had bought yesterday on. The other one he left empty, for now. On the small one he set his small cd collection. In one corner was the guitar that used to be down stairs. After Nick found out that Damen played it almost every day he gave it to him. The walls and floor were still green but the bed was now black and white. Over all the whole room looked better than it did when he first came earlier in the week.

            He walked over to the guitar. He picked it up carefully and carried it to the bed.


Where did you go, when I arrived - What was that look, saw in your eyes - Nothing is what it appears - I'm a bit more refined in my recent years

She said I wasn't even here - She said I wasn't even - She said I wasn't even here - She said I wasn't

It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find

Do you believe in things that you hear - Maybe you're wrong - It isn't clear - Another excuse for me to ignore - It's not quite as simple as it was before

She said I wasn't even here - She said I wasn't even - She said I wasn't even here - She said I wasn't

It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find

I'm giving it - It's coming out - You gave it away - I'm thinking about - Not taking it - You're faking it - You're such a sad girl - Sad girl

Where did you leave - Why did you go - What were you thinking - I'd like to know - If walking away is all it's about - Then why did it take so long to figure out

She said I wasn't even here - She said I wasn't even - She said I wasn't even here - She said I wasn't

It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out - It's only time - Until you find out

It's only time - It's only time - It's only time - It's only time - It's only


            Damen set the guitar down and laid down on the bed.

"Where'd you learn how to play?"

            He looked up and saw Nick in the doorway.

"I should make you pay for listening to me play again," He joked. "I taught myself."

Nick nodded, "Ever had a singing lesson?"

"No. Do I need one?"

"Yea... A little. You're not bad though."

            Nick walked into the room and sat down in the chair by the desk.

"Why do you sing only when you think you're alone?" Nick asked.

Damen shrugged, "I guess because I'm scared. I do good in school and everything so most people are always proud of me. They always see me do good in what I do. So I guess I didn't want people to see that I might be bad at something."

            Damen got up and picked up the hair dye Nick bought him. Then he entered the bathroom letting the door slam behind him. Nick looked after him unsure of what to do. For a second Damen acted different. But then he changed back into what he usually was. The kid who hid all his feelings and acted like nothing hurt him. Nick sighed. Damen, he was starting to see, was a lot like himself.

End Notes:

Song Used: It's Only Time by Drake Bell

Chapter 10 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading and for all the reviews!!! :)

Damen woke up early in the morning. He quickly changed into his track pants and out the Vans on. Then he went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror he could see his now shorter, spikier hair lying flat. All the blue parts were now pointing to his forehead. A scar from the last fight he was in was on his chest. Right underneath the scar was a tattoo of a dragon. The tips of the wings that were tattooed on his back were on his shoulders. His muscular arms were tattoo free.....For now. He looked at his abs. the six-pack he had during school was now hidden by a little fat. He turned away and headed outside. This whole summer he had forgotten to do his morning run. Now he was going to start again.


            About an hour later Damen was back at the house finished with his run. He went inside and back p to his room. Besides him there was no other noise in the house which meant Nick was still asleep. When Damen got to his room he checked the time, 7:30 am. He threw off his shoes and track pants and put on his swim trunks. Then he grabbed his guitar and went down to the pool in the backyard. He sat by the pool's edge and started playing.


I never thought I would, did it - Never thought I could - I did it like that - Did it like this - Did it like everybody knows - That we got something real, Shorty - I know what I feel - Shout it like that - Shout it like this - Listen up everybody knows - But you - So here it goes

I guess I never really noticed - Took a while for me to see - Playing back the moments - Now I'm starting to believe - That you could be at the show and know everyone - But it's you who makes me sing - And I know where we are and I know who I am - Baby, I'm your biggest fan


            Damen suddenly stopped. He realized he didn't remember the rest of the song. He tried hard to remember but he couldn't think of it. So he started playing a different song.


How it happens - I don't care - If it's rainin' - Or what I wear - I know today is taking me - Where I'm meant to be - Doesn't matter where I go - With my bowling shoes - And my rock star phone - I'm waiting for a friend to call - Or the rain to fall

Life goes by - Who knows why

I can't wait for the world to spin - I can't wait to be happening - Ooh, what's it gonna take? - I can't wait for the time to come - When I'll be shining like the sun - I can't wait (I can't wait)

Bum - Bum bum bum - Bum bum bum - Bum bum bum - Yeah

Everybody has their day - Where things just seem to go their way - An angel's gonna - Smile on me - When it's meant to be - ‘Cause anything is possible - No matter how incredible - You never know who I might meet - On this crowded street

Life goes on - Like a song

I can't wait for the world to spin - I can't wait to be happening - Ooh, what's it gonna take? - I can't wait for the time to come - When I'll be shining like the sun - I can't wait

I haven't got forever - And I haven't got all day - Oooh I don't want my world to stay the same - So where's the magic moment - To carry me away

I can't wait for the world to spin - I can't wait to be happening - Ooh, what's it gonna take? - I can't wait for the time to come - When I'll be shining like the sun - I can't wait

I can't wait for the world to spin - I can't wait to be happening - I can't wait

I can't wait


            Damen put the guitar down away from the water. Then he slid into the pool letting the water cover him. It was cool and felt good against the morning heat. He started swimming laps and after he did 50 he got out and dried off.

End Notes:

Songs Used:

Your Biggest Fan by Jonas Brothers

I Can't Wait by Hilary Duff

Chapter 11 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

another new chapter!

To the priceless moments in your life....


            Nick stared up at the pink words on his ceiling. They weren't there when he fell asleep the night before. So he was confused about how they got there. He sat up and got out of his bed. He turned to his door and froze.


A heart filled with love is forever young.


            The same pink paint. The same writing. On both the ceiling and his door.

"What the hell?"

            He looked down at Layla who was by his feet. She wagged her tail. He bent down to look at her more closely. She had a pink heart painted on her back. He opened the door but didn't move. He just stared at the wall in front of him.


Sometimes words are not enough.


            It was on the wall as well. He wanted to know what was up with the pink writing and how many more places would he see it. He walked down the hallway and to the stairs. On the stairwell he saw:


One cannot spend forever sitting and solving the mysteries of one's history.


            Nick got to the bottom of the stairs and stopped. Lying on the floor was an envelope with his name on it in the pink paint. He bent down and picked it up curious about what it was. He opened it up and took the two pieces of paper out of it.


The first said:

            No matter who you are, no matter where you live, and no matter how many people are chasing you, what you don't read is often as important as what you do read.

-Lemony Snicket


            Nick set the first paper down confused. It made no sense to him at all. He picked up the other paper.


The second said:


            By the time you read this you have also read everything else I've written in your house (that is, of course, unless you are blind). It probably makes no sense to you. But it shouldn't. So don't wreck your pretty boy head thinking about it.

            The two weeks I spent at your house were fun. But that time is over. I will not be staying any longer. The room you gave me is now the same way it was when I came. Everything you bought me is in two boxes on the bed. Do with it what you want. I will not be needed it. The guitar is back in the room where it originally was from. When I left I took nothing but my own things, the Vans and the coke.

            You're a great person but there's no way in hell that you are ready for a kid to raise.



            Nick stared at the letter confused and a little sad. Damen had left. He never thought this would happen so soon. He didn't want the kid to live with him forever but he didn't expect him to leave after two weeks. He let the paper fall to the floor as a single tear fell from his eye.

Chapter 12 by Dream_Dancer

It was almost dark and Nick was still sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. He had sat there all day. He was hungry and his back and legs did hurt but he didn't move. He couldn't. He never expected to be sad when Damen left but he was. He wanted to talk to him. Find out why he left. Why he couldn't stay. But Nick couldn't. He had no phone number and no idea where Damen was going.

            Nick sighed and stood up when he heard someone knock on the door. A part of him hoped it was Damen coming back. The other part said Damen would never be back. He opened the door and saw Brian and Leighanne standing there.

"Where were you today?" Brian asked as they walked in.

"There." Nick said pointing to the stairs.

"Why were you there?" Leighanne asked him.

            Nick walked over and picked up the letter. He handed it to them and sat back down as they read it.

"Who's Damen?" Leighanne asked confused.

"He's a kid. He came to me two weeks ago with a letter I sent to his mom. I apparently am his dad. So for the past two weeks he's been living here. But this morning he was gone."

"What does he mean by ‘everything else I've written'?" Brian questioned.

"He wrote these weird things on my wall with pink paint."

            Brian nodded as he handed Nick the letter back.

"So you just sat there all day?"

            Nick nodded.


"I don't know. I just miss him a little."

"But you only knew him for two weeks." Brian said.

            Leighanne slapped his shoulder and walked over to Nick.

"Nick if you miss him then why not talk to him?"

"I don't know where he's going or his phone number."

            Leighanne thought for a moment.

"How did he get here in Florida? Did he fly?"

"Uh...." Nick thought and tried to remember how Damen got there. "I think he did."

"Well then let's go to the airport."

"Why?" Brian and Nick asked at the same time.

"Because," she explained. "Only two planes have taken off today. All the other flights were cancelled. Remember Brian we were supposed to fly out to LA today?"

            Brian nodded and Nick stood up. They all went outside. Brian and Leighanne got in their car and Nick got in his. He was hoping that Damen was at the airport.


            Rain splashed against the windshield as Nick drove to the airport. Since he had been sitting on the stairs all day he had no idea the weather was bad.

            When he got to the airport he parked and went inside with Brian and Leighanne. This time Baylee was with them too.

"Nick, why are you coming to the airport?" Baylee asked him.

"Because I'm looking for someone."

"Did a girl leave you again?"

            Nick punched him lightly as Brian and Leighanne laughed.

"No." He said before he walked off.

Chapter 13 by Dream_Dancer

Damen looked out the window silently. He hoped that what he just did was the right thing. Finding and meeting Nick was great at first. But then he remembered everything he left behind. His mom, Grandparents, friends, and his job. All of it, for the chance of meeting the man that was his father. But was it worth it? For the two weeks he spent there, yes. But not if he stayed longer. Everything else in his life meant too much to him to leave it all behind.

            He turned away from the window and looked around. Standing over by the vending machines were his two best friends, Nat and Ethan. Ethan had a bag of chips and Damen was pretty sure he somehow stole it from one of the machines. Like he always did. He walked over to them and took some of the chips.

"Hey!" Ethan protested as Damen ate the chips. "I worked hard for those."


"Yea. Do you know how hard it is to get your arm in those machines?"

            Damen and Nat started laughing as they walked towards the exit.

"So dude, like where do you go?" Nat asked.

"To Florida."


            Damen shrugged. He pulled Ethan out of the driver's seat and pushed him to the back.

"I'm back now. You can't drive my car anymore."

            When Damen got in and started his car he locked the doors. Nat laughed as Ethan tried to open the back door.

"Dude, what the hell?" Ethan said as he kicked the car.

            Damen laughed as he unlocked the car. As soon as Ethan was inside he drove off. The first place he went to was Ethan's house.

"Get out. Before your dad comes out."


"Knowing your dad he'll ask to see Damen's driver's licenses and then arrest him for it being a fake." Nat said.

"Why would he do that?" Ethan asked confused.

"Dude, your dad's a cop."

"Oh yea."
Damen shook his head as he drove off. He started towards Nat's house when Nat stopped him.

"Dude could you take me to Friday's instead? I was supposed to meet my family there ten minutes ago."


            It took them five minutes to get to Friday's. When they did Nat got out and gave Damen a half wave. Damen rolled down his window.

"Dude could you get me like a steak or something?" He yelled.

Nat turned around. "Sure I'll bring it by tomorrow."

            Damen nodded and drove off.


            When Damen turned onto his street he silently prayed that nobody but his mom would be at their house. As he got closer he saw a beat up black pick-up truck in the driveway. He was tempted to turn around and go some where's else. He didn't though. He had to at least see his mom first.

            Damen walked into the house and saw a guy standing by the counter. He didn't look that big but Damen learned long ago that didn't mean the guy couldn't hurt him. He was going to walk right past the guy when he grabbed Damen's arm, tightly.

"Who the hell are you?"

            It came out almost like a growl.

"I should be asking you that. ‘Cause I like live here and you like don't."

            The guy frowned at Damen before hitting him in the face. Damen staggered a little but didn't fall. He could already feel the hot blood coming from his nose.

"You better respect me boy." He said to Damen before yelling, "Jess! You didn't say nothing about a boy!"

            Damen heard a door open and seconds later he saw his mom coming down the hall towards him. Her light brown hair was a mess. But the smile on her face was beautiful.

"Damen you're back from camp!"

            She came over and hugged him, reminding him of the lie he told at the same time. She pulled back and looked at him.

"You're bleeding."

"Yea," he shrugged. "Accidently hit my nose."

"Oh!" She walked away to grab a rag to soak up the blood. "I kept my promise."


"Yep. I haven't used drugs all summer and only drank once."

            Damen smiled. He also noticed that for the first time in a long time her eyes were sparkling. He heard the guy say something about leaving and calling later as he walked out the door. But Damen didn't care. He didn't think his mom cared either.

End Notes:

You guys are amazing! Thanks for reading :)

Chapter 14 by Dream_Dancer

Damen sat in his front yard with Nat. Singing and playing his Grandpa's old guitar.


We don't have to try - To think the same thoughts - We just have a way - Of knowing everything's gonna be ok

We'll laugh ‘til we cry - read each other's minds - Live with a smile - Make it all worthwhile - Make it all worthwhile


            Nat started singing with him for the chorus.


Life has moments hard to describe - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Mountain we're on - Always knowing we're gonna be fine - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Mountain we're on - The view is so clear - And it's crazy up here - Life is amazing with you on the ride


            Damen stopped to let Nat sing the second part on his own.


We don't wanna sleep - Just wanna stay up - There's so much to say - And not enough hours in the day

We'll laugh ‘til we cry - read each other's minds - Live with a smile - Make it all worthwhile - Make it all worthwhile


            Damen started singing again. The two of them finished the song together.


Life has moments hard to describe - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Mountain we're on - Always knowing we're gonna be fine - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Mountain we're on - The view is so clear - And it's crazy up here - Life is amazing with you on the ride

No time to be lazy - The journey is perfect - The place is so crazy - The race is so worth it - I will be with you - We'll do this together - Always together

Life has moments hard to describe - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Mountain we're on (Mountain we're on)  - Always knowing we're gonna be fine - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Never comin' down - Never comin' down - Never comin' down (from this)

Always knowing we're gonna be fine - Feeling great and feeling alive - Never coming down from this - Mountain we're on (Never coming down from this)

The view is so clear and it's crazy up here - Life is amazing with you on the ride - The place is so crazy - The race is so worth it - Life is amazing with you on the ride


            Damen sat the guitar down and looked at Nat.

"When will your drums get here?"

"Two more days."

"And Ethan's keyboard?"

"keyboard's fine. Ethan's not."

"He never is."

            They sat in silence until Damen's phone rang. Nat picked it up.

"Oooo who's Tom?"

"No one you need to know." He said as he took his phone from Nat.

            He looked at the small screen. It was a text. He saved it to read it later. When Nat was gone.

"No reading? Do we not like Tom, Damen?" Nat joked.

"Shut up. You're just jealous."

"Jealous? About what? About the fact that you can get tons of guys and girls to fall in love with you when I can't? Well..... yea. I am fucking jealous!"

Damen laughed, "Oh you poor unloved boy."

"I know. Sad ain't it?"

            The two of them fell back onto the grass and waited for Ethan to come.

End Notes:

Song Used: On The Ride by Aly and AJ

Chapter 15 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

It's my birthday so I thought I'd post another chapter. Hope you guys like it. :)


It had been four days since Damen had left. Nick didn't really do that much. Half of the reason he didn't do much was because he had gotten sick. The other half was because he missed Damen. Now that he wasn't sick anymore he didn't know what to do. He had no reason to lay in his bed all day.

            He walked into his office and over to his desk. When he looked at his laptop he saw a note on it.


The note said:

            Miss me? Turn on your computer and open up the movie folder. Left you a surprise.


            Nick smiled and did what the note said. When he got to the movie folder he clicked the first video. It was the only one he didn't put there. He saw Damen's face on the screen and clicked play.


"Hey Nick! Yea I broke into your office and used your computer. Punish me." Damen said on the screen. "But hey you get a song out of it. Mom told me this was one of her favorites so here it goes."

            He picked up the guitar and smiled as he started to play.


Saw her on a Friday outside some run down saloon - She was crying over someone that she felt left much too soon - I said hey girl don't you cry tonight - Let me take you out on this town - She looked up and smiled at me as one last tear splashed off the ground - With half a wink she asked me what are you some kind of freak - I told her no I guess I just feel your vibe is kind of deep - The moon hung over Soho - And I counted 16 stars - I pointed at the brightest one and said now that ones ours

She's a dandelion up on her cliff above the sea - She's not exactly everything I thought that she might be - She's a dandelion - She looks like everything I need - I thought she was a flower - But I found out she's a weed - Then I hold on, hold on, hold on - Hold on, hold on, hold on

She just might be poison - But I took her to my rooftop - I said are you afraid of heights - She said no I am not - I said hey girl don't you lie to me tell me everything you feel - We danced around in circles - I said I think we found something real

She's a dandelion up on her cliff above the sea - She's not exactly everything I thought that she might be - She's a dandelion - She looks like everything I need - I thought she was a flower - But I found out she's a weed - Then I hold on, hold on, hold on - Hold on, hold on, hold on

Down in union square - I saw her walking all alone - I walked a little slower just so I'd remain unknown - She met someone on seventeenth and she knew him all too well - My little piece of heaven has a secret she won't tell - With half a smile she took his hand - And then they walked away - I realized I would not see my girl after today

I fell in love with a dandelion - And she's all I ever had - At first she looked so sweet - But in the end she taste so bad

She's a dandelion up on her cliff above the sea - She's not exactly everything I thought that she might be - She's a dandelion - She looks like everything I need - I thought she was a flower - But I found out she's a weed - Then I hold on, hold on, hold on - Hold on, hold on, hold on - And I tell myself - Hold on, hold on, hold on - Hold on, hold on, hold on - Yeah hold on


"So that's it. Oh yea, I forgot to tell you I added myself to your contact's in your phone and e-mail. See ya dork!" Damen smiled.


            Nick stared at the screen shocked. This whole time he could've contacted Damen and he didn't know it. He closed his eyes and looked back in his chair happily.

End Notes:

Song Used: Dandelion by LFO

Chapter 16 by Dream_Dancer


"Damen are you sure about this?" Nat whispered.

            Damen turned to him.

"It'll be easy. We go out there, sing one song and leave."

"If you say so."

            Nat walked off leaving Damen alone. They were backstage at a club. Damen had decided that yesterday they were going to perform here. Ethan agreed right away but Nat was unsure about it. Just like Damen he didn't want people to see him doing something he might be bad at. But they we're going to go out and perform. Nothing was changing Damen's mind about that.

            Damen knew that his mom and her friends were out in the club. He wanted her to see him sing. That's why he was doing this.

"Dude it's time to go." Ethan called.

            Damen nodded and picked up the electric guitar he borrowed from Tom. He walked out on stage. Not once did he look at the crowd. That would only scare him. He saw Tom off to the side with a camera. He was filming like he said he would. Damen was going to send the video to Nick so he could see it too. Damen stepped up to the mike and started to sing.


Let me tell you about a girl - Decked out in glitter - Can shine so bright when the lights hit her - And she's wonderful - Like something from a carnival - This girl so nice that's a fact - Beautiful, yes I'll give her that - But she'll play you like a deck of cards - Not playing queen of hearts

If she says she loves you well she's lying - This is no ride you should be riding

Mary go round - You're not gonna bring this fellow down - ‘Cause I know who you are - I know you well - I know what you are all about - Mary go round - Around and around and around  - Around and around and around - Around and around and around

Have you seen this girl? - Warning signs cover the place - Picture's posted with her face - You play this game you'll soon realize - A broken heart is not a prize - She seems so true - You'll think she's into you - She gives kisses away too many - Like her lips are cotton candy

She says she loves you well she's lying - This is no ride you should be riding

Mary go round - You're not gonna bring this fellow down - ‘Cause I know who you are - I know you well - I know what you are all about - Mary go round - Around and around and around  - Around and around and around - Around and around and around

Well step right up, bet you think you have what it takes - Well step right up, bet you it's too late - Step right up, bet you think you have what it takes - Well you don't, no you don't, you don't, you don't, do yah

Mary goes round - And round - Never slow her down - Ohhh - Mary go round - You're not gonna bring this fellow down - ‘Cause I know who you are - I know you well - I know what you are all about - Mary go round - Around and around and around  - Around and around and around - Around and around and around - Mary go round - Around and around and around - Around and around and around - Around and around and around


            Damen took a step back and looked at all the people cheering. A smile was on his face as he walked off the stage and into his mom's arms where she was waiting by Tom.

"You were wonderful." She whispered into his ear as she hugged him.


* * * * *


            Nick went into his office right before he went to bed. He opened up his e-mail and checked it. He smiled when he saw one from Damen. He watched the video of Damen's performance. A tear fell down his cheek and he wished that he could've been there in person.

End Notes:

Song Used: Mary Go Round by Josh Golden

Chapter 17 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

Just to let you know I will not be posting for at least two weeks. Sorry.

Damen was woken up early the next morning. Noise was coming from the kitchen. He ran out of his mom's room and to the kitchen. He got there and saw some guy slap his mom across the face.

"Hey!" He yelled. "Don't hit my mom."

            He recognized the man now. It was his mom's old drug dealer. The guy laughed and walked towards Damen.
"Damen!" The guy said happily. "Maybe you can help your mom pay."

"No! Don't bring him into this." His mom begged.

"Shut up Jess!" He slapped her again and turned back to Damen. "So what do you say?"

"Will you leave and never come back if you get your damn money?"

"Damen no!"

            Both men ignored her. Damen stared at the guy.

"Sure kid. Pay me all of it by the end of the month and I'll be history."

"And if I don't?"

            The guy lifted his shirt and Damen saw a gun.

"Alright. How much?" Damen asked.

"30 thousand." The man said before walking out the door.

            He felt his mom looking at him. He turned around to face her.

"Damen why?"

"You need to get out of this."

"But it's my problem not yours."

"Then help me get the money. Neither one of us can do it on our own and you know that."


"Mom I'm not going to let you do this on your own."

"Alright. You win like always."

            He saw a smile on her face. He hugged her tightly.

"I love having you back home." She told him.


            That night Damen was hanging out with Ethan, Nat and Tom. They were sitting in the empty park with a pizza box in front of them. Nat took out one of his cigarettes and lit it.

"How are you going to get all that money?" Nat asked blowing out smoke.

"I don't know. Mom's looking for a job. I will too. But I just don't know if we can actually get enough."

"Well I'll help. If you want me too." Tom said.

"Me too." Ethan agreed.

"Thanks guys. What about you Nat?"

"I'll help if I get any more money. I saw you take that 2 hundred I had in my wallet."

Damen laughed, "You have good eyes my friend."

"Well I gotta go." Ethan said standing up.

"Why?" Nat asked him.

"It's almost midnight. Dad hates it when I walk in at 2 in the morning." He explained.

"Parents who set curfews. You gotta love ‘em." Tom joked.

            They all laughed.

"Alright see ya E." Damen said as Ethan walked away.

            Nat put out his cigarette and stood up as well.

"I should leave too Dame."

"Ok. Take the box with you." Damen told him.


"You paid for it."

            Damen and Tom stood up and walked off to Tom's car.

"You want a ride home?" Tom asked him.

Damen shrugged, "Sure."

            They both got in and Tom drove to Damen's house. Right before Damen got out Tom stopped him.


            He handed Damen a stack of bills.

"How much is this?" Damen asked amazed.

"Around 4 hundred. Picked it up at the club last night."

            Damen looked into his eyes about to say something but couldn't. He had never seen blue eyes as bright as Tom's. Before he even knew what he was doing he leaned in and kissed Tom. It caught Tom by surprise at first but then he started to kiss back. They both pulled away after a few minutes. Damen smiled as he got out of the car and walked inside.

End Notes:

Surprise you at all? :)

Chapter 18 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

Got a chapter done this week! didn't think I would but here it is.....


Your lips, your skin, your eyes, your hair - You don't need no touching up. I don't really care - For anything that covers up your beauty - ‘Cause what God gave you, gorgeous girl, is what would suit me

And n diamond rings, necklaces and bangles - Don't look twice in the mirror girl - You're great from all angles

And when the angels take me from this world that I was born in - I'll say ‘None of you look half as good as my girlfriend in the morning' - And when angels come to take me from this world - I'll say ‘None of you look have as good as my girl'

So wake up my sweetness, you know that it's true - Make-up was designed for other girls to try and look like you - For my gorgeous, my words no longer cautious - You're like a bottomless pit, completely flawless - So watch me free falling head over heart - Without doubt the most beautiful piece of art

So when my days are through - I can say it was all for you

And when the angels take me from this world that I was born in - I'll say ‘None of you look half as good as my girlfriend in the morning' - And when angels come to take me from this world - I'll say ‘None of you look have as good as my girl' - When the angels lift my face from this planet - They'll ask me where my heart is and I'll say - She has it

She has it


            Once he was done playing the song Damen signaled to Nat for him to stop filming. When Damen saw the light on the camera go off he got up and put the guitar back into its case.

"Hey man what are you going to do when your grandparents get back? I know your grandpa will want his guitar back."

"Honestly Nat I have no clue."

            Nat nodded and set the camera down on the kitchen table. Damen locked up the guitar case and put it in the back of the closet so no one else could find it.

"So how much money do you have so far?"

"About 850."


            Damen didn't say anything. He just reached into the fridge and took out a coke.

"Okay what's going through your evil head?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Dude you're off in space. I know that means you're thinking. What is it?"

            Damen shrugged and took a sip of his coke.

"Come on, Dame." Nat said.

"I think I might be able to get all the money."

"How? Rachel's party's only giving 1,000. And that's only if she picks us."

"No. Not from Rachel. From my dad."

            Nat stared at him. Damen knew he was going to think he was crazy until he explained it.

"Dude your dad's dead." Nat said slowly.

"No he's not. I met him. That's why I was in Florida."

"Oh-kay. But how do you know he'll give you the money?"

"I'll ask. Plus I think if I play this right Mr. Drug goes to jail and dad gets his money back, and mom and I get to keep our money."

"Great but didn't you say this guy had a gun?"


"Damen I know you're a master at tricking people, but I don't think you should try anything with him."

"Nat I'll be fine. The worst thing that could happen is I get shot."

"Damen that's really bad. Plus how will you get the cops there when you go to give him the money?"

"Ethan's dad."

End Notes:

Song Used: When Angels Come by Tom Felton

Chapter 19 by Dream_Dancer

Nick took his phone out of his pocket as he left the studio. He turned it on and saw he had a text from Damen. He opened it up.

It said:

Call me when u can. I need 2 ask u something important.

            Nick opened up his car door and got in. After he started the car he called Damen.

"Dude! What the fuck? I'm at school!" Damen yelled when he answered.

"Oh.... I'm..."

"Hahaha! I'm just playing."

Nick rolled his eyes."You said you had something important to ask me."

"I know. I was getting there. Dang..... Anyways it's actually two things. Number one, can I borrow money?"

"How much?"

"Uh.... Okay. The second is can you come up here?"


"Detroit, Michigan."

"Okay.... How much money?" Nick asked again.

"Uh.... I don't know."

            Nick started to drive back to his house. He set his phone to speaker and threw it to the passenger seat.

"Okay. What's the money for Damen?"

"Paying a drug dealer." Damen replied calmly.


"Look my mom's trying to stop. But Mr. Drug..."

"Who's Mr. Drug?"

"The drug dealer. That's what I call him. Can I continue?"


"Mr. Drug won't leave her alone until he gets his money."

"And how much money is that?" Nick asked as he turned a corner.

"30 thousand. But I already have almost 9 hundred."

"So you want me to give you like 29 thousand?"

"No. We have a month to get the money. I just want to borrow money from you on the day I go to pay him."

"How are you going to only borrow it if you have to pay him?"

"I'm gonna have it set up to where he goes to jail and you get your money back."

 Nick thought about this. Damen sounded sure that he wasn't going to actually give the money. Nick wasn't though. He remembered when he did drugs. The dealers weren't going to be tricked.

"Damen I don't know...."

"Damn you sound like Nat. I have this worked out, alright? I just need you up here at the end of the month."

            With that Damen hung up on Nick. Nick sighed as he pulled into his driveway. He got out of the car and walked up to the door. When he got there he got another text from Damen.

It said:


            Nick rolled his eyes and erased it. About thirty seconds later he got another one.

It said:

My fries r helping

            Nick looked at it confused. He sent one back.

It said:


            It took about a minute for Damen to respond.

It said:

I meant friends

            Nick sighed as he fell onto his couch unsure of what to do.

Chapter 20 by Dream_Dancer

Damen was lying on the couch with Tom by his feet when his mom walked in. It had been two days since he had asked Nick for the money. He didn't know if Nick would give it to him or not.

            He looked up at his mom and saw that she had came in alone. She had left to get his grandparents from the airport. They were supposed to come back with her.

"Where's grandma and grandpa?" He asked.

            Before his mom could answer his phone rang. He picked it up. It was a text from Nick.

It said:

Where's ur house?

            He texted back his address and looked back at his mom.

"Grandpa had a heart attack. They're in the hospital."

            Damen dropped his phone and looked at her shocked. He got up and walked away from her and Tom, not saying anything. He went out to the street and sat down on the curb.


Flash back

            Damen walked into the house after school. He was greeted by his mom and some dude smoking a bong. He walked past them and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie off the counter.  Then he went back and sat in front of them eating his cookie.

"What the hell are you doing?" The guy asked him.

"Eating a cookie and staring at you."

"Why not give this a try?" He pointed to the bong.

Damen looked at him, "I'm only 9 and I don't want to lose my brains stupid."

            The guy growled and stood up. He picked Damen up by the hair and threw him against the wall.

"Don't call me stupid."

            He punched Damen in the face and stomach before throwing him outside. Damen got up and walked to the curb and sat down. He cried and bled there until he couldn't cry anymore. Then he got up and walked to his grandparent's house.

End of flash back


            Damen sat there thinking about all the times he had bled and cried on that curb. He didn't hear when a car pulled up and someone got out. He also didn't hear when his mom and Tom came out of the house. He turned around lost in thought. He finally looked up when Tom touched his shoulder. He saw his mom staring at Nick in disbelief. Also he saw Nick standing by his car uncomfortably. Damen sighed and walked to them with Tom behind him.

"Mom you remember Nick right? You're old boyfriend and my dad?" He asked his mom.

            She turned to glare at him.

"Good you do."

            He ran off to hide behind the house knowing she was going to explode. Tom followed not wanting to see Damen's mom get mad.

Chapter 21 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

Hope you guys like it!

Nick knew that Jess was looking at him. But he didn't dare to look up at her. He was trying to keep his focus on his shoes and the ground.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

            Nick froze when she spoke. Her voice was cold and filled with anger. He sighed and looked up at her. She had changed since he had last seen her. She was thinner, pale and her hair wasn't blond anymore. But the frown that was on her face was the same. He remembered that and her smile.

"Damen called me and asked me to come." Nick answered.


"I don't know. He wasn't really answering my questions."

"How do you know him?"

"He came to me. He said that I was his father."

            She looked away from him.

"Jess," he almost whispered. "Is that true?"


            Damen and Tom were behind the house. They weren't back there hiding though. They were sitting on the swing listening.

"I don't hear her yelling." Tom said to Damen.

"I know... I guess we ran for nothing."

            Damen looked up into the sky. At the moment he could remember the night he found out about Nick clearly.


Flash back

            Damen was woken up at 2am by his drunken mother trying to get in the house. He got off the couch and sighed. He knew he shouldn't have locked the door after she left. But he didn't like it being unlocked with her drugie friends waiting outside.

            He opened the door and she fell into his arms. He started to help her inside. Then she pushed him away.

"I can walk Nick." She slurred.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

            She looked into his eyes.

"You're not Nick."

He shook his head, "No, I'm Damen. Your son."

            He sighed. About once a month he had to remind her who he was and why he was in her house. Calling him Nick was new. She had never done that before.

She waved her hand around, "Oh yea... you look like him."

"Who was he?"

            He knew she was drunk and he probably shouldn't believe anything she told him, but he wanted to know.

"Your dad."

"I thought he died."

"No you stupid boy." She tried to slap him but missed. "He's alive."

"Then why isn't he here?"

"He bailed." She said before she fell and passed out on the floor.

End of flash back


"Damen? Are you listening?"

            Damen stopped thinking and turned to face Tom.


"I said maybe we didn't run back here for nothing."

"What do you..."

            Damen was cut off by Tom pushing him down on the grass and kissing him. He started to kiss him back. Damen smiled to himself when he felt Tom's tongue in his month.

"Are you two gonna stop or do I need to get the hose?"

            The two boys pulled away from each other. They looked up and saw Nat standing there smirking.

"I came by to tell you that Rachel chose us to play at her party."

"Okay." Damen stood.

            He started to walk inside of his house.


            Nick walked closer to her.


"Yes, it's true Nick. I was 2 months pregnant when you left, okay?"

            He stepped away from her and looked into her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because in interviews you said you were too young. You didn't want to be married of have a family. So I kept it to myself."

            She turned away and almost run inside so he didn't see her cry. What she didn't see was he following her.

Chapter 22 by Dream_Dancer
Author's Notes:

Sorry it's taken a while but I've been busy with school. Hope you like it.

Damen sat at the table and watched as his mom and Nick came in through the front door and Tom and Nat came in through the back door. He saw his mom crying. He looked at Nick and glared at him. But Nick didn't notice. He just walked up to Jess and spun her around to face him. He wiped away her tears.

"Jess, what's wrong? Tell me, baby. Please."

            He didn't know Damen and his friends were in the house. He also kind of forgot he wasn't dating her anymore.

"You're here."

"Besides that honey."

            She fell into a chair.

"I can't get a job. So I won't have any money. And now my dad's in the hospital. Nicky I...."

            She looked up into his eyes like she used to do when she cried. He knelt down beside her and pulled her into a hug.

            Damen stared at them. Then he turned to his friends.

"This is worse than her yelling." He whispered to them.

            Both of them nodded. It was disturbing for them to see his mom cry and this guy they didn't know hug her.

Nat cleared his throat, "Uh.... Excuse me but what's going on?"

            Tom and Damen hit him. Jess looked up and saw the three boys. She pushed Nick away and stood up. She felt Nick stand behind her.

"How long have you been here?"

"I've been here before you walked in." Damen said. "They got in at the same time you did."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Nick asked.

"There was a cry feast going on." Nat said.

            He got hit by the other two again.

"So.... Uh.... Who are you?" Tom asked Nick.

"He's Damen's dad." Jess answered. Then she turned to Nick. "These are two of his friends. Tom and Nat."

"Has anybody seen Ethan?" Nat asked.

            Damen was about to hit him again but he moved.

"No more hitting."

"Fine. So mom can you really not find a job?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I looked..."

"It's okay." Damen said and left. Dragging Nat and Tom with him.

            Five minutes later the three boys were walking down the street.

"Dame where are we going?" Nat asked.

"Well you wanted to know where E was."

"So? I didn't mean we should go look for him."

"I know. But I need him."

"Why?" Tom asked feeling slightly jealous.

"Because if my mom can't get a job then we won't get enough money. So I need to do something else."

"Why not ask ‘daddy' like you told me?" Nat mocked.

"I'm not asking him for that much. Plus we can use his money for food."


            After thirty more minutes they found Ethan. He was sitting in the park burning woodchips with one of Nat's lighter's. Nat sat down beside him and took the lighter. He took out a cigarette, lit it, and handed the lighter ack. He blew smoke in Damen's face as he sat down.

"Found him."

"Can you and Tom go get a pizza?"


"Tom's got money."

            Nat stood up and looked at Tom.

"Fine but you gotta buy me a new pack too."


            They walked off and Ethan looked at Damen.

"What do you need?"

"How did you know?"

"You sent them away. That means business."

"I need a place burnt down.... But I can't get in trouble for it."

Chapter 23 by Dream_Dancer

Ethan looked at Damen. At first he was surprised. Then his lips formed a smirk.

"What do you need done?"

"Steve's place."

            Ethan said nothing for a moment. He was obviously thinking it over.

"Good choice. I can't do that one but..."


"I said but. I'm sure Scar will."

"For a price?"

            He didn't want to bring Scar into this. He hated that guy so much. But if he had to he would.

"Possibly. I have no clue. Depends on how much he hates Steve right now."

            Damen said nothing else. He saw Nat and Tom coming up and he didn't want them to know what he was planning. Nat sat down and handed the pizza bow to Damen. He opened it and looked in.

"There's a piece missing."

Nat looked at him, "You can't expect me to carry a pizza with extra cheese and chicken on it and not eat it dude. That's like... death."

"Whatever, so what are we going to play at Rachel's party?"

"Don't know but she was in the pizza shop." Tom said. "She wants you guys to wear purple and sparkles."

"Hell no!" Ethan said.

            Damen just ate some of the pizza. He could feel the other guys eyes on him.

"Tell her we'll wear it." He said simply.

"But Damen I don't want to." Nat said.

"Then don't. We just have to say we will. If we don't she'll find another band."

"But what happens at the party when she see's us?" Ethan asked.

"She'll yell. But it's either have no band for her party because it's too late to get another or live with us not in sparkly purple. Which do you think she'll pick?" He waited for the others to say something. They didn't. He nodded. "Now what songs are we going to play?"


            Nick was sitting at the table waiting for Jess. She had went to fix her make-up and call Damen. He looked up from the floor when he heard a door open. Damen walked in with his friends behind him.

"Where's my mom?"

            Before Nick could answer Jess walked back into the room.

"I'm going to the hospital Damen."


            He turned away and started to leave.

"Are you coming?"

            He looked back at his mom. Nick saw that his face was almost white.

"I... I can't." He said before quickly leaving the room.

            Tom and Nat followed Damen. Ethan was about to then he turned to Nick.

"Do I know you?"

"Uh... maybe..."

"You a singer?"

"Your name Aaron Carter?"


"Oh. You kind of look like him. You know that?"

            Ethan left. Nick just stared after him before he started laughing.

"He's not that smart is he?"

Jess smiled a little. "No, not really. Look Nick I've got to go..."

"I'll come with you."

"Really?" She asked taken aback.
"Yeah, I know you don't really want to go alone."

"Thank you Nick."

            He got up and took her hand. Before leading her outside he brushed her hair out of her face. Then he led her to the car and drove her to the hospital.

Chapter 24 by Dream_Dancer


Over the next few days Jess and Nick stayed either with her dad in the hospital or with her mom. Her dad wasn't getting any better. The doctor had already told her to start making the funeral arrangements. Jess wanted Damen's help with it but she hadn't seen him since the day Nick came.

            At the moment she was at her parent's house with her mom. She had spent an hour trying to tell her mom that she wasn't dating Nick again. But it wasn't worth it. Her mom didn't believe her. Now they were talking about Damen and the funeral. Nick had left to go get the lunch.

"Mom I don't think we should do that."          

"Jessica! Damen loves him. He'll give a speech at his funeral. I know he will." Her mom, Betty, said before opening the door to let Nick in.

"Alright but you get to tell him."

"I see your mom won the fight." Nick said.

"She beat me not Damen."


"Damen doesn't like to lose."

"If I remember right Betty doesn't either."

            She scowled and Nick smiled as he handed her the sub he got her. Betty got glasses and plates out. She set the plates on the table and the glasses on the counter. Carefully she poured them each a glass of lemonade. Jess helped her carry the glasses to the table. For the rest of the day the three of them kept planning out the funeral.


            Meanwhile Damen was at Tom's. Rachel's party was in two days. He had just finished the list of songs that they were going to play.

"Hey Tom! Get in here!"

            He waited as he heard Tom walking up the stairs.


"I got the song list. We're going to do Hit The Light, Astronaut, The Great Escape, and Poppin' Champagne. What do you think?"

"It's great but I thought she said 8 songs."

"She did."

"You only have 4."

"I know."

"So you're not wearing purple and playing only 4 songs?"

"That's right."

"You're not listening to anything she tells you."

"I know that too. But I have reasons."

"Okay. What are they?"

"I won't wear purple because I don't have any and I'm not buying any. I'm not playing 8 songs because by the time we're done playing these 4 everyone will be drunk and no one will notice if there's a live band or not."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"I know huh? I'm so smart."

            Tom laughed and moved his lap top away from Damen.

"So are you done now?" He asked.

            Damen nodded and leaned back onto the bed. He watched as Tom put the computer on his desk. When Tom turned back to him he threw a pillow at him.

"What the hell was that for?"

"It's 5 o'clock. So I act like I'm 5."

"You're crazy. Besides it's only 2."

            Damen looked at the clock and frowned. Tom walked over and sat down beside him.

"I thought it was 5. Your clock lied to me."

            He sighed and laid down on the bed. Tom rolled himself onto him and then pushed up so he was above Damen. A smirk appeared on Damen's face.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't really know."

"What if I don't want you to do anything?"

"You're the one who laid down."


            Damen pulled him down and started kissing him. Tom opened his mouth to let Damen's tongue slide in. Then he reached behind Damen neck and undid the studded chocker he wore. He threw it on the floor. Damen slid his hands under Tom's shirt and placed them on his chest. But when he heard his phone ring he pushed Tom off. He stood up, picked up his phone and chocker and left the room. Once he was outside he answered it.


"Damen, your grandmother wants you here now."

"Okay. Where's here?"

"Her house. You have an hour. Then she said she's coming to find you."

"Alright, I'll be there." He said putting his chocker back on.

            One thing he didn't want was his little old grandma chasing him down. That wouldn't be fun. Just picture it - little old lady chasing a skater punk. Nope that's not happening. At least not to him.

Chapter 25 by Dream_Dancer


Damen stood on the ground and faced the stage. He saw Ethan absent mindedly playing the keyboard, Nat tightening and loosening the skins on his drum's, and Tom sitting off to the side tuning his guitar. He sighed and turned away. He kept thinking about how his grandma told him to say something at his grandpa's funeral. He walked to the closest coffee shop.

            After he got his drink he sat down and took out his note book. He didn't see why they were planning a funeral. His grandpa wasn't even dead yet. He could surprise everyone and get better.

            Damen sat there and tried to think of what he could say. He didn't like sharing his feelings with other people so this was hard. Sighing he turned on his Mp3. A song started playing and he froze. This was it. He could play this song instead o giving a speech. He smiled, drained the rest of his coffee and left.

            He walked back to where the party was setting up and to the stage. He picked up his guitar and got the other guys attention.

"Let's run Hit The Lights."

            They nodded and got ready to play. He stepped up to the microphone and signaled to the guy at eh sound board to turn it on. The first notes of the song drifted though the air.


It's the boy you never told I like you - It's the girl you let get away - It's the one you saw that day on the train - But you  freaked out and walked away - It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas - Things you swear you'll do before you die - It's the city of love that waits for you - But you're too damn scared to fly

Hit the lights - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight - Come alive - Let the moment take you - Lose control tonight - Hit the lights - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight - Come alive - Let the moment take you - Lose control tonight

It's the time that you totally screwed up - Still you're tryin' get it out your brain - It's the fight you had when you didn't make up - It's the past that you're dying to change - It's all the money that you're saving - While the good life passes by - It's all the dreams that never came true - Cause you're too damn scared to try

Hit the lights - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight - Come alive - Let the moment take you - Lose control tonight - Hit the lights - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight - Come alive - Let the moment take you - Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world - Gotta make an escape - It's a perfect world - When you go all the way - Hit the lights - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight

So let's go, go, go, go - All the way - Yeah let's go, go, go - Night and day - From the floor to the rafters - People raise your glasses - We could dance forever

Hit the light - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight - Come alive - Let the moment take you - Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world - Gotta make an escape - It's a perfect world - When you go all the way - Hit the lights - Let the music move you - Lose yourself tonight


            When they stopped a cheer erupted from the crew setting up. Damen smiled until he saw Rachel walking towards him. The look on her face didn't look good.

End Notes:

Song Used: Hit The Lights by Selena Gomez and The Scene

Chapter 26 by Dream_Dancer

"Damen! Why aren't you guys in purple?" Rachel yelled.

            He sighed and walked over to her. As he did he thought of a lie he could tell her.

"I was going to tell you that we don't own purple. I guess I forgot. I'm sorry." There a half lie.

"Well now you guys don't match! My birthday's ruined."

            He put his arm around her.

"I'm sorry babe."

"Get off! You can't make this better."

            He turned her face to look her in the eyes and smiled a little.

"How about you get a fancy tiara, and we'll bring you on stage and sing a song just for you."

Her eyes lit up, "You'd do that?"

"Of course! You're only 17 once, you know. It should be fucking special."

            She kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Okay. I'll have daddy go buy me a tiara."

            Damen watched he run off. Then he turned back to the guys.

"We need a new song."


~5 hours later~

            Rachel's backyard was full of teenagers. There were waiters and dancers all dressed in a dark purple. Pink and purple lantern's hung around. The stage was hidden by a thick purple curtain.

            The big glass doors opened up and Rachel stepped out of the house. She was wearing a gown that looked like Cinderella's except that it was a light purple. She had a real diamond and silver tiara on her head. She walked to the stage smiling at everyone she passed. She loved the attention that she was getting. She walked across the stage and to the microphone. She gave a big smile to all her guest.

"Hey everyone!" She said, "Thank you for coming to my 17th birthday party!"

            The crowd cheered. There were ‘yays' and a few ‘happy birthdays' shouted.

"And just for you guys I got Damen Ryan... and his friends to perform!"

            The crowd cheered more.

            Behind the curtain Tom looked at Damen.

"His friends?" He whispered.

            Damen just shrugged as he listened to Rachel say he was going to sing her a special song first. Then the curtain opened and the lights hit him. He stepped up and started to sing the song Tom picked out a few hours ago.


Everybody needs inspiration - Everybody needs a soul - A beautiful melody - When the nights are long - Cause there is no guarantee - That this life is easy

Yeah when my world is falling apart - When there's no light - To break up the dark - That's when I-I look at you - When the waves are flooding the shore - And I can't find my way home anymore -That's when I-I look at you

When I look at you - I see forgiveness - I see the truth - You love me for who I am - Like the stars hold the moon - Right there where they belong - And I know I'm not alone

Yeah when my world is falling apart - When there's no light - To break up the dark - That's when I-I look at you - When the waves are flooding the shore - And I can't find my way home anymore - That's when I-I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me - Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me - All I need - Every breath that I breathe - Don't you know, you're beautiful - Yeah, yeah

When the waves are flooding the shore - And I can't find my way home anymore - That's when I-I look at you - I look at you - Yeah - Whoa-oh

You appear just like a dream to me


            Once he was done Rachel leaned over and kissed him. He led her off stage, then walked back to the center.

"Let's speed things up a bit now!" He yelled and the crowd cheered.

            They started playing Hit The Lights and everyone started dancing.


Chapter 27 by Dream_Dancer

Nick followed Jess into her house. He turned the lights on as she took off her heels.

"Can I ask you something?" Jess asked.


"Why did you take me dancing?"

            He walked over to her and pulled her close.

"You were stressed out. I needed to get your mind off everything that's going on."

"So you couldn't think of anything else?"

"Well I did but I figured you wouldn't leave town or..."

"Or what?"

            Nick leaned in and gently kissed her.

"Or that."

            She blushed and let him kiss her again. After he pulled away she took his hand and led him down the hall to her bedroom.


~At the party~

            Damen tried hard to not look at everyone while he was singing. He kept staring at the house or he kept his eyes closed. He took a deep breath before starting the next song.


Can anybody hear me? - Or am I talking to myself? - My mind is running empty - In this search for someone else - Who doesn't look right through me - It's all just static in my head - Can anybody tell me why - I'm lonely like a satellite

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut - Sending SOS from this tiny box - And I lost all signal when I lifted off - Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot - Can I please come down? - Cause I'm tired of drifting round and round - Can I please come down?

I'm deafened by the silence - Is it something that I've done? - I know that there are millions - I can't be the only one - Who's so disconnected - It's so different in my head - Can anybody tell me why - I'm lonely like a satellite

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut - Sending SOS from this tiny box - And I lost all signal when I lifted off - Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot - Can I please come down? - Cause I'm tired of drifting round and round - Can I please come down?

Now I lie awake and scream - In zero gravity - And it's starting to weigh down on me -Let's abort this mission now - Can I please come down?

So tonight I'm calling all astronauts - All the lonely people that the world forgot - If you hear my voice come and pick me up - Are you out there? - Cause you're all I've got!

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut - Sending SOS from this tiny box - And I lost all signal when I lifted off - Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot

Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut - Sending SOS from this tiny box - To all the lonely people that the world forgot - Are you out there? - Cause you're all I've got!

Can I please come down? - Cause I'm tired of drifting round and round - Can I please come down? - Can I please come down? - Can I please come down?


            Damen stepped off the stage and walked over to a table. He grabbed a can of coke and opened it.

"Water's better for you."

            He turned and saw a girl standing behind him. He remembered her from school. Every time there was a dance she asked him and every time he told her no.

"I know but this taste better."

            She giggled and smiled.

"True... I didn't know you could sing."

"It's not something I tell people."

"Why not? You're good."


            He started to walk away.

"Hey Damen?"
"Yea?" He turned back to her.

"Can I at least have one dance tonight?"

            He looked into her eyes and smiled softly.


            He set his coke down and took her hand, leading her to the center of the dance floor.

Chapter 28 by Dream_Dancer

After Damen finished dancing with the girl he walked back to the stage. He picked up his guitar and moved to the microphone.

"All right everyone. Put down the beer I know you have and get to the dance floor. We've got two more songs for you bitches. And remember this: PARTY HARD! It's out last night to before school."

            Everyone yelled and Damen started playing.


Paper bags and plastic hearts - All our belongings in shopping carts - It's goodbye - But we got one more night - Let's get drunk and ride around - And make peace with an empty town - We can make it right

Throw it away - Forget yesterday - We'll make the great escape - We won't hear a word they say -They don't know us anyway - Watch it burn - Let it die - Cause we are finally free tonight

Tonight will change our lives - It's so good to be by your side - But we'll cry - We won't give up the fight - We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs - And they'll think it's just cause we're young - And we'll feel so alive

Throw it away - Forget yesterday - We'll make the great escape - We won't hear a word they say -They don't know us anyway - Watch it burn - Let it die - Cause we are finally free tonight

All of the wasted time - The hours that were left behind - The answers that we'll never find - They don't mean a thing tonight

Throw it away - Forget yesterday - We'll make the great escape - We won't hear a word they say -They don't know us anyway - Throw it away - Forget yesterday - We'll make the great escape - We won't hear a word they say -They don't know us anyway

Throw it away - Forget yesterday - We'll make the great escape - We won't hear a word they say -They don't know us anyway - Watch it burn - Let it die - Cause we are finally free tonight


            Ethan moved his key board to the side and took Damen's guitar from him. Damen held the microphone and kicked down the stand. He smiled as the first notes were being played.


You've got me popping champagne - I'm at it again - Caught up in the moment - But not in the right way - I'm falling in between - Tearing up at the seems - We're just aiming to please - And the aesthetics don't hurt one bit

So follow me down - Take this all the way - Any way you want to

Why don't you say so? - I think I'm caught in between - The nights and days fly by - When I'm lost on the streets - And my eyes the despise you for who I am - Why don't you say so? - Why don't you say so?

You've got me thinking that - Lately I've been wishing - The television set would show me more - Than just a picture of the things I've grown to detest - I strip down my dignity - They can take all of me - But they won't ever take what I still believe

So follow me down - Take this all the way - Any way you want to!

Why don't you say so? - I think I'm caught in between - The nights and days fly by - When I'm lost on the streets - And my eyes they despise you for who I am - Why don't you say so? - Why don't you say so? - Give up and let go - I'm just a boy with a dream - And you can take one look - As I fall in between - With my eyes just as wide as my mouth can be - Why don't you say so? - Why don't you say so?

I know, I know, I know - That there's a place for me somewhere out there - I know, I know, I know - That there's a place for me somewhere out there

Why don't you say so? - I think I'm caught in between - The nights and days fly by - When I'm lost on the streets - And my eyes they despise you for who I am - Why don't you say so? - Why don't you say so? - Give up and let go - I'm just a boy with a dream - And you can take one look - As I fall in between - With my eyes just as wide as my mouth can be - Why don't you say so? - Why don't you say so?


            Damen walked off stage and Ethan followed.

"Dame! Scar will do it."


"Yea for 300, and he'll do it tonight."


"Let's go meet him."

            Damen looked back at Nat and Tom. He saw that both of them were drinking and flirting so he followed Ethan to where Scar was waiting.

Chapter 29 by Dream_Dancer

Nick pushed Jess down on the bed gently. Then he got up on top of her. She reached up and started unbuttoning his shirt. Smiling he took it off and then kissed her. She pulled him down to where he was lying on top of her. For a few minutes they kissed, letting their tongues play with each other. After a while Nick stopped and got up. He was about to take off his pants but stopped. He turned to her.

"What about Damen?" He asked.

"He's at a party. He'll walk in at 3am, pass out on the couch and won't wake up until 10am."

            He nodded and undid his pants. Then he pushed them down his legs and kicked them off. He looked at her and smiled. He gently sat her up and unzipped her dress. He took it off her and dropped it on the floor. She smiled at him and got off the bed. She reached up and pulled his head down and kissed him deeply. When she pulled away she pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. He looked up at her and smiled.

            Jess leaned down and kissed him. Then she started kissing and sucking his neck. When she heard a soft moan escape his lips she smiled and started to kiss down his chest. She licked over both of his nipples before continuing to move down. Slowly she kissed along the waist band of his boxers.

"Jess.... Please..."

            She looked up and smiled at him before taking off his boxers. Then she sat up and reached behind and undid the clasp on her bra. Nick watched as it fell down and exposed her round breast. He grabbed her and pulled her down. Kissing her he moved his hands to her panties and slide them down her legs and threw them on the floor. He kept kissing her and moved to where he was on top of her. She spread out her legs and moaned when she felt him at her entrance. He kissed he deeply before entering her.

End Notes:

Let me know what you guys think!

Chapter 30 by Dream_Dancer

Ethan led Damen to a diner that was about an hour away from Rachel's party. Ethan stopped at a bike rack in front.

"He wants to talk to you alone."

            Damen nodded and walked to the door. Off in the shadows he saw a group of guys. He knew that they were Scar's gang. He walked inside and saw Scar sitting at a booth.

            He paused before going to him. He knew nothing about Scar besides he was the best when it came to breaking the law and he never once got caught before. Everything else about Scar was a big mystery.

            Damen pushed thoughts of doubt out of his mind and walked over to Scar. He sat down across from him.

"Ethan tells me you need my help."

"I don't need it. I just don't want to do it myself."

            Scar raised an eyebrow but nodded. Damen was the only one he would allow to talk without his permission.

"So Steve's house?"


"You got the money with you?"

            Damen took out a stack of bills and handed them over. Scar counted them twice before putting them away.

"So... you're going into your last year of high school right?"

"Correct, but I have no interest in joining your gang. Just do as I asked."

            Damen stood up and walked quickly back out to Ethan.

"Let's go. Now!"


            By the time Damen got home it was 8 in the morning. He walked down to his mom's room to see if she was up. He was surprised to see Nick lying in the bed with her.

"That's nasty." He said loud enough to wake them up.

            He watched as the two of them started to wake up. Nick was the one to see him first.

"Next time close the door. So when I come home the next morning I don't have to see this."

            Damen walked away and turned on the TV. He turned to the news channel. A story about Steve's house burning came on just as his mom and Nick came out.

"Early this morning a known drug dealers house burst into flames. Only one out of the nine men survived. The police are investigating and they believe that it was arson. They hope to catch the person who did it soon.  I don't know if it's to thank them or punish them though..." The reporter said.

            Damen smirked and turned to cartoons.

"Damen....." Jess said behind him.


"Was that.... Steve's house?"

"Think so."

            He never took his eyes off the TV. That would give him away.

"Go back to the news."


"Fine. Do what you want. I need food anyways."

            He threw the remote to his mom and left.

End Notes:

It's getting close to the end! Let me know what you think! :)

Chapter 31 by Dream_Dancer

A week later Damen was at his grandpa's funeral. He stood facing everyone who was silently waiting for him to speak. He didn't think it would hard but it was. He could barely make a sound and his eyes burned from holding back tears.

"So... um... I was asked to speak but I can't really say anything about my grandpa. All the memories I have of him I don't want to share. So... I'm going to sing instead."

            He walked over to the side and picked up an acoustic guitar. He carried the guitar and a stool back to where he was standing. He sat down and softly started to play.


Hey there now - Where'd you go? - You left me here - So unexpected - You changed my life - I hope you know - Cause now I'm lost - So unprotected

In the blink of an eye - I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star - Flying across the room - So fast, so far - You were gone too soon - You're a part of me - And I'll never be the same - Here without you - You were gone too soon

You were always there - Like a shining light - On my darkest days - You were there to guide me - Oh I miss you now - I wish you could see - Just how much your memory - Will always mean to me

In the blink of an eye - I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star - Flying across the room - So fast, so far - You were gone too soon - You're a part of me - And I'll never be the same - Here without you - You were gone too soon

Shine on - Shine on - Onto a better place - Shine on - Shine on - We'll never be the same - Shine, shine

Like a shooting star - Flying across the room - So fast, so far - You were gone too soon - You're a part of me - And I'll never be the same - Here without you

Shine one - Shine on - You were gone too soon - Shine on - Shine on - You were gone too soon - Shine on - Shine on

You were gone too soon


"I'll miss you....."

            Damen sat the guitar down and almost ran from the room as he wiped away his tears.

End Notes:

Hope you like it. Let me know!

Chapter 32 by Dream_Dancer

"Why are you still here?"
            Nick looked up and saw Damen standing in front of him. It had been five months since the funeral.


"Why are you still here? We don't need you. And don't you have a job or something?"
            Nick was about to respond but then Jess walked in.

"Damen! What the hell has gotten into you? Why are you acting like this all the time?"

            Damen turned away. He couldn't tell his mom what was wrong. He walked outside and to the swing. He was surprised to see Nick standing in front of him when he looked up.

"What do you want?"

"You asked why I'm still here. It's because I love your mom."

"Great. You can leave now."

            Nick didn't listen to him. Instead he sat down on the swing next to him.

"I lost my grandpa too."

"When?" He asked softly.

"About 7 years ago. Like you I was closer with him than I was with my own parents."


"It's hard to explain. But if you ever are forced to meet them you'll know why."

            Damen kicked at the ground.

"What did you do?" He asked Nick.

"Played a lot of video games and talked to my family and friends."

"Okay....are you going to yell at me?"

"Do I look like that kind of person?"

            Damen looked at him.

"Nah you look like someone who needs to lose a few pounds."

            Nick laughed and pushed Damen down into the snow. Damen laughed as well and threw some snow at Nick's face. It wasn't long before they were in a snowball fight.

            Jess watched them through the window and smiled. She didn't know what her son was going through but it looked like Nick might be able to help him.

End Notes:

Let me know please!

Chapter 33 by Dream_Dancer

Damen sat in his grandma's kitchen. He was playing his grandpa's guitar.


Well it's good to hear your voice - I hope you're doing fine - And if you ever wonder - I'm lonely here tonight - Lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by - And if I could have just one wish - I'd have you by my side

Oooh, oh I miss you - Oooh, oh I need you

And I love you more than I did before - And if today I don't see your face - Nothing changed - No one could take your place - It gets harder everyday - Say you love me more than you did before - And I'm sorry it's this way - But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home - And if you ask me I will stay - I will stay

Well I try to live without you - And tears fall from my eyes - I'm alone and I feel empty - God I'm torn apart inside - I look up at the stars - Hoping you're doing the same - Somehow I feel closer and I can hear you say

Oooh, oh I miss you - Oooh, oh I need you

And I love you more than I did before - And if today I don't see your face - Nothing changed - No one could take your place - It gets harder everyday - Say you love me more than you did before - And I'm sorry it's this way - But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home - And if you ask me I will stay - I will stay


            Damen carefully set the guitar down inside its case. He closed the top and made sure that he locked it. He picked up the case and opened up the hall closet. Setting it carefully down, he hid it in the back. He closed the door and walked away. Leaving the guitar, his grandpa's memories, and music behind.

End Notes:

it's almost done

Epilogue by Dream_Dancer

In the time that followed my grandfather's death I had every intention to kill myself. I thought about doing it every day. It wasn't until that day in January when Nick talked to me did I change my mind. I started opening up to him and talking to him like I used to do with my grandpa. My relationship with Nick is not as strong as the one I had with my grandfather but it's getting closer.

            Right before I graduated Nick asked me if I minded if he married my mom. I told him he could but if he ever divorced her it would be the last day of his life. After my graduation Nick moved my mom and grandma down to Florida with him. That November they got married. Now they have two girls. Twins. I'm so happy I'm not there with the girls all the time like they are. Those two girls are seriously misbehaved, basically because I taught them to be.

            Now I'm a senior at Grand Valley State University with Nat. The two of us have been together since 6th grade and no one's splitting us up now. Ethan would be with us but he got kicked out for having pot and is now spending his days in jail. Which he says is a very nice place, not like I would ever go there though. I have no clue what happened to the rest of my class and I really don't care either. I never liked them anyway.

            As time passed I've been able to think of my grandfather more. It's still hard at times and I know I'll always miss him. I still can't bring myself to play the guitar or sing yet. I hope someday I'll be able to again.

            I realize I owe my life to Nick. Without him I'll be dead. I couldn't ask for a better dad....I just wish he came around sooner.

Everything happens for a reason.....Damen.

End Notes:

Thank you to everyone who has read this story from the begining and reviewed. You guys are amazing! ♥

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