Womanizer (The BSB Group story) by Dani824



It is 1995 and the Backstreet Boys are touring Europe. All but Brian are into playing women and using them for psychological, emotional, spritual, and sexual games. Till they meet a foxy woman, named Angela. That changes the game and makes Howie fall in love for the first time. Then plays him and the guys, and sends Kevin back to Kristen after a huge fight. Is she more than that? Well BSB ever grow up? Will Nick become afraid of committed realationships? Will Nick ever date and marry a geek or nerd or simply a common sense smart girl? Who knows? Read it and find out!

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group
Genres: Dramedy, Fantasy
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes Word count: 12658 Read: 22593 Published: 10/15/11 Updated: 01/20/12
Chapter 18: Epilouge by Dani824
Author's Notes:

Howie tells how he meet his wife and found out what happened to Angela after BSB's first successful European tour.


After I paid for AJ's food and Nick's. They sang for Britney Spears and I after she finished her songs for the charity concert they were doing.

"Last night, you saved my life. When I felt your love for the first time. With your love." they finished a B side song.

"Your B-sides of songs ROCK!" I told them. "No seriously." I told them. "So how did you meet Leigh D. here, H.D. ?" I asked him. "Oh, you think your so smart now, calling me HDTV, now, huh?" I asked. "Well, the store was out of them, so you'll have to do." I told him.

We all laughed. As everyone got on stage and listened to Howie finish the story. "Ok, I suck at bowling."

"I am good at it, I so need to play you then." I told him. He laughed. "Cutie, quiet please." he told me. "Ok, here is what happened."

2005, Dorough Lupus Foundation Bowling Tournament for the children.


stories/2114/images/50m1utsqthlrlhs.jpg"Howie has lost to Leigh, the contest winner from the local Orlando, Florida radio station. By 80 points, plus he keeps looking at her butt for some reason." The DJ announced. As Leigh hit a strike and beat out Nick and AJ.

"Dammit!" AJ told me. "I am loosing to that hot girl." Alex complained. "That's good, Alex." I told him. He looked at me confused. "Oh; that's nice, my best friend wants me to loose at his charity event." AJ mocked me as he began to cry a little bit. "What?" I asked confused. "No,no, it's just she is hot." I told him. "You think she is as cool as the guy, said a Denist, smart, hot, and successful, and will let me kiss her when I meet her?" I asked AJ and Brian. They both shrugged. Then both said at the same time, "Just got for it." Then patted me at the end of the game. I lost I had 90, and she had 150. A much better bowler than I am. After the contest, and the photo stuff for the press, media, and radio.

I asked her out and formally introduced myself. "Hi, I am Howie, you wanna go out?" I asked her. "Sure." She smiled and laughed at all of my jokes, she seemed super fun. "Oh and so we get this out of the way, something AJ taught me." He told me as I whispered into her ear and shower her the lame prophecy card, that lame Fortune teller gave me years ago, and then kissed her on the lips, she smiled. Then I saw Angela.

She was sad, but looked like she had just lost her job doing whatever she does now. Then left. "Womanizer." She mocked as Leigh and I kissed, then faded out. I found later, she had died in a car accident, after cheating on her new husband Carlos, back in 2001. That she had 2 kids that had moved to the USA, in North Carolina somewhere.

This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10710