Third Time's The Charm by Simple Sue
Summary: thirdbanner

After a failed marriage and a runaway bride, Brian had given up on the idea of true love. Maggie was so far from anything he’d ever known and exactly what he needed. Is the third time really the charm?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Completed: No Word count: 52149 Read: 72528 Published: 04/23/12 Updated: 10/17/13
Chapter 6 by Simple Sue
He’d been doing all the approaching and that’s the way it was supposed to be but it was him. He was her online boyfriend? She should go to him right? Good grief! Where were her friends when she needed them? Oh right, they had jobs they had to get to. Let him come to you. He would wouldn’t he? He was just standing there. He was disappointed. Should have known better than to get her hopes up.

Move you moron! She’s going to leave! He moved as quickly as he could and caught her just as she was getting ready to open the door. “Where you going?”

“To work.”

“I know for a fact it’s still too early for that just from the time you spend at the other shop.”

“Yeah but you’re not here to meet me.”

“I’m here to meet the girl that told me her favorite color was peach.”

“Now that you have?” Maggie’s eyes finally rose to meet his. She didn’t think her heart could beat any faster.

“First of all, we need to get out of the doorway.”

She smiled shyly then followed him out of the path of the door. “Secondly, for you.” Handing her the rose. He watched as she inhaled the delicate fragrance and smiled. His heart skipped a beat. He’d been falling in love with the same girl that he’d been watching at the coffee shop for months. “And last but not least, what would you like to drink?”

“A tall java chip frappucino.”

“Don’t you usually get the grande?”

She blushed. He noticed.” Yeah.”

“Then that’s what you’ll have this morning. I’ll be right back.”

The girls were never going to believe this. She still didn’t believe it. She picked up the rose where it lay on the table and lifted it to her nose. As she drew away the lovely scent, she admired it’s beauty. Roses were always beautiful but this one came from his heart. The man she’d been falling for through a computer was the very real one she’d been watching walk past her for months in the coffee shop. It meant something to him (even if it was only a friendly gesture). Now it meant something to her. It meant that sight unseen, he’d fallen for her. A woman he thought had no further interest in him other than friendship.

“Here we go. One grande java chip frappucino and a mocha for me,” He stated as he sat the drink in front of her then took a seat across from her. They sat quietly. Both unsure of what to say. He knew somebody had to say something. Then her phone went off.

“Excuse me,” she said and got up from the table. It was Camille.

“I need an update lady. What’s going on with Mr. Wonderful?”

“It’s happening right now. Can I call you back tonight?”

“Sure. It better be good.”

“Trust me . It will be. Talk to you later.” She hung up on Camille and returned to the table. “Sorry about that.”

“So was that the uh new friend?” He didn’t want to be an ass but he had to know.

“No.” Confession time. “That guy I was telling you about last night?”

He nodded.

“That guy was you. Only I didn’t know it was you until this morning.”

“I have a confession myself. I was starting to fall for someone else too.”


“Maggie.” He gently took her hand.” I was in the same boat. Had no idea it was you until you walked through that door. I was stunned that the same person I’d been sharing all my secrets with online was the same girl I’d been passing by every day in the Starbuck’s. The one I finally found the courage to say two words to.”

“You don’t seem at too much of a loss now,” she remarked lightly.

“Neither are you. “

“I’m not very brave either.”

“You showed up this morning.” He smiled.” Why don’t we make it two for two and I take you out to lunch?”

“I only get a half an hour.”

“Then I’ll bring lunch to you. Is that okay?”

“Sure.” And just like that, she had her first date with the cute boy from the coffee shop.
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