Third Time's The Charm by Simple Sue
Summary: thirdbanner

After a failed marriage and a runaway bride, Brian had given up on the idea of true love. Maggie was so far from anything he’d ever known and exactly what he needed. Is the third time really the charm?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Completed: No Word count: 52149 Read: 72528 Published: 04/23/12 Updated: 10/17/13
Chapter 19 by Simple Sue
Maggie dialed the number with Camille there by her side. She felt so foolish. She was a grown woman. If she was going to share her life with this man, she needed to learn to start dealing with him on her own too. Now she understood how sex complicated your life. She’d only been there once and already things were different with her and Brian. She still couldn’t fathom how she’d managed to set him off so fast. Weren’t men supposed to be able to control that once they got past their teen years? At least that’s what she read somewhere. She didn’t know if it was true.

So he agreed to meet her at the coffee shop that afternoon. After she’d got off the phone with him, she called the library and told them she would be using her sick leave for the remainder of the week and would bring a doctor’s note in if they needed it. They told her it was fine and not to worry. They’d see her Monday. No questions asked. Guess it pays to be a good girl sometimes.

Camille stayed with her until she was a little more presentable to the outside world. “You know he’s crazy about you Maggie.”

She pulled her hair back into a clip and looked at herself. Why wouldn’t he be mad about you Maggie Ann? “I’m just scared Cam. “

“He’s just as scared as you. Men aren’t supposed to show fear but he was afraid he was never going to see you again. I could see it in his eyes without him saying a word. Hell, when he told me you weren’t answering your phone, I was scared.”

“Does it ever go away?”

“Eventually but the fear is a good thing when you’re afraid of what your life would be like if they weren’t in it.” Camille changed the subject.” Doesn’t he like your hair down?”

Maggie giggled.” I was actually hoping we’d get through this and he’d pull it down. I like the way it feels when he does.”

“That is so cute Maggie.”

“Stop it!” She blushed.” So I look okay?”

“You look gorgeous. Now go get this thing worked out. It’s gonna be fine.”

“You know, I actually believe that. Thanks for being there.”

“Mags we all have been through that rollercoaster. Just jump back in. That’s all you need to do. Let me know how it goes,” Camille said and gave Maggie a quick squeeze before she left.

Maggie grabbed her purse, keys and headed out. She pulled the door of the small café open and their eyes met but it wasn’t the same. The electricity was there but it was awkward. She slowly made her way to the table and he handed her the red rose she noticed him holding. They silently went through the motions of him holding the chair out for her. He sat down in the chair closest to her but neither of them said a word for the longest time. She took a few sips of the coffee he’d ordered for her and when she sat it down that time, he took her hand and started talking.

“Maggie, you mean the world to me and when you stopped answering your calls and wouldn’t open your door, it scared me. I can understand why you hate me but the entire time I was with you, you were the least nervous of us but what happened to me when I was with you….well.”Why was this so hard? He’d never been so in love with anybody in his life and he knew he had to help her understand what happened wasn’t her fault.

“Brian what happened? I really want to understand. I thought you hated me. “

“Oh Maggie. I love you so much. I got so overwhelmed by the emotion, my body didn’t get the message to slow down.”

“So it wasn’t me?”

“Well, part of it was. You’re so beautiful and I just lost control of the wheel.”

Now she got it. He didn’t find her repulsive at all. He was hot for her and lost it. She blushed.

“I’m so embarrassed Maggie. I really did want it to be special and I screwed up big time.”

“It’s okay. I get it now.”

“Are you sure? I’d still like to make it up to you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t but I’d like to take you out to dinner, maybe a little dancing say tomorrow night?”

“I’d like that.”

“One thing though.” He leaned closer to her face.


“I really like it when you wear your hair down.” Pulling the clip from her hair and slipping his fingers into her long tresses as his lips met hers.

Maggie took one last look in the mirror. Looking good lady! Bringing the pendant of her necklace upward, she pressed her lips against it. The charm had always been good luck for her and as much as she wasn’t superstitious, there was a reason that night didn’t go better. It wouldn’t have been perfect but she pondered the possibility it wouldn’t have turned out the mess it was. The knock on the door drew her out of her thoughts. Grabbing her heels, she headed for the door. Sliding them on, she opened the door. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. He was wearing a gray suit with a pink dress shirt that nearly matched the color of her dress and a gray tie.

She looked like an angel. The color of her dress nearly matched his shirt. The skirt of it hit her knee; hinting slightly at a peek of her beautiful legs. She had a sheer jacket that landed just so at the cleavage and it was all he could do to keep the man downstairs under control. Couldn’t have a repeat performance of the last time. “You are truly a vision Maggie.”

She blushed at his compliment. She needed to learn to play the game. Return the compliment.” And you are looking quite handsome yourself Mr. Littrell.”

He smiled. She was slowly coming out of her shell and he knew that if he kept the pace where it was at, everything would work out.” Are you ready?”

“I’m a little nervous. This is the first time we’ll really be stepping out.” She didn’t want to be so insecure but he did have a public and if she was going to be a part of his life, it was something she was going to have to contend with.

“I don’t want you to do anything that doesn’t make you comfortable. We could go back to my place and order in?” He suggested; knowing full well that’s where he was going to take her anyway.

“No. I think it’s about time I faced some of my fears.”

He took her hand and leaned in to kiss her. “And I’ll be right there with angel. You’re beautiful tonight. I’ll be lucky to get any attention myself.”

Maggie blushed. Why she ever thought he hated the way she looked was beyond comprehension.

“Ready to go?”

“As I’ll ever be.” When they arrived at his place she said,” I thought we were going out.”

“And have to share you with the rest of the world tonight? Not on your life.” He got out and walked around the car to open the door for her. Tonight was all about her and he was going to make sure she knew it.

“So who’s cooking dinner tonight?”

“Your friend.”

She giggled.” You’re teasing me right?”

“No,” he replied straight faced and escorted her into the candlelit dining room.

It was incredible. Nobody had ever gone to so much trouble for her. Maybe she’d never meant so much to anybody as she did to him.

“Looking good Mags,” Camille said as she entered the room with their plates. After sitting them down, she smiled at the two of them.” My part is done here. You two enjoy. I’m out of here.”

“Thanks for all the help Camille,” Brian said and gave her a quick hug before she got to Maggie.

She gave Maggie a hug and whispered,” You look beautiful tonight and he loves you so much. Let him sweep you off your feet. You deserve it.”

“Thank you,” Maggie returned.

“I’m out of here. You have a nice evening you two.”

Once Camille was gone, Brian offered, “Shall we?”

“Just in case I haven’t told you , you’re amazing.”

“And you’re pretty wonderful yourself beautiful,” he returned and pulled out a chair for her.

“Thank you,” she said and took the proffered chair. After he assisted her, he told her he’d be right back. He returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. If he was trying to make up for the other night, he was heading in the right direction.

After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine, he said, “I have one more thing for you before we leave the table. Stay right there.”

What was he doing now? She heard the music filtering softly into the room and he was holding a small thin box in his hand when he returned. “First I have a question.”


“That necklace you always wear? Does it have a special meaning?”

She looked down at it then back to him.” Camille gave it to me for my twenty first birthday and it’s always been my good luck charm. It brought me you. So what’s in the box ?”

“This?” He picked it up and handed it to her.” This is for you.”

She loosened the ribbon and peeled away the paper. Her jaw dropped when she saw the thin, gold chain adorned with two charms; a four leaf clover and a heart.” So these have some meaning I’m assuming or you wouldn’t have asked about my necklace right?”

“Yes. The four leaf clover is because you are my lucky charm and I don’t ever want you to forget that . The heart is so you’ll always have mine with you no matter how many miles separate us.”

She pulled his lips to hers and kissed him. Lord she just wanted to take him upstairs to his bed and show him how much she loved him.

“So you like it?” He smiled when they separated.

“A lot.” She nodded and removed it from the box. She wrapped it around her wrist and secured the tiny clasp. “Could we dance?”

“Anything for you angel.” He took her hand and led her to the pool. The music played softly throughout the sound system in the house as the moonlight filtered softly through the roof. He held her close to himself. She rest her head delicately on his shoulder as the music guided them.

Part of her thought she was lost somewhere in a dream and the other part told her it was all very real and he was the man she’d been waiting for all her life. Here And Now started playing and she moved her head to meet his gaze. “Brian?”

“Yes baby?” He brought the back of her hand to his lips.

“Let’s go upstairs.”
This story archived at